The Priority Ceiling Protocol

优先级上限协议(The Priority Ceiling Protocol)


  • 任务必须在两次调用之间释放所有资源
  • 持有信号量s的任务的时间有限制,就是一个任务不能一直将一个资源锁死。
    任务对资源拥有时间大致等于 临界区代码执行所花费的时间。
  • 一个任务只能锁定一组固定的信号量。被称为priory

Restrictions on how we can lock (Wait, EnterMonitor) and unlock (Signal, LeaveMonitor) resources:
• a task must release all resources between invocations
• the computation time that a task i needs while holding semaphore s is bounded. csi,s = the time length of the
critical section for task i holding semaphore s
• a task may only lock semaphores from a fixed set of semaphores known a priory.
uses(i) = the set of semaphores that may be used by task i


  • 信号量的上限:所有使用该信号量任务里面的最高优先级
    the ceiling of a semaphore, ceil(s), is the priority of the
    highest priority task that uses the semaphore
  • 注释: pri(i) 指的是task(i) 的优先级 pri(i) is the priority of task i
  • 在运行时:
    • 1.如果一个task(i)想锁定一个信号量,它必须满足下面情况:pri(i)严格高于当前被其他任务锁定的所有信号量的上限
      if a task i wants to lock a semaphore s, it can only do
      so if pri(i) is strictly higher than the ceilings of all
      semaphores currently locked by other tasks
    • 2.否则 task(i)将会被阻塞
      if not, task i will be blocked (task i is said to be blocked on the semaphore, S∗, with the highest priority ceiling
      of all semaphores currently locked by other jobs and task i is said to be blocked by the task that holds S∗)
      when task i is blocked on S∗, the task currently holding S∗ inherits the priority of task i


  • Deadlock free


| Task name | T | Priority |
| :-----| ----: | :----: |
| A  | 50  | 10 |
| B  | 500 | 9  |

Task A          Task B
lock(s1)        lock(s2)
lock(s2)        lock(s1)
... ...
unlock(s1)      unlock(s1)
unlock(s2)      unlock(s1)
(我们已经知道上述任务如果使用优先级继承不能解决死锁问题  )

综上所述:ceil(s1)= 10, ceil(s2) =10
• t0时刻: B开始执行
• t1时刻: B尝试锁住s2. 并且成功上锁s2。因为没有其他task需要s2
• t2时刻:因为pri(A) = 10 > pri(B) =9,所有A从B任务中把cpu的抢过来了
A尝试锁定s1。 A失败,因为pri(A)= 10 严格上不高于cell(s2)=10,s2 is held by B
pri(B)被提升为10 ,B继承了A的优先级

• t3: A tries to lock s1. A fails since A’s priority (10) is not
strictly higher than the ceiling of s2 (10) that is held by B
• A is blocked by B
• A is blocked on s2 
• The priority of B is raised to 10.
 the task B currently holding S2 inherits the priority of task A

•t4时刻: B尝试锁定s1。 B成功,因为没有其他任何任务持有锁。

  • t4: B attempts to lock s1. B succeeds since there are no
  locks held by any other tasks.

• t5时刻: B解锁s1
• t6时刻:

• t6: B unlocks s2 • The priority of B is lowered to its assigned priority (9)
• A preempts B, attempts to lock s1 and succeeds

• t7时刻:A attempts to lock s2. Succeeds
• t8时刻:
A unlocks s2
• t9时刻:
A unlocks s1


| Task name | T | Priority |
| :-----| ----: | :----: |
| A  | 50  | 10 |
| B  | 500 | 9  |
| c  | 3000 | 8  |

Task A    TaskB      Task C
lock(s1)  lock(s2)   lock(s3)
.. .. ..   .. .. ..   .. .. ..
unlock(s1) lock(s3)  lock(s2)
.. .. ..   .. .. .. .. .. ..
unlock(s3) unlock(s2)
.. ..        .. ..
unlock(s2) unlock(s3)

综上所述: ceil(s1) = 10, ceil(s2) = ceil(s3) = 9

• t0时刻: C开始执行,然后锁定s3 C starts execution and then locks s3
• t1时刻: B抢占C B preempts C
• t2时刻:
B的优先级并不严格高于C所持有的s3的上限,即pri(B)=9 不大于cell(s3) =9 ,s3 is held by C

   t2: B tries to lock s2. 
  • B fails (the priority of B is not strictly
  • higher than the ceiling of s3 that is held by C) and blocks
  • on s3 (B is blocked by C).
  • C inherits the priority of B

    如果pri(B)不大于cell(s3)即 pri(B)=9 不大于cell(s3) =9,task B将会被阻塞在semaphore s3上。
    if not,task B is said to be blocked on the semaphore s3 ,== with the highest priority ceiling == of all semaphores == which is currently locked by other jobs [因为只有S3被其他task,即task C锁住,所以优先级上限只能等于cell(s3)]
    and task B is said to be blocked by the task C that holds S3 .
    when task B is blocked on S3, the task C currently holding S3 inherits the priority of task B

A抢占C。稍后尝试锁定s1并成功(因为pri(A) = 0 > cell(S3)= 9)

  t3:A preempts C. Later is tries to lock s1 and succeeds 
  (the priority of A is higher than the ceiling of s3).

• t4时刻:
A 完成。C接着执行,稍后尝试锁定s2并且成功(持有s3的是C本身)。

  A completes. C resumes and later tries to lock s2 
  and succeeds (it is C itself that holds s3)

• t5时刻: C解锁s2
C unlocks s2
• t6时刻:
C解锁s3,并恢复其基本优先级。 B抢先C,尝试锁定s2并成功。 然后B锁定s3,解锁s3和解锁s2

 • C unlocks s3, and gets back its basic priority.B preempts C, 
 tries to lock s2 and succeeds. Then B locks s3, unlocks s3 and unlocks s2

• t7时刻:
B completes and C is resumed
• t8时刻:
C completes


A 从来未被阻塞 ,B在[t2,t3] and [t4,t6]时间段中被阻塞。
但是B被阻塞的时间不会超过task C进入临界区(S3)代码所执行的时间。即使实际阻塞发生在不相交的时间间隔内
• A is never blocked
• B is blocked by C during the intervals [t2,t3] and [t4,t6].
However, B is blocked for no more than the duration of one time critical section of the lower priority task C
even though the actual blocking occurs over disjoint time intervals

priority inheritance vs priority ceiling :

  • with ordinary priority inheritance, a task i can be blocked for at most the duration of min(n, m) critical sections,
    where n is the number of lower priority tasks that could block i
    and m is the number of semaphores that can be used to block i
  • with the priority ceiling inheritance, a task i can be blocked for at most the duration of one longest critical section
  • sometimes priority ceiling introduces unnecessary blocking
    but the worst-case blocking delay is much less than for ordinary priority inheritance
posted @ 2020-07-01 06:58  笨拙的小菜鸟  阅读(1201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报