使用tensorRT python API搭建MLP网络详解

本文详细说明,如何使用  tensorrt python API搭建MLP网络,实现推理,帮助与我类似的小白更快上手python版本的方法,我将介绍内容为: 简单介绍、linux如何配置tensorRT、MLP网络搭建步骤及详细说明、原始代码与改编代码。

同篇关联C++ API文章为:https://www.cnblogs.com/tangjunjun/p/16127634.html


TensorRT是英伟达针对自家平台做的一个加速包,可以认为 TensorRT 是一个只有前向传播的深度学习框架,这个框架可以将 Caffe,TensorFlow 的网络模型解析,然后与 TensorRT 中对应的层进行一一映射,把其他框架的模型统一全部转换到 TensorRT 中,然后在 TensorRT 中可以针对 NVIDIA 自家 GPU 实施优化策略,并进行部署加速。根据官方文档,使用TensorRT,在CPU或者GPU模式下其可提供10X乃至100X的加速。


  1. TensorRT支持INT8和FP16的计算。深度学习网络在训练时,通常使用 32 位或 16 位数据。TensorRT则在网络的推理时选用不这么高的精度,达到加速推断的目的
  2. TensorRT对于网络结构进行了重构,把一些能够合并的运算合并在了一起,针对GPU的特性做了优化




简单介绍visual studio的环境配置,前提条件你已经将tensorrt库相应放在cuda文件夹下了:



执行:  vim ~/.bashrc
添加: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/soft/TensorRT-

执行:source ~/.bashrc



pycuda安装:pip install pycuda


cd /home/soft/TensorRT-

pip install tensorrt-**省略****.whl    #下载tensorrt包自带


选择Run——>Edit Configurations——>Environment variables——>输入:LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/soft/TensorRT-



 三.tensorrt  python API 以搭建MLP网络结构,详细说明步骤:


import os
import numpy as np
import struct
import tensorrt as trt
# required for the inference using TRT engine
import pycuda.driver as cuda



# A logger provided by NVIDIA-TRT
gLogger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO)



# Create Builder with logger provided by TRT
    builder = trt.Builder(gLogger)



# build an empty network using builder
    network = builder.create_network()

网络构建完毕后,需为网络添加结构,可以使用onnx/caffe/uft解析添加网络,但本篇博客使用C++ API 构建网络,如下:

# add an input to network using the *input-name
    data = network.add_input('data', dt, (1, 1,INPUT_SIZE ))

    # add the layer with output-size (number of outputs)
    linear = network.add_fully_connected(input=data,

    # set the name for output layer
    linear.get_output(0).name = OUTPUT_BLOB_NAME

    # mark this layer as final output layer




调用TensorRT的builder来创建优化的runtime。 builder的其中一个功能是搜索其CUDA内核目录以获得最快的实现,因此用来构建优化的engine的GPU设备和实际跑的GPU设备一定要是相同的才行,这也是为什么无法适应其它环境原因。


有个特别重要的属性,最大batch size :大batch size指定TensorRT将要优化的batch大小。在运行时,只能选择比这个值小的batch。


# Create configurations from Engine Builder
    config = builder.create_builder_config()
 # set the batch size of current builder
    builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size




# create the engine with model and hardware configs
    engine = builder.build_engine(network, config)




   # Write the engine into binary file
    print("[INFO]: Writing engine into binary...")
    with open(ENGINE_PATH, "wb") as f:
        # write serialized model in file




 # free the memory
    del engine
    del builder
    # free captured memory
    del network
    del weight_map


 以上为tensorrt C++ API 将网络编译成engine,并保存的全部流程,若后续更改不同网络,主要更改步骤③构建网络模块。




# create a runtime (required for deserialization of model) with NVIDIA's logger
    runtime = trt.Runtime(gLogger)
    assert runtime

    # read and deserialize engine for inference
    with open(ENGINE_PATH, "rb") as f:
        engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read())

其中ENGINE_PATH为:ENGINE_PATH = "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\code\\tensorrt-code\\mlp\\mlp.engine"


② ④设置输入输出

    # create input as array
    data = np.array([input_data], dtype=np.float32)
    # capture free memory for input in GPU
    host_in = cuda.pagelocked_empty((INPUT_SIZE), dtype=np.float32)
    # copy input-array from CPU to Flatten array in GPU
    np.copyto(host_in, data.ravel())
    # capture free memory for output in GPU
    host_out = cuda.pagelocked_empty(OUTPUT_SIZE, dtype=np.float32)



    # do inference using required parameters
    do_inference(context, host_in, host_out)


def do_inference(inf_context, inf_host_in, inf_host_out):
    Perform inference using the CUDA context
    :param inf_context: context created by engine
    :param inf_host_in: input from the host
    :param inf_host_out: output to save on host

    inference_engine = inf_context.engine
    # Input and output bindings are required for inference
    assert inference_engine.num_bindings == 2

    # allocate memory in GPU using CUDA bindings
    device_in = cuda.mem_alloc(inf_host_in.nbytes)
    device_out = cuda.mem_alloc(inf_host_out.nbytes)

    # create bindings for input and output
    bindings = [int(device_in), int(device_out)]

    # create CUDA stream for simultaneous CUDA operations
    stream = cuda.Stream()

    # copy input from host (CPU) to device (GPU)  in stream
    cuda.memcpy_htod_async(device_in, inf_host_in, stream)

    # execute inference using context provided by engine
    inf_context.execute_async(bindings=bindings, stream_handle=stream.handle) ################# key step ###########

    # copy output back from device (GPU) to host (CPU)
    cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(inf_host_out, device_out, stream)

    # synchronize the stream to prevent issues
    #       (block CUDA and wait for CUDA operations to be completed)







import argparse
import os
import numpy as np
import struct

# required for the model creation
import tensorrt as trt

# required for the inference using TRT engine
import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.driver as cuda

# Sizes of input and output for TensorRT model

# path of .wts (weight file) and .engine (model file)

# input and output names are must for the TRT model
# INPUT_BLOB_NAME = 'data'

# A logger provided by NVIDIA-TRT
gLogger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO)

def load_weights(file_path):
    Parse the .wts file and store weights in dict format
    :param file_path:
    :return weight_map: dictionary containing weights and their values
    print(f"[INFO]: Loading weights: {file_path}")
    assert os.path.exists(file_path), '[ERROR]: Unable to load weight file.'

    weight_map = {}
    with open(file_path, "r") as f:
        lines = [line.strip() for line in f]

    # count for total # of weights
    count = int(lines[0])
    assert count == len(lines) - 1

    # Loop through counts and get the exact num of values against weights
    for i in range(1, count + 1):
        splits = lines[i].split(" ")
        name = splits[0]
        cur_count = int(splits[1])

        # len of splits must be greater than current weight counts
        assert cur_count + 2 == len(splits)

        # loop through all weights and unpack from the hexadecimal values
        values = []
        for j in range(2, len(splits)):
            # hex string to bytes to float
            values.append(struct.unpack(">f", bytes.fromhex(splits[j])))

        # store in format of { 'weight.name': [weights_val0, weight_val1, ..] }
        weight_map[name] = np.array(values, dtype=np.float32)

    return weight_map

def create_mlp_engine(max_batch_size, builder, config, dt, WEIGHT_PATH):
    Create Multi-Layer Perceptron using the TRT Builder and Configurations
    :param max_batch_size: batch size for built TRT model
    :param builder: to build engine and networks
    :param config: configuration related to Hardware
    :param dt: datatype for model layers
    :return engine: TRT model
    print("[INFO]: Creating MLP using TensorRT...")
    # load weight maps from the file
    weight_map = load_weights(WEIGHT_PATH)

    # build an empty network using builder
    network = builder.create_network()

    # add an input to network using the *input-name
    data = network.add_input('data', dt, (1, 1,INPUT_SIZE ))

    # add the layer with output-size (number of outputs)
    linear = network.add_fully_connected(input=data,

    # set the name for output layer
    linear.get_output(0).name = OUTPUT_BLOB_NAME

    # mark this layer as final output layer

    # set the batch size of current builder
    builder.max_batch_size = max_batch_size

    # create the engine with model and hardware configs
    engine = builder.build_engine(network, config)

    # free captured memory
    del network
    del weight_map

    # return engine
    return engine

def api2model(max_batch_size,dt=trt.float32, WEIGHT_PATH=None,ENGINE_PATH=None):
    Create engine using TensorRT APIs
    :param max_batch_size: for the deployed model configs
    # Create Builder with logger provided by TRT
    builder = trt.Builder(gLogger)

    # Create configurations from Engine Builder
    config = builder.create_builder_config()

    # Create MLP Engine
    engine = create_mlp_engine(max_batch_size, builder, config, dt, WEIGHT_PATH)
    assert engine

    # Write the engine into binary file
    print("[INFO]: Writing engine into binary...")
    with open(ENGINE_PATH, "wb") as f:
        # write serialized model in file

    # free the memory
    del engine
    del builder

# INFERENCE RELATED ############

def inite_engine(ENGINE_PATH):

    # create a runtime (required for deserialization of model) with NVIDIA's logger
    runtime = trt.Runtime(gLogger)
    assert runtime

    # read and deserialize engine for inference
    with open(ENGINE_PATH, "rb") as f:
        engine = runtime.deserialize_cuda_engine(f.read())
    assert engine

    return engine

def do_inference(inf_context, inf_host_in, inf_host_out):
    Perform inference using the CUDA context
    :param inf_context: context created by engine
    :param inf_host_in: input from the host
    :param inf_host_out: output to save on host

    inference_engine = inf_context.engine
    # Input and output bindings are required for inference
    assert inference_engine.num_bindings == 2

    # allocate memory in GPU using CUDA bindings
    device_in = cuda.mem_alloc(inf_host_in.nbytes)
    device_out = cuda.mem_alloc(inf_host_out.nbytes)

    # create bindings for input and output
    bindings = [int(device_in), int(device_out)]

    # create CUDA stream for simultaneous CUDA operations
    stream = cuda.Stream()

    # copy input from host (CPU) to device (GPU)  in stream
    cuda.memcpy_htod_async(device_in, inf_host_in, stream)

    # execute inference using context provided by engine
    inf_context.execute_async(bindings=bindings, stream_handle=stream.handle) ################# key step ###########

    # copy output back from device (GPU) to host (CPU)
    cuda.memcpy_dtoh_async(inf_host_out, device_out, stream)

    # synchronize the stream to prevent issues
    #       (block CUDA and wait for CUDA operations to be completed)

def perform_inference(input_data,ENGINE_PATH):
    Get inference using the pre-trained model
    :param input_val: a number as an input


    # create execution context -- required for inference executions
    context = engine.create_execution_context()
    assert context

    # create input as array
    data = np.array([input_data], dtype=np.float32)
    # capture free memory for input in GPU
    host_in = cuda.pagelocked_empty((INPUT_SIZE), dtype=np.float32)
    # copy input-array from CPU to Flatten array in GPU
    np.copyto(host_in, data.ravel())
    # capture free memory for output in GPU
    host_out = cuda.pagelocked_empty(OUTPUT_SIZE, dtype=np.float32)

    # do inference using required parameters
    do_inference(context, host_in, host_out)

    print(f'\n[INFO]: Predictions using pre-trained model..\n\tInput:\t{input_data}\n\tOutput:\t{host_out[0]:.4f}')

if __name__ == "__main__":

    weight_path = "./mlp.wts"
    output_engine_path = "./mlp.engine"
    if args==1:
        api2model(max_batch_size=1, WEIGHT_PATH=weight_path,ENGINE_PATH=output_engine_path)
        print("[INFO]: Successfully created TensorRT engine...")
        print("\n\tRun inference using `python mlp.py -d`\n")
python API mlp.py


posted @ 2022-04-17 00:34  tangjunjun  阅读(1010)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报