
C-Dogs' House

Time Limit : 3000/1000ms (Java/Other)   Memory Limit : 65535/32768K (Java/Other)
Total Submission(s) : 134   Accepted Submission(s) : 45

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Problem Description

George wishes to build a House to contain his dogs(without roof), but he's a bit short on cash right. Any Wall he builds must contain all of the favorite grazing spots for his dogs. Given the location of these spots, determine the length of the shortest Wall which encloses them.


There are several test cases.
In each test case:
The first line of the input file contains one integer, N. N (0 <= N <= 10,000) is the number of grazing spots that George wishes to enclose. The next N line consists of two real numbers, Xi and Yi, corresp
onding to the location of the grazing spots in the plane (-1,000,000 <= Xi,Yi <= 1,000,000). The numbers will be in decimal format.


The output should consist of one real number, the length of fence required. The output should be accurate to two decimal places.

Sample Input

4 8
4 12
5 9.3
7 8

Sample Output

View Code
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
#ifndef _WINDEF_
struct POINT { double x; double y; };
typedef vector<POINT> PTARRAY;
bool operator==(const POINT &pt1, const POINT &pt2) {
    return (pt1.x == pt2.x && pt1.y == pt2.y);
// 比较向量中哪个与x轴向量(1, 0)的夹角更大
bool CompareVector(const POINT &pt1, const POINT &pt2) {
    float m1 = sqrt((float)(pt1.x * pt1.x + pt1.y * pt1.y));
    float m2 = sqrt((float)(pt2.x * pt2.x + pt2.y * pt2.y));
    //两个向量分别与(1, 0)求内积
    float v1 = pt1.x / m1, v2 = pt2.x / m2;
    return (v1 > v2 || v1 == v2 && m1 < m2);
void CalcConvexHull(PTARRAY &vecSrc) {
    if (vecSrc.size() < 3) {
    POINT ptBase = vecSrc.front(); //将第1个点预设为最小点
    for (PTARRAY::iterator i = vecSrc.begin() + 1; i != vecSrc.end(); ++i) {
        if (i->y < ptBase.y || (i->y == ptBase.y && i->x > ptBase.x)) {
            ptBase = *i;
    for (PTARRAY::iterator i = vecSrc.begin(); i != vecSrc.end();) {
        if (*i == ptBase) {
            i = vecSrc.erase(i);
        else {
            i->x -= ptBase.x, i->y -= ptBase.y;
    sort(vecSrc.begin(), vecSrc.end(), &CompareVector);
    vecSrc.erase(unique(vecSrc.begin(), vecSrc.end()), vecSrc.end());
    for (PTARRAY::reverse_iterator ri = vecSrc.rbegin();
        ri != vecSrc.rend() - 1; ++ri) {
        PTARRAY::reverse_iterator riNext = ri + 1;
        ri->x -= riNext->x, ri->y -= riNext->y;
    for (PTARRAY::iterator i = vecSrc.begin() + 1; i != vecSrc.end(); ++i) {
        for (PTARRAY::iterator iLast = i - 1; iLast != vecSrc.begin();) {
            double v1 = i->x * iLast->y, v2 = i->y * iLast->x;
            if (v1 < v2 || (v1 == v2 && i->x * iLast->x > 0 &&
                i->y * iLast->y > 0)) {
            i->x += iLast->x, i->y += iLast->y;
            iLast = (i = vecSrc.erase(iLast)) - 1;
    vecSrc.front().x += ptBase.x, vecSrc.front().y += ptBase.y;
    for (PTARRAY::iterator i = vecSrc.begin() + 1; i != vecSrc.end(); ++i) {
        i->x += (i - 1)->x, i->y += (i - 1)->y;
int main(void) {
    int nPtCnt; //生成的随机点数
    while( scanf("%d", &nPtCnt) != EOF )
     PTARRAY vecSrc, vecCH;
     for (int i = 0; i < nPtCnt; ++i) {
        POINT ptIn;
    //cout << "\nConvex Hull:\n";
    PTARRAY::iterator ixx = vecSrc.begin(), i, ix;
    ix = ixx;
    i = ++ixx;
    double sum = 0;
    for ( ; i != vecSrc.end(); ++i) {
      //  cout << i->x << ", " << i->y << endl;
      sum += sqrt( (i->x - ix->x) * (i->x - ix->x) +  (i->y - ix->y) *  (i->y - ix->y) );
      ix = i;
    i = ix;
    ix = ixx;
    sum += sqrt( (i->x - ix->x) * (i->x - ix->x) +  (i->y - ix->y) *  (i->y - ix->y) );
    return 0;

posted on 2012-08-21 16:39  more think, more gains  阅读(276)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
