Selenium基础教程(四)Katalon Studio 入门教程

Katalon Studio --  Getting Started




  • Environment Requirement

    • Web UI testing: Check this list for all supported browsers. 
    • Mobile testing: Please refer to the Installation Guide for more details.

  • Browsers

    Desktop BrowsersVersion on WindowsVersion on macOSNote
    Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11 N/A Required IE configurations: Internet Explorer Configurations.
    Microsoft Edge Current N/A Refer to this page for the current status of Edge WebDriver.
    Firefox 56+

    To use Firefox 57 with Katalon Studio, please use Katalon Studio v5.1+

    Google Chrome 58+  
    Opera Not supported  
    Safari 5.1+ 9,10,11  



    InstallationVersion on WindowsVersion on macOSNote
    Appium 1.6, 1.7 1.6, 1.7 Follow Mobile on Windows and Mobile on macOS for more details.

    Android 6.x, 7.x 6.x, 7.x
    iOS N/A 9, 10, 11


  • Create Your First Project

Enter the name of your new project and the location to store the project data on your machine. Click OK.

A new project will be generated at the specified location.

  • Create Your First Test Case

After new project is created, you can create a new test case with few clicks by using Katalon Studio Record and Playback feature. 

               You can also create a new test case manually either in Manual Mode or Script Mode.

  • Execute Your First Test Case

Katalon Studio supports executing test automation in multiple environments, allowing testers to validate their tests across browsers/platforms. This tutorial will walk you through the steps.

  • View Test Execution

Once your test cases/test suites finish execution, you can review the results on the Log Viewer views. Katalon Studio has prepared this tutorial to show you how to navigate around.

  • Uninstall and Upgrade


    • Simply remove/delete Katalon Studio folder from your Operating Systems.


      • Katalon Studio allows users to run multiple versions independently. You can download and run new release version parallel with previous version.
      • To keep setting from previous version
        • Katalon Studio version 5.0 and later, refer to this guide  
        • Katalon Studio below version 5.0, copy Config folder and paste into Katalon Studio new version folder.
posted @ 2018-03-06 18:21  牵只蜗牛去散步  阅读(336)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报