ABAP Help Document(8):3.1 数据类型
3.Predefined ABAP Types,Objects,Functions
"数据类型 FORM f_pre_data_type_number. "数值数据类型 "b 1byte 0~255 "s 2byte -32,768 ~ +32,767 "i 4byte -2,147,483,648 ~ +2,147,483,647 "p 1~16byte "(-10^(2len -1) +1) / (10^(+dec)) ~ (+10^(2len -1) -1) /(10^(+dec)) "decfloat16 8byte 16位小数字,以尾数指数保存数字 "1E385(1E-16 - 1) ~ -1E-383 "+1E-383 ~ 1E385(1 - 1E-16) "decfloat34 16byte 34位小数位, "1E6145(1E-34 - 1) ~ -1E-6143 "+1E-6143 and 1E6145(1 - 1E-34) "f 8byte 尾数,指数以二进制保存,符号位1,指数位11,尾数52位 "可以表示17位小数浮点数 "-1.7976931348623157E+308 ~ -2.2250738585072014E-308 "+2.2250738585072014E-308 ~ +1.7976931348623157E+308 DATA:p1 TYPE P LENGTH 2 DECIMALS 2 . "(-10^(2x2 -1) +1) / (10^2) ~ (+10^(2x2 -1) -1) / (10^2) "-9.99 ~ +9.99 in steps of 0.01 p1 = '1.433'. WRITE:/ p1. DATA:max_val TYPE f. DATA:min_val TYPE f. PERFORM get_min_max_value USING p1 CHANGING min_val max_val. WRITE:/ 'min value',min_val,'max value',max_val. ENDFORM. "获取数据类型最大,最小值 FORM get_min_max_value USING i_val TYPE ANY CHANGING o_min TYPE f o_max TYPE f. "CL_ABAP_EXCEPTIONAL_VALUES类 "获取数据类型最大,最小值 FIELD-SYMBOLS:<fs_res> TYPE ANY. DATA:res_val TYPE REF TO DATA. res_val = CL_ABAP_EXCEPTIONAL_VALUES=>GET_MAX_VALUE( i_val ). IF res_val IS NOT INITIAL. ASSIGN res_val->* TO <fs_res>. o_max = <fs_res>. ENDIF. res_val = CL_ABAP_EXCEPTIONAL_VALUES=>GET_MIN_VALUE( i_val ). IF res_val IS NOT INITIAL. ASSIGN res_val->* TO <fs_res>. o_min = <fs_res>. ENDIF. ENDFORM.
"预定义字符型数据类型 FORM f_pre_data_type_char. "字符型数据类型 "c 1~262143 字符,初始值"" "n 1~262143 数字字符,length个"0" "d 8 日期字符,"00000000" "t 6 时间字符,"000000" "string 可变长字符串,初始空 DATA:lv_str TYPE string. lv_str = 'this is string'. DATA:lv_c1 TYPE C LENGTH 262143. lv_c1 = 'this is char'. DATA:lv_n1 TYPE N LENGTH 262143. lv_n1 = '1111111111111'. DATA:lv_d1 TYPE d. lv_d1 = '20200101'. DATA:lv_t1 TYPE t. lv_t1 = '010101'. WRITE:/ lv_str. WRITE:/ lv_c1. WRITE:/ lv_n1 RIGHT-JUSTIFIED. WRITE:/ lv_d1. WRITE:/ lv_t1. ENDFORM.
"字节型数据 FORM f_pre_data_type_byte. "字节型数据 "x 1~524287,默认一个字节00-FF "xstring 可变字节 ENDFORM.
"通用数据类型 FORM f_pre_data_type_generic. *c :Text field with a generic length *clike :Character-like (c, d, n, t, string, and character-like flat structures); "in non-Unicode programs also x, xstring, and any flat structures *csequence: Text-like (c, string) *decfloat :Decimal floating point number (decfloat16, decfloat34) *n :Numeric text with generic length *numeric :Numeric (i (b, s), p, decfloat16, decfloat34, f) *p :Packed number with generic length and generic number of decimal places *simple :Elementary data type including structured types with exclusively character-like flat components *object :Any object type (root class of the inheritance hierarchy) *data :Any data type *any :Any data type *any table :Internal table with any table type *hashed table :Hashed table *index table :Index table *sorted table :Sorted table *standard table :Standard table *table :Standard table *x Byte field with generic length *xsequence Byte-like (x, xstring) "any,可以代表上述所有类型,除data,object; "any,只能在type后,示例:type any,type any table; "data,object, 在type ref to后,data指向任何数据类型指针,object指向任何对象类型; "ABAP字典定义类型 *ACCP 6 Posting period n, Length 6 *CHAR 1-30000 Character string c, length m *CLNT 3 Client c, Length 3 *CUKY 5 Currency key for currency fields c, Length 5 *CURR 1-31 Currency field in BCD format p, length (m+1)/2 *DATS 8 Date d *DEC 1-31 Packed number BCD format p, length (m+1)/2 *DF16_DEC 1-15 Decimal floating point number stored in BCD format decfloat16 *DF16_RAW 16 Decimal floating point number stored in binary format decfloat16 *DF16_SCL 16 Decimal floating point number stored in binary format with subsequent scaling decfloat16 *DF34_DEC 1-31 Decimal floating point number stored in BCD format decfloat34 *DF34_RAW 34 Decimal floating point number stored in binary format decfloat34 *DF34_SCL 34 Decimal floating point number stored in binary format with subsequent scaling decfloat34 *FLTP 16 Floating point number f *INT1 3 1-byte integer b *INT2 5 2-byte integer s *INT4 10 4-byte integer i *LANG 1 Language c, Length 1 *LCHR 256-... long character string c, length m *LRAW 256-... long byte string x, length m *NUMC 1-255 Numeric text n, length m *PREC 2 Obsolete data type s *QUAN 1-31 Quantity field in BCD format p, length (m+1)/2 *RAW 1-255 Byte string x, length m *RAWSTRING 256-... Byte string (BLOB) xstring *SSTRING 1-1333 Character string string *STRING 256-... Character string (CLOB) string *TIMS 6 Time t *UNIT 2-3 Unit key of a quantity field c, length m "这些是ABAP内部定义Data type,Domain,使用需要创建对应Data type使用 ENDFORM.