HANA SQL Script学习(4):Declarative SQLScript Logic
4. Declarative SQLScript Logic
4.1 Table Parameter
3.Declarative SQLScript Logic
3.1Table Parameter
<table_param> ::= [IN|OUT] <param_name> {<table_type>|<table_type_definition>| <any_table_type>}
<table_type> ::= <identifier>
<table_type_definition> ::= TABLE(<column_list_elements>)
<any_table_type> ::= TABLE(...)
--Table Parameter --使用<table_type_definaition> create procedure test_proc6( IN inputtab TABLE(I INT),OUT outputtab TABLE (I INT,J DOUBLE)) as begin outputtab = select i,i*1.2 as j from :inputtab; end --代码块 do begin declare outtab table(I int,J double); declare intab table(I int); intab = select I from mytab4; call test_proc6(:intab,outputtab=>outtab); select * from :outtab; end --使用<table_type> create type tt_inputtab as table(I int); create type tt_outputtab as table(I int,j double); create procedure test_proc7(IN inputtab tt_inputtab, OUT outputtab tt_outputtab) as begin outputtab = select i,i*1.5 as j from :inputtab; end --代码块 do begin declare outtab table(I int,J double); declare intab table(I int); intab = select I from mytab4; call test_proc7(:intab,outputtab=>outtab); select * from :outtab; end --使用<any_table_type> /* 使用限制: 1.the any_table_type parameter cannot be used within anonymous blocks, other languages or outside the scope of SQLScript 2.any_table_type parameters are supported only as input parameter of table UDFs, but not as return parameters 3.scalar UDFs do not support any_table_type parameters. 4.If an output any table type parameter cannot be resolved during procedure creation (for example, out_any_table = select * from in_any_table), the procedure cannot be called inside SQLScript. */ create function func_test1 as begin --在function中创建procedure create procedure test_proc8(in ott table(...)) as begin ott = select * from mytab4; end; end --创建不了? create procedure test_proc9( IN inputtab table(...),OUT outputtab table(...) ) as begin outputtab = select * from :inputtab; end --代码块 do begin declare intab table(I int,J double); intab = select I,I*1.3 AS J from mytab4; call test_proc8(:intab,outputtab=>outtab); select * from :outtab; end
4.2 Table Variable Type Definition
3.2Table Variable Type Definition
DECLARE <sql_identifier> [{,<sql_identifier> }...] [CONSTANT] {TABLE (<column_list_definition>)|<table_type>} [ <proc_table_default> ]
<proc_table_default> ::= { DEFAULT | '=' } { <select_statement> | <proc_ce_call> | <proc_apply_filter> | <unnest_function> }
drop procedure test_proc10; --<table_type>,之前已经创建tt_inputtab --create type tt_inputtab as table(I int); create procedure test_proc10() as begin --table(<column_list>) declare t_test1 table(n int); --<table_type> declare t_test2 tt_inputtab; --default,=,设置默认值 declare t_test3 tt_inputtab default select I from mytab4; declare t_test4 tt_inputtab = select I from mytab4; t_test1 = select I as n from mytab4; t_test2 = select I from mytab4; select * from :t_test1; select * from :t_test2; select * from :t_test3; select * from :t_test4; end call test_proc10(); --使用constant定义常量table类型,必须指定默认值 --创建出错 DECLARE t_test5 CONSTANT TABLE(I INT) DEFAULT SELECT * FROM mytab4; --作用域,定义table变量的作用域 drop procedure test_proc11; CREATE PROCEDURE test_proc11 (OUT outTab TABLE(n int)) LANGUAGE SQLScript READS SQL DATA AS BEGIN --Binding Table Variables temp = SELECT 1 as n FROM DUMMY ; BEGIN temp = SELECT 2 as n FROM DUMMY ; outTab = Select * from :temp; END; --Referencing Variables,使用<:var> outTab = Select * from :temp; END; --输出2 call test_proc11(?);
CREATE PROCEDURE test_proc12(OUT outTab TABLE(n int)) LANGUAGE SQLScript READS SQL DATA AS BEGIN DECLARE temp TABLE (n int); temp = SELECT 1 as n FROM DUMMY ; BEGIN --定义temp只在block中有效 DECLARE temp TABLE (n int); temp = SELECT 2 as n FROM DUMMY ; outTab = Select * from :temp; END; outTab = Select * from :temp; END; --输出1 call test_proc12(?);
4.3 Column View Parameter Binding
3.3 Column View Parameter Binding
SELECT * FROM <column_view> ( <named_parameter_list> );
<column_view> ::= <identifier>
<named_parameter_list> ::= <named_parameter> [{,<named_parameter>}…}]
<named_parameter> ::= <parameter_name> => <expression>
<parameter_name> ::= {PLACEHOLDER.<identifier> | HINT.<identifier> | <identifier>}
--创建column view?? CREATE PROCEDURE my_proc_caller (IN in_client INT, IN in_currency INT, OUT outtab mytab_t) LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT READS SQL DATA AS BEGIN outtab = SELECT * FROM CALC_VIEW(PLACEHOLDER."$$client$$" => :in_client , PLACEHOLDER."$$currency$$" => :in_currency ); END;
4.4 Map Merge Operator
3.4 Map Merge Operator
<table_variable> = MAP_MERGE(<table_or_table_variable>, <mapper_identifier>
(<table_or_table_variable>.<column_name> [ {,<table_or_table_variable>.<column_name>} … ] [, <param_list>])
<param_list> ::= <param> [{, <param>} …]
<paramter> = <table_or_table_variable> | <string_literal> | <numeric_literal> | <identifier>
drop function test_mapper; --mapperfunction CREATE FUNCTION test_mapper (IN a INT) RETURNS TABLE (COL_A INT) AS BEGIN ot = SELECT :a AS COL_A from dummy; RETURN :ot; END; --使用for循环 --执行报错? DO (OUT ret_tab TABLE(col_a INT)=>?) BEGIN DECLARE i int; DECLARE varb int; t = SELECT * FROM mytab4; FOR i IN 1 .. 10 DO varb = :t.i[:i]; CALL test_mapper(:varb,out_tab); ret_tab = SELECT * FROM :out_tab UNION SELECT * FROM :ret_tab; END FOR; END; --使用map merge --?invalid name of map_merge,不支持 DO (OUT ret_tab TABLE(col_a INT)=>?) BEGIN t = SELECT * FROM mytab4; ret_tab = MAP_MERGE(:t, test_mapper(:t.col_a)); END;
4.5 Map Reduce Operator
3.5 Map Reduce Operator
MAP_REDUCE(<input table/table variable name>, <mapper specification>, <reducer specification>)
<mapper spec> ::= <mapper TUDF>(<list of mapper parameters>) group by <list of columns in the TUDF> as <ID>
<reducer spec> ::= <reduce TUDF>(<list of reducer TUDF parameters>) | <reduce procedure>(<list of reducer procedure parameters>)
<mapper parameter> ::= <table/table variable name>.<column name> | <other scalar parameter>
<reducer TUDF parameter> ::= <ID> | <ID>.<key column name> | <other scalar parameter>
<reducer procedure parameter> ::= <reducer TUDF parameter> | <output table parameter>
MAP_REDUCE is a programming model introduced by Google that allows easy development of scalable parallel applications
for processing big data on large clusters of commodity machines.
4.6 Hints
3.6 Hints
The SQLScript compiler combines statements to optimize code.
Hints enable you to block or enforce the inlining of table variables.
<servicetype> ::= 'indexserver' | 'xsengine' | 'scriptserver' | 'dpserver' | 'computeserver'
<hint_with_parameters> ::= ROUTE_TO( <volume_id> [{, <volume_id> }] )
| ROUTE_TO( '<servicetype>' [{, '<servicetype>' }] )
| NO_ROUTE_TO( <volume_id> [{, <volume_id> }] )
| NO_ROUTE_TO( '<servicetype>' [{, '<servicetype>' }] )
| ROUTE_BY( <table_name> [{, <table_name>}] )
| ROUTE_BY_CARDINALITY( <table_name> [{, <table_name>}] )
--SQL 语句 tab = select A, B, C from T where A = 1; tab2 = select C from :tab where C = 0; --执行时,组合成下面语句: select C from (select A,B,C from T where A = 1) where C=0; --使用HINT(NO_INLINE),阻止表变量内联, tab = select A, B, C from T where A = 1 WITH HINT(NO_INLINE); tab2 = select C from :tab where C = 0; --创建procInner,procCaller --调用procCaller时,两个表独立执行 CREATE PROCEDURE procInner (OUT tab2 TABLE(I int)) LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT READS SQL DATA AS BEGIN tab2 = SELECT I FROM mytab4; END;
CREATE PROCEDURE procCaller (OUT table2 TABLE(I int)) LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT READS SQL DATA AS BEGIN call procInner (outTable); table2 = select I from :outTable where I > 10; END; --procInner定义为HINT(INLINE) --调用时两个表连接执行 drop procedure procInner; CREATE PROCEDURE procInner (OUT tab2 TABLE(I int)) LANGUAGE SQLSCRIPT READS SQL DATA AS BEGIN tab2 = SELECT I FROM mytab4 WITH HINT (INLINE); END; --procInner参数tab2链接procCaller中outtable中执行 SELECT I FROM (SELECT I FROM T WITH HINT (INLINE)) where I > 10; --invalid hint: incorrect syntax near "indexserver" select * from mytab4 with hint(ROUTE_TO('indexserver')); select * from mytab4 with hint(ROUTE_TO('indexserver','computeserver')); select * from mytab4 with hint(NO_ROUTE_TO('indexserver')); select * from mytab4 with hint(NO_ROUTE_TO('indexserver','computeserver')); --error:insufficient privilege: Not authorized select preferred_routing_volumes, * from sys.m_sql_plan_cache_ where statement_string like '%select * from mytab%';