Windows 上远程访问 Unix 的 XWindow / XManager / X

  • 准备
    • 下载 putty  -
    • 安装 cygwin -, 并添加 e.g. c:/cygwin/bin 到 Windows Path
  • Usage
    • Under Windows command window, run xwin or startxwin
      • if using xwin, need right click the X in Taskbar, and start xterm via Applications > xterm
      • startxwinwill start a xterm automatically.
    • In the xterm, run xhost +
      • Allow all XClients can access this XServer.
      • XClients - Unix system; XServer- Windows machine
    • Using Putty to connect Unix.
      • Whatever with telnet or ssh
      • run e.g.  export DISPLAY=<Windows_Host_Name or IP>:0.0
      • Test
        • run xclock
        • will get the clock on Windows machine

  • 当然还可以使用 Xming ( 实现,但是自己一直使用 cygwin.


posted @ 2015-05-26 11:45  tang88seng  阅读(352)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报