




[*] --> State1
State1 --> [*]
State1 : this is a string
State1 : this is another string

State1 -> State2
State2 --> [*]





scale 350 width
[*] --> NotShooting

state NotShooting {
  [*] --> Idle
  Idle --> Configuring : EvConfig
  Configuring --> Idle : EvConfig

state Configuring {
  [*] --> NewValueSelection
  NewValueSelection --> NewValuePreview : EvNewValue
  NewValuePreview --> NewValueSelection : EvNewValueRejected
  NewValuePreview --> NewValueSelection : EvNewValueSaved
  state NewValuePreview {
	 State1 -> State2




scale 600 width

[*] -> State1
State1 --> State2 : Succeeded
State1 --> [*] : Aborted
State2 --> State3 : Succeeded
State2 --> [*] : Aborted
state State3 {
  state "Accumulate Enough Data\nLong State Name" as long1
  long1 : Just a test
  [*] --> long1
  long1 --> long1 : New Data
  long1 --> ProcessData : Enough Data
State3 --> State3 : Failed
State3 --> [*] : Succeeded / Save Result
State3 --> [*] : Aborted


 用-- or ||作为分隔符来合成并发状态。

[*] --> Active

state Active {
  [*] -> NumLockOff
  NumLockOff --> NumLockOn : EvNumLockPressed
  NumLockOn --> NumLockOff : EvNumLockPressed
  [*] -> CapsLockOff
  CapsLockOff --> CapsLockOn : EvCapsLockPressed
  CapsLockOn --> CapsLockOff : EvCapsLockPressed
  [*] -> ScrollLockOff
  ScrollLockOff --> ScrollLockOn : EvCapsLockPressed
  ScrollLockOn --> ScrollLockOff : EvCapsLockPressed






  • -down-> (default arrow)
  • -right-> or ->
  • -left->
  • -up->



[*] -up-> First
First -right-> Second
Second --> Third
Third -left-> Last

可以用首字母缩写或者开始的两个字母定义方向(如, -d--down--do-是完全等价的)。请不要滥用这些功能,Graphviz不喜欢这样。




可以用 note left of, note right of, note top of, note bottom of 关键字来定义注释。



[*] --> Active
Active --> Inactive

note left of Active : this is a short\nnote

note right of Inactive
  A note can also
  be defined on
  several lines
end note




state foo
note "This is a floating note" as N1






[*] --> NotShooting

state "Not Shooting State" as NotShooting {
  state "Idle mode" as Idle
  state "Configuring mode" as Configuring
  [*] --> Idle
  Idle --> Configuring : EvConfig
  Configuring --> Idle : EvConfig

note right of NotShooting : This is a note on a composite state







skinparam backgroundColor LightYellow
skinparam state {
  StartColor MediumBlue
  EndColor Red
  BackgroundColor Peru
  BackgroundColor<<Warning>> Olive
  BorderColor Gray
  FontName Impact

[*] --> NotShooting

state "Not Shooting State" as NotShooting {
  state "Idle mode" as Idle <<Warning>>
  state "Configuring mode" as Configuring
  [*] --> Idle
  Idle --> Configuring : EvConfig
  Configuring --> Idle : EvConfig

NotShooting --> [*]



  • 电梯存在四种基本状态,即:待载、上升、下降、楼间停;
  • 电梯无人承载时停在某一楼层,处于待载状态;
  • 当有人进入电梯,并且当前楼层比目标楼层低,电梯上升;
  • 当有人进入电梯,并且当前楼层比目标楼层高,电梯下降;
  • 所有人都在本层下电梯,电梯回到待载状态。
  • 电梯中还有人,判断目标楼层是否比当前楼层高,高则上升,低则下降。
[*] --> 待载

 待载 --> 上升:进入[目标楼层>当前楼层]/关门上行
 待载 --> 下降:进入[目标楼层<当前楼层]/关门下行
 上升 -> 楼间停:[进人/出人]/停机开门
 下降 -> 楼间停:[进人/出人]/停机开门
 楼间停 -> 上升:[目标楼层>当前楼层]/关门上行
 楼间停 -> 下降:[目标楼层<当前楼层]/关门下行
 楼间停 -left-> 待载:[无人]/关门



  • 初建立的账户没有存款,处于空额状态;
  • 若在空额状态时向账户存款,则进入有余额状态;若在空额状态时从账户取款,进入负债状态;
  • 在有余额状态时向账户存款,余额增加,但还是处于有余额状态;
  • 从账户中取款,若取款额小于余额,处于有余额状态;等于余额,回到空额状态;大于余额,进入负债状态;
  • 负债时,取款则余额减少,仍处于负债状态;存款,当存款额小于负债额,还是负债;存款额等于负债额,回到空额状态;若存款额大于负债额,进入有余额状态 

[*] -> 空额
 空额 -> [*]
空额 --> 有余额:存款/余额=余额+存款额
空额 --> 负债:取款[取款额<最大限额]/余额=余额-存款额
有余额 -> 有余额:存款/余额=余额+存款额
 有余额 -> 有余额:取款[取款额<余额]/余额=余额-取款额
有余额 --> 负债:取款[取款额>余额]/余额=余额-取款额
有余额 --> 空额:取款[取款额=余额]/余额=余额-取款额
 负债 -> 负债
 负债 --> 有余额
 负债 --> 空额