jmeter常见参数 vars、prev、ctx 、props 类的api


  • ctx - ( JMeterContext ) - gives access to the context
  • vars - ( JMeterVariables ) - gives read/write access to variables: vars.get(key); vars.put(key,val); vars.putObject("OBJ1",new Object()); vars.getObject("OBJ2");
  • props - (JMeterProperties - class java.util.Properties) - e.g. props.get("START.HMS"); props.put("PROP1","1234");
  • prev - ( SampleResult ) - gives access to the previous SampleResult (if any)
  • sampler - (Sampler)- gives access to the current sampler

ctx 地址:

vars 地址:




posted @ 2016-09-06 21:50  心痛是尾调  阅读(1532)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报