#include<iostream> using namespace std; class Total{ public: Total(int i,int j){ cout<<"* constructor is called"<<endl; n=i; m=j; } Total(){ cout<<"* constructor is called"<<endl; n=0; m=0; } Total(Total &total){ cout<<"* copy constructor is called"<<endl; n=total.n; m=total.m; } int add(){ return n+m; } ~Total() {cout<<"* destructor is called"<<endl;} private: int n; int m; }; class A: public Total{ private: int n; int m; public: A(int a,int b): Total(a,b),n(a),m(b) {cout<<"A constructor is called"<<endl;}; A():Total(0,0),n(0),m(0) {cout<<"A constructor is called"<<endl;}; int subtract(){ return n-m; } ~A(){cout<<"A destructor is called"<<endl;} }; class B: public Total{ private: int n; int m; public: B(int a,int b): Total(a,b),n(a),m(b) {cout<<"B constructor is called"<<endl;}; B():Total(0,0),n(0),m(0) {cout<<"B constructor is called"<<endl;}; int multiply(){ return n*m; } ~B(){cout<<"B destructor is called"<<endl;} }; class C: public Total{ private: int n; int m; public: C(int a,int b): Total(a,b),n(a),m(b) {cout<<"C constructor is called"<<endl;}; C():Total(0,0),n(0),m(0) {cout<<"C constructor is called"<<endl;}; int divide(){ return n/m; } ~C(){cout<<"C destructor is called"<<endl;} }; int main() { int m,n; cout<<"make sure of the value of m and n"<<endl; cin>>m>>n; A a(m,n); B b(m,n); C c(m,n); cout<<"m + n ="; cout<<a.add()<<endl; cout<<"m - n ="<<a.subtract()<<endl; cout<<"m * n ="<<b.multiply()<<endl; cout<<"m / n ="<<c.divide()<<endl; return 0; }
#include<iostream> using namespace std; class vehicle{ public: vehicle(int i,int j) : maxspeed(i) , weight(j){cout<<"vehicle's constructor is called"<<endl;} vehicle() : maxspeed(0) , weight(0){cout<<"vehicle's constructor is called"<<endl;} void initvehicle(int n,int m){maxspeed=n;weight=n;} void run(){ cout<<"the vehicle's weight is "<<weight<<endl; cout<<"the vehicle's speed is "<<maxspeed<<endl; } void stop(){ cout<<"the vehicle has stopped "<<endl; } ~vehicle(){cout<<"vehicle's destructor is called"<<endl;} protected: int maxspeed; int weight; }; class bicycle:virtual public vehicle{ public: bicycle(int i,int j,int k):vehicle(i,j),height(k){cout<<"the vehicle(bicycle)'s constructor is called"<<endl;} bicycle():vehicle(0,0),height(0){cout<<"the vehicle(bicycle)'s constructor is called"<<endl;} void initbicycle(int n){height=n;} ~bicycle(){cout<<"vehicle(bicycle)'s destructor is called"<<endl;} protected: int height; }; class motorcar:virtual public vehicle{ public: motorcar(int i,int j,int k):vehicle(i,j),seatnum(k){cout<<"the vehicle(motorcar)'s constructor is called"<<endl;} motorcar():vehicle(0,0),seatnum(0){cout<<"the vehicle(motorcar)'s constructor is called"<<endl;} void initmotorcar(int n){seatnum=n;} ~motorcar(){cout<<"vehicle(motorcar)'s destructor is called"<<endl;} protected: int seatnum; }; class motorcycle:public bicycle,public motorcar{ public: motorcycle(int i,int j,int k,int p):vehicle(i,j),bicycle(i,j,k),motorcar(i,j,p){cout<<"the vehicle(motorcycle)'s constructor is called"<<endl;} motorcycle():vehicle(),bicycle(),motorcar(){cout<<"the vehicle(motorcycle)'s constructor is called"<<endl;} ~motorcycle(){cout<<"vehicle(motorcycle)'s destructor is called"<<endl;} }; int main(){ int m,n,p,q; cout<<"please decide your vehicle's maxspeed and weight:"<<endl; cin>>m>>n; cout<<"please decide your motorcar's height and seatnum:"<<endl; cin>>p>>q; motorcycle mc(m,n,p,q); system("pause"); mc.run(); system("pause"); mc.stop(); system("pause"); return 0; }
//7.3 代码大部分见上次fraction类
//main中添加代码 system("pause"); cout<<"about ifraction---------------"<<endl; cout<<"make sure of the times2:"<<endl; int times2; cin>>times2; while(times2--){ int p,q; cout<<"please make sure of the top and bottom of the fraction: "<<endl; cin>>p>>q; iFraction ifraction(p,q); ifraction.legal(); convertF(ifraction); ifraction.print(); //iFraction类 class iFraction :public Fraction{ public: iFraction(int n,int m):Fraction(n,m),wholepart(0),fractionparttop(0),fractionpartbottom(0){} ~iFraction(){} friend void convertF(iFraction &A); void print(); private: int wholepart; int fractionparttop; int fractionpartbottom; }; //ifraction 实现 #include<iostream> #include"ifraction.h" using namespace std; void convertF(iFraction &A){ int i; i=A.top; int j; j=A.bottom; if(i>0){ A.wholepart=i/j; A.fractionparttop=i-A.wholepart*j; A.fractionpartbottom=j; } if(i<0){ i=-1*i; A.wholepart=i/j; A.fractionparttop=i-A.wholepart*j; A.fractionpartbottom=j; A.wholepart=-1*A.wholepart; } } void iFraction::print(){ if(wholepart!=0) cout<<wholepart<<" ("<<fractionparttop<<"/"<<fractionpartbottom<<")"<<endl; else cout<<fractionparttop<<"/"<<fractionpartbottom<<endl; }