udop 的官方例子
Copyright (c) 1998 Unigraphics Solutions Corporation
Unpublished - All rights reserved
* *
* This program shows how to use the udop entry point in the following *
* UG/Open API program which uses functions from the following modules: *
* *
* *
* To use this example program you must define a logical/environment *
* variable to point to the shared library you created for this program. *
* You must have a part open to run the example. For further information, *
* see the "User Defined Operations" chapter of the Manufacturing User *
* manual.
* *
* *
#include <uf_defs.h>
#include <uf_cam.h>
#include <uf_udop.h>
#include <uf_oper.h>
#include <uf_path.h>
#include <uf.h>
#include <uf_exit.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Internal user function to use the USER DEFINED operation
The entry point name : udop
extern void udop(char *param, int *status, int parm_len)
UF_UDOP_id_t udop_id;
UF_UDOP_purpose_t purpose;
UF_OPER_id_t oper_id;
UF_PATH_id_t path_id;
/***** Convert UG/Open API param to CAM exit id ******/
UF_CAM_exit_id_t exit_id = (UF_CAM_exit_id_t)param;
/***** Using the exit_id to get the udop identifier ******/
UF_UDOP_ask_udop( exit_id, &udop_id);
/***** Using the udop_id to get the oper identifier ******/
UF_UDOP_ask_oper( udop_id, &oper_id);
/***** Using the udop_id to get the pupose of the call ******/
UF_UDOP_ask_purpose( udop_id, &purpose);
/***** Using the oper_id to get the name of the oper ******/
UF_OPER_ask_name( oper_id, op_name);
/***** Using the oper_id to get the path identifier ******/
UF_OPER_ask_path( oper_id, &path_id);
if( purpose == UF_UDOP_GENERATE )
/************ To input GOTO/ motion*************/
UF_PATH_linear_motion_t motion,*motion_ptr = &motion;
motion_ptr->feed_value = 0.0;
motion_ptr->feed_unit = UF_PATH_FEED_UNIT_NONE;
motion_ptr->type = UF_PATH_MOTION_TYPE_CUT;
motion_ptr->tool_axis[0] =0.0;
motion_ptr->tool_axis[1] =0.0;
motion_ptr->tool_axis[2] =1.0;
motion_ptr->position[0] =0.0;
motion_ptr->position[1] =0.5;
motion_ptr->position[2] =0.0;
UF_PATH_create_linear_motion( path_id, motion_ptr);
/************ To input CIRCLE/ motion*************/
UF_PATH_circular_motion_t cir_motion,
*cir_motion_ptr = &cir_motion;
cir_motion_ptr->feed_value = 0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->feed_unit = UF_PATH_FEED_UNIT_NONE;
cir_motion_ptr->type = UF_PATH_MOTION_TYPE_CUT;
cir_motion_ptr->start_tool_axis[0] =0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->start_tool_axis[1] =0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->start_tool_axis[2] =1.0;
cir_motion_ptr->end_tool_axis[0] =0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->end_tool_axis[1] =0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->end_tool_axis[2] =1.0;
cir_motion_ptr->start[0] = 0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->start[1] = 0.5;
cir_motion_ptr->start[2] = 0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->arc_axis[0] = 0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->arc_axis[1] = 0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->arc_axis[2] = 1.0;
cir_motion_ptr->arc_center[0] = 0.5;
cir_motion_ptr->arc_center[1] = 0.5;
cir_motion_ptr->arc_center[2] = 0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->arc_radius = 0.5;
cir_motion_ptr->tolerance = 0.01;
cir_motion_ptr->shape = UF_PATH_SHAPE_CIRCULAR_CCW;
cir_motion_ptr->material_side = UF_PATH_SIDE_RIGHT;
cir_motion_ptr->end[0] = 0.5;
cir_motion_ptr->end[1] = 0.0;
cir_motion_ptr->end[2] = 0.0;
UF_PATH_create_circular_motion( path_id, cir_motion_ptr);
/************ To input User Defined Text *************/
UF_PATH_create_text( path_id, "User Defined Text" );
/************ To input PPRINTS *************/
UF_PATH_create_pprint( path_id, "Text for pprint" );
/************ To input Opmessage *************/
UF_PATH_create_opmessage( path_id,
"Any messages for the operator" );
/************ To input origin post command *************/
double origin_coordinates[3];
char appended_text[] = {"Appended Text"};
origin_coordinates[0] = 0.0;
origin_coordinates[1] = 0.0;
origin_coordinates[2] = 0.0;
UF_PATH_create_origin( path_id, origin_coordinates,
appended_text );
/************ To input SEQNO/ post command *************/
UF_PATH_seqno_t seq_type = UF_PATH_SEQNO_N;
int seq_number = 1;
int seq_incr = 2;
int seq_freq = 3;
UF_PATH_create_seqno( path_id, seq_type, seq_number,
seq_incr, seq_freq, NULL );
/************ To input SET/ post command *************/
UF_PATH_arc_mode_t arc_mode = UF_PATH_ARC_LINEAR;
parallel_mode = UF_PATH_PARALLEL_ZAXIS;
UF_PATH_machine_mode_t machine_mode = UF_PATH_MACHINE_MILL;
UF_PATH_create_set_mode( path_id, output_mode, feedrate_mode,
arc_mode, parallel_mode, machine_mode,
/************ To input SELECT/HEAD post command *************/
UF_PATH_head_type_t head_type = UF_PATH_HEADTYPE_NONE;
UF_PATH_create_select_head( path_id, head_type, NULL );
/******** To input LOAD/TOOL or TURRET/ post command ********/
UF_PATH_tool_change_t tool_change_data;
tool_change_data.xoffset_value = 0.0;
tool_change_data.yoffset_value = 0.0;
tool_change_data.zoffset_value = 1.0;
tool_change_data.tool_number = 1;
tool_change_data.adjust_register = 2;
tool_change_data.head_type = UF_PATH_HEADTYPE_NONE;
tool_change_data.adjust_flag = TRUE;
tool_change_data.tool_offset_flag = TRUE;
tool_change_data.tool_number_flag = TRUE;
/**** if TRUE the values of tool_angle and radius must be
specified ****/
tool_change_data.tool_angle_radius_flag = FALSE;
/*** if TRUE outputs the string MANUAL in the post command ***/
tool_change_data.manual_change_flag = TRUE;
UF_PATH_create_tool_change( path_id, &tool_change_data,
/******* To input TRACKING POINT CHANGE post command **********/
UF_PATH_tracking_point_change_t tracking_point_change_data;
tracking_point_change_data.xoff = 0.0;
tracking_point_change_data.yoff = 0.0;
tracking_point_change_data.adjust_register = 0;
tracking_point_change_data.cutcom_register = 0;
UF_PATH_create_tracking_point_change( path_id, &tracking_point_change_data );
/************ To input SPINDLE/ post command *************/
UF_PATH_spindle_on_t spindle_data;
spindle_data.speed = 200.0;
spindle_data.maxrpm = 1000.0;
spindle_data.mode = UF_PATH_SPINDLE_MODE_RPM;
spindle_data.direction = UF_PATH_DIRECTION_CLOCKWISE;
spindle_data.speed_flag = TRUE;
spindle_data.maxrpm_flag = TRUE;
spindle_data.range_flag = FALSE;
UF_PATH_create_spindle_on( path_id, &spindle_data, NULL );
/************ To input SPINDLE/OFF post command *************/
UF_PATH_create_spindle_off( path_id, NULL );
/************ To input SPINDLE/REVERSE post command *************/
UF_PATH_create_spindle_reverse( path_id, NULL );
/************ To input COOLNT/ post command *************/
coolant_type = UF_PATH_COOLANT_TYPE_ON;
UF_PATH_create_coolant_on( path_id, coolant_type, NULL );
/********** To input COOLNT/OFF post command ***********/
UF_PATH_create_coolant_off( path_id, NULL );
/************ To input OPSTOP post command *************/
UF_PATH_create_op_stop( path_id, NULL );
/************ To input OPSKIP/ post command *************/
UF_PATH_op_skip_t op_skip_option = UF_PATH_OP_SKIP_ON;
UF_PATH_create_op_skip( path_id, op_skip_option, NULL );
/************ To input STOP post command *************/
UF_PATH_create_stop( path_id, NULL );
/************ To input DELAY/ post command *************/
double delay_value = 5.0;
UF_PATH_dwell_unit_t delay_unit = UF_PATH_DWELL_SECONDS;
UF_PATH_create_dwell( path_id, delay_value, delay_unit,
/************ To input AUXFUN/ post command *************/
int auxfun = 1;
UF_PATH_create_auxfun( path_id, auxfun, NULL );
/************ To input PREFUN/ post command *************/
int prefun = 1;
UF_PATH_create_prefun( path_id, prefun, NULL );
/************ To input CLAMP/ post command *************/
clamp_status = UF_PATH_CLAMP_AXIS_ON;
UF_PATH_axis_t axis_type = UF_PATH_XAXIS;
UF_PATH_create_clamp( path_id, clamp_status, axis_type,
/********** To input TOOL/SELECT post command ***********/
int tool_number = 2;
UF_PATH_create_tool_preselect( path_id, tool_number, NULL );
/************ To input ADJUST/ post command *************/
int comp_register = 2;
UF_PATH_create_tool_length_comp( path_id, comp_register,
/************ To input ROTATE/ post command *************/
UF_PATH_rotate_t rotate_data;
rotate_data.rotation_angle = 45.0;
rotate_data.rotation_object = UF_PATH_ROTATION_OBJECT_TABLE;
rotate_data.rotation_type = UF_PATH_ROTATION_ABSOLUTE;
rotate_data.rotation_direction = UF_PATH_DIRECTION_CLOCKWISE;
rotate_data.angle_flag = TRUE;
rotate_data.rotref_flag = FALSE;
UF_PATH_create_rotate( path_id, &rotate_data, NULL );
/************ To input LOAD/WIRE post command *************/
UF_PATH_create_thread_wire( path_id, NULL );
/************ To input UNLOAD/WIRE post command *************/
UF_PATH_create_cut_wire( path_id, NULL );
/************ To input FLUSH/ post command *************/
UF_PATH_flush_t flush_data;
flush_data.flush_type = UF_PATH_FLUSH_ON;
flush_data.flushing_guide = UF_PATH_GUIDE_UPPER;
flush_data.flushing_pressure = UF_PATH_PRESSURE_LOW;
flush_data.flush_register = TRUE;
flush_data.guide_flag = TRUE;
flush_data.pressure_flag = TRUE;
UF_PATH_create_flush( path_id, &flush_data, NULL );
/************ To input FLUSH/IN post command *************/
UF_PATH_tank_type_t type = UF_PATH_TANK_IN;
UF_PATH_create_flush_tank( path_id, type, NULL );
/************ To input POWER/ post command *************/
double power = 2.0;
UF_PATH_create_power( path_id, power, NULL );
/************ To input SET/UPPER post command *************/
UF_PATH_create_wire_guides( path_id, NULL );
/************ To input FEDRAT/ post command *************/
double feed_rate_value = 2.0;
UF_PATH_create_fedrat( path_id, feed_rate_value, NULL );
/************ To input STAN/ post command *************/
double slope_value = 2.0;
double angle_value = 0.0;
logical angle_flag = FALSE;
UF_PATH_create_wire_angle( path_id, slope_value, angle_value,
angle_flag, NULL );
/************ To input CUTCOM/ post command *************/
UF_PATH_cutcom_mode_t mode = UF_PATH_CUTCOM_ON;
int adjust_register = 2;
logical cutcom_off_flag = FALSE;
logical adjust_flag = TRUE;
UF_PATH_create_wire_cutcom( path_id, mode, adjust_register,
cutcom_off_flag, adjust_flag, NULL );
/************ To input CUTCOM/ post command *************/
UF_PATH_cutcom_t cutcom_data;
cutcom_data.cutcom_mode = UF_PATH_CUTCOM_ON;
cutcom_data.plane_type = UF_PATH_PLANE_TYPE_XY;
cutcom_data.cutcom_on_status =
cutcom_data.cutcom_off_status =
cutcom_data.adjust_register = 2;
cutcom_data.full_cutcom_output = TRUE;
cutcom_data.adjust_flag = TRUE;
UF_PATH_create_cutcom( path_id, &cutcom_data, NULL );
UF_PATH_end_tool_path( path_id );
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