



这时候还不知道哪里出了问题,以为绑定的顺序有问题,结果无奈之中把所有DGV加了个空的DataError 处理。
下面是DataGridView Program Manager的解答:
 The issue is that the Form's dispose method is first disposing the datasource that the combobox column is using before it is disposing the DataGridview. This is the same as not databinding the combobox column at all. This only causes a problem when autosizing the rows or autosizing the combobox column since removing the combobox column's datasource causes the row/column to perform autosize layout. As part of the layout, the combobo cell needs to retrieve the FormattedValue, which raises the DataError since the cell cannot find a match in the combobox (since the combobox column's datasource is now null).
The easiest way to fix this is to change the autosize mode of the grid in the form's dispose method. Alternatively you can manually databind the combo box column, including manually creating the BindingSource. This will allow you to manually dispose the combobox column's binding source on your own -- after the grid has already disposed.

 Currently we do not have any way to specify any dependency for disposing, but in 2005 we did create better support for dependencies when initializing controls/components. Sounds like we need to create some new support to deal with this type of problem.
I've opened a bug to address this issue hoping that we can do something in the next version.

posted on 2006-05-29 21:42  周克  阅读(1461)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报