1. nethunter
2. Kali Linux for Android Mobile Devices
3. nethunter-rootless
4. NetHunter版本比较:
5. app list
6. Other


1. nethunter

Kali NetHunter是一个Android ROM覆盖,其中包括一个移动渗透测试平台。可以在较新的Nexus设备和OnePlus One以及某些Samsung Galaxy型号上正式下载。它也可以在其他手机上非正式使用。

2. Kali Linux for Android Mobile Devices


3. nethunter-rootless

在任何没有根目录的Android设备上安装Kali NetHunter,而不会使保修无效。

https://store.nethunter.com 安装NetHunter-Store应用程序
注意: 安装后,在商店客户端中“安装”按钮可能不会更改为“已安装”-只需忽略它即可。 在某些设备上显示“正在安装”时,第一次启动termux可能会停滞-只需按Enter。

$ termux-setup-storage pkg install wget wget -O install-nethunter-termux https://offs.ec/2MceZWr chmod +x install-nethunter-termux ./install-nethunter-termux


命令 说明
nethunter 启动Kali NetHunter命令行界面
nethunter kex passwd 配置KeX密码(仅在第一次使用前需要)
nethunter kex & 开始Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience用户会话
nethunter kex stop 停止Kali NetHunter桌面体验
nethunter <command> 跑 在NetHunter环境中
nethunter -r 以root身份启动Kali NetHunter cli
nethunter -r kex passwd 为root配置KeX密码
nethunter -r kex & 以root身份启动Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience
nethunter -r kex stop 停止Kali NetHunter Desktop Experience根会话
nethunter -r kex kill 杀死所有KeX会话
nethunter -r <command> <command>以root身份在NetHunter环境中运行


4. NetHunter版本比较:

NetHunter can be installed on every Android device under the sun using one of the following editions:

版本 说明
NetHunter Rootless NetHunter的核心,用于无根,未经修改的设备
NetHunter Lite 完整的NetHunter软件包,适用于没有自定义内核的有根电话。
NetHunter 完整的NetHunter软件包,带有用于支持的设备的自定义内核


Feature NetHunter Rootless NetHunter Lite NetHunter
App Store Yes Yes Yes
Kali cli Yes Yes Yes
All Kali packages Yes Yes Yes
KeX Yes Yes Yes
Metasploit w/o DB Yes Yes Yes
Metasploit with DB No Yes Yes
NetHunter App No Yes Yes
需要 TWRP No Yes Yes
需要 Root No No Yes
WiFi Injection No No Yes
HID attacks No No Yes


5. app list

name https://store.nethunter.com/en/ 中文
aLogcat View system and app log 查看系统和应用日志
bVNC Pro Secure, open source VNC client 安全的开源VNC客户端
ConnectBot SSH and local shell client SSH和本地Shell客户端
cSploit The most complete and advanced IT security professional toolkit on Android Android上最完整,最先进的IT安全专业工具包
DriveDroid Boot your PC from ISO/IMG files stored on your phone 从手机上存储的ISO / IMG文件启动PC
Hacker's Keyboard The ultimate virtual keyboard for hackers 黑客的终极虚拟键盘
Hash Droid Verify file integrity 验证文件完整性
Hijacker All-in-one WiFi cracking tools 多合一WiFi破解工具
Intercepter-NG Multifunctional network toolkit 多功能网络工具包
LTE Discovery Powerful signal discovery and analysis tool 强大的信号发现和分析工具
NetHunter NetHunter installer, updater, and interface for Kali Linux on Android 适用于Android上的Kali Linux的NetHunter安装程序,更新程序和界面
NetHunter KeX bVNC customized for NetHunter KeX 为NetHunter KeX定制的bVNC
NetHunter Store NetHunter Store client NetHunter Store客户
NetHunter Terminal Kali Linux command line shell Kali Linux命令行外壳
NetHunter VNC GUI desktop experience for Kali Linux on Android 适用于Android的Kali Linux的GUI桌面体验
NetHunterStore Privileged Extension Services to allow NetHunter Store to securely install and update apps 允许NetHunter Store安全安装和更新应用程序的服务
Nexmon Install a WiFi firmware that enables monitor mode and frame injection on support 安装WiFi固件,以支持显示器模式和帧注入
OONI Probe Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) 开放网络干扰观测站(OONI)
OpenVPN for Android OpenVPN without root 没有root的OpenVPN
Orbot Proxy with Tor Tor代理
PixelKnot Hide Messages 隐藏讯息
RF Analyzer RF spectrum visualizer for HackRF/RTL-SDR 用于HackRF / RTL-SDR的RF频谱可视化仪
Router Keygen Recover your keys for your wifi network 恢复您的wifi网络密钥
Rtl-sdr driver Allows you to use I/Q packet source in your Android applications. 允许您在Android应用程序中使用I / Q数据包源。
Rucky Modern looking USB Rubber Ducky Editor and Attack Launcher 外观现代的USB Rubber Ducky编辑器和攻击启动器
Shodan World's first search engine for Internet-connected devices 全球首个用于互联网连接设备的搜索引擎
SnoopSnitch Check mobile network security 检查移动网络安全
SysLog Capture log files 捕获日志文件
Termux Terminal emulator with packages 带有包的终端仿真器
Termux-API Access Android functions from Termux 从Termux访问Android功能 (读取SMS,GPS,通知等)
Termux-Boot Add-on for Termux allowing programs to be run at boot Termux的附加组件,使程序可以在引导时运行
Termux-Float Use Termux in a floating terminal window 在浮动终端窗口中使用Termux
Termux-Styling Customize your Termux terminal 自定义您的Termux终端, 调整终端的颜色和字体
Termux-Task Tasker plug-in to run Termux scripts from Tasker Tasker插件可从Tasker运行Termux脚本
Termux-Widget Launch Termux commands from the homescreen 从主屏幕启动Termux命令, 使用桌面图标在Termux中运行程序
USB Keyboard Android device as USB keyboard/mouse Android设备作为USB键盘/鼠标
Walrus Use your existing contactless card cloning devices with your Android device 将现有的非接触式卡克隆设备与Android设备一起使用
WHID Injector WHID Mobile Connector WHID移动连接器
WiGLE WiFi Wardriving Network observation, positioning, and display client 网络观察,定位和显示客户端


6. Other




