Table N-1. Batch file keywords / variables / operators, and their shell equivalents

Batch File OperatorShell Script EquivalentMeaning
% $ command-line parameter prefix
/ - command option flag
\ / directory path separator
== = (equal-to) string comparison test
!==! != (not equal-to) string comparison test
| | pipe
@ set +v do not echo current command
* * filename "wild card"
> > file redirection (overwrite)
>> >> file redirection (append)
< < redirect stdin
%VAR% $VAR environmental variable
REM # comment
NOT ! negate following test
NUL /dev/null "black hole" for burying command output
ECHO echo echo (many more option in Bash)
ECHO. echo echo blank line
ECHO OFF set +v do not echo command(s) following
FOR %%VAR IN (LIST) DO for var in [list]; do "for" loop
:LABEL none (unnecessary) label
GOTO none (use a function) jump to another location in the script
PAUSE sleep pause or wait an interval
CHOICE case or select menu choice
IF if if-test
IF EXIST FILENAME if [ -e filename ] test if file exists
IF !%N==! if [ -z "$N" ] if replaceable parameter "N" not present
CALL source or . (dot operator) "include" another script
COMMAND /C source or . (dot operator) "include" another script (same as CALL)
SET export set an environmental variable
SHIFT shift left shift command-line argument list
SGN -lt or -gt sign (of integer)
ERRORLEVEL $? exit status
CON stdin "console" (stdin)
PRN /dev/lp0 (generic) printer device
LPT1 /dev/lp0 first printer device
COM1 /dev/ttyS0 first serial port

Table N-2. DOS commands and their UNIX equivalents

DOS CommandUNIX EquivalentEffect
ASSIGN ln link file or directory
ATTRIB chmod change file permissions
CD cd change directory
CHDIR cd change directory
CLS clear clear screen
COMP diff, comm, cmp file compare
COPY cp file copy
Ctl-C Ctl-C break (signal)
Ctl-Z Ctl-D EOF (end-of-file)
DEL rm delete file(s)
DELTREE rm -rf delete directory recursively
DIR ls -l directory listing
ERASE rm delete file(s)
EXIT exit exit current process
FC comm, cmp file compare
FIND grep find strings in files
MD mkdir make directory
MKDIR mkdir make directory
MORE more text file paging filter
MOVE mv move
PATH $PATH path to executables
REN mv rename (move)
RENAME mv rename (move)
RD rmdir remove directory
RMDIR rmdir remove directory
SORT sort sort file
TIME date display system time
TYPE cat output file to stdout
XCOPY cp (extended) file copy