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    这次大会总共接受论文数为98篇,其中微软亚洲研究院共发表论文9篇,属于国内独立研究机构和学校的论文数为0篇。不过这些SIGGRAPH 2005论文里有一个令人惊讶的事实,在中国大陆接受大学教育的作者却有好多,让我们看到了未来的希望。Microsoft Research Asia有九篇,通讯作者都为沈向阳,其中的作者大部分是在国内取得最高学历的。还有据我的不完全统计,除了Microsoft Research Asia外,另有十篇论文作者(绝大部分是第一作者),是在国内完成了本科,硕士教育后,目前在国外大学攻读博士。可见国内大学基础教育并不比国外差,只是国内高校与研究机构缺少大师级的教授,缺少好的科研环境,这些学生只有到了国外研究机构或在国外读博士时,才做出了一流的研究成果。


    Microsoft Research Asia有九篇,通讯作者都为沈向阳,其中的作者大部分是在国内取得最高学历的。

(1)Large Mesh Deformation Using the Volumetric Graph Laplacian
Kun Zhou (Microsoft Research Asia), Jin Huang (Zhejiang University), John Snyder (Microsoft

Research), Xinguo Liu (Microsoft Research Asia), Hujun Bao (Zhejiang University), Baining Guo,

Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)

(2)Video Object Cut and Paste
Yin Li, Jian Sun, Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)

(3)Real-Time Rendering of Plant Leaves
Lifeng Wang (Microsoft Research Asia), Wenle Wang (Tsinghua University), Julie Dorsey (Yale

University), Xu Yang (Nankai University), Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)

(4)Modeling Hair From Multiple Views
Yichen Wei (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Eyal Ofek (Microsoft Research Asia),

Long Quan (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research


(5)Image Completion with Structure Propagation
Jian Sun (Microsoft Research Asia), Lu Yuan (Tsinghua University), Jiaya Jia (Chinese University of

Hong Kong), Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)

(6)Modeling and Rendering of Quasi-Homogeneous Materials
Xin Tong (Microsoft Research Asia), Jiaping Wang (Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy

of Sciences), Steve Lin, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)

(7)Visual Simulation of Weathering by Gamma-ton Tracing
Yanyun Chen (Microsoft Research Asia), Lin Xia (Zhejiang University), Tien Tsin Wong (Chinese

University of Hong Kong), Xin Tong, Hujun Bao (Zhejiang University), Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum

(Microsoft Research Asia)

(8)TextureMontage:Seamless Texturing of Arbitrary Surfaces From Multiple Images
Kun Zhou, Xi Wang (Microsoft Research Asia), Yiying Tong, Mathieu Desbrun (Caltech), Baining Guo,

Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)

(9)Precomputed Shadow Fields for Dynamic Scenes
Kun Zhou, Yaohua Hu, Steve Lin, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum (Microsoft Research Asia)

(1) A Relational Debugging Engine for the Graphics Pipeline
   第五作者 Yuan Chen

   Yuan Chen
   Ph.D. student @ Hopkins Computer Graphics Lab

   Department of Computer Science
   Johns Hopkins University


* B.Sc. Mathematics, JiLin University, China (1998)
* M.Sc. Institute of Software, China Academy of Science, China (2001)
* Ph.D. candidate, Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, USA (present)


(2) Motion magnification
第一作者 Ce Liu


* 2004~now, Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

* 2003~now, PhD student in Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts

Institute of Technology

* 2002~2003, Assistant Researcher, Microsoft Research Asia.

* 2002, Master of Engineering, Institute of Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Department

of Automation, Tsinghua University.

* 1999, Bachelor of Engineering, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University.


(3)Out-of-Core Tensor Approximation of High Dimensional Visual Data
Hongcheng Wang, Qing Wu, Lin Shi, Yizhou Yu,

第一作者 Hongcheng Wang (他的简历网上没找到)





(4)Mean Value Coordinates for Closed Triangular Meshes
Tao Ju, Scott Schaefer, Joe Warren (Rice University)

Tao Ju的简历:

I am a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at Rice University. My advisor is Dr.

Joe Warren. I graduated from Tsinghua University in 2000 with a BA degree in English and a BS degree

in Computer Science. I received MS degree from Rice University in 2003. I expect to obtain Ph.D

degree in 2005.

(5)Interactive Video Cutout (Project)
Jue Wang, Pravin Bhat (University of Washington), Alex Colburn, Maneesh Agrawala, Michael Cohen

(Microsoft Research)

Jue Wang的简历:
I got my master degree in dept. of Automation, Tsinghua University (Beijing) in Spring 2003 , and

also had been visiting Microsoft Research Asia as a student for two years, where I worked with

Yingqing Xu and Harry Shum, and co-worked with Michael Cohen.


(6)Compressing and Companding High Dynamic Range Images With Multiscale Wavelet Architectures
Yuanzhen Li, Lavanya Sharan Edward H. Adelson, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

EDUCATION(Yuanzhen Li)
2003.9 - present, PhD student in Computational Neuroscience, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences,

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Presidential Fellow. Advisor: Prof. Edward Adelson.
2000.9 - 2003.7, MS in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Institute of Automation, Chinese

Academy of Sciences
1996.9 - 2000.7, BE in Control, Dept. of Automatic Engineering, Shandong University of Technology.

GPA 92/100, ranking 1st


(7)Water Drops on Surfaces
   Huamin Wang, Peter J. Mucha, Greg Turk (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Who am I(Huamin Wang)

I am a second year PhD student in college of computing at Georgia Institute of Technology.  I

received a Master's degree in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2004 and a Bachelor's

degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Zhejiang University, China in 2002.



(8)Animating Sand as a Fluid
Yongning Zhu, Robert Bridson, (University of British Columbia)

Education(Yongning Zhu)
 Computer Science
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada
September 2003-
Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China
September 1999- July 2003


(9)A Data-Driven Approach to Quantifying Natural Human Motion
Liu Ren (Carnegie Mellon University), Alton Patrick (Georgia Institute of Technology), Alexei Efros,

Jessica K. Hodgins (Carnegie Mellon University), James Rehg (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA                       Sept. 99 -  present
Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science Department       
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China                             Sept. 92 -  Feb. 99
Master of Engineering in Computer Science Department    (Graduated with Distinction)
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science Department  (Graduated with Distinction)


(10)All-frequency Interactive Relighting of Translucent Objects with Single and Multiple Scattering
Rui Wang, John Tran, David Luebke (University of Virginia)

Rui Wang的简历
I graduated from Zhejiang Univ. I am currently a Ph.D. student at Computer Science department of

UVA, working with Prof. David Luebke.



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