目前国外流行的都是3D游戏(如半条命2),开发该类游戏的重要基础之一就是计算机图形学,而且是real-time rendering(实时绘制).因此游戏程序开发与一般程序设计不同,有一定的门槛,不象写信息管理系统程序,无论谁学几句SQL语句,便能操刀上阵了.
我不知道大家有没有深入地研究过计算机图形学. 要真正理解计算机图形学,必须灵活地运用高等数学,线性代数,计算数学等知识,还要有较好的英语(因为资料大部分是英文的), 当然还要学习大量的图形学算法。(很多算法并不是一成不变的,在真正实现时有很多的技巧). 所以我说搞计算机图形学,要求的门槛较高,要求理论与实践并举。
所以,在国内一个业余爱好者研究计算机图形学的环境很差, 由于资料的限制,学习中充满着艰辛. 对于一些深入的课题,比如说绘制具有高度真实感的水流,海洋,高山,火焰,烟雾,布料,没有相关的系统性资料. 有一些图形学中相当经典的图书,论文,作业余爱好者,是看不到的. 由于3D知识不普及,周围很少有人与你有同样的兴趣. 说到3D,就知道3DMAX,MAYA,很少有人去想一想这背后的图形学原理.永远只能跟在外国人之后亦步亦趋.有些网友虽然会依葫芦画瓢写VERTEX SHADER,PIXEL SHADER来达到特殊的效果,但对于这些程序背后的原理却一点儿不清楚,direct3D下有很多例子,能理解的人又有几个,HDRI,Subsurface Scattering,PRT这些术语背后后技术更是很少有人涉及.可能有人会说,既然你想学,可以直接去AMAZON买原版书啊.可是一个人处于学习能力最旺盛时候,往往是在学生时代,但那个时候也是最缺钱的时候,一本原版书需要五六百…
由此造成国内民间对计算机图形学的认识很肤浅,没有普及,大部分计算机专业的学生都不太懂,运动员都是从群众中选拔出来的,群众体质较差,运动员也好不到哪儿去.可想而知专业的3D游戏程序设计水平会高吗?--- 空中楼阁.
这些都是高水平的real-time rendering书籍,看看国外有这么多,那儿的业余爱好者多幸福.这些书国内基本上没有,国内的业余爱好者有多悲惨.(其中部分书籍有英文电子版,但一些经典的好书往往没有电子版)
Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, Jim Van Verth and Lars Bishop, ISBN 1-55860-863-X
GPU Gems, edited by Randima Fernando.
Collision Detection, by Gino van den Bergen (table of contents)
Game Physics, by Dave Eberly (companion web site)
ShaderX2: Introductions and Tutorials with DirectX 9, edited by Wolfgang F. Engel (table of contents)
ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9, edited by Wolfgang F. Engel (table of contents) note that this is a separate volume from the previous book
Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, by Jim Van Verth and Lars Bishop, Sept. 2003
Graphics Programming Methods, edited by Jeff Lander, July 2003
Real-Time 3D Terrain Engines Using C++ and DirectX 9 , by Greg Snook, June 2003
3D Computer Graphics: A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL, by Samuel R. Buss, June 2003 (sample code, etc.)
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0, by Peter Walsh and Adrian Perez, April 2003.
The Cg Tutorial: The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time Graphics, by Randima Fernando and Mark J. Kilgard, February 2003 (Sample chapters and more, Gamasutra excerpt)
Game Programming Tricks of the Trade, by Lorenzo Phillips, Sept. 2002
Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Tricks, by Wolfgang F. Engel (Table of Contents and more; Introduction; Samples 1 & 2), 2002
The OpenGL Extensions Guide, by Eric Lengyel (table of contents and sample, in-depth table of contents)
3D Games, Volume 2: Animation and Advanced Real-Time Rendering, by Alan Watt and Fabio Policarpo (their Fly3D SDK is online), 2003
Game Programming Gems 3, edited by Dante Treglia and Mark DeLoura, 2002 (see the series web site for upcoming volumes)
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics, by Philip Schneider and David Eberly, Sept. 2002 (companion web site)
Focus On 3D Terrain Programming, by Trent Polack, Dec. 2002 (comes with CD; Publisher's description)
Vector Game Math Processors, by James C. Leiterman, Dec. 2002.
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry, Dec. 2002. (more information at their site)
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, by Peter Shirley, July 2002
Real-Time Shading, by Marc Olano et al., July 2002
Level of Detail for 3D Graphics, by David Luebke et al., July 2002 (companion web site)
Advanced 3D Game Development with OpenGL, by David Byttow and Ryan Parker, 2002
Real-Time Shader Programming, by Ron Fosner, Dec. 2002
Jim Blinn's Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation, by Jim Blinn, July 2002
Software Optimization Cookbook, by Richard Gerber, March 2002
Real Time Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX, by Kelly Dempski, 2002
Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach, 3rd Edition, by David Ebert et al., 2002 (companion web site)
Special Effects Game Programming with DirectX 8.0, by Mason McCuskey, 2002
Non-Photorealisting Computer Graphics, by Thomas Strothotte and Stefan Schlechtweg, June 2002 (companion web site)
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics, by Eric Lengyel, 2001
Game Programming Gems 2, edited by Mark DeLoura (Table of Contents and introduction), 2001
OpenGL Game Programming, by Kevin Hawkins and Dave Astle (source code), 2001
Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach, by Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer, 2001 (companion web site and publisher's web site)
Non-Photorealistic Rendering, by Gooch and Gooch, 2001
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques, by Richard Parent, 2001
Practical Algorithms for 3d Computer Graphics, by R. Stuart Ferguson, 2001
Game Programming Gems, edited by Mark DeLoura (Table of Contents and code updates), 2000
Game Engine Design: A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics, by Dave Eberly (his code is online), 2000
3D Games, Volume 1: Real-time Rendering and Software Technology, by Alan Watt and Fabio Policarpo (their Fly3D SDK is online), 2000
3D Graphics Programming: Games and Beyond, by Sergei Savchenko, 2000
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, by deBerg, Van Kreveld, Overmars, and Schwarzkopf, 2000
Computer Graphics Using OpenGL by F.S. Hill, Jr., 2000 (Table of Contents and sample chapter)
3D Game Engine Design, by David Eberly, Jan. 2001 (companion web site)
Essential Mathematics for Computer Graphics Fast, by John Vince, Oct. 2001
Computer Graphics Through Key Mathematics, by Huw Jones, May 2001
Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications, by Michael Mortenson, 1999
No one knows,and each person can have a significant effect on the way the future turns out.There is no one future,no course that must occur.You create it.
摘自<real-time rendering>的最后一句.
You create it.我很欣赏这句话.
最后我还是以You create it.来结尾.
目前国外流行的都是3D游戏(如半条命2),开发该类游戏的重要基础之一就是计算机图形学,而且是real-time rendering(实时绘制).因此游戏程序开发与一般程序设计不同,有一定的门槛,不象写信息管理系统程序,无论谁学几句SQL语句,便能操刀上阵了.
我不知道大家有没有深入地研究过计算机图形学. 要真正理解计算机图形学,必须灵活地运用高等数学,线性代数,计算数学等知识,还要有较好的英语(因为资料大部分是英文的), 当然还要学习大量的图形学算法。(很多算法并不是一成不变的,在真正实现时有很多的技巧). 所以我说搞计算机图形学,要求的门槛较高,要求理论与实践并举。
所以,在国内一个业余爱好者研究计算机图形学的环境很差, 由于资料的限制,学习中充满着艰辛. 对于一些深入的课题,比如说绘制具有高度真实感的水流,海洋,高山,火焰,烟雾,布料,没有相关的系统性资料. 有一些图形学中相当经典的图书,论文,作业余爱好者,是看不到的. 由于3D知识不普及,周围很少有人与你有同样的兴趣. 说到3D,就知道3DMAX,MAYA,很少有人去想一想这背后的图形学原理.永远只能跟在外国人之后亦步亦趋.有些网友虽然会依葫芦画瓢写VERTEX SHADER,PIXEL SHADER来达到特殊的效果,但对于这些程序背后的原理却一点儿不清楚,direct3D下有很多例子,能理解的人又有几个,HDRI,Subsurface Scattering,PRT这些术语背后后技术更是很少有人涉及.可能有人会说,既然你想学,可以直接去AMAZON买原版书啊.可是一个人处于学习能力最旺盛时候,往往是在学生时代,但那个时候也是最缺钱的时候,一本原版书需要五六百…
由此造成国内民间对计算机图形学的认识很肤浅,没有普及,大部分计算机专业的学生都不太懂,运动员都是从群众中选拔出来的,群众体质较差,运动员也好不到哪儿去.可想而知专业的3D游戏程序设计水平会高吗?--- 空中楼阁.
这些都是高水平的real-time rendering书籍,看看国外有这么多,那儿的业余爱好者多幸福.这些书国内基本上没有,国内的业余爱好者有多悲惨.(其中部分书籍有英文电子版,但一些经典的好书往往没有电子版)
Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, Jim Van Verth and Lars Bishop, ISBN 1-55860-863-X
GPU Gems, edited by Randima Fernando.
Collision Detection, by Gino van den Bergen (table of contents)
Game Physics, by Dave Eberly (companion web site)
ShaderX2: Introductions and Tutorials with DirectX 9, edited by Wolfgang F. Engel (table of contents)
ShaderX2: Shader Programming Tips and Tricks with DirectX 9, edited by Wolfgang F. Engel (table of contents) note that this is a separate volume from the previous book
Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications, by Jim Van Verth and Lars Bishop, Sept. 2003
Graphics Programming Methods, edited by Jeff Lander, July 2003
Real-Time 3D Terrain Engines Using C++ and DirectX 9 , by Greg Snook, June 2003
3D Computer Graphics: A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL, by Samuel R. Buss, June 2003 (sample code, etc.)
Advanced 3D Game Programming with DirectX 9.0, by Peter Walsh and Adrian Perez, April 2003.
The Cg Tutorial: The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time Graphics, by Randima Fernando and Mark J. Kilgard, February 2003 (Sample chapters and more, Gamasutra excerpt)
Game Programming Tricks of the Trade, by Lorenzo Phillips, Sept. 2002
Direct3D ShaderX: Vertex and Pixel Shader Tips and Tricks, by Wolfgang F. Engel (Table of Contents and more; Introduction; Samples 1 & 2), 2002
The OpenGL Extensions Guide, by Eric Lengyel (table of contents and sample, in-depth table of contents)
3D Games, Volume 2: Animation and Advanced Real-Time Rendering, by Alan Watt and Fabio Policarpo (their Fly3D SDK is online), 2003
Game Programming Gems 3, edited by Dante Treglia and Mark DeLoura, 2002 (see the series web site for upcoming volumes)
Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics, by Philip Schneider and David Eberly, Sept. 2002 (companion web site)
Focus On 3D Terrain Programming, by Trent Polack, Dec. 2002 (comes with CD; Publisher's description)
Vector Game Math Processors, by James C. Leiterman, Dec. 2002.
3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development, by Fletcher Dunn and Ian Parberry, Dec. 2002. (more information at their site)
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, by Peter Shirley, July 2002
Real-Time Shading, by Marc Olano et al., July 2002
Level of Detail for 3D Graphics, by David Luebke et al., July 2002 (companion web site)
Advanced 3D Game Development with OpenGL, by David Byttow and Ryan Parker, 2002
Real-Time Shader Programming, by Ron Fosner, Dec. 2002
Jim Blinn's Corner: Notation, Notation, Notation, by Jim Blinn, July 2002
Software Optimization Cookbook, by Richard Gerber, March 2002
Real Time Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX, by Kelly Dempski, 2002
Texturing & Modeling: A Procedural Approach, 3rd Edition, by David Ebert et al., 2002 (companion web site)
Special Effects Game Programming with DirectX 8.0, by Mason McCuskey, 2002
Non-Photorealisting Computer Graphics, by Thomas Strothotte and Stefan Schlechtweg, June 2002 (companion web site)
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics, by Eric Lengyel, 2001
Game Programming Gems 2, edited by Mark DeLoura (Table of Contents and introduction), 2001
OpenGL Game Programming, by Kevin Hawkins and Dave Astle (source code), 2001
Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach, by Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer, 2001 (companion web site and publisher's web site)
Non-Photorealistic Rendering, by Gooch and Gooch, 2001
Computer Animation: Algorithms and Techniques, by Richard Parent, 2001
Practical Algorithms for 3d Computer Graphics, by R. Stuart Ferguson, 2001
Game Programming Gems, edited by Mark DeLoura (Table of Contents and code updates), 2000
Game Engine Design: A Practical Approach to Real-Time Computer Graphics, by Dave Eberly (his code is online), 2000
3D Games, Volume 1: Real-time Rendering and Software Technology, by Alan Watt and Fabio Policarpo (their Fly3D SDK is online), 2000
3D Graphics Programming: Games and Beyond, by Sergei Savchenko, 2000
Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications, by deBerg, Van Kreveld, Overmars, and Schwarzkopf, 2000
Computer Graphics Using OpenGL by F.S. Hill, Jr., 2000 (Table of Contents and sample chapter)
3D Game Engine Design, by David Eberly, Jan. 2001 (companion web site)
Essential Mathematics for Computer Graphics Fast, by John Vince, Oct. 2001
Computer Graphics Through Key Mathematics, by Huw Jones, May 2001
Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications, by Michael Mortenson, 1999
No one knows,and each person can have a significant effect on the way the future turns out.There is no one future,no course that must occur.You create it.
摘自<real-time rendering>的最后一句.
You create it.我很欣赏这句话.
最后我还是以You create it.来结尾.
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