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New Msn Messenger 8.0 Beta invitation :)

哇哈哈 收到了MSN 8.0版本的beta邀请函 下载体验了一下 帅啊。。。 


We'd like you to be among the first to try the beta version of Windows LiveTM Messenger.

If you use MSN?Messenger now, we think you're really going to enjoy Windows Live Messenger. It's as fun and reliable as the Messenger you already know, and you won't lose your contact list or any other personal information when you try this new version. Check it out to experience new ways to connect to your friends via text, voice, video, and more.

                                                                                                 Download now

And in case you were wondering about the name change, Windows Live Messenger is part of a new family of services from Microsoft?that includes Windows Live Mail (now a simpler, safer, faster mail), and (a new personalized homepage experience), to name just a few.


The Windows Live Messenger team

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Once your request is received, we will take prompt action to ensure you do not receive future research e-mails from Microsoft. Keep in mind that opting out of Microsoft "special offer" or research e-mails does not affect any newsletters you may have requested nor restrict important customer communications concerning your Microsoft products. If you have questions about Microsoft privacy policies, please read our privacy statement at:

Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 ?2005 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


界面比较Vista,可以更换背景色 还有QQ共享文件夹的功能  新一代的msn 感觉不错 哈哈。
PS: Beta版本要邀请函激活才能登陆你的id号 听说过两天我就能邀请别人体验,给别人发邀请函了 谁要的可以留言给我。。
过把时髦隐 :-)

posted on 2006-01-14 02:12  Royman.Chen  阅读(1491)  评论(53编辑  收藏  举报