select l_returnflag, l_linestatus, sum(l_quantity) as sum_qty, sum(l_extendedprice) as sum_base_price, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as sum_disc_price, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) * (1 + l_tax)) as sum_charge, avg(l_quantity) as avg_qty, avg(l_extendedprice) as avg_price, avg(l_discount) as avg_disc, count(*) as count_order from lineitem where l_shipdate <= date '1998-12-01' - interval '120' day group by l_returnflag, l_linestatus order by l_returnflag, l_linestatus; select s_acctbal, s_name, n_name, p_partkey, p_mfgr, s_address, s_phone, s_comment from part, supplier, partsupp, nation, region where p_partkey = ps_partkey and s_suppkey = ps_suppkey and p_size = 48 and p_type like '%STEEL' and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'EUROPE' and ps_supplycost = (select min(ps_supplycost) from partsupp, supplier, nation, region where p_partkey = ps_partkey and s_suppkey = ps_suppkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'EUROPE') order by s_acctbal desc, n_name, s_name, p_partkey limit 100; select l_orderkey, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue, o_orderdate, o_shippriority from customer, orders, lineitem where c_mktsegment = 'MACHINERY' and c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and o_orderdate < date '1995-03-23' and l_shipdate > date '1995-03-23' group by l_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_shippriority order by revenue desc, o_orderdate limit 10; select o_orderpriority, count(*) as order_count from orders where o_orderdate >= date '1996-07-01' and o_orderdate < date '1996-07-01' + interval '3' month and exists ( select * from lineitem where l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate ) group by o_orderpriority order by o_orderpriority; select n_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue from customer, orders, lineitem, supplier, nation, region where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and l_suppkey = s_suppkey and c_nationkey = s_nationkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'EUROPE' and o_orderdate >= date '1996-01-01' and o_orderdate < date '1996-01-01' + interval '1' year group by n_name order by revenue desc; select sum(l_extendedprice * l_discount) as revenue from lineitem where l_shipdate >= date '1996-01-01' and l_shipdate < date '1996-01-01' + interval '1' year and l_discount between 0.02 - 0.01 and 0.02 + 0.01 and l_quantity < 24; select supp_nation, cust_nation, l_year, sum(volume) as revenue from (select n1.n_name as supp_nation, n2.n_name as cust_nation, extract(year from l_shipdate) as l_year, l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) as volume from supplier, lineitem, orders, customer, nation n1, nation n2 where s_suppkey = l_suppkey and o_orderkey = l_orderkey and c_custkey = o_custkey and s_nationkey = n1.n_nationkey and c_nationkey = n2.n_nationkey and ((n1.n_name = 'CANADA' and n2.n_name = 'BRAZIL') or (n1.n_name = 'BRAZIL' and n2.n_name = 'CANADA')) and l_shipdate between date '1995-01-01' and date '1996-12-31') as shipping group by supp_nation, cust_nation, l_year order by supp_nation, cust_nation, l_year; select o_year, sum(case when nation = 'BRAZIL' then volume else 0 end) / sum(volume) as mkt_share from (select extract(year from o_orderdate) as o_year, l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) as volume, n2.n_name as nation from part, supplier, lineitem, orders, customer, nation n1, nation n2, region where p_partkey = l_partkey and s_suppkey = l_suppkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and o_custkey = c_custkey and c_nationkey = n1.n_nationkey and n1.n_regionkey = r_regionkey and r_name = 'AMERICA' and s_nationkey = n2.n_nationkey and o_orderdate between date '1995-01-01' and date '1996-12-31' and p_type = 'LARGE ANODIZED COPPER') as all_nations group by o_year order by o_year; select nation, o_year, sum(amount) as sum_profit from (select n_name as nation, extract(year from o_orderdate) as o_year, l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) - ps_supplycost * l_quantity as amount from part, supplier, lineitem, partsupp, orders, nation where s_suppkey = l_suppkey and ps_suppkey = l_suppkey and ps_partkey = l_partkey and p_partkey = l_partkey and o_orderkey = l_orderkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and p_name like '%maroon%') as profit group by nation, o_year order by nation, o_year desc; select c_custkey, c_name, sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue, c_acctbal, n_name, c_address, c_phone, c_comment from customer, orders, lineitem, nation where c_custkey = o_custkey and l_orderkey = o_orderkey and o_orderdate >= date '1993-02-01' and o_orderdate < date '1993-02-01' + interval '3' month and l_returnflag = 'R' and c_nationkey = n_nationkey group by c_custkey, c_name, c_acctbal, c_phone, n_name, c_address, c_comment order by revenue desc limit 20; select ps_partkey, sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) as value from partsupp, supplier, nation where ps_suppkey = s_suppkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_name = 'EGYPT' group by ps_partkey having sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) > (select sum(ps_supplycost * ps_availqty) * 0.0001000000 from partsupp, supplier, nation where ps_suppkey = s_suppkey and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_name = 'EGYPT') order by value desc; select l_shipmode, sum(case when o_orderpriority = '1-URGENT' or o_orderpriority = '2-HIGH' then 1 else 0 end) as high_line_count, sum(case when o_orderpriority <> '1-URGENT' and o_orderpriority <> '2-HIGH' then 1 else 0 end) as low_line_count from orders, lineitem where o_orderkey = l_orderkey and l_shipmode in ('FOB', 'AIR') and l_commitdate < l_receiptdate and l_shipdate < l_commitdate and l_receiptdate >= date '1997-01-01' and l_receiptdate < date '1997-01-01' + interval '1' year group by l_shipmode order by l_shipmode; select c_count, count(*) as custdist from (select c_custkey, count(o_orderkey) as c_count from customer left outer join orders on c_custkey = o_custkey and o_comment not like '%special%deposits%' group by c_custkey) c_orders group by c_count order by custdist desc, c_count desc; select 100.00 * sum(case when p_type like 'PROMO%' then l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount) else 0 end) / sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as promo_revenue from lineitem, part where l_partkey = p_partkey and l_shipdate >= date '1997-06-01' and l_shipdate < date '1997-06-01' + interval '1' month; select s_suppkey, s_name, s_address, s_phone, total_revenue from supplier, revenue0 where s_suppkey = supplier_no and total_revenue = (select max(total_revenue) from revenue0) order by s_suppkey; select p_brand, p_type, p_size, count(distinct ps_suppkey) as supplier_cnt from partsupp, part where p_partkey = ps_partkey and p_brand <> 'Brand#45' and p_type not like 'SMALL ANODIZED%' and p_size in (47, 15, 37, 30, 46, 16, 18, 6) and ps_suppkey not in (select s_suppkey from supplier where s_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%') group by p_brand, p_type, p_size order by supplier_cnt desc, p_brand, p_type, p_size; select sum(l_extendedprice) / 7.0 as avg_yearly from lineitem, part where p_partkey = l_partkey and p_brand = 'Brand#51' and p_container = 'WRAP PACK' and l_quantity < (select 0.2 * avg(l_quantity) from lineitem where l_partkey = p_partkey); select c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice, sum(l_quantity) from customer, orders, lineitem where o_orderkey in (select l_orderkey from lineitem group by l_orderkey having sum(l_quantity) > 312) and c_custkey = o_custkey and o_orderkey = l_orderkey group by c_name, c_custkey, o_orderkey, o_orderdate, o_totalprice order by o_totalprice desc, o_orderdate limit 100; select sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue from lineitem, part where ((p_partkey = l_partkey and p_brand = 'Brand#52' and p_container in ('SM CASE', 'SM BOX', 'SM PACK', 'SM PKG') and l_quantity >= 3 and l_quantity <= 3 + 10 and p_size between 1 and 5 and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG') and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON') or (p_partkey = l_partkey and p_brand = 'Brand#43' and p_container in ('MED BAG', 'MED BOX', 'MED PKG', 'MED PACK') and l_quantity >= 12 and l_quantity <= 12 + 10 and p_size between 1 and 10 and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG') and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON') or (p_partkey = l_partkey and p_brand = 'Brand#52' and p_container in ('LG CASE', 'LG BOX', 'LG PACK', 'LG PKG') and l_quantity >= 21 and l_quantity <= 21 + 10 and p_size between 1 and 15 and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG') and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON')); select s_name, s_address from supplier, nation where s_suppkey in (select ps_suppkey from partsupp where ps_partkey in (select p_partkey from part where p_name like 'drab%') and ps_availqty > (select 0.5 * sum(l_quantity) from lineitem where l_partkey = ps_partkey and l_suppkey = ps_suppkey and l_shipdate >= date '1996-01-01' and l_shipdate < date '1996-01-01' + interval '1' year)) and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_name = 'KENYA' order by s_name; select s_name, count(*) as numwait from supplier, lineitem l1, orders, nation where s_suppkey = l1.l_suppkey and o_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey and o_orderstatus = 'F' and l1.l_receiptdate > l1.l_commitdate and exists (select * from lineitem l2 where l2.l_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey and l2.l_suppkey <> l1.l_suppkey) and not exists (select * from lineitem l3 where l3.l_orderkey = l1.l_orderkey and l3.l_suppkey <> l1.l_suppkey and l3.l_receiptdate > l3.l_commitdate) and s_nationkey = n_nationkey and n_name = 'PERU' group by s_name order by numwait desc, s_name limit 100; select cntrycode, count(*) as numcust, sum(c_acctbal) as totacctbal from (select substring(c_phone from 1 for 2) as cntrycode, c_acctbal from customer where substring(c_phone from 1 for 2) in ('24', '32', '17', '18', '12', '14', '22') and c_acctbal > (select avg(c_acctbal) from customer where c_acctbal > 0.00 and substring(c_phone from 1 for 2) in ('24', '32', '17', '18', '12', '14', '22')) and not exists (select * from orders where o_custkey = c_custkey)) as custsale group by cntrycode order by cntrycode;
1.作者:Syw 2.出处:http://www.cnblogs.com/syw20170419/ 3.本文版权归作者和博客园共有,欢迎转载,但未经作者同意必须保留此段声明,且在文章页面明显位置给出原文连接,否则保留追究法律责任的权利。 4.如果文中有什么错误,欢迎指出。以免更多的人被误导。 |
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