samba服务+vscode 实现代码快速修改生效到服务器上


samba服务+vscode 实现代码快速修改生效到服务器上






  1. yum install -y samba
  2.  vi /etc/samba/smb.conf
    1. # See smb.conf.example for a more detailed config file or
      # read the smb.conf manpage.
      # Run 'testparm' to verify the config is correct after
      # you modified it.
              workgroup = SAMBA
              security = user
              passdb backend = tdbsam
              printing = cups
              printcap name = cups
              load printers = yes
              cups options = raw
              comment = Home Directories
              valid users = %S, %D%w%S
              browseable = No
              read only = No
              inherit acls = Yes
              comment = All Printers
              path = /var/tmp
              printable = Yes
              create mask = 0600
              browseable = No
              comment = Printer Drivers
              path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
              write list = @printadmin root
              force group = @printadmin
              create mask = 0664
              directory mask = 0775
      ### 以下为新增 ###
              comment = user root share files # 随意写,描述用途
              path = /root # 共享linux的目录
              writable = yes #将linux共享的目录实现可写操作
              public = no


    2. 将root用户添加到samba的服务中
      1.   smbpasswd -a root (添加过程中要输入密码,记住该密码,远程登陆的时候需要)
    3.  重启samba服务:systemctl restart smb


  1.  安装samba: sudo apt-get install samba samba-common
  2. 配置smb.conf : vi /etc/samba/smb.conf 在该文件中追加如下代码   


comment = share folder
browseable = yes
path = /root # 要共享的目录
create mask = 0700
directory mask = 0700
valid users = root
force user = root
force group = root
public = yes 
available = yes 
writable = yes



  3. smb添加用户: smbpasswd -a root

  4. 重启smb服务: service smbd restart

step2 本地windows电脑上的操作

  1. 网络连接远程机器的ip,如下图所示


  2. 输入smbpasswd -a root 操作过程中输入的密码

  3. 本地通过网路,成功进入远程linux share的文件目录





step3 vscode 打开本地的网络共享的文件目录root


  1. 网络文件夹驱动映射到本地




 2. vscode打开映射到本地的网络T文件夹,即实现了vscode直接连接远程的linux系统下共享的目录,再改代码,就能实时的联动起来。


1. centos 安装smb :

2. ubuntu 安装smb:

3. 网络映射到本地驱动设置 :


posted @ 2020-03-19 18:24  威威后花园  阅读(3250)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报