config the opengrok

source.war is a web app that runs in tomcat to read the index/xref created by opengork.
opengork.jar is jar package that runs with java to parse the code and build the index/xref/history.
We need first create the index/xref/history by using opengork.jar. Then we set the configuration.xml
for tomcat and show the result in web browser.

  1. Windows.

  2. Ubuntu.

  • install open jdk

  • download opengork

  • download tomcat

  • To run opengork
    java -jar /opt/opengork/lib/opengork.jar
    -c /path/to/universal/ctags
    -s /var/opengrok/src -d /var/opengrok/data -H -P -S -G
    -W /var/opengrok/etc/configuration.xml -U http://localhost:8080/source


java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/var/opengrok/ -jar lib/opengrok.jar -c /usr/bin/ctags -s /home/roger/bin/opengrok-1.2.7/src -d /home/roger/bin/opengrok-1.2.7/data -H -P -S -G -W /home/roger/bin/opengrok-1.2.7/data/configuration.xml

  • config tomcat

    1. copy source.war to E:\swInstallPackage\apache-tomcat-8.5.40-windows-x64\apache-tomcat-8.5.40\webapps
    2. run localhost:8080\source in web browser, a source folder will be created in tomcat's webapps folder
    3. set in xml
      edit web.xml in E:\swInstallPackage\apache-tomcat-8.5.40-windows-x64\apache-tomcat-8.5.40\webapps\source\WEB-INF
  • help for opengrok.jar
    Usage: java -jar opengrok.jar [options] [subDir1 [...]]

    -h, -?, --help
    Display this usage summary.

    Display additional help with -h,--help.

    -A, --analyzer (.ext|prefix.)😦-|analyzer)
    Files with the named prefix/extension should be analyzed
    with the given analyzer, where 'analyzer' may be specified
    using a simple class name (RubyAnalyzer) or language name (C)
    (Note, analyzer specification is case sensitive)
    Ex: -A .foo:CAnalyzer
    will use the C analyzer for all files ending with .FOO
    Ex: -A bar.:Perl
    will use the Perl analyzer for all files starting
    with "BAR" (no full-stop)
    Ex: -A .c:-
    will disable specialized analyzers for all files ending with .c

    -c, --ctags /path/to/ctags
    Path to Universal Ctags
    By default takes the Universal Ctags in PATH.

    Check if current Lucene version matches index version

    -d, --dataRoot /path/to/data/root
    The directory where OpenGrok stores the generated data.

    --depth number
    Scanning depth for repositories in directory structure relative to
    source root. Default is 3.

    -e, --economical
    Economical, consumes less disk space.
    It does not generate hyper text cross reference files offline,
    but will do so on demand, which could be sightly slow.

    -G, --assignTags
    Assign commit tags to all entries in history for all repositories.

    -H, --history
    Enable history.

    -I, --include pattern
    Only files matching this pattern will be examined.
    (supports wildcards, example: -I *.java -I *.c)

    -i, --ignore pattern
    Ignore the named files (prefixed with 'f:')
    or directories (prefixed with 'd:').
    Supports wildcards (example: -i *.so -i *.dll)

    -l, --lock on|off|simple|native
    Set OpenGrok/Lucene locking mode of the Lucene database
    during index generation. "on" is an alias for "simple".
    Default is off.

    --leadingWildCards on|off
    Allow or disallow leading wildcards in a search.

    -m, --memory number
    Amount of memory that may be used for buffering added documents and
    deletions before they are flushed to the directory (default 16.0MB).
    Please increase JVM heap accordingly, too.

    Generate OpenGrok XML manual page.

    --mandoc /path/to/mandoc
    Path to mandoc(1) binary.

    -n, --noIndex
    Do not generate indexes and other data (such as history cache and xref files), but process all other command line options.

    -O, --optimize on|off
    Turn on/off the optimization of the index database
    as part of the indexing step.

    -o, --ctagOpts path
    File with extra command line options for ctags.

    -P, --projects
    Generate a project for each top-level directory in source root.

    -p, --defaultProject /path/to/default/project
    This is the path to the project that should be selected
    by default in the web application (when no other project
    set either in cookie or in parameter). May be used multiple
    times for several projects. Use "all" for all projects.
    You should strip off the source root.

    Pause to await profiler or debugger.

    Print per project percentage progress information.
    (I/O extensive, since one read through directory structure is
    made before indexing, needs -v, otherwise it just goes to the log)

    -Q, --quickScan on|off
    Turn on/off quick context scan. By default, only the first
    1024k of a file is scanned, and a '[..all..]' link is inserted
    when the file is bigger. Activating this may slow the server down.
    (Note: this is setting only affects the web application)

    -q, --quiet
    Run as quietly as possible.
    Sets logging level to WARNING.

    --repository repository
    Generate history for specific repository specified as relative path to source root.
    Can be used multiple times. Assumes history is on.

    -R /path/to/configuration
    Read configuration from the specified file.

    -r, --remote on|off|uionly|dirbased
    Specify support for remote SCM systems.
    on - allow retrieval for remote SCM systems.
    off - ignore SCM for remote systems.
    uionly - support remote SCM for user interface only.
    dirbased - allow retrieval during history index only for repositories
    which allow getting history for directories.

    --renamedHistory on|off
    Enable or disable generating history for renamed files.
    If set to on, makes history indexing slower for repositories
    with lots of renamed files.

    -S, --search
    Search for "external" source repositories and add them.

    -s, --source /path/to/source/root
    The root directory of the source tree.

    --style path
    Path to the subdirectory in the web-application containing the
    requested stylesheet. The factory-setting is: "default".

    --symlink /path/to/symlink
    Allow this symlink to be followed. Option may be repeated.
    By default only symlinks directly under source root directory
    are allowed.

    -T, --threads number
    The number of threads to use for index generation.
    By default the number of threads will be set to the number
    of available CPUs.

    -t, --tabSize number
    Default tab size to use (number of spaces per tab character).

    -U, --uri protocol://webappURI:port/contextPath
    Send the current configuration to the specified webappURI

    Populate the webapp with bare configuration and exit.

    --userPage URL
    Base URL of the user Information provider.
    Example: "".
    Use "none" to disable link.

    --userPageSuffix URL-suffix
    URL Suffix for the user Information provider. Default: "".

    -V, --version
    Print version and quit.

    -v, --verbose
    Set logging level to INFO.

    --webappCtags on|off
    Web application should run ctags when necessary. Default is off.

    -W, --writeConfig /path/to/configuration
    Write the current configuration to the specified file
    (so that the web application can use the same configuration)

posted @ 2019-05-04 22:03  Saymour2008  阅读(188)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报