Xcode 16.2 (16C5032a) 发布下载 - Apple 平台 IDE


Xcode 16.2 (16C5032a) - Apple 平台 IDE

IDE for iOS/iPadOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS/visonOS

请访问原文链接:https://sysin.org/blog/apple-xcode-16/ 查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。


2024 年 12 月 11 日(北京时间 12 日凌晨)

Xcode 16.2 includes SDKs for iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, tvOS 18.2, watchOS 11.2, macOS Sequoia 15.2, and visionOS 2.2. The Xcode 16.2 release supports on-device debugging in iOS 15 and later, tvOS 15 and later, watchOS 7 and later, and visionOS. Xcode 16.2 requires a Mac running macOS Sonoma 14.5 or later.

Xcode 16 的新功能

使用预测代码补全功能和更快的预览功能,将奇思妙想转化为代码。使用显式模块,增强你的构建版本。借助 Instruments 中经过改进的诊断功能和火焰图视图,进一步深入了解 App 的性能表现。借助经过增强的本地化商品指南,向世界各地的更多用户奉上你的 App。

Apple Xcode


下载 Xcode 并使用这些资源为所有 Apple 平台构建应用程序。


Xcode 16.2

December 11, 2024

Xcode 16.2 enables you to develop, test, and distribute apps for all Apple platforms. You can download the platforms you would like to develop for directly from Xcode.

Command Line Tools for Xcode 16.2

December 11, 2024

This package enables UNIX-style development via Terminal by installing command line developer tools, as well as macOS SDK frameworks and headers. Many useful tools are included, such as the Apple LLVM compiler, linker, and Make. If you use Xcode, these tools are also embedded within the Xcode IDE.

Additional Tools for Xcode 16.2

December 11, 2024

This package includes audio, graphics, hardware I/O, and other auxiliary tools. These tools include AU Lab, OpenGL Driver Monitor, OpenGL Profiler, Pixie, Quartz Debug, CarPlay Simulator, HomeKit Accessory Simulator, IO Registry Explorer, Network Link Conditioner, PacketLogger, Printer Simulator, 64BitConversion, Clipboard Viewer, Crash Reporter Prefs, Dictionary Development Kit, Help Indexer, and Modem Scripts.

iOS 18.2 Simulator Runtime

December 11, 2024

Xcode can automatically install simulator runtimes when you build a project or start a new one.

If you need to manually add this simulator, please read Installing and managing Simulator runtimes.

Please note that future simulator runtimes will no longer be available on this website. From your terminal, you can use xcodebuild -downloadPlatform iOS -exportPath <path> command to download the runtime and then xcodebuild -importPlatform <path/simruntime.dmg> to install it.

watchOS 11.2 Simulator Runtime

December 11, 2024

Xcode can automatically install simulator runtimes when you build a project or start a new one.

If you need to manually add this simulator, please read Installing and managing Simulator runtimes.

Please note that future simulator runtimes will no longer be available on this website. From your terminal, you can use xcodebuild -downloadPlatform watchOS -exportPath <path> command to download the runtime and then xcodebuild -importPlatform <path/simruntime.dmg> to install it.

tvOS 18.2 Simulator Runtime

December 11, 2024

Xcode can automatically install simulator runtimes when you build a project or start a new one.

If you need to manually add this simulator, please read Installing and managing Simulator runtimes.

Please note that future simulator runtimes will no longer be available on this website. From your terminal, you can use xcodebuild -downloadPlatform tvOS -exportPath <path> command to download the runtime and then xcodebuild -importPlatform <path/simruntime.dmg> to install it.

visionOS 2.2 Simulator Runtime

December 11, 2024

Xcode can automatically install simulator runtimes when you build a project or start a new one.

If you need to manually add this simulator, please read Installing and managing Simulator runtimes.

Please note that future simulator runtimes will no longer be available on this website. From your terminal, you can use xcodebuild -downloadPlatform visionOS -exportPath <path> command to download the runtime and then xcodebuild -importPlatform <path/simruntime.dmg> to install it.

Kernel Debug Kit 15.2 build 24C101

December 8, 2024

This package contains development & debug versions of the macOS kernel and many I/O Kit families for use with LLDB remote (two-machine) kernel debugging. These files contain full symbolic information, unlike the equivalent files in a normal macOS installation. Also included are LLDB macros useful for kernel debugging and DEVELOPMENT (for every day use) and DEBUG (for much more error checking) kernels built with more assertions and fewer compiler optimizations.

更多:macOS 下载汇总 (系统、应用和教程)

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