VMware Horizon 8 2303 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件



VMware Horizon 架构图像。

Version 2303
Documentation Release Notes
Release Date 2023-03-30

虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件

VMware Horizon

通过高效安全地将 虚拟桌面和应用 从本地部署环境交付到云端,提升 数字化工作空间 体验。


借助 VMware Horizon 更快地扩展虚拟桌面

下载 Principled Technologies 调查报告,了解 VMware Horizon 相对于 Citrix 提供的众多优势。



为您的团队提供可随时随地在任何设备上使用的数字化工作空间。Horizon 虚拟桌面和应用平台深度集成到 VMware 技术生态系统中 (sysin),可为当今的 随处可用的工作空间 提供敏捷的云就绪基础、一流的现代管理和端到端安全性。

  • 从云端进行管理

    使用云端控制台和 SaaS 管理服务,跨私有云、混合云和多云基础架构高效部署、管理、监控和扩展桌面及应用。

  • 进行运维现代化改造

    利用新一代混合 DaaS 体系架构实现传统基础架构转型。自动置备和管理虚拟桌面和应用,同时提供终端用户所需的个性化设置。

  • 提升恢复能力

    采用可扩展的云端平台 (sysin),该平台通过跨私有云和公有云的灵活部署选项提供所需的恢复能力,以便应对所面临的变化。

  • 保护数据并实现合规性

    利用内置在 VMware 基础架构中的 NSX 和原生安全性,确保从任何设备均能安全地远程访问企业资源。与 Carbon Black 集成,利用零信任模式提高安全性。

  • 个性化远程办公


  • 提高 ROI

    以更加灵活、可靠的方式访问资源 (sysin),可节省成本并实现业务价值。

  • 无法参加 VMware Explore?



  • 与 VMware 技术的独特集成

    通过与 VMware Cloud Foundation 集成,提供适合本地部署或云部署的一致数字化体系架构和管理以及 超融合基础架构

  • 优化的桌面和应用交付

    采用 Blast Performance 和 Blast 3D,可提供安全的工作站级性能 (sysin)、丰富多彩的 2D 和 3D 图形以及沉浸式终端用户体验。

  • 现代管理

    通过利用即时克隆技术、VMware App VolumesVMware Dynamic Environment Manager 可部署功能齐全的个性化虚拟桌面和应用,从而实现管理现代化。

  • 全面的环境监控

    使用 vRealize for Horizon 或更精细的桌面指标监控基础架构产品体系的运行状况和性能,使用 ControlUp 确定问题根本原因并进行修复。

  • 灵活的云部署选项

    通过利用 Horizon 控制平面 中的自动化功能和 SaaS 服务,跨本地部署环境、混合云或公有云部署和管理桌面及应用,并提供最新的基础架构。

  • 利用 Workspace ONE Intelligence 实现端到端可见性

    监控、分析和设置虚拟桌面和应用警报 (sysin)。通过利用率指标、容量报告、修复工作流和可自定义的仪表盘,提供基本和高级应用场景。


Deployment Options


Horizon 订阅服务的版本

  • Horizon Universal Subscription


    • Windows and Linux VDI and application delivery
    • Advanced security and user experience features
    • vSAN entitlement
    • Flexibility to deploy on an on-premises private cloud and/or in the public cloud
    • SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI environments
    • SaaS services to deploy, manage, and monitor VDI and app environments across cloud
  • Horizon Standard Plus Subscription


    • Windows VDI
    • Essential security and user experience features
    • Single cloud deployment on an on-premises private or public vSphere cloud
    • SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI environments
  • Horizon Enterprise Plus Subscription

    借助用于单一云部署的精选云管理服务出色地交付桌面和应用 (sysin)。

    • Windows and Linux VDI and application delivery
    • Essential security and user experience features
    • vSAN entitlement
    • Single cloud deployment on an on-premises private or public vSphere cloud
    • SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI and app environments
  • Horizon Apps Universal Subscription


    • Windows and Linux virtual application delivery
    • Advanced set of security and user experience features
    • Flexibility to deploy on-premises and/or in the cloud
    • SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI environments
    • SaaS services to deploy, manage, and monitor VDI and app environments across clouds
  • Horizon Apps Standard Subscription

    借助用于本地部署或云部署的基本云管理服务轻松交付应用 (sysin)。

    • Windows and Linux virtual application delivery
    • Standard management features
    • Essential security and user experience features
    • Single cloud deployment on-premises private or in the public cloud
    • SaaS services that optimize and automate tasks in VDI environments


什么是 VMware Horizon?

VMware Horizon 是一个现代平台,可跨混合云运行并交付虚拟桌面和应用。对于管理员而言,这意味着简单、自动化且安全的桌面和应用管理 (sysin)。对于用户而言,它可以跨设备和位置提供一致的体验。

什么是 VMware Horizon Client?

VMware Horizon Client 是一款软件,让您能够将 VMware Horizon 虚拟桌面连接到所选设备,从而随时随地进行移动访问。此软件适用于 Windows、Mac、iOS、Linux、Chrome 和 Android,可从 my.vmware.com/cn 进行下载。

如何在 VMware Horizon 中创建 VDI?

借助 VMware Horizon,您可以设置和管理虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI)。实现方法是创建和置备桌面池以进行集中式管理 (sysin)。有关使用 Horizon 设置 VDI 的更多信息,请参阅 Horizon 文档中心

VMware Horizon 的工作原理

VMware Horizon 在数据中心或云环境中运行远程桌面和应用,并将它们作为代管服务提供给员工。它提供跨私有云和公有云(例如 Microsoft Azure、VMware Cloud™ on AWS、Google Cloud VMware Engine 和 VMware Cloud on Dell EMC)的灵活部署选项。阅读 技术区文章 以了解更多信息。

VMware Horizon 是 VPN 吗?

VMware Horizon 不是虚拟专用网络 (VPN)。它使用 Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 来支持对 Horizon 的安全远程访问。它支持通过 VPN 远程访问桌面和应用,但通常不需要 VPN。有关更多信息,请阅读 博客文章

什么是 VMware Horizon 控制平面服务?

借助可以将授权联系起来并统一管理的云服务,Horizon 控制平面可以跨 Horizon 环境、本地部署环境和云环境简化和自动化管理 (sysin)。单击以详细了解每项 Horizon 控制平面服务







VMware Horizon 8 Enterprise

VMware Horizon 8 2303 Enterprise, 2023-03-30

  • Horizon Connection Server (64-bit)
    File size: 326.24 MB
    File type: exe
    Name: VMware-Horizon-Connection-Server-x86_64-8.9.0-21507980.exe
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21507980
    Horizon Connection Server (64-bit)
    Connection Server to provision and manage desktops
    MD5SUM: 590cbd38d9fdc575029010694a069464
    SHA1SUM: 1c4629b923940c9d25ed7248f9f6d11b2bb5a144
    SHA256SUM: 1383def2597a712f546878ec5049310ddc759372b95620d1ce8e5d62c4e45071
  • Horizon Recording Server
    File size: 81.06 MB
    File type: exe
    Name: HorizonRecordingServer-1.7.7.exe
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21386611
    Horizon Recording Server
    Server to manage recording of virtual sessions
    MD5SUM: 0bf16dc1d84d95f7399f4145fa8b4880
    SHA1SUM: 90b3be25aab2a65d2d2a8b144e6a6e2224639dcc
    SHA256SUM: b285142e7602f0f78974e23c9ff0967c5f3c392c16924772d4d0e494026ab88b
  • Horizon Agent (64-bit)
    File size: 238.54 MB
    File type: exe
    Name: VMware-Horizon-Agent-x86_64-2303-8.9.0-21435111.exe
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21435111
    Horizon Agent (64-bit)
    Guest agent required for each remote desktop
    MD5SUM: b5af9008c9b882ad706c6b448d887f3d
    SHA1SUM: 933a44f83cff4f5d5240a753c16139d884600867
    SHA256SUM: 12bde5b2d72b438a49d6c9092ac6c26bcd97eafaa7c74d3ce428b13e665a44b0
  • Horizon Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit)
    File size: 48.15 MB
    File type: exe
    Name: VMware-Horizon-Agent-Direct-Connection-x86_64-8.9.0-21435111.exe
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21435111
    Horizon Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit)
    An installable plugin to support direct connect and Horizon Air
    MD5SUM: a54a1fff5537c0342eaf63c71c9ba52e
    SHA1SUM: b6010b29961b6111eb61c12247287b9a58a796e7
    SHA256SUM: 6ab0ec4b7c13b7fd29517ed48a65959cd9dcddf9d040737f5b49785c392baa01
  • Horizon Agent for 64-bit Linux
    File size: 126.72 MB
    File type: gz
    Name: VMware-horizonagent-linux-x86_64-2303-8.9.0-21434177.tar.gz
    Release Date: 2023-03-16
    Build Number: 21434177
    Horizon Agent for 64-bit Linux
    VMware Horizon agent for systems running 64-bit Linux
    MD5SUM: 0c02b5fd033870ded3f109e3ab67e7a1
    SHA1SUM: d30865b50bf34cecab0271c08f20210ff6c8366d
    SHA256SUM: 22697d1bd2b8ce939fd3c01028c07bad932c8c495ca31e6b7ccde0e3a07db5a0
  • Horizon Agent for 64-bit Redhat8.x Linux
    File size: 121.09 MB
    File type: rpm
    Name: VMware-horizonagent-linux-2303-8.9.0-21434177.el8.x86_64.rpm
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21434177
    Horizon Agent for 64-bit Redhat8.x Linux
    VMware Horizon agent for system running 64-bit Redhat 8.x Linux
    MD5SUM: b07c3f02150a42b97f74ce429d8cf5c6
    SHA1SUM: 60f915beb9583dd7cce59914537877cc4393f417
    SHA256SUM: 8d6ae2f29cf9fdf517168e6b994ef9153649051c477897a98d44a92a4d98c97c
  • Horizon Linux Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit)
    File size: 39.15 MB
    File type: gz
    Name: VMware-horizonagent-linux-vadc-x86_64-2303-8.9.0-21434177.tar.gz
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21434177
    Horizon Linux Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit)
    VMware Horizon Linux Agent Direct-Connection (64-bit) installer
    MD5SUM: 95e52803cd5849a0d5485ede6039c900
    SHA1SUM: c9003b1c0b1bc56d8681338894589e2b9ab0d293
    SHA256SUM: 580af1e445328d148405fb26936d7c98730793eb638ac14404261545a9a2fb55
  • Horizon Recording Agent
    File size: 11.46 MB
    File type: exe
    Name: HorizonRecordingAgent-1.7.8.exe
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21386611
    Horizon Recording Agent
    Agent software that records virtual sessions
    MD5SUM: d290663a01ae793ae96fc6b2316c0f13
    SHA1SUM: 9199b5752fc2fdf27db3a3b4f8c514dd95e5f2d9
    SHA256SUM: 066b65acefa9604cad0c6fc3c11fffa5922645e2b187d809382771d6618be332
  • Horizon HTML Access Direct-Connection
    File size: 8.39 MB
    File type: zip
    Name: VMware-Horizon-View-HTML-Access-2303-8.9.0-21414280.zip
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21414280
    Horizon HTML Access Direct-Connection
    Web server static content for supporting HTML Access with Horizon Agent Direct-Connection
    MD5SUM: c9828526aa7e29b542b745fc7c9056fa
    SHA1SUM: e301dbd94dabd4830ab102a4789a9a9e27338af3
    SHA256SUM: 850f6fa7f24d803b73c708e1ba1b2423a58d5d7c38e247cb164e4ec6f0535c26
  • Horizon GPO Bundle
    File size: 924.25 KB
    File type: zip
    Name: VMware-Horizon-Extras-Bundle-2303-8.9.0-21444108.zip
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    Build Number: 21444108
    Horizon GPO Bundle
    Zip file containing various ADM template files to configure Horizon functionality
    MD5SUM: 1d58bf5cfa9a9dbe6f1a2519c91722b7
    SHA1SUM: 821a249fbfd9f858f6e6b3879b5e8ca6e744d4ae
    SHA256SUM: 9aedd7538cbaa32210b1da6bf9bd09752e014bf84329598fb914e98fadd20b73

Unified Access Gateway Enterprise files. For use with Horizon Enterprise.

  • Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for vSphere, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud (Non-FIPS)
    File size: 2.33 GB
    File type: ova
    Name: euc-unified-access-gateway-
    Release Date: 2023-03-14
    Build Number: 21401666
    Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for vSphere, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud (Non-FIPS)
    Deploy VMWare Tunnel or Content Gateway using Unified Access Gateway virtual appliance.
    MD5SUM: 279fe1127826978db6f555f381a66382
    SHA1SUM: ec456f8123e3baedb591b6a0f2f3a224f91739ed
    SHA256SUM: 7ffd2f59f222f71503a755a651cdc22e411aad6745c97f7b31ef5a27d91a2f45
  • Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for vSphere (FIPS) (N/A)
    File size: 1.98 GB
    File type: ova
    Name: euc-unified-access-gateway-fips-
    Release Date: 2023-03-14
    Build Number: 21401664
    Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for vSphere (FIPS)
    Deploy VMWare Tunnel or Content Gateway using Unified Access Gateway FIPS virtual appliance
    MD5SUM: 28a8c48d2923d3de0d11791963383795
    SHA1SUM: faa61e02c469cb52415c2ace3d417e9912652713
    SHA256SUM: 34ecc2bd2a04ed559516135e6baa2689f9d6acaeeccc81b93b19b58634dd2582
  • Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for Microsoft Azure (N/A)
    File size: 2.23 GB
    File type: zip
    Name: euc-unified-access-gateway-
    Release Date: 2023-03-14
    Build Number: 21401667
    Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for Microsoft Azure
    Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 for Microsoft Azure Non-FIPS
    MD5SUM: c0cc1b2bec2d0d4def23e108aea5f8ef
    SHA1SUM: 97c57c728ddc4d988fa99d2b10a73cc5241a7052
    SHA256SUM: 968d062f9092a425a40410202ee3c9f3fe31ab13cd822a3a832ccad845e46797
  • Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 PowerShell Scripts (N/A)
    File size: 95.1 KB
    File type: zip
    Name: uagdeploy-
    Release Date: 2023-03-14
    Build Number: 21401666
    Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 PowerShell Scripts
    Unified Access Gateway (UAG) 2303 PowerShell Scripts
    MD5SUM: e1e5dce8316c897b30f7ee1f2ea22fcf
    SHA1SUM: 11126e64268bb45fda14011bdf849c67115ed8f0
    SHA256SUM: e981698fee00e59b6e294ecb5b93ca742190b058d8dec27babac436ee60c4a5c

VMware Horizon Client 8, version 2303


  • VMware Horizon Client for Windows
    VMware Horizon Client for Windows (Include)
  • VMware Horizon Client for Mac
    VMware Horizon Client for macOS (Include)
  • VMware Horizon Client for Linux
    VMware Horizon Client for 32-bit Linux (Include in 2012, no update)
    VMware Horizon Client for 64-bit Linux (Include)
    VMware Horizon Client for Linux tarball version (Include)
  • VMware Horizon Client for iOS
    VMware Horizon Client for iOS devices -> App Store
  • VMware Horizon Client for Android
    VMware Horizon Client for Android 32-bit x86-based devices (Include)
    VMware Horizon Client for Android 64-bit x86-based devices (Include)
    VMware Horizon Client for Android 32-bit ARM-based devices (Include)
    VMware Horizon Client for Android 64-bit ARM-based devices (Include)
    VMware Horizon Client for Android devices from Google Play store -> 点击下载
    VMware Horizon Client for Kindle Fire in Amazon Appstore for Android -> 点击下载
  • VMware Horizon Client for Chrome
    VMware Horizon Client for Chrome devices -> 点击下载

VMware App Volumes 4, version 2303, 2023-03-30

  • App Volumes ISO File
    File size: 586.95 MB
    File type: ISO
    Name: VMware_App_Volumes_v4.10.0.27_10032023.ISO
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    App Volumes ISO File
    VMware App Volumes desktop product disk image file
    MD5SUM: 71f72ff7ea2346290a0042af75455bbc
    SHA1SUM: aebbff557b19ef453aa75d048011d0cff96400e9
    SHA256SUM: 3a1414329d30b03a09f8dc61aeea54cc1ebd201fec93e595576f9c4da7175fd8

VMware Dynamic Environment Manager Enterprise 2303, 2023-03-30

  • VMware Dynamic Environment Manager
    File size: 36.4 MB
    File type: zip
    Name: VMware-DEM-Enterprise-2303-10.9-GA.zip
    Release Date: 2023-03-30
    VMware Dynamic Environment Manager
    Contains all Dynamic Environment Manager installation files and administrative templates
    MD5SUM: 8b32c11b430f961d07741012b0b7f309
    SHA1SUM: d88b53d47095ecd5f8d21a51dd88fe6a2ebbc676
    SHA256SUM: c4881fc455b09d5591a87e1d2c784383a607a37280ef5dad6b8103784e8ae0f4

VMware ThinApp 2212, 2023-01-12

No update: VMware Horizon 8 2212 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件

VMware Workspace ONE Access, 2022-12-13

No update: VMware Horizon 8 2212 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件


上一版本:VMware Horizon 8 2212 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件

汇总页面:VMware Horizon 8 下载汇总 - 虚拟桌面基础架构 (VDI) 和应用软件

posted @ 2023-04-10 17:43  sysin  阅读(503)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报