
SystemVerilog -- 11.4 SystemVerilog Assertions with time delay

SystemVerilog Assertions with time delay


## Operator


module tb;
  bit a, b;
  bit clk;

  // This is a sequence that says 'b' should be high 2 clocks after 
  // 'a' is found high. The sequence is checked on every positive
  // edge of the clock which ultimately ends up having multiple 
  // assertions running in parallel since they all span for more 
  // than a single clock sycle.
  sequence s_ab;
    @(posedge clk) a ##2 b;

  // Print a display statement if the assertion passed
  assert property(s_ab)
    $display ("[%0d] Assertion passed !", $time);
  always #10 clk = ~clk;

  initial begin
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) begin
      @(poseedge clk);
      a <= $random;
      b <= $random;
      $display ("[%0t] a=%b b=%b", $time, a, b);
  #20 $finish;
Time(ns) a b Sequence Start Result
10 0 No FAIL (Start@10, Fail@10)
30 0 0->1 No FAIL (Start@30, Fail@30)
50 1 Yes
70 1 Yes
90 1 Yes FAIL (Start@50, Fail@90)
110 1 Yes PASS (Start@70, Fail@110)
130 0 No PASS (Start@90, Fail@130)
150 1 1->0 Yes PASS (Start@110, Fail@150)
170 1 0->1 Yes
190 1 Yes FAIL (Start@150, Fail@190)


Compiler version P-2019.06-1; Runtime version P-2019.06-1; Dec 11 15:26 2019
[10]  a=0
"testbench.sv", 12: tb.unnamed$$_0: started at 10ns failed at 10ns
  Offending '$rose(a)'
[30]  a=1
[50]  a=1
[70]  a=1
[90]  a=1
[110] a=1
[130] a=1
[150] a=0
"testbench.sv", 12: tb.unnamed$$_0: started at 150ns failed at 150ns
  Offending '$rose(a)'
[170] a=1
[190] a=1
$finish called from file "testbench.sv", line 27.
$finish at simulation time        210

posted on 2024-05-10 21:38  松—松  阅读(30)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
