
SystemVerilog -- 3.10 SystemVerilog Functions

SystemVerilog Functions




  • function不能具有时间控制语句,如@ # fork join wait
  • function无法启动task,因为允许task消耗模拟时间。

ANSI-C style declaration

module tb;
  // There are two ways to call the function:
  initial begin
    // 1. Call function and assign value to a variable, and then use variable
    int s = sum(3, 4);
    $display ("sum(3, 4) = %0d", s);

    // 2. Call function and directly use value returned
    $display ("sum(5, 9) = %0d", sum(5, 9));
    $display ("mul(3, 1) = %0d", mul(3, 1));

  // This function returns value of type "byte", and accepts two arguments "x" and "y". A return variable of the same name as function is implicitly declared and hence "sum" can be directly assigned without having to declare a separate return variable
  function byte sum (int x, int y);
    sum = x + y;

  // Instead of assigning to "mul", the computed value can be returned using "return" keyword
  function byte mul (int x, y);
    return x * y;


ncsim> run
sum(3,4) = 7
sum(5,9) = 14
mul(3,1) = 3
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

Using declarations and directions

尽管后来在Verilog中引入了ANSI-C样式的声明,但端口方向的旧式声明仍然有效。SystemVerilog function可以将参数声明为输入和输出端口,如以下示例所示。

module tb;
  initial begin
     int res, s;
     s = sum(5, 9);
     $display ("s = %0d", sum(5, 9));
     $display ("sum(5, 9) = %0d", sum(5, 9));
     $display ("mul(3, 1) = %0d", mul(3, 1, res));
     $display ("res = %0d", res);

  // Function has an 8-bit return value and accepts two inputs and provides the result through its output port and return val
  function bit [7:0] sum;
    input int x, y;
    output sum;
    sum = x + y;

  // Same as above but ports are given inline
  function byte mul (input int x, y, output int res);
    res = x * y + 1;
    return x * y


ncsim> run
s = 14
sum(5,9) = 14
mul(3,1) = 3
res = 4
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

How to pass arguments by value ?


module tb;
  initial begin
    int a, res;
    // 1. Let's pick a random value from 1 to 10 and assign to "a"
    a = $urandom_range(1, 10);
    // Function is called with "" which is the default mode
    res = fn(a);

    // Even if value of a is changed inside the function, it is not reflected here
    $display ("After calling fn: a=%0d res=%0d", a, res);

  // This function accepts arguments in "pass by value" mode and hence copies whatever arguments it gets into this local variable called "a".
  function int fn (int a);
    // Any change to this local variable is not reflected in the main variable declared above within the initial block
    a = a + 5;

    // Return some computed value
    return a * 10;



ncsim> run
Before calling fn: a=2 res=0
After calling fn: a=2 res=70
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

How to pass arguments by reference ?


// Use "ref" to make this function accept arguments by reference
// Also make the function automatic
function automatic int fn (ref int a);
  // Any change to this local variable will be reflected in the main variable declared within the initial block
  a = a + 5;
  // Return some computed value
  return a * 10;
Its illegal to use argument passing by reference for subroutines with a lifetime of `static`


ncsim> run
Before calling fn: a=2 res=0
After calling fn: a=7 res=70
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

posted on 2024-05-06 21:45  松—松  阅读(198)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
