
SystemVerilog -- 3.7 SystemVerilog 'unique' and 'priority' if-else

SystemVerilog 'unique' and 'priority' if-else

条件语句用于决定是否执行语句。if else

SystemVerilog 引入了一下用于违规检查的构造。if else

  • unique-if
  • unique0-if
  • priority-if

unique-if, unique0-if


  • 当所有条件都不匹配时,报告错误,除非有显示。if else
  • 当在条件中找到超过1个匹配项时报告ERORR。if else
Unlike unique-if, unique0-if does not report a violation if none of the conditions match

No else block for unique-if

module tb;
  int x = 4;

  initial begin
    // This if else if construct is declared to be "unique"
    // Error is not reported here because there is a "else"
    // clause in the end which will be triggered when none of the conditions match
    unique if (x == 3)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);
    else if (x == 5)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);
      $display ("x is neither 3 nor 5");

    // When none of the conditions become true and there is no "else" clause, then an error is reported
    unique if (x == 3)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);
    eles if (x == 5)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);


ncsim> run
x is neither 3 nor 5
ncsim: *W,NOCOND: Unique if violation: Every if clause was false.
        File: ./testbench.sv, line = 18, pos = 13
        Scope: tb
        Time: 0 FS + 1
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

Multiple matches in unique-if

module tb;
  int x = 4;

  initial begin
    // This if else if construct is declared to be "unique"
    // When multiple if blocks match, then error is reported
    unique if (x == 4)
      $display ("1. x is %0d", x);
    else if ()
      $display ("2. x is %0d", x);
      $display ("x is not 4");


ncsim> run
1. x is 4
ncsim: *W,NOCOND: Unique if violation: Multiple true if clauses at {line=8:pos=15 and line=10:pos=13}.
        File: ./testbench.sv, line = 8, pos = 15
        Scope: tb
        Time: 0 FS + 1
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.



  • 没有一个条件为真,或者如果最终构造没有子句。else if

No else clause in priority-if

module tb;
  int x = 4;

  initial begin
    // This if else if construct is declared to be "priority"
    // Error is not reported here because there is a "else"
    // clause in the end which will be triggered when none of the conditions match
    priority if (x == 3)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);
    else if (x == 5)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);
      $display ("x is neither 3 nor 5");

    // When none of the conditions become true and there is no "else" clause, then an error is reported
    priority if (x == 3)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);
    else if (x == 5)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);


ncsim> run
x is neither 3 nor 5
ncsim: *W,NOCOND: Unique if violation: Every if clause was false.
        File: ./testbench.sv, line = 18, pos = 15
        Scope: tb
        Time: 0 FS + 1
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

Exit after first match in priority-if

module tb;
  int x = 4;

  initial begin
    // Exits if-else block once the first match is found
    priority if (x == 4)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);
    else if (x != 5)
      $display ("x is %0d", x);


ncsim> run
x is 4
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

posted on 2024-05-05 20:44  松—松  阅读(64)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
