SystemVerilog -- 2.12 Data Types ~ SystemVerilog Structure
SystemVerilog Structure
// Normal arrays -> a collection of variables of same data type
int array [10]; // all elements are of int type
bit [7:0] mem [256]; // all elements are of bit type
// Structures -> a collection of variables of different data types
struct {
byte val1;
int val2;
string val3;
}; struct_name;
struct {
[list of variables]
} struct_name;
Unpacked Structures
Structure Example
module tb;
// Create a structure called "st_fruit"
// which to store the fruit's name, count and expiry date in days.
// Note : this structure declaration can also be placed outside the module
struct {
string fruit;
int count;
byte expiry;
} st_fruit;
initial begin
// st_fruit is a structure variable, so let's initialize it
st_fruit = '{"apple", 4, 15};
// Display the structure variable
$display ("st_fruit = %p", st_fruit);
// Change fruit to pineapple, and expiry to 7
st_fruit.fruit = "pineapple";
st_fruit.expiry = 7;
$display ("st_fruit = %p", st_fruit);
ncsim> run
st_fruit = '{fruit:"apple", count:4, expiry:'hf}
st_fruit = '{fruit:"pineapple", count:4, expiry:'hf}
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete
What is the need to typedef a structure ?
module tb;
// Create a structure called "st_fruit"
// which to store the fruit's name, count and expiry date in days
// Note : this structure declaration can also be placed outside the module
typedef struct {
string fruit;
int count;
byte expiry;
} st_fruit;
initial begin
// st_fruit is a data tyoe, so we need to declare a varible of this data type
st_fruit fruit1 = '{"apple", 4, 15};
st_fruit fruit2;
// Display the structure variable
$display ("fruit1 = %p fruit2 = %p", fruit1, fruit2);
// Assign one structure variable to another and print
// Note that contents of this variable is copied into the other
fruit2 = fruit1;
$display ("fruit1 = %p fruit2 = %p", fruit1, fruit2);
// Change fruit1 to see if fruit2 is affected
fruit1.fruit = "orange";
$display ("fruit1 = %p fruit2 = %p", fruit1, fruit2);
ncsim> run
fruit1 = '{fruit:"apple", count:4, expiry:'hf} fruit2 = '{fruit:"", count:0, expiry:'h0}
fruit1 = '{fruit:"apple", count:4, expiry:'hf} fruit2 = '{fruit:"apple", count:4, expiry:'hf}
fruit1 = '{fruit:"orange", count:4, expiry:'hf} fruit2 = '{fruit:"apple", count:4, expiry:'hf}
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete
Packed Structures
Packed Structures是一种将向量细分为字段的机制,这些字段可以作为成员访问,并在内存中打包在一起,没有间隙。Structure中的第一个成员是最重要的,随后的成员按重要性递减的顺序排列。
使用关键字声明Packed Structure,默认情况下该关键字是无符号的。packed
// Create a "packed" structure data type which is similar to creating
// bit [7:0] ctrl_reg
// ctrl_reg [0] represents en
// ctrl_reg [3:1] represents cfg
// ctrl_reg [7:4] represents mode
typedef struct packed {
bit [3:0] mode;
bit [2:0] cfg;
bit en;
} st_ctr1;
module tb;
st_ctr1 ctrl_reg;
initial begin
// Initialize paacked structure variable
ctrl_reg = '{4'ha, 3'h5, 1};
// Change packed structure member to something else
ctrl_reg.mode = 4'h3
$display ("ctrl_reg = %p", ctrl_reg);
// Assign a packed value to the structure variable
ctrl_reg = 8'hfa;
$display ("ctrl_reg = %p", ctrl_reg);
ncsim> run
ctrl_reg = '{mode:'ha, cfg:'h5, en:'h1}
ctrl_reg = '{mode:'h3, cfg:'h5, en:'h1}
ctrl_reg = '{mode:'hf, cfg:'h5, en:'h0}
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete