
SystemVerilog -- 2.3 Data Types ~ SystemVerilog Strings

SystemVerilog Strings

What is a SystemVerilog string ?



string variable_name [=initial_value];


SystemVerilog String Example

module tb;
  // Declare a string variable called "dialog" to store string literals
  // Initialize the variable to "Hello!"
  string    dialog = "Hello!";

  initial begin
    // Display the string using %s string format
    $display ("%s", dialog);

    // Iterate through the string variable to identify individual characters and print
    foreach (dialog[i]) begin
      $display ("%s", dialog[i]);


ncsim> run
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete

How are strings represented in Verilog ?

单个 ASCII 字符需要 8 位(1字节),要存储字符串,我们需要与字符串中的字符数一样多的字节。

reg [16*8-1:0] my_string;         // Can store 16 characters

my_string = "How are you";        // 5 zeros are padded from MSB, and 11 char are stored
my_string = "How are you doing?"  // 19 characters; my_string will get "w are you doing?"

String Operators

Operator Semantics
Eqquality Str1 == Str2 Returns 1 if the two strings are equal and 0 if they are not
Inequality Str != Str2 Returns 1 if the two strings are not equal and 0 if they are
Comparison Str1 < Str2
Str1 <= Str2
Str1 > Str2
Str1 >= Str2
Returns 1 if the correspondig condition is true and 0 if false
Concatenation All strings will be concatenated into one resultant string
Replication {multiplier{Str}} Replicates the string N number of times, where N is specified by the multiplier
Indexing Str[index] Returns a byte, the ASCII code at the given index. If given index is out of range, it returns 0
Methods Str,.method([args]) The dot(.) operator is used to call string functions


module tb;
  string firstname = "Joey";
  string lastname  = "Tribbiani";

  initial begin
    // String Equality : Check if firstname equals or not equals lastname
    if (firstname == lastname)
      $display ("firstname=%s is EQUAL to lastname=%s", firstname, lastname);

    if (firstname != lastname)
      $display ("firstname=%s is NOT EQUAL to lastname=%s", firstname, lastname);

    // String comparison :  Check if length of fistname < length of lastname
    if (firstname < lastname)
      $display ("firstname=%s is LESS THAN to lastname=%s", firstname, lastname);

    // String comparison :  Check if length of fistname > length of lastname
    if (firstname > lastname)
      $display ("firstname=%s is GREATER THAN to lastname=%s", firstname, lastname);

    // String concatenation : Join first and last names into a single string
    $display ("Full Name = %s", {firstname, "", lastname});

    // String Replication
    $display ("%s", {3{firstname}});

    // String Indexing : Get the ASCII character at index number 2 of both first and last names
    $display ("firstnamep[2]=%s lastname[2]=%s", firstnamep[2], lastname[2]);


ncsim> run
firstname=Joey is NOT EQUAL to lastname=Tribbiani
firstname=Joey is NOT LESS THAN to lastname=Tribbiani
Full Name = Joey Tribbiani
firstname[2]=e lastname[2]=i
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete

Basic String Methods

Usage Defination Comments
str.len() function int len(); Returns the number of characters in the string
str.putc() function void putc (int i, byte c); Returns the i-th character in the string with the given character
str.getc() function byte getc (int i); Returns the ASCII code of the i-th character in str
str.tolower() function string tolower(); Returns a string with characters in str converted to lowercase
str.compare(s) function int compare(string s); Compares str and s, as in the ANSI C strcmp function
str.icompare(s) function int icompare (string s); Compares str and s, like the ANSI C strcmp function
str.substr(i, j) function string substr (int i, int j); Returns a new string that is a substring formed by characters in position i through j of str


module tb;
  string str = "Hello World!";
  initial begin
    string tmp;

    // Print length of string "str"
    $display ("str.en() = %0d", str.len());

    // Assign to tmp variable and put char "s" at index 3
    tmp = str;
    tmp.pubc (3, "d");
    $display ("str.getc(2) = %s (%0d)", str.getc(2), str.getc(2));

    // Get the character at index 2
    $display ("str.tolower() = %s", str.tolower());

    // Convert all characters to lower case
    $display ("str.tolower() = %s", str.tolower());

    // Comparison
    tmp = "Hello World!";
    $display ("[tmp, str are same] str.compare(tmp) = %d", str.compare(tmp));
    tmp = "Hello are you ?";
    $display ([tmp, str are diff] str.compare(tmp) = %d", str.compare(tmp));

    // Ignore case comparison
    tmp = "hello world!";
    $display ("[tmp is in lowercase] str.compare(tmp) = %d", str.compare(tmp));
    tmp = "Hello World!";
    $display (("[tmp, str are same] str.compare(tmp) = %d", str.compare(tmp));
    // Extract new string from i to j
    $display ("str.substr(4,8)=%s", str.substr (4,8));


str.len() = 12
str.putc(3, d) = Hello World!
str.getc(2) = 1 (108)
str.tolower() = hello world!
[tmp, str are same] str.compare(tmp) = 0
[tmp, str are diff] str.compare(tmp) = -1
[tmp is in lowercase] str.compare(tmp) = -1
[tmp, str are same] str.compare(tmp) = 0
str.sbstr(4,8) = o Wor

String Conversion Methods

/ / /
str.atoi() function integer atoi(); Returns the integer corresponding to the ASCII decimal representation in str
str.atohex() function integer atohex(); Interprets the string as hexadecimal
str.atooct() function integer atooct(); Interprets the string as octal
str.atobin() function integer atobin(); Interprets the string as binary
str.atoreal() function real atoreal(); Returns the real number corresponding to the ASCII decimal representation in str
str.itoa(i) function void itoa(integer i); Stores the ASCII decimal representation of i into str
str.hextoa(i) function void hextoa(integer i); Stores the ASCII hexadecimal representation of i into str
str.octtoa(i) function void octtoa(integer i); Stores the ASCII octal representation of i into str
str.bintoa(i) function void bintoa(integer i); Stores the ASCII binary representation of i into str
str.realtoa(r) function void realtoa(real r); Stores the ASCII real representation of i into str

posted on 2024-04-29 21:46  松—松  阅读(29)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
