English Square
1.She showed manifest lack of interest. 她明显不感兴趣。
2. That’s just a side issue. 那不是主要问题。
3. Was that a tacit approval? 默认了?
4. Don’t let the genie out of the bottle. 会一发而不可收。
5. Not a moment too soon. 差一点来不及。
6. You can’t have your cake and eat it. 鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。
7. This issue is too hot to handle. 这件事很棘手。
8. Stop bickering! 为一点小事吵什么?
9. That’s just a cloak for / cover story. 那只是他的幌子。
10. So help me, I will never let you off. 我保证不会放过你。
1. My jaw dropped. 我大吃一惊。
2. Opposition was feeble. 没遇到什么反对。
3. Don’t rise to the bait. 别上钩。
4. I could have bitten my tongue off. 我恨不得抽自己。
5. I’m filled with remorse. 我满怀愧疚。
6. We all have human frailties. 人无完人。
7. I can feel it in my bones. 我有预感。
8. It’s come to the crunch now. 非做决定不可了。
9. Good things come in small packages. 浓缩的都是精品。
10. The guy couldn't be more servile. 瞧他那点头哈腰的样子。
1. 1. She’s solid behind me. 她完全支持我。
2. I’m a man of pronounced views. 我向来观点鲜明。
3. Your accusation is baseless. 你的指责毫无道理。
4. We're not a fly-by-night operator. 我们不做一锤子买卖。
5. Red flag. 危险!
6. He runs after anyone in skirts. 他玩弄女性。
7. How could you lay it at my door? 你怎么能说是我的责任呢?
8. My heart was in my mouth. 我的心都提到嗓子眼了。
9. I’m such a scatterbrain. 我总爱丢三落四。
10. I don’t really have the gift of gab. 我口才不是很好。
1. You seem subdued. Are you all right? 你好像有点没精神。有什么心事吗?
2. No spells no. 我说不行就不行(没必要再讨论了)。
3. Don’t bulldoze me. 别逼我。
4. He got this zen look on his face. 他摆出一副无所谓的样子。
5. Their smiles were plastic. 他们的笑太假了。
6. He lacks personality. 他没有个性。
7. Roger! 收到!(OK,知道了)
8. I couldn’t find my bearings. 我有点找不着北。
9. I salivate over your beauty, sugar. 宝贝儿我对你的美色垂涎三尺。
1. Hey, that’s mine. Fork it over! 喂,那是我的。拿过来!
2. Don’t worry. I’m the soul of discretion. 放心吧。我嘴很严的(我不会跟别人说)。
3. He’s a computer buff. 他是计算机牛人。
4. He’s a scrooge. 他太抠门儿了。
5. We’ll have to eke it out. 我们得将就着点。(我们得撑过难关)
6. I didn’t just come into town on the turnip truck. 你以为我村儿里来的?(我没那么土)
7. He’s got a volatile temper. 他喜怒无常。
8. Savvy? 明白吗?
9. The heady days of my youth are gone. 我不像年轻时那么冲动了。
1. Fancy meeting you here! Likewise. 见到你真高兴!我也是啊。
2. She’s got a new toy boy. 她又找了个小白脸。
3. They grate on me most. 我最讨厌这种人。
4. He must have gone loopy. 他脑子进水了。
5. He’s trying to muscle in. 他想干涉这件事。
6. I’ll have the world at my feet! 我要出人头地!
7. Well, thereby hangs a tale. 这说起来可话长了(幽默)
8. Crisis averted. 危机解除了。
9. They live in each other’s pocket. 他们俩如胶似膝。
1. The plot thickens. 情况有变。
2. Grandpa is old but hale. 爷爷真是老当益壮。
3. Do you have a death wish or something? 你找死啊你?
4. Everybody is searching fame and fortune. 大家都在追名逐利。
5. What’s come over you? 你发什么神经啊?
6. They enjoy being wined and dined. 他们喜欢吃请。
7. My patience is running out. 我等不及了。
8. Stop it! You could bite the dust. 别瞎折腾。当心摔个狗啃泥。
9. You don’t have to mind your P’s and Q’s. 你不必小心翼翼的。
1. He is a bit of a handful in your class. 你们班这小子不太好管。
2. She is nothing but a dumb blonde. 她只是个花瓶而已。
3. Hey, this is no laughing matter. 喂,这可不是闹着玩的。
4. I reserve judgment on this issue. 我对此事暂不表态 。
5. I was only a hick town lad at that time. 当时我只是个村里来的傻小子。
6. She’s such a pathological liar. 她爱撒谎,简直都成病态了。
7. I need to confer with my lawyer. 我要见我的律师。
8. How’s he like? Warts and all. 他这人怎么样?照实说(不要隐瞒他的缺点)。
9. Survival of the fittest. God’s honest truth. 适者生存,天经地义。
10. My wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together. 我的工资仅够维持生计。
1. He remains untamed. 他屡教不改。
2. Stop hedging and tell me! 别吱吱唔唔的。快告诉我。
3. It left a bad taste in my mouth. 这事我一想起来就别扭。
4. He’s a hardy soul. 他是条硬汉。
5. Dusk hasn’t fallen. 天还没黑。
6. You’re spoiled for choice. 你挑花眼了。
7. The market is glutted. 市场饱和了。
8. I envy her measurements. 我真羡慕她的三围。
9. The worm turns. 兔子急了也会咬人。
10. How can we break the logjam? 怎样打破僵局呢?
2. That’s just a side issue. 那不是主要问题。
3. Was that a tacit approval? 默认了?
4. Don’t let the genie out of the bottle. 会一发而不可收。
5. Not a moment too soon. 差一点来不及。
6. You can’t have your cake and eat it. 鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。
7. This issue is too hot to handle. 这件事很棘手。
8. Stop bickering! 为一点小事吵什么?
9. That’s just a cloak for / cover story. 那只是他的幌子。
10. So help me, I will never let you off. 我保证不会放过你。
1. My jaw dropped. 我大吃一惊。
2. Opposition was feeble. 没遇到什么反对。
3. Don’t rise to the bait. 别上钩。
4. I could have bitten my tongue off. 我恨不得抽自己。
5. I’m filled with remorse. 我满怀愧疚。
6. We all have human frailties. 人无完人。
7. I can feel it in my bones. 我有预感。
8. It’s come to the crunch now. 非做决定不可了。
9. Good things come in small packages. 浓缩的都是精品。
10. The guy couldn't be more servile. 瞧他那点头哈腰的样子。
1. 1. She’s solid behind me. 她完全支持我。
2. I’m a man of pronounced views. 我向来观点鲜明。
3. Your accusation is baseless. 你的指责毫无道理。
4. We're not a fly-by-night operator. 我们不做一锤子买卖。
5. Red flag. 危险!
6. He runs after anyone in skirts. 他玩弄女性。
7. How could you lay it at my door? 你怎么能说是我的责任呢?
8. My heart was in my mouth. 我的心都提到嗓子眼了。
9. I’m such a scatterbrain. 我总爱丢三落四。
10. I don’t really have the gift of gab. 我口才不是很好。
1. You seem subdued. Are you all right? 你好像有点没精神。有什么心事吗?
2. No spells no. 我说不行就不行(没必要再讨论了)。
3. Don’t bulldoze me. 别逼我。
4. He got this zen look on his face. 他摆出一副无所谓的样子。
5. Their smiles were plastic. 他们的笑太假了。
6. He lacks personality. 他没有个性。
7. Roger! 收到!(OK,知道了)
8. I couldn’t find my bearings. 我有点找不着北。
9. I salivate over your beauty, sugar. 宝贝儿我对你的美色垂涎三尺。
1. Hey, that’s mine. Fork it over! 喂,那是我的。拿过来!
2. Don’t worry. I’m the soul of discretion. 放心吧。我嘴很严的(我不会跟别人说)。
3. He’s a computer buff. 他是计算机牛人。
4. He’s a scrooge. 他太抠门儿了。
5. We’ll have to eke it out. 我们得将就着点。(我们得撑过难关)
6. I didn’t just come into town on the turnip truck. 你以为我村儿里来的?(我没那么土)
7. He’s got a volatile temper. 他喜怒无常。
8. Savvy? 明白吗?
9. The heady days of my youth are gone. 我不像年轻时那么冲动了。
1. Fancy meeting you here! Likewise. 见到你真高兴!我也是啊。
2. She’s got a new toy boy. 她又找了个小白脸。
3. They grate on me most. 我最讨厌这种人。
4. He must have gone loopy. 他脑子进水了。
5. He’s trying to muscle in. 他想干涉这件事。
6. I’ll have the world at my feet! 我要出人头地!
7. Well, thereby hangs a tale. 这说起来可话长了(幽默)
8. Crisis averted. 危机解除了。
9. They live in each other’s pocket. 他们俩如胶似膝。
1. The plot thickens. 情况有变。
2. Grandpa is old but hale. 爷爷真是老当益壮。
3. Do you have a death wish or something? 你找死啊你?
4. Everybody is searching fame and fortune. 大家都在追名逐利。
5. What’s come over you? 你发什么神经啊?
6. They enjoy being wined and dined. 他们喜欢吃请。
7. My patience is running out. 我等不及了。
8. Stop it! You could bite the dust. 别瞎折腾。当心摔个狗啃泥。
9. You don’t have to mind your P’s and Q’s. 你不必小心翼翼的。
1. He is a bit of a handful in your class. 你们班这小子不太好管。
2. She is nothing but a dumb blonde. 她只是个花瓶而已。
3. Hey, this is no laughing matter. 喂,这可不是闹着玩的。
4. I reserve judgment on this issue. 我对此事暂不表态 。
5. I was only a hick town lad at that time. 当时我只是个村里来的傻小子。
6. She’s such a pathological liar. 她爱撒谎,简直都成病态了。
7. I need to confer with my lawyer. 我要见我的律师。
8. How’s he like? Warts and all. 他这人怎么样?照实说(不要隐瞒他的缺点)。
9. Survival of the fittest. God’s honest truth. 适者生存,天经地义。
10. My wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together. 我的工资仅够维持生计。
1. He remains untamed. 他屡教不改。
2. Stop hedging and tell me! 别吱吱唔唔的。快告诉我。
3. It left a bad taste in my mouth. 这事我一想起来就别扭。
4. He’s a hardy soul. 他是条硬汉。
5. Dusk hasn’t fallen. 天还没黑。
6. You’re spoiled for choice. 你挑花眼了。
7. The market is glutted. 市场饱和了。
8. I envy her measurements. 我真羡慕她的三围。
9. The worm turns. 兔子急了也会咬人。
10. How can we break the logjam? 怎样打破僵局呢?