store._vm = new Vue({ data: { $$state: state }, computed })
import Vue from 'vue'; import Vuex from 'vuex'; import set = Reflect.set; Vue.use(Vuex); export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { }, getters: { }, mutations: { }, actions: { }, modules: {} });
export function install (_Vue) { if (Vue && _Vue === Vue) { if (__DEV__) { console.error( '[vuex] already installed. Vue.use(Vuex) should be called only once.' ) } return } Vue = _Vue applyMixin(Vue) }
export default function (Vue) {
const version = Number(Vue.version.split('.')[0])
if (version >= 2) {
Vue.mixin({ beforeCreate: vuexInit })
} else {
// override init and inject vuex init procedure
// for 1.x backwards compatibility.
const _init = Vue.prototype._init
Vue.prototype._init = function (options = {}) {
options.init = options.init
? [vuexInit].concat(options.init)
: vuexInit
_init.call(this, options)
* Vuex init hook, injected into each instances init hooks list.
function vuexInit () {
const options = this.$options
// store injection
if (options.store) {
this.$store = typeof options.store === 'function'
? options.store()
: options.store
} else if (options.parent && options.parent.$store) {
this.$store = options.parent.$store
new Store阶段
export class Store { constructor (options = {}) { // Auto install if it is not done yet and `window` has `Vue`. // To allow users to avoid auto-installation in some cases, // this code should be placed here. See #731 if (!Vue && typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) { install(window.Vue) } if (__DEV__) { assert(Vue, `must call Vue.use(Vuex) before creating a store instance.`) assert(typeof Promise !== 'undefined', `vuex requires a Promise polyfill in this browser.`) assert(this instanceof Store, `store must be called with the new operator.`) } const { plugins = [], strict = false } = options // store internal state this._committing = false this._actions = Object.create(null) this._actionSubscribers = [] this._mutations = Object.create(null) this._wrappedGetters = Object.create(null) this._modules = new ModuleCollection(options) this._modulesNamespaceMap = Object.create(null) this._subscribers = [] this._watcherVM = new Vue() this._makeLocalGettersCache = Object.create(null) // bind commit and dispatch to self const store = this const { dispatch, commit } = this this.dispatch = function boundDispatch (type, payload) { return dispatch.call(store, type, payload) } //我们执行store commit的时候是在执行这个方法 this.commit = function boundCommit (type, payload, options) { return commit.call(store, type, payload, options) } // strict mode this.strict = strict //这个state应该就是根目录的用户编写的state const state = this._modules.root.state // init root module. // this also recursively registers all sub-modules // and collects all module getters inside this._wrappedGetters installModule(this, state, [], this._modules.root) // initialize the store vm, which is responsible for the reactivity // (also registers _wrappedGetters as computed properties) resetStoreVM(this, state) // apply plugins //有plugins才会执行 plugins.forEach(plugin => plugin(this)) const useDevtools = options.devtools !== undefined ? options.devtools : Vue.config.devtools if (useDevtools) { devtoolPlugin(this) } } //state的get get state () { //this._vm._data.$$state 就是用户写state写的东西 return this._vm._data.$$state } set state (v) { if (__DEV__) { assert(false, `use store.replaceState() to explicit replace store state.`) } } ... }
我们关注一句 resetStoreVM(this, state)。这句话的作用就是为我们用户写的state和Vue的视图更新产生关联重要地方。源码如下:
function resetStoreVM (store, state, hot) { const oldVm = store._vm // bind store public getters store.getters = {} // reset local getters cache store._makeLocalGettersCache = Object.create(null) const wrappedGetters = store._wrappedGetters const computed = {} forEachValue(wrappedGetters, (fn, key) => { // use computed to leverage its lazy-caching mechanism // direct inline function use will lead to closure preserving oldVm. // using partial to return function with only arguments preserved in closure environment. computed[key] = partial(fn, store) Object.defineProperty(store.getters, key, { //这里应该才是真正执行computed函数的 get: () => store._vm[key], enumerable: true // for local getters }) }) // use a Vue instance to store the state tree // suppress warnings just in case the user has added // some funky global mixins const silent = Vue.config.silent Vue.config.silent = true store._vm = new Vue({ data: { $$state: state }, computed }) Vue.config.silent = silent // enable strict mode for new vm if (store.strict) { enableStrictMode(store) } if (oldVm) { if (hot) { // dispatch changes in all subscribed watchers // to force getter re-evaluation for hot reloading. store._withCommit(() => { oldVm._data.$$state = null }) } Vue.nextTick(() => oldVm.$destroy()) } }
export function forEachValue (obj, fn) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => fn(obj[key], key)) }
getters: { getUser: state => state.username }, //那么wrappedGetters就长这样 wrappedGetters: { getUser: fn }
(fn, key) => { // use computed to leverage its lazy-caching mechanism // direct inline function use will lead to closure preserving oldVm. // using partial to return function with only arguments preserved in closure environment. computed[key] = partial(fn, store) Object.defineProperty(store.getters, key, { get: () => store._vm[key], enumerable: true // for local getters }) }
store._vm = new Vue({ data: { $$state: state }, computed })
他把用户写的state作为新Vue实例的data,那么在Vue响应式原理中,当我们读取这个state里面的属性的时候就会开始收集依赖,意思就是说,假如你在别的组件使用计算属性或者别的方法引用着state里面的属性,那么这些依赖即Watcher就会被收集到state对象其下的属性中。意思就是说,一些别的组件引用着这个store里面的state,本质上就是在使用这个new Vue里面的data。当你这个data的state里面的属性一更新,就会通知引用它的组件进行更新。所以这就解释了为什么state里面的数据是响应式的。本质上就是通过这个new Vue组件去让这个state成为一个响应式数据,让它去收集使用着它的组件的Watcher依赖。
看圈住的两句话,为什么会是这样的。从上面的原理上看,我们在state里面写好的属性都是作为参数传入new Vue,还是这句话(如下),从而使他成为一个响应式的数据。
store._vm = new Vue({ data: { $$state: state }, computed})
但是假如你在中途突然增加一个属性,那么它是不会被作为new Vue的参数传入其中,从而这个属性不是响应式的,更加不可能收集到依赖进行视图的更新。