Catalog for Note of Textbook (学科学习笔记目录)

Monologue (写在前面)

How, here comes my second post tag, whose acronym "NoT" means "note" in Esperanto etyma lists. (A better but easier acronym this time)

In my spare time, I would like to spend some time reading literally textbook from my field of interest, that is, chemistry, biology, linguistics, psychology and philosophy. I know it is a lifetime challenge, and a career, but it worths endeavor.

It is the catalog of my Notes of Textbook, thus it matters to do some explanation about the structure of my note. To strike a balance between too many posts and too long post, I would like to cover one "part" per post, which is a layer higher than "chapter" according to the content. In each chapter, I prefer to adopt the same numeric index as the author for its dendritic structure (with different title level), with additional number 0 available for possibly flexible situation. I like to simply recapitulate the key points that worth rather than copy and paste, so some index may be directly skipped. My paragraph division and bold keyword are basically parallel to the original form. All illustrations would be traced to add paper index and original captions, additional illustrated may be introduced when necessary. Unexpected changes would be noted as magenta "p.s.". Also, all correction would be noted as red "p.s.".
既然这是我博客“学科学习笔记”的目录,我认为借此机会对我计划中的笔记结构进行说明很有必要。为了平衡笔记的数量和每篇笔记的篇幅,我计划根据教材的内容在高于“章节”的层次上讲全书划为若干“部分”,每一个部分的笔记单独发表。在每个章节中,我偏好使用与原文一致的数字索引来展示内容的树状结构,并在必要的时候使用数字 0 来灵活处理引子之类的的内容。在笔记内容上我不喜欢只是复制粘贴,而更多的偏好于对主观有价值的内容进行概括性重述,有时甚至会跳过许多内容。我的笔记分段和黑体字会基本保持和教材原文一致,插图会直接索引到原始文献并附上原始文献中的图注,在必要时甚至会补充插图。在具体实践中和该结构说明冲突的内容均会用紫红色的“注”进行说明;所有的个人补充会用红色的“注”进行说明。

There might be something I should but I forget to tell. As a result of the "success" of my #VoRT posts, some unmentioned points about structure are probably parallel to those posts. Check them if you like, plz~
我也在想有没有我还没提到的格式问题,考虑到我之前在 #VoRT 标签下写了一些笔记还算成功,和那些笔记相似的结构处理我可能会忘记提到。如果你感兴趣的话也不妨看看我的那些英语学习笔记,看看嘛~

Indices (索引链接)

About Chemistry (关于化学)

Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology (化学生物学)

My love for chemistry was seeded back to my junior school years, when I enjoyed solving problems of Olympics and acquired some high school chemistry knowledge. However, my Chemistry Olympics journey was not as smooth as expected and, instead of timelessly practicing, I gradually expanded my passion to biology as well. I have been, therefore, dreaming of doing something about both subjects to fulfill my interest and potential. Though I failed to directly major in chemical biology and my academic debut was literally about analytical chemistry, my passion about this interdiscipline strived still. Then, in spring semester of 2022-2023, we actually took the chemical biology class of Prof. Dr Shi Kuang from Hunan University. He used this textbook as reference but only skimmed most of the contents due to lesson duration limitation and I tended to read it carefully after class.

According to Prof. Kuang, though weak in description about experiment method, Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology is quite a reliable textbook and it is also mentioned by my laboratory PI Prof. Dr Jing Huang. As experience of my reading, some concepts from its narrative are quite interesting and enlightening about the essence of this subject, making me interested as well. By the way, though I will use the published Chinese translation of this book to boost my reading, confirmation of content will be conducted with the original edition.

There is no given "part" layer in this book, for which I add one according to personal understanding. Content in each of the chapter is indexed with maximum level a.b.c (title level 2-4 in Markdown) and b = c = 0 is added for the chapter introduction.
在这本教材中并不存在现成的“部分”这个结构层次,我因而根据个人理解添加了一下。同时,该教材每个章节下分三个层次,我在这里用形如 a.b.c 的三位数字索引进行整理,并与 Markdown 语法的 2-4 级标题对应。由于作者每个章节均会写一点引子,我在这里添加了 b = c = 0 的层次。

PART ONE: Why Chemical Biology? (Chapter 1-2)
第一部分:化学生物学概述(原书 1-2 章)

Portal: here (点左侧链接直达页面)

by Syl & Sylvia @ 2023-06-25 23:48:40 @ Changsha, Yuelu District
originally posted @ @ 2023-06-25

posted @ 2023-06-25 23:49  Sylvanyao  阅读(47)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报