Vocabulary of NEKOPARA Extra (猫娘乐园外传笔记)

Note about Post Structure (关于内容结构的说明)

Basing on previous note of Vol. 1, I manage to optimize the indecent classification mainly about phrases. I try to highlight the importance of collocations both in section of "Words" and in that of "Phrases". Also, a figurative expression or a quotation could be better classified into "Expressions" now. In "Words" section, etymology study is better conducted. "Translation" section is also modified that I will try to give my version of translation as a more direct comparison with those possible mistakes in Chinese text. To better serve it, I attempt to change the format of citing to meet the demand of citing continuous long length dialog. Finally, now I resort to the dictionary collection Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary (for convenience, I won't trace to the root) as the default choice with Cambridge Dictionary as a complement to determine the Chinese translation and whether a noun is countable, etc. What's more, quword is set as the default reference of etymology and Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English is set as the default reference of collocation now. ALL other references would be listed now.

这篇笔记的格式大体上和第一卷笔记的格式相同,我主要只针对原来差强人意的短语部分的分类做了优化。这次的笔记明确了“词语搭配”这个重要概念并试图在“词汇”和“短语”版块中均加以体现。“其他表达”版块现在相应地会更好地收录形象表达和各种引用。“词汇”版块的另一个重要改动是词源学相关内容的深化。同时,“翻译”版块也有所变化,我现在会尝试对每一处我认为有问题的地方给出我自己的翻译作为对照版本。为了更好的为这项改动服务,我也尝试修改引用时的格式,使其有利于我连续引用篇幅较长的对话供读者参考。最后是关于参考资料的改动,现在我将默认的电子词典从必应词典改为词典集 Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary,并以趣词词典作为默认词源学参考,Online OXFORD Collocation Dictionary of English作为默认习惯搭配参考。需要说明的来自 The Free Dictionary 的释义不会进一步索引到具体原始来源。如果信息来自上述三个来源将不作说明,其它资料均会在词条下列出。

Chapter NA (第?章)

p.s. As no chapter dividing is assigned officially, I sketchily contain all contents under a same Chapter NA (not available) for parallel structure with other notes.


Words (单词)


cn. A domestic unit consisting of the members of a family who live together along with non-relatives such as servants. (一家人)

Collocations (搭配): run a household; set up a household

「Y-You guys just got here, after all, right? You'll get used to it in no time, so don't worry! I'm new here at the Minaduki household myself, but everyone's been so kind!」


—Minazuki Coconut

Please mind the difference between "household" and "family". The former one contains non-relatives as cats here in NEKOPARA. By using this word, Coconut implied the fact that, though blood-tie-naught, ChocoVani would be welcomed and accepted by the Minazukis.

请注意,相较于“family”,“household”这个概念包括了非亲属关系的存在,比如 NEKOPARA 中的猫娘。椰子用这个词其实是在暗示没有血缘关系的巧克力香草是可以得到大家的接纳的。


un. (informal) The area claimed by a gang, as of youths, as its personal territory. (地盘)

「So yeah, starting today, those will be your seats. No need t'be so reserved. That'll be like your turf. Use it how y'wanna.」


—Minazuki Azuki


ad. Admittedly. (的确)

「So yeah, starting today, those will be your seats. No need t'be so reserved. That'll be like your turf. Use it how y'wanna. Granted, you might bump into some people who'll nag at you incessantly, y'know?」


—Minazuki Azuki


vi. To scold, complain, or find fault constantly. (不断批评(或抱怨))

Usage (用法): nag at someone

「So yeah, starting today, those will be your seats. No need t'be so reserved. That'll be like your turf. Use it how y'wanna. Granted, you might bump into some people who'll nag at you incessantly, y'know?」


—Minazuki Azuki


a. Continuing without interruption. (连续不断的,没完没了的)

「So yeah, starting today, those will be your seats. No need t'be so reserved. That'll be like your turf. Use it how y'wanna. Granted, you might bump into some people who'll nag at you incessantly, y'know?」


—Minazuki Azuki

"Incessant" is French-origin and could be traced back to Latin "cessare", which also gave birth to English word "cease" at present.



ad. Used as an intensive. (表示强调)

「Hehe. Everyone, I hope you'll all take good care of Chocola and Vanilla. As for you, Chocola and Vanilla, if there's something you don't understand, feel free to ask. I said this before as well, but these two are part of the family now.」


—Minazuki Shigure


cn. (informal) A vegetable. (蔬菜)

「Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, Onii-chan's breakfast really is great, y'know~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 The rice, the miso soup, the grilled fish, the pickled veggies...! Aah...! I sure am one lucky kitty being part of the Minaduki household~ Hgghgnhmghh𝅘𝅥𝅮 」

「嗯嗯,哥哥做的早餐真的好好吃~𝅘𝅥𝅮白饭、味噌汤、烤鱼跟酱菜……!啊啊……!能当水无月家的猫娘,人家真是太幸福了~𝅘𝅥𝅮 (大嚼特嚼)」

—Minazuki Coconut

It's interesting that uncountable noun vegetable becomes countable instead in informal form of "veggie".



a. Brutishly coarse, as in behavior; crude. (粗野的)

「That's gross. You two, try eating without making rice fly everywhere!」


—Minazuki Maple

Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "gross?".

此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "gross?"


vi. To serve a specified purpose. (适合)

「Um, thank you very much... Kashou-san? Oh, Kashou-sama...?」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Just 'Kashou' will do. The two of you are our cats now, after all.」


—Minazuki Kashou


vi. To exert an influence. (施加影响)

Usage (用法): operate on someone or something

「Um, thank you very much... Kashou-san? Oh, Kashou-sama...?」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Just 'Kashou' will do. The two of you are our cats now, after all.」


—Minazuki Kashou

「No... But, um...」


—Minazuki Chocola

「We're both pet cats, so...」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「I mean, feel free to call me what you want. 'Sama' is a bit stiff for my tastes, though. We don't operate like that around here.」


—Minazuki Kashou

"Operate" could be explained to "wield power to impact". Minazuki Kashou had no intention to restrict ChocoVani with courtesy.



vi. To adapt oneself; become adjusted. (改变)

Usage (用法): accommodate someone to/with something

「If you have any preferences, let me know, okay? I want to accommodate as best as I can.」


—Minazuki Kashou


cn. A single portion of food. (一份食物)

Collocations (搭配): a big helping; a generous helping; an extra helping

「Onii-chan, another bowl, please! Make it a big helping this time, if you'd please!」


—Minazuki Coconut


vt. To immerse in liquid for a period of time, as to cleanse, treat, or extract a given property from. (浸泡)

「May-chan, I'm steeping another batch of tea. Do you want any~?」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

A more well-known "steep" is the adjective meaning "having a sharp inclination", which shares the same spelling but has a completely different origin. The adjective "steep" could be found in "steeple" (means architecture "spire") while the verb "steep" is relative to "stoup" (means water vessel).



vi. To pass time idly. (混时间)

「... I mean, I'm not trying to force you or anything. But I figured it would be more fun than just lounging around the house all day.」


—Minazuki Kashou


vt. To startle and cause nervous activity in; frighten. (惊吓)

「Oh my, did I spook you two? I'm sorry about that.」


—Shop Clerk


cn. A household or family. (家族)

「I run the ice cream shop over there. I've known the Minaduki-san's house since Kashou-chan was a tyke.」


—Shop Clerk


cn. A small child, especially a boy. (小孩子)

「I run the ice cream shop over there. I've known the Minaduki-san's house since Kashou-chan was a tyke.」


—Shop Clerk


cn. An article or service given free. (免费品)

「Well then, Kashou-chan, be sure to drop by again, okay? I'll give you a freebie to celebrate your return back to Japan 𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Shop Clerk


vi. To become clean. (使清洁)

Usage (用法): cleanse of something

「This is called 'yakubarai', or 'cleansing of the bad luck'. Just as the name implies, we're having the priest cleanse the bad luck.」

「这叫作『 除厄』,就跟字面上的意思一样,要请神主帮我们除去厄运。」

—Minazuki Kashou

Comparing with simple "clean", word "cleanse" focused on the process of "removing something you do want" and is more similar to "purge". Besides, it is more obvious that "cleanse" is more commonly used in situation related with religious, etc. By the way, I encountered "cleanse" quite long ago in a splendid original song for Blizzard game "Heroes of the Storm" called What's up My Healer. Here I will save no ode to it as well for its precise composition and passionated performance.

和单纯的“clean”一词相比,“cleanse”更侧重于去除不好的东西的过程,这和“purge”更像。当然,更直接的区别在于“cleanse”往往出现在和宗教相关的语境中。顺便一提,我第一次遇到这个词大概是在 18 年一首为暴雪游戏“风暴英雄”原创的歌曲 What's up My Healer 中,时至今天我依然为其精妙的词曲和热烈的演唱赞叹不已。

References:Youtube sourceBilibili source(参考资料见左侧链接)


cn. A specially worded form used to address God, a god, or another object of worship. (祷文)

Collocations (搭配): say a prayer; utter a prayer

Usage (用法): a prayer of something

「By praying to God, he'll protect you from all the scary things. So, Chocola, Vanilla, put your hands together and say a prayer.」


—Minazuki Kashou

Of course "prayer" can imply the one who prays while it is more commonly an appellation of the chanted word or especially the praying ceremony. "Worshipper" might be better for the "pray-er" in our mind.



vi. To make a sharp, high-pitched, metallic sound. (砰响)

「M-My leg...! A really sharp piiing in my leg...! V-Vanilla...! I can't walk straight...!」


—Minazuki Chocola

According to the following text, "piiing" here might be a typo of "pinging" as a figurative expression of pain.



a. Nervous; apprehensive. (坐立不安的)

「You don't need to be so antsy. Just calm down and speak slowly.」


—Minazuki Kashou

Using "ant" to express the feeling of nervous could also been seen in Chinese, while it differs in the specific path of meaning-conveying. English "antsy" is from idiom "ant in pants" to express anxiety. You are not the ant itself, lol.



vt. (informal) To fret or worry about. (担心)

「I screwed up... I really screwed up... I never thought it would end up like this...」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Like I said, you don't have to sweat it, okay?」


—Minazuki Kashou


cn. One who worries excessively and needlessly. (杞人忧天的人)

「Ahaha, Onee-chan, you're such a worrywart-nyaa𝅘𝅥𝅮 I'm fine. I'm no kitten anymore. I've gotta try my hardest just like Onee-chan does! Nyan!」


—Minazuki Coconut

When resorting to etymology, "worrywart" was from a virtual character of same name in comic Out Our Way. It is quite interesting that, on the exact opposite of the current colloquial meaning, Worry Wart actually always makes others worry.

词源学调查显示”worrywart“源于漫画 Out Our Way 中的同名人物,值得注意的是 Worry Wart 总是让周围的人担心,而这和现在”worrywart“的语义恰好相反。


a. Frivolous and lighthearted; flighty. (飘飘然的)

Usage (用法): be giddy from something; be giddy with something

「You sure are giddy, eh? Just a little trip outside being enough to get you amped up sure is cute.」


—Minazuki Maple


ad. By general admission; confessedly. ((尤用于不情愿地承认某事时)诚然)

「Well, that's only natural if you're going out! It's 'cos I'm a cat... Besides, I don't like having fingers pointed at me while I'm not looking.」


—Minazuki Maple

Admittedly, the only people around here are ones who know about the Minaduki cats, so there's no way tht'd happen~」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

The implicit compromise of "admittedly" makes it a quite advanced and useful expression in academic writing. Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "'cos I'm a cat?".

“Admittedly”这个词潜藏着一层让步的意味,这使得它成为学术写作中非常实用的高级表达之一。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "'cos I'm a cat?"


a. Overly blunt, forceful, or tactless. (严厉的)

「Master? Where are we going today?」


—Minazuki Chocola

「I didn't hear either. Master, you're relatively heavy-handed.」


—Minazuki Vanilla


a. Affording unobstructed passage or view. (开阔的)

「The ocean has a lot of fish in it, right? Thinking about all the fresh fish really makes my heart pound.」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Yeah, but fish are mostly swimming in more open waters.」


—Minazuki Kashou

Basically, "open water" is exactly opposite to "harbor", implying an unobstructed area of water. Also, in ecology, "open water" means water with less emergent or underwater vegetation. Both of them make sense while it is unlikely for Minazuki Kashou to discuss ecology here.

一般而言,“open water”和港湾相对,指的是无阻碍的开阔水体。“Open water”也是一个生态学名词,指缺乏水生植物的水体。虽然后者也讲的通,但水无月嘉祥大概率是没有在讨论生态学。


a. Consisting of or resembling slime; viscous. (黏糊糊的)

「Nyaaaah? S-Something! Something slimy just touched my leg!! What was that just now?! Hamanahamanahamana!! Nyaaaaahhh!!」


—Minazuki Maple

「Hehehe. It's just a jellyfish; you're all right~𝅘𝅥𝅮 You sure are cute when you're spooked~𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

"Slime", as one of the most famous monsters and a typical low level monster, is not that obscure for us the gamers or animation fans. However, the derived adjective here reminds us that a thorough research on its origin is necessary. "Slime" is a relative of German word "Schleim" and both of them might from PIE (Proto-Indo-European) root "*(s)lei", meaning "slimy, sticky, slippery".



a. Scornfully and condescendingly proud. (傲慢的)

「You're always so haughty, May-chan, but seeing you clinch on to me so tight as if about to cry, its... It's making me get such a strange feeliinngg~!𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

Setting out from Latin "altus", this word detoured through French, leaving "haut" as "high" in modern French, and reached "haughty" in modern English. "H" being slient is French, it's interesting that this English word has diverged from its origin a lot from the aspect of pronunciation. Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "as if about to cry?".

”Haughty“这个词源自拉丁语的”altus“,但其发展经由法语兜了一个圈子,现代法语表示”高“的”haut“记录了这种流变。尽管从法语借了词形,但英法两种语言对”h“的发音截然不同,所以从“haughty”的发音已经很难看出“altus”的影子了。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "as if about to cry?"


vi. (informal) To embrace amorously. ((亲热地)拥抱)

Usage (用法): clinch on to somebody

「You're always so haughty, May-chan, but seeing you clinch on to me so tight as if about to cry, its... It's making me get such a strange feeliinngg~!𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "as if about to cry?".

此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "as if about to cry?"


sn. (informal) A great deal of trouble. (大麻烦)

Collocations (搭配): raise a stink; cause a stink; kick up a stink; make a stink

「I thought they would be afraid of water, but I'm glad they're all enjoying themselves. After all, in the beginning, they'd raise a huge stink over just going in the bath.」


—Minazuki Kashou

"Over" here is not incorporated in the subject-predicate structure but a preposition introducing the adverbial of condition. In other words, "they'd raise a huge stink when just going the bath" also makes sense. A report from the Internet recapitulate my thought vide infra.

这里的“over”并不是主谓结构的一部分,而是条件状语的引导词。其可被“when”代替成为“they'd raise a huge stink when just going the bath”。下方参考资料的报道也用了这种结构的表达。



pn. Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement. ((随某成就或地位而来的)名声,声誉,荣耀)

「But, kudos to you, Nii-sama. To think that you would know of such a superb spot off the beaten path.」


—Minazuki Shigure

Here, I long to retell what could be found on the dictionary page. Though ending with a "s", "kudos" was transliterated from a singular Greek word as a whole. However, the language of Anglo-Saxons made a mistake then, creating a singular "kudo" from void with back formation, which led to some rejections of both "a kudo" and "a kudos" at present. We could be convinced that all of the forms (a kudo, some kudos, a kudos) are reasonable. However, the use of "the kudos" is recommended to avoid unpleasant argument.

这里我想重述一下词典页面上的说明:“kudos”是作为一个整体从单数的希腊语单词转译成英语的,由于其以“s”结尾,盎格鲁-撒克逊语言通过逆推法错误地发明了“kudo”这个单数形式的词,因而“a kudo”、“some kudos”和“a kudos”都应该是正确的。尽管如此,有些人并不赞同第一种和最后一种,所以如果你打算使用这个词,用“the kudos”的表述可以最大限度地避免麻烦。


vi. To be almost like another in character. (近乎)

Usage (用法): border on something

「Nii-sama frolicking amongst the waves, you say...?! Why, that is...! That is a sight so sweet, so dazzling, that it borders on sublime...!」


—Minazuki Shigure

Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "borders on sublime?".

此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "borders on sublime?"


sn. Something sublime. (绝美之物)

「Nii-sama frolicking amongst the waves, you say...?! Why, that is...! That is a sight so sweet, so dazzling, that it borders on sublime...!」


—Minazuki Shigure

I could quote a lot from Immanuel Kant to discuss the "being sublime" in aesthetic. It is, however, a noun here, making me even doubt its specific meaning besides "something supreme". Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "borders on sublime?".

“Sublime”作“崇高的”讲是一个专业的美学概念,关于其最有启发意义的讨论来自伊曼努尔·康德。遗憾的是这里“sublime”是作名词,其可能已经失去了具体含义而仅表达“达到极点之物”的含义。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "borders on sublime?"


cn. A man whose behavior is unprincipled or dishonorable. ((尤指对女性无礼或不诚实的)恶棍)

「Nii-sama, you cad! You're trying to kill your little sister! Geez!!」


—Minazuki Shigure


a. Tending to disconcert or repel. (令人不快的)

「At any rate, would you mind putting the cats into the bath first?」


—Minazuki Kashou

「Yes, just leave it to me. Oh, Nii-sama, would you like to hop in as well? I don't mean it in any off-putting way, of course.」


—Minazuki Shigure

Minazuki Shigure obviously chose her words here. According to the context, it is more like a flirting of "it would not be unpleasant so you know it right?".



vt. To confine, hamper, or restrict. (限制,束缚)

「No, that many bodies is going to make things cramped, so I'll just wait until afterwards.」


—Minazuki Kashou


cn. A difficult or painful experience, especially one that severely tests character or endurance. (磨难;苦难)

「Sheesh, that was a heck of an ordeal... I have to bow out when it comes to Shigure and what twisted brother complex of hers. Seriously~」


—Minazuki Azuki


vi. To talk or chat. (喋喋不休,唠叨)

「Hey, Shigure. Are you gabbing about that stuff again to the kittens?」


—Minazuki Azuki


vt. To put together in a single group without discrimination. (统归一起)

「Well, I would appreciate it if you didn't lump me into that group~」


—Minazuki Maple

Indicating an irregular pile of something, "lump" was then derived as a verb meaning "putting together in a single group without discrimination". Here, it is further transformed to imply a grouping action without discrimination, namely without admission.



a. (informal) Fashionable or flashy. (时髦的,亮丽的)

「It's pretty snazzy, so I can't complain at all~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Aah, it's wonderful~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Minazuki Maple


vi. To make unskilled efforts at repairing or improving. (摆弄)

「Th-That reminds me, you stille haven't logged a single number into your contacts yet, right~?!」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

「I-I only just started fiddling with it a second ago, after all!」


—Minazuki Maple


cn. A restaurant or nightclub providing short programs of live entertainment. (夜总会)

「'Hey, Tsuri! Map of Kamakura!'」

「『 嘿,Tsuri!』『地图 』!『镰仓 』!」

—Minazuki Maple

「Yes, looking up 'Cabaret Club' in your area.」

「『 恋娼大酒家』对吗?现在显示搜寻结果」


English "cabaret" is borrowed from French, but with slightly different meaning focus. It simply implies the nightclub in French but underwent a meaning extension in English to indicate some entertaining floor show in nightclub, which is probably its main meaning later.



a. Impertinently bold; impudent and saucy. (鲁莽的,放肆的)

「Nyaa! Back talk! Freaking Tsuri back talked me! How cheeky! You're a cheeky one, Tsuri! Gaaah!」


—Minazuki Maple


a. Suggestive of or bordering on indelicacy or impropriety. (粗俗的;有伤风化的)

「Wait, May-chan?! These related images are bad~! There's a lot of risque stuff showing up here~!」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

Though Internet can navigate to the entry by searching "risque", official dictionaries only returns "risqué" (with acute accent), which means English has borrow that word from French entirely (like café).



cn. Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming. (出神状态)

Collocations (搭配): a mesmeric trance; fall into trance

Usage (用法): in a trance

「Wait, May-chan?! These related images are bad~! There's a lot of risque stuff showing up here~! The screen is positively flesh-colored~!! Haah haaah. Ahh, hhah, huahh!」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

「Wh-Why are you saying that and looking at it like you're caught in a trance?!」


—Minazuki Maple


cn. A short-handled pan or scoop into which dust is swept. (簸箕)

「Mm-hmm! I'll help out, too! I'll bring the broom and dustpan!」


—Minazuki Coconut


un. Vigorous enjoyment, zest, or relish, esp in the performance of an action. ((尤指对参加表演的)兴致勃勃,热情)

「Wh-What are you doing, Onee-chan?! Why are you Catgirl Punching me?!」


—Minazuki Coconut

「My bad, my bad, it was that damn bug that I missed earlier.」


—Minazuki Azuki

「Nevertheless, you don't have to put so much gusto into your punches! They hurt!!」


—Minazuki Coconut

"Gusto" is borrowed from Spanish, "¡Bienvenido!"



vt. To strike heavily, especially with the fist or a bat. (猛击)

「It sucks way more making your lil' sis' face look like that than it does getting scolded yourself. I slugged you pretty hard afterwards, so let's just say that we're even. Okay?」


—Minazuki Azuki

The verb entry for "slug" is pretty weird, with the investigation manifesting that it might be another form of "slaughter" or "slay".



vi. To bite or chew persistently. (啃)

Usage (用法): gnaw on someone or something

「Huh? Is this chocolate...?」


—Minazuki Coconut

「Yeah, I spotted it in the kitchen and thought about gnawing on ot later, so I nabbed it.」


—Minazuki Azuki

It deserves attention that "g" in "gnaw" is silent but I don't have a point about it.



vi. To grab; snatch. (拿)

「Huh? Is this chocolate...?」


—Minazuki Coconut

「Yeah, I spotted it in the kitchen and thought about gnawing on ot later, so I nabbed it.」


—Minazuki Azuki


cn. A sudden short burst, as of energy, activity, or growth. (激增期)

Usage (用法): with a spurt; a spurt in something; a spurt of something

「Though, Azuki, Maple, and Cinnamon have pretty much stopped growing... You two, and Coconut in particular, are in a growth spurt. It's an important duty as a cat owner to have a grasp on how healthy your cats are.」


—Minazuki Shigure


vt. To make indebted or grateful. (施恩)

Usage (用法): oblige with something; oblige by doing something

「We're very much obliged. Thank you.」


—Minazuki Vanilla


a. Small in size or scope; tiny. ((女子)娇小的)

「Wha~... I want to be as cute and petite as Onee-chan. Uu~...」


—Minazuki Coconut

Borrowed from French, "petite" is the feminine of "petit", which means "small". Therefore, it is commonly used to describe girls.



a. Tiny. (很小的)

「And I'm 150 cm, 45.3 kg, which means I've grown just a teensy bit~」


—Minazuki Cinnamon


cn. A large group of religious congregations united under a common faith and name, usually organized under a single administrative and legal hierarchy. (宗教派别)

「What's a 'Christmas'?」


—Minazuki Chocola

「It's a sacred night that you spend with someone special. It's a special day of the year where things like faith or denomination do not matter.」


—Minazuki Shigure


a. Characterized by or given to doing good. (仁慈的)

「I never knew someone so benevolent existed. The world sure is big.」


—Minazuki Vanilla


vt. To pick up, gather, or collect swiftly and smoothly. (快速捡起)

「If Chocola and Master's socks do come off, then I'll make sure to scoop them up, okay?」


—Minazuki Vanilla


a. Having no flaws; perfect. (完美的)

「Wow, your skills are impeccable.」


—Minazuki Shigure


a. Immoderate in giving or bestowing; unstinting. (慷慨的)

「It may not make up for it, but... I want to throw as lavish and bustling a party as I possibly can.」


—Minazuki Kashou


vi. To move or cause to move energetically and busily. (忙碌)

「It may not make up for it, but... I want to throw as lavish and bustling a party as I possibly can.」


—Minazuki Kashou


vt. To cause inconvenience to; trouble or harass. (带来不便)

「That's why, in regards to you, Shigure... Me and my selfish desires may be inconveniencing you again even more so than ever, but...」


—Minazuki Kashou

"Convenience" only acting as a noun, "inconvenience" could be a verb for more flexible appearance.



a. Elegant; fancy. (豪华的;阔气的;时髦的)

「Mmm~ A royal wood teacup? So ritzy~𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Minazuki Maple

"Royal wood" here might be a created brand, since I find nothing on the Internet. It might be a combination of Royal Worcester and Wedgwood.

互联网上查不到 royal wood 的相关信息,这可能是综合 Royal Worcester 和 Wedgwood 两个著名品牌而发明的一个品牌名。

Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)


vt. To evade (an issue, for example); dodge. (回避;搪塞)

「...Welp, guess ther's no fudging the truth with tales of Santa with the older ones.」


—Minazuki Kashou


vt. To see, look upon, or gaze at. (看)

「Wow...! This is quite the party, all right...! It's , how do you put it... Amazing. Something to behold.」


—Minazuki Vanilla

It might also be a conversion of phrase "a marvel to behold", which means "a person or thing that is particularly spectacular, wondrous, or exhilarating to witness".

这里也可能是化用了“a marvel to behold”,该短语指令人惊奇的事物。


cn. A festive party, often with dancing. (狂欢会,盛大庆祝会)

「Ooh, wow!! Now this is what I call extravagant!! Christmas shindigs are something else!!」


—Minazuki Azuki


vi. (informal) To die. (死)

「If this was an everyday event, Kashou would croak.」


—Minazuki Maple


cn. A group of things placed or thrown, one on top of the other. (堆)

Usage (用法): in a heap; in the heap; a heap of

「We've got a whole heap of food here.」


—Minazuki Kashou

List of Modal Particles (语气词表)

  1. boy

    Used to express mild astonishment, elation, or disgust.

    「Mgggh hgghgnh. Oh, boy! Rice for breakfast is the best. Rice time𝅘𝅥𝅮」


    —Minazuki Azuki

  2. sirree

    Used for emphasis after yes or no.

    「Thanks. Black tea is awesome, but green tea makes a traditional meal complete, yes siree 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ssp, ssp...」


    —Minazuki Maple

  3. welp

    Used informally like well (as to introduce a remark expressing resignation or disappointment)

    「Well, in any case... Welp, let's go to today's destination, the shrine.」


    —Minazuki Kashou

    Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)

  4. darn

    Used to express dissatisfaction or annoyance.

    「Nii-sama, why won't you look me straight in the eyes?! I...! My love...! My love for you is deeper than the Mariana Trench, darn iiiit!!」


    —Minazuki Shigure

    "Darn" is a euphemistic word for "damn".


  5. whew

    Used to express strong emotion, such as relief or amazement.

    Whew, with the water this shallow, I can see what's below my feet crystal clear, which is a relief.」


    —Minazuki Maple

  6. yow

    Used to express alarm, pain, or surprise.

    Yow ow ow ow...!」


    —Minazuki Coconut

Phrases (短语)

in the mood

a. Wanting to do something. (想要的)

Usage (用法): in the mood to do something; in the mood for something

「Chocola and Vanilla, are you in the mood for milk this morning?」


—Minazuki Shigure

in due time

ad. Eventually; in an expected or reasonable duration of time. (在适当时候地)

「Y-You guys just got here, after all, right? You'll get used to it in no time, so don't worry! I'm new here at the Minaduki household myself, but everyone's been so kind!」


—Minazuki Coconut

「You've never been shy from the start, Nuts. Any different would be weird. Don't worry too much, and you'll get used to it in due time, in due time!」


—Minazuki Azuki

bump into (someone or something)

vt. To randomly encounter someone. (与…不期而遇)

「So yeah, starting today, those will be your seats. No need t'be so reserved. That'll be like your turf. Use it how y'wanna. Granted, you might bump into some people who'll nag at you incessantly, y'know?」


—Minazuki Azuki

get (something) through/into (someone's) thick skull

vt. To make someone or oneself acknowledge, accept, or understand something when they are obtuse. (使(愚钝)的某人理解)

「So yeah, starting today, those will be your seats. No need t'be so reserved. That'll be like your turf. Use it how y'wanna. Granted, you might bump into some people who'll nag at you incessantly, y'know?」


—Minazuki Azuki

「Huh? Why are you looking at me when you say that? That's because you never get it through your thick skull, no matter how many times I tell you to not use my shampoo without my permission, is it not?」

「啊?为什么要看着我说?我不知道说了几百次『 不准擅自用我的洗发精』,明明就是你自己讲不听吧?」

—Minazuki Maple

As the Chinese translation successfully suggests, the "thick skull" here means more "stubborn" than "obtuse".


foul mouth

cn. Someone who often uses language considered profanity. (常说脏话者)

「Azuki-oneechan has a foul mouth, but she's not a bad cat by any means, okay?」


—Minazuki Coconut

eat (one's) fill

vi. To eat enough that one is satisfied or no longer hungry. (吃饱吃好)

「... Yes. Thank you very much... But, um... this is very good...」


—Minazuki Chocola

「Mm-hmm, I think so, too... This is very good...」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Glad to hear that. You can have seconds, so eat your fill, all right?」


—Minazuki Kashou

pig out

vi. To eat (a specific thing) gluttonously or to excess. (大吃大喝)

Usage (用法): pig out on something

「You've had three whole bowls of rice this morning. You're totally pigging out.」


—Minazuki Azuki

on the cusp

a. On the verge of some beginning point or the start of some major development. (即将)

Usage (用法): on the cusp of something

「I'm on the cusp of my 'unlucky age', so I figured I would get the both of you cleansed, too.」

「因为我今年是厄年的前一年『 前厄』,所以才想带巧克力和香草一起来除厄啊。」

—Minazuki Kashou

more or less

ad. Mostly or basically. (主要地)

「So? Calmed down a little?」


—Minazuki Kashou

「Y-Yes... More or less...」


—Minazuki Chocola

square (someone or something) away

vt. To properly order, arrange, prepare, or take care of someone or something. (为(某人或某事)完成所有的安排)

「... Oh, it's already one o'clock, eh? Not shaking that bad habit of forgetting the outside world when I get absorbed into something, I guess... Better get things squared away and sleep...」


—Minazuki Kashou

「U-Uu, uu... uwaaaaahhuu! U-Uuu... u, uu, uwaaaah...」



on the right foot

ad. In an auspicious manner. (好地)

「Then, let's start over on the right foot, okay?」


—Minazuki Kashou

"Right" here could be changed to "wrong" and both of them are commonly used as description of a commencement. Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "on the right foot?".

这里的“right”也可以改为反义词“wrong”,两种表达都主要用于形容事物的开始,表“开门红”或“出师不利”之意。此外,此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "on the right foot?"

screw (something) up

vt. To ruin, damage, or mishandle something, especially inadvertently. (搞砸(某事))

「I screwed up... I really screwed up... I never thought it would end up like this...」


—Minazuki Vanilla

wet (oneself)

vt. Literally, to urinate while wearing one's clothing. (尿湿衣服)

「Do you wet yourself when you're happy, too, Cinnamon?」


—Minazuki Vanilla

spring a leak

vi. To suddenly begin leaking liquid or gas into or out of a vessel. (突然漏水)

「Do you wet yourself when you're happy, too, Cinnamon?」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Huh? Y-yes~ Right, I wonder~? Well, I dunno if I'd say I wet myself~? Maybe more like I spring a leak~? When I get excited, um, there's a lot I can't be blamed for, I guess~?」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

Obviously, original text here is more suggestive than the translation I offer, indicating a larger volume of the concerned liquid. Rather than spend more text on the well-done enough Chinese translation here, It is worthwhile for us to notice the nautical origin of "spring a leak", which attributes the verb "spring" to the scene of leaking boat.

原文中“spring a leak”相较于“wet oneself”水量更大,显然我这里给的翻译不能体现原文的性暗示意味。不过与其说些已经在中文翻译中体现的很好的东西,我们可以更多地关注这个短语本身。它源自航海中对“船漏水”这一场景的描述,或许这也解释了为什么用“spring”这个动词。

a whole bunch

ad. A lot. (经常)

「Do you wet yourself when you're happy, too, Cinnamon?」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Huh? Y-yes~ Right, I wonder~? Well, I dunno if I'd say I wet myself~? Maybe more like I spring a leak~? When I get excited, um, there's a lot I can't be blamed for, I guess~?」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

「Mm-hmm, I get it! Okay, I'll make sure to pee when I'm happy more, then! Right? Let's wet ourselves out of excitement a whole bunch, right, Vanilla?」


—Minazuki Chocola

amp up

vt. To excite, arouse, or work up (a person, emotions, etc). (鼓舞)

「You sure are giddy, eh? Just a little trip outside being enough to get you amped up sure is cute.」


—Minazuki Maple

"Amp" is sure from "amplify" while adds more meaning about animating something.


hype up

vt. To cause someone to become extremely excited. (使(某人)兴奋)

「Nii-sama. thank you so much for inviting me on a date today. It's been my dream for years now. A nyan nyan date with Nii-sama and the cats...! While it's embarrassing, I'm getting quite hyped up. Hmph!」


—Minazuki Shigure

in droves

ad. In large numbers. (大群地)

「No one is near the ocean this time of year, so it's nice. It sure was something then there'd be people in droves all the way to the train station once summer rolled around.」


—Minazuki Maple

Originally implying "a flock or herd being driven in a body", "droves" means a large mass of people moving or acting as a body now.


roll around

ad. To come to pass again at a recurring date or time of year. ((时间或事件)开始)

「No one is near the ocean this time of year, so it's nice. It sure was something then there'd be people in droves all the way to the train station once summer rolled around.」


—Minazuki Maple

"Roll around" highlights the periodic recurrence and is often used to describe seasons or annual festival.

“Roll around”强调的重点是时间的周期性复发,因此它往往被用来描述时令性事件的发生。

let alone

conj. Not to mention. The phrase is used to emphasize that if other more significant or pressing things are not possible or cannot be accommodated, a lesser thing certainly is not or cannot either. (更不用说)

「Last time I came with Shigure-chan, there were a lot of people, too. So many, in fact, that you couldn't even make it to the beach, let alone hop in the ocean~」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

Similar to "not to mention", "let alone" is used to introduce something alike but with more certainty when expressing the impossibility.

和“not to mention”类似,“let alone”也用于引出一件类似但是更为确信的事物,但它只能在表示否定的语境下工作。

off the beaten path

a. Little-known, or in a remote or lesser-known area. (人迹罕至的)

「Not many people come to the beach this time of year, so it's a great spot off the beaten path.」


—Minazuki Kashou

You can also use this expression with its figurative meaning as "the road not taken" from Robert Frost, which is one of my favorites.

我们也可以用这个短语的比喻义来表达类似于“另辟蹊径”的意思,这和我最爱的句子之一、出自 Robert Frost 的“the road not taken”类似。

to think (that)

ad. It is really shocking or surprising that (something is the case). (真没想到)

To think that the ocean would have such a trap in store...」


—Minazuki Vanilla

at any rate

ad. Anyway. (无论如何)

At any rate, would you mind putting the cats into the bath first?」


—Minazuki Kashou

hop in(to something)

vi. To get or climb into something. (进入)

「At any rate, would you mind putting the cats into the bath first?」


—Minazuki Kashou

「Yes, just leave it to me. Oh, Nii-sama, would you like to hop in as well? I don't mean it in any off-putting way, of course.」


—Minazuki Shigure

Though meaning simple "get in", "hop in" is born with a scene where Tom drives to Jerry's and invites Jerry for party, who accepts with delight and hops in Tom's car. This may also explain why the object of "hop in" is always "car".

尽管从释义上来看“hop in(to)”指的就是“进入”,但使用这个词总暗示着欢快的气氛。比方说 Tom 开车去 Jerry 家邀请他去参加派对,Jerry 欣然接受,跳上了 Tom 的车,这个“跳上车”就可以用“hop in(to)”。实际上,在绝大多数语料中“hop in(to) the car”都是一起出现。

pull it together

vi. To calm oneself down and begin to think or act appropriately. (振作起来)

「O-Onee-chaan?! Onee-chan... Onee-chan is drunk?! Pull it together! Pull it together, Onee-chan!!!」


—Minazuki Coconut

in la-la land

a. In a state of unrealistic and idealized fancy, beyond the realms of possibility. (想法不切实际的)

「Never get in the way of Shigure-chan when she's in la-la land.」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

bow out

vi. To stop taking part in an activity or give up a position. (辞职;退出)

Usage (用法): bow out of something

「I have to bow out when it comes to Shigure and what twisted brother complex of hers. Seriously~」


—Minazuki Azuki

of age

a. Being at the age of majority—that is, old enough by law to vote, marry, or sign legal agreements without one's parents. (到指定年龄的)

「Well, it's something you'll figure out once you get to be a cat of age.」


—Minazuki Azuki

back up

vi. To move backwards. (向后退)

「Hey, why are you getting close? Mind backing up a little?」


—Minazuki Maple

tall order

cn. A particularly difficult task to complete or accomplish. (难以做到的事情)

「R-Right~? It would be a tall order to have this many cats as partners all at once, wouldn't it~?」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

strike a pose

vt. To assume a dramatic or exaggerated bodily attitude or position, as for a photograph or portrait. (摆造型)

「Okay, strike a pose.」


—Minazuki Maple

down pat

a. Learned, mastered, or understood perfectly, to the point of requiring little or no focus to do, recall, or accomplish. (掌握的)

Usage (用法): get something down pat; have something down pat; know something down pat

「The iPon is so simple! I've got everything from the internet to Tsuri down pat!」


—Minazuki Maple

throw (one) under the bus

vt. To exploit one's trust for an ulterior purpose, advantage, or agenda; to harm one through deceit or treachery. ((为了个人利益)出卖某人)

「Y-You've got it wrong! Cinnamon told me to look them up!」


—Minazuki Maple

「Whaaa?! Wait, May-chan?! You're throwing me under the bus~?!」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

take the fall (for someone or something)

vi. To face punishment, blame, censure, or arrest for someone else's crime or misdeed, perhaps intentionally. (替…承担责任)

「Yeah, but... um... You taking the fall for me, Onee-chan...」


—Minazuki Coconut

go halfsies

vi. (informal) To share something, especially the cost of something, in equal proportion between two people. (分享)

Usage (用法): go halfsies on something

「Okay, I'll go halfsies on it with you, Onee-chan.」


—Minazuki Coconut

three sizes

pn. (informal) Circumferences of the bust, waist and hips. (三围)

「Okay, okay. Next, I'll be taking your three sizes.」


—Minazuki Shigure

"Three sizes" are the results of a "bust/waist/hip measurements" ("BWH measurements" or "body measurements").

得到三围值的身体测量称为“bust/waist/hip measurements”,也可以叫做“BWH measurements”或简单的“body measurements”。

be on edge

vi. To be anxious and tense. (焦虑)

「Oh, so that's the reason she's been on edge for the past few days.」


—Minazuki Maple

do (someone or something) up

vt. To make someone or something attractive; to decorate or ornament someone or something. (装扮)

「All right, I'll handle the cooking and the cake. So, yeah, let's do it up and have ourselves a Christmas party.」


—Minazuki Kashou

to the nines

ad. To the greatest degree or extent; to a point of perfection. (到极点地)

「Yes! Let's have a party to the nines!」


—Minazuki Shigure

knock (one's) socks off

vt. To thoroughly impress, overwhelm, or excite one. (震惊)

「They showed it on TV! They said it's super good!」


—Minazuki Chocola

「They said it knocks your socks off.」


—Minazuki Vanilla

figure of speech

cn. A form of expression in language, either spoken or written, that employs nonliteral meaning, unusual construction, or a particular combination of sounds to emphasize or heighten the rhetorical effect. (修辞格)

「They said it knocks your socks off. Though, the person on TV's socks didn't get knocked off.」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Oh, well, by that they mean 'it knocks your socks off' because it's really good. It's a figure of speech.」


—Minazuki Kashou

hold (one's) head (up) high

vi. To feel and show pride in oneself, especially in times of difficulty, failure, or embarrassment. ((表示自信和骄傲)昂着头)

「I am more than pleased if I can be of any service to my beloved Nii-sama. Please, I want you to be proud and hold your head high while following your dreams.」


—Minazuki Shigure

by any chance

ad. Used as a polite emphasis to a request or question. ((用于询问或礼貌地请求)也许,可能)

「Hehe. Did Azuki, by any chance, say anything to you or something?」


—Minazuki Shigure

as of late

ad. Lately; in recent times. (最近)

「Azuki, what did you get?」


—Minazuki Maple

「Cat hair clips. My hair has been growing as of late, so it's just in the nick of time.」


—Minazuki Azuki

in the nick of time

ad. At the last possible moment before a deadline or before something begins or ends; just in time. (在紧要关头)

「Azuki, what did you get?」


—Minazuki Maple

「Cat hair clips. My hair has been growing as of late, so it's just in the nick of time.」


—Minazuki Azuki

Word "nick" in this phrase means "the critical moment", which is obsolete now.


something else

pron. Someone or something that is particularly remarkable, unusual, or impressive. (不平常的)

「Ooh, wow!! Now this is what I call extravagant!! Christmas shindigs are something else!!」


—Minazuki Azuki

I'm trying to reason that "the more you learn English, the less you know about it" these days. This is an excellent argument of mine.


rev up

vt. To make someone or something more lively or productive. ((使)活跃起来)

「Wow, Nuts. Still, I can understand getting revved up over the first snowfall of the season. Keep lookin' up like that and you're gonna take a spill.」


—Minazuki Azuki

Basically, "rev" is a shortened "revolve", which is initially a description of motor and engine.


do (one) a solid

vi. (informal) To help one; to do one a favor. (帮助)

「The weather report didn't say anything about this, though... Snowfall truly is lovely, isn't it, Nii-sama𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Minazuki Shigure

「Yeah, it really is. God sure is doing us a solid, setting up the perfect scene.」


—Minazuki Kashou

to one's heart's content

vi. To one's complete satisfaction, without limitation. (心满意足地)

「We've got a whole heap of food here. Everyone, eat to your heart's content.」


—Minazuki Kashou

Expressions (其它表达)


「Hey, ChocoVani. Your seats are over here, over here. C'mere and sit down.」


—Minazuki Azuki

Similar to the case of "C'mon", "C'mere" is a contraction of "Come here".

和“C'mon”的情况类似,“C'mere”其实是“Come here”的缩略语。

Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)


「Y-You guys just got here, after all, right? You'll get used to it in no time, so don't worry! I'm new here at the Minaduki household myself, but everyone's been so kind!」


—Minazuki Coconut

「You've never been shy from the start, Nuts. Any different would be weird. Don't worry too much, and you'll get used to it in due time, in due time!」


—Minazuki Azuki

Name "Coconut" ends with a plosive "t", which is softened in nickname "nuts" into fricative "ts". Also, "nuts" as an adjective contains the meaning of both "foolish" and "enthusiastic". Namely "nuts" is characteristic of "Coconut".



「So yeah, starting today, those will be your seats. No need t'be so reserved. That'll be like your turf. Use it how y'wanna.」


—Minazuki Azuki

"T'be" here, together with the "y'wanna" later, omits some vowels. They are not common contraction but simply accent of Azuki, who appears casual but careful inside.



「So yeah, starting today, those will be your seats. No need t'be so reserved. That'll be like your turf. Use it how y'wanna.」


—Minazuki Azuki

Like the "gonna" we discussed before, "wanna" is another contraction that means "want to".

之前我们讨论过缩略词“gonna”,这里的“wanna”与之相似是对“want to”的缩略。

Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)

"happiness upon someone"

「I wish for happiness upon my entire family...」


—Minazuki Kashou

"get smiles out of someone"

「Finally got smiles out of you, I see.」


—Minazuki Kashou


「... 'Ere we go. That should do it.」


—Minazuki Kashou

It's true that some dialect may elide the "h" at the beginning, while it may be the meme about French's silent "h".


"like a lie"

「Kashou-san... You always have a nice scent... Also... your hands are so warm... It's so strange... Hehe.」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Is that so? I wouldn't know that myself.」


—Minazuki Kashou

「Yes... It was really warm even when I had that cold... It was so warm... My pain felt like a lie...」


—Minazuki Chocola


「Ooh, now there's a face I haven't seen in a while. I remember that it took a lot before Pull-may stopped peeing when she was excited.」


—Minazuki Azuki

Azuki call "Pull-may" as a nickname by inverting "Maple", which worths a phonetic analysis. According to IPA, "ma" in "Maple" shares pronunciation "/meɪ/" with single "may", while "ple" enjoys a special "/pəl/" differing from "/pʊl/" of "pull". Rather than tagging it with a "mistake", I believe it reflects the real pronunciation of Azuki, which is also characteristic of Azuki.



「Do you wet yourself when you're happy, too, Cinnamon?」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Huh? Y-yes~ Right, I wonder~? Well, I dunno if I'd say I wet myself~? Maybe more like I spring a leak~? When I get excited, um, there's a lot I can't be blamed for, I guess~?」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

"Dunno" is the contraction of "(I) do not know", which is not hard to infer.

“Dunno”是“(I) do not know”的缩略词,这并非那么难理解。

"put it"

「Hmm, how do I put it? It's hard to explain it to you, Chocola.」


—Minazuki Vanilla

"Put it" here means "put it across". Vanilla can not let Chocola understand everything.

这里的“put it”其实指“put it across”,香草没法向巧克力说明情况。


「I can tell you're happy, so it's okay.」


—Minazuki Kashou

「... That remark makes me itchy.」


—Minazuki Vanilla


「May-chan, you sure aren't honest with yourself~ I saw you take extra care to do your hair up right, y'know~」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

「Well, that's only natural if you're going out! It's 'cos I'm a cat... Besides, I don't like having fingers pointed at me while I'm not looking.」


—Minazuki Maple

"'cos'" equals to "because" in colloquial practice. Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "'cos I'm a cat?".

在口语中“'cos”是“because”的缩略。此外,此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "'cos I'm a cat?"

"have fingers pointed at me while I'm not looking"

「May-chan, you sure aren't honest with yourself~ I saw you take extra care to do your hair up right, y'know~」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

「Well, that's only natural if you're going out! It's 'cos I'm a cat... Besides, I don't like having fingers pointed at me while I'm not looking.」


—Minazuki Maple

Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "'cos I'm a cat?".

此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "'cos I'm a cat?"

"take it"

「I take it you like it? Not many people come to the beach this time of year, so it's a great spot off the beaten path.」


—Minazuki Kashou

Nothing special indeed. I am just impressed with the native manner of colloquial query about satisfaction here.


"the big idea behind"

「Nii-sama frolicking amongst the waves, you say...?! Why, that is...! That is a sight so sweet, so dazzling, that it borders on sublime...! No way! What is the big idea behind making me imagine such a sight?!」


—Minazuki Shigure

Potential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "borders on sublime?".

此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "borders on sublime?"


Okie dokie! Very well, Master!」


—Minazuki Chocola

With the origin of "OK" being a controversial linguistic problem, "okie-dokie" is sure a variant of "OK". Rather than name it "cute", I want to point out that a similar "Okidoki" is a voice line from Peon in Warcraft Ⅲ.


Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)


「Say, say, May-chan, hurry up and change the wallpaper~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 With a lil' snapshot of the two of us, May-chan~𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

I not getting it down pat, "lil'" is probably a contraction of "little".


"every inch of your cuteness"

「May-chan, every inch of your cuteness is here in full display~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

"patch things up between you two"

「You were the one who did it, right, Azuki? So don't start any fights! I'll grab the tools to repair the paper door, so you guys patch things up between you two in the meantime, okay?」


—Minazuki Kashou

"for Pete's sake"

「I did it so that you wouldn't cry, darn it. If you go ahead and cry anyway, it was pointless. For Pete's sake.」


—Minazuki Azuki

"For Pete's sake" is the same with "for heaven's sake", acting as a mild oath of exasperation, annoyance, frustration, anger, or surprise.

“For Pete's sake”和“for heaven's sake”相似,都是用于表达轻微的咒骂。

Translations (翻译)


「That's gross. You two, try eating without making rice fly everywhere!」



—Minazuki Maple

Rather than "dirty", I assume that "gross" her convey more about tactless behavior.


"on the right foot?"

「We're cats, after all...」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「We only call people we love 'Master'...」

「所以『 主人』对我们来说,就是最喜欢的人的意思……」

—Minazuki Chocola

「Hehe. That's how it is... So... Will you become... our master?」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Chocola, Vanilla... Sure. If you two can be by my side, then it'd be my pleasure.」

「巧克力、香草…… 嗯。如果巧克力和香草不嫌弃的话,我当然愿意。」

—Minazuki Kashou

「Yes... I'm fine with my master being my master...」


—Minazuki Chocola

「Mm-hmm... Me, too...」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Okay, I get it. Then, let's start over on the right foot, okay?」



—Minazuki Kashou

Chinese "多多指教" here is a rather fixed translation for a common Japanese courtesy, therefore I think it's better to concentrate on the concrete meanings. "On the right foot" contains an affirmative for the current situation, which was dropped by the Chinese text. For another, I keep the formal courtesy while add more about a wish for the future.

中文“多多指教”是对一个日语常见辞令的习惯翻译,但我认为更需要注重的是除了客套话以外的表意内容。这里中文文本忽略了“on the right foot”包含的对当时情况的肯定态度。除了补上这点外,我既保留了“多多指教”的形式辞令也尝试点出语境中包含的对未来的期愿。

Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)

"'cos I'm a cat?"

「You sure are giddy, eh? Just a little trip outside being enough to get you amped up sure is cute.」


—Minazuki Maple

「May-chan, you sure aren't honest with yourself~ I saw you take extra care to do your hair up right, y'know~」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

「Well, that's only natural if you're going out! It's 'cos I'm a cat... Besides, I don't like having fingers pointed at me while I'm not looking.」



—Minazuki Maple

It is crystal clear that word "besides" in the text has divided the sentence into two thought groups, with "it's" strengthening such a cohesion. From one hand, regarding that cats are neat lovers, Maple justified that it is a common sense for cats to make up. From another, she also cared about her own appearance.



「Wowww...! Amazing. It's so big, Vanilla...!」


—Minazuki Chocola

「Mm-hmm...! It smells really salty...!」


—Minazuki Vanilla

「Also, this feels super coarse under my feet...!」


—Minazuki Chocola

「It's white, coarse, and amazing...! So this is the ocean...!」


—Minazuki Vanilla

The bilingual texts here diverge obviously and it is the English text appearing inharmonious. "Coarse sand" could only be that with rough texture while "smooth sand" should be adopted here.

这里双语文本显然是矛盾的,问题应该出在英文文本上。毫无疑问“coarse sand”应该是材质粗糙的沙,而“细沙”应该是“smooth sand”。

"as if about to cry?"

「Nyaaaah? S-Something! Something slimy just touched my leg!! What was that just now?! Hamanahamanahamana!! Nyaaaaahhh!!」


—Minazuki Maple

「Hehehe. It's just a jellyfish; you're all right~𝅘𝅥𝅮 You sure are cute when you're spooked~𝅘𝅥𝅮 You're always so haughty, May-chan, but seeing you clinch on to me so tight as if about to cry, its... It's making me get such a strange feeliinngg~!𝅘𝅥𝅮」



—Minazuki Cinnamon

It's obvious that Maple was so spooked that she was about to cry while Chinese "哭丧着脸" focus more on "unhappy" rather than "frightened". Pitifully, exact expression like "tear from fright" is unavailable in Chinese. Regarding that the context means to exhibit a contrast between Maple's usual haughtiness and her on-scene panic, I detour to choose "花容失色", which highlights the loss of grace from fear of a beautiful girl.


"borders on sublime?"

「But, kudos to you, Nii-sama. To think that you would know of such a superb spot off the beaten path.」


—Minazuki Shigure

「Well, I did use to play here a lot as a kid, after all.」


—Minazuki Kashou

「Nii-sama frolicking amongst the waves, you say...?! Why, that is...! That is a sight so sweet, so dazzling, that it borders on sublime...! No way! What is the big idea behind making me imagine such a sight?! Nii-sama, you cad! You're trying to kill your little sister! Geez!!」



—Minazuki Shigure

As is expanded in Words => sublime vide supra, the translation here omits both the apparent "being close to" and the alluded "being supreme".

正如上文 单词 => sublime 中所谈到的,这里的翻译既没有扣准“border on something”又没有阐明“sublime”的实际内涵。

"'Cabaret Club'!"

cn. A restaurant or nightclub providing short programs of live entertainment. (夜总会)

「W-Well, let's take a look at a map or something, then~!」


—Minazuki Cinnamon

「Right, taking a look at a map would be nice! Let's see, in that case, we'll go with someplace near the house... 'Hey, Tsuri! Map of Kamakura!'」

「好啊,看看地图也不错呢!我看看,总之就先从我们家附近开始……『 嘿,Tsuri!』『地图 』!『镰仓 』!」

—Minazuki Maple

「Yes, looking up 'Cabaret Club' in your area.」

「『 恋娼大酒家』对吗?现在显示搜寻结果」


Besides skills, it always requires some luck to perfectly translated a pun. Though not perfect, the Chinese text managed to present the pun here and is still worth praising.


"than what you've said?"

「Plus, the kitties helped me realize something. They helped me realize that I could give you support in a way that only I am capable of, Nii-sama. Handling Father and Mother... I realized that my have been all I was able to do, but it is something that only I, alone, am capable of. So, that is why if I could help support your dreams, Nii-sama, since I love you so much... then, personally, there is no richer praise that I could ever receive than what you've said to me. That is why you need not apologize to me at all.」


=> 「而且托她们的福,才让我察觉到一件事。我可以用我自己的方法,而且是只有我才能办到的方法来为哥哥打气。例如应付父亲大人和母亲大人……虽然我能做的就只有这些,但是这些事情无疑是只有我一个人才办得到的。我是那么的想为我心爱哥哥的梦想尽一份心力,所以对我来说,您刚刚说的那些话就是就是至高无比的奖励了;所以对我来说,您根本没有必要向我道歉的。」

—Minazuki Shigure

For me, there are two obvious parallel "that is why" structures, which suggests that it would be better to treat some adverbials within this structure as adverbial of the entire structure.

在这里我尝试依托明显的平行结构“that is why”进行翻译。按照这个思路,平行结构之中的状语似乎应该修饰的是整个平行结构。

About Grammar (语法碎片)

(in)transitive verb

「If you have any preferences, let me know, okay? I want to accommodate as best as I can.」


—Minazuki Kashou

Many verbs share the possibility of being both transitive and intransitive while similar entry may coexist in these two subtypes. Remember, though belonging to different subtypes, it may simply imply the difference on usage (prepositions particularly). For example, no objective follows the "accommodate" here, but common usage of intransitive "accommodate" is "accommodate someone to something", which is almost the same as transitive "accommodate" for conveying "to do a favor or service for".

有许多动词同时具有及物/不及物用法,值得注意的是某些含义相近的词条可能只是暗示接宾语的时候是否需要某个介词。具体来说,尽管这里的“accommodate”是不及物用法,但其作不及物动词时在常用搭配“accommodate someone to something”里表达的其实是和及物用法里“为…提供方便”几乎相同的意思。


「Ooh, now there's a face I haven't seen in a while. I remember that it took a lot before Pull-may stopped peeing when she was excited.」


—Minazuki Azuki

「Wh-what are you talking about?! Quit it with the ancient history! Besides, Coconut still pees the bed, doesn't she!」


—Minazuki Maple

"It" in bold here substitutes a single gerund "talking" rather than the whole action with an object of preposition "with", by which we could smoothly emphasize "quit it" structure in speech to convey the anger better.

这里的“it”仅仅指替代了动名词“talking”而非包含“with”引导的介宾结构的整个动作。这种替代方式为口头表达提供了一个可重读的“quit it”,从而能更好地表达说话者的愤怒。

linking verb

「Chocola has been really excited since yesterday. Well, I may not look it, but I'm pretty excited as well.」


—Minazuki Vanilla

It was counterintuitive for us to see a pronoun follow the linking verb. However, the essence of linking verb is to "describe the subject", which could be achieved by using a pronoun for sure.


Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)

Acknowledgements (致谢)

I sincerely thanks Prof. Lan He from Hunan University for her generous help and contribution to the entries vide infra:

  • Chapter NA => Words => admittedly
  • Chapter NA => About Grammar => (in)transitive verb

M. Ming-rui Xiao from Wuhan University of Technology for his generous help and contribution to the entries vide infra:

  • Chapter NA => Translation => "on the right foot?"
  • Chapter NA => Translation => "as if about to cry?"


  • 第?章 => 词汇 => admittedly
  • 第?章 => 语法碎片 => (in)transitive verb


  • 第?章 => 翻译 => "on the right foot?"
  • 第?章 => 翻译 => "as if about to cry?"

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by Syl & Sylvia @ 2022-12-23 18:19:01 @ Wuhan, Hanyang District
originally post @ https://www.cnblogs.com @ 2022-12-23

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