Vocabulary of NEKOPARA Vol. 1 (猫娘乐园第一卷笔记)
Note about Post Structure (关于内容结构的说明)
I talk about words, phrases, expressions, translations and grammar in this note. Please notice that all phrases, idioms and some collocations that contains more than one words are all classified into "Phrases". "Expressions" contains other unclassified contents include rhetoric and some accurate phraseology from my point of view. In section of "Words" I prepared specialized entry to put away all the mood particles and onomatopoeia. In each of the entry, I assured that original text is cited and, when necessary, I mark potential mistakes with highlight in Markdown grammar. References are attached to their relevant entries.
在这篇笔记中,我讨论了词汇,短语,表达,翻译和语法。请注意,所有超过一个单词的短语,俗语和一些搭配都被笼统分到了“短语”版块。“其它表达”版块囊括了所有其它未归类的内容,包括且不限于修辞和一些精当措辞。在“词汇”版块下我设置了专门的区域记录所遇到的语气词和拟声词。每条词条都含有它出处的原始文本,其中有疑问之处均用 Markdown 语法的高亮功能进行了标识。关于参考资料,所有的链接都附在了相对应的词条之下。
Chapter 1: Opening (第一章:开幕)
Words (词汇)
un. signs collectively (集合名词,标志)
I turned my head to look at the empty bakery which didn't even have any signage yet.
"Signage" is a more formal word related with visual graphic, etc. However, some also voice that the difference between "signage" and "sign" is vague and "sign" could act as a simple alternation anyway.
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
un. the amount of public respect or popularity that someone or something has (声望;名望)
I was going to start completely anew despite the stature of may family's name and everything that had happened up until now.
Seems that "stature" is quite similar to "status" in both form and meaning, however, "stature" is from Latin statura (which means height or size of body) while "status" is from Latin status (which means condition, position, etc.). Regarding that "stature" has another entry means "a person's height", its means about prestige is seemingly an extended meaning.
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
a. cruel, or unkind; angry and violent (不友善;凶暴)
Ah, more importantly than that, listen up! Those movers were really mean!
—Minazuki Chocola
vi. to make a sound like a long "s" to show disapproval of sb/sth (发嘘声)
Chocola wanted to hiss at them all of a sudden. Chocola really did!
—Minazuki Chocola
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "hiss?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "hiss?"。
vi. to be very angry about sth (大为生气)
Chocola did her best to control her temper. but Chocola was fuming, you know! Absolutely fuming!
—Minazuki Chocola
The original meaning of "fume" is "(sending out) smoke", which is a vivid picture for being angry.
a. not caring or worrying about the future (乐天的)
You could say that she was always happy-go-lucky. Or rather she preoccupied herself with only what was in front of her.
a. thinking and/or worrying continuously about sth so that you do not pay attention to other things (专注的)
You could say that she was always happy-go-lucky. Or rather she preoccupied herself with only what was in front of her.
a. (informal) very angry (非常愤怒的)
So I was also mad. Just steaming!
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. to be very fond of somebody or something (溺爱)
My little sister really loves to dote on catgirls... so our family has six including Chocola and Vanilla.
Noticing that "dote" is an intransitive verb, it functions only when with preposition "on" or "upon".
需要注意的是“dote”是个不及物动词,“dote on”或者“dote upon”才表示溺爱。
cn. a person who helps another to commit a crime or to do sth wrong (共犯)
Thus I could only guess that this was somehow Shigure's doing... I see, so Shigure was an accomplice then.
—Minazuki Kashou
Now we can use "accomplice" along with "culprit" when figuratively describing the cause of problem.
cn. the sheets and covers that you put on a bed, often also the mattress and the pillows (寝具)
Chocola really likes the smell of new bedding and furniture~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
vi. to get into, or to put sb/sth into, a warm comfortable position, especially close to sb (依偎)
Meow! We can't miss that! Let's go snuggle in it! Snuggle time!
—Minazuki Chocola
"Snuggle" is also an intransitive verb and the common expression is "snuggle up with sb".
“Snuggle”也是一个不及物动词,其常用表达为“snuggle up with sb”。
vi. to respond to something such as a greeting or message to show it has been noticed or received (确认收到)
Snuggling acknowledged. That is fine by me.
—Minazuki Vanilla
npl. rooms that are provided for soldiers, servants, etc. to live in (宿舍)
Well, the bakery did have living quarters on the second floor... so I wasn't worried about them causing a ruckus around here.
cn. a situation in which there is a lot of noisy activity, confusion or argument (喧闹)
Well, the bakery did have living quarters on the second floor... so I wasn't worried about them causing a ruckus around here.
a. bad, or harmful (坏的)
Without any ill intentions, the two catgirls were off and running.
From my point of view, "ill" seems more friendly than "bad". About the usage, please mind that "ill" can only act as attribute rather than predicative when it means "bad".
a. soft, light and containing air (松软的)
The new bed is very fluffy. It gets a passing score.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Another entry of "fluffy" that worth mentioning is about "talking big". A big talk is hollow or "fluffy".
a. serious (严重的)
Gosh, both of you have major bed-head. Sheesh!
—Minazuki Kashou
vt. to hit sb lightly on the head or to hit yourself by mistake (轻拍(头))
I lightly bonked them both on the head while they had their eyes closed.
"Bonk" is kind of "tap" but can only on head. Still, example sentences show that it is better to mention the "head" when using this word. Maybe it is for avoiding the misunderstanding from its meaning of "having sex with sb"?
“Bonk”指的就是拍头(而非其他部位)这个动作。尽管如此,许多例句中还是会出现“bonk one's head”这样的表述。或许是因为不造成误会吧,毕竟“bonk”还有一个意思是“性交”......
vi. to make a long deep sound or series of sounds (发出持续而低沉的声音)
The sound of Chocola's stomach rumbling is cute anyways.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Though some mention the expression of "stomach grumbles", a view of physiology indicates that "rumble" might be the best word.
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
a. relaxed, calm, and not getting easily upset about things (随和的)
These two were as easygoing as always.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "easygoing?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "easygoing?"。
vt. if sth soft squishes or is squished , it is crushed out of shape when it is pressed (压坏)
Come on, Chocola is going to squish your cheeks~
—Minazuki Chocola
"Squish" or "squash" means "pressing sth till damaging it". Sounds "ultraviolent" for Chocola... Additionally, Vanilla only felt tickle in the following context (quod vide Words => List of Modal Particles => Entry 12), which suggests a potential word misuse. I barely understand Japanese so it's a pity that I can't justify it.
这对巧克力来说似乎有点“超暴力”了,毕竟“squish(squash)”指的是把某物压坏。此外下文里被捏的香草只是说“这样会痒”(参见 单词 => 语气词表 => 12),这不得不让人怀疑英语文本是不是用错词了,可惜我对日语一窍不通也无法考证。
a. having a well-known and usually highly regarded or marketable name (名牌的)
From brand-name clothing stores to supermarkets, there was an array of stores. There was even a drug store with daily necessities amongst them.
prep. (written) same as among
From brand-name clothing stores to supermarkets, there was an array of stores. There was even a drug store with daily necessities amongst them.
a. behaving in a calm and relaxed way; giving the impression that you are not feeling any anxiety (若无其事的)
Don't just say that and then toss that in the basket all nonchalantly.
—Minazuki Kashou
"Nonchalant" is French-origin and such words, or even French itself, are usual in NEKOPARA to coincide with the character design of Minazuki Kashou who once been abroad for France.
“Nonchalant”是一个法语源的词,像这样的词在 NEKOPARA 中普遍出现频率较高,我们甚至有时能直接看到法语。而这一切都是为了符合水无月嘉祥曾在法国留学的人物设定。
vi. to feel and show that you are sorry for sth bad or wrong that you have done (悔过)
We repent! Please, Master!
—Minazuki Chocola
Combining with the following context about "begging", I think the translation here is acceptable.
vi. when a cat purr , it makes a low continuous sound in the throat, especially when it is happy or comfortable ((猫)呼噜)
It makes me want to start purring! Meow meow~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
"Purr" is customized for cat and is extremely resorted to in NEKOPARA. It might be mentioned later.
“Purr”这个词专用于猫,它在 NEKOPARA 里出现频率极其之高,以后我们可能会再次提到。
cn. a person who does not like to spend money (守财奴)
He didn't buy us anything though. Master is such a cheapskate.
—Minazuki Vanilla
n. a conversation or an argument (交谈)
After that, it was the same sort of exchange at the supermarket.
vt. to attract or interest sb (吸引)
It was a catgirl younger than Chocola and Vanilla. She waved her tiny hands as she politely drew customers in.
a. polite, especially in a way that shows respect (客气的)
They're cute and smart catgirls, aren't they? They're so courteous and well-spoken, too.
—Food Stand Owner
a. showing that you are both amused and disappointed or annoyed (啼笑皆非的)
The food stand owner had a wry smile on her face like she was talking about a mischievous child of hers.
a. enjoying playing tricks and annoying people (顽皮的)
The food stand owner had a wry smile on her face like she was talking about a mischievous child of hers.
vt. to push sb gently, especially with your elbow, in order to get their attention ((用肘)轻推)
She lightly nudged me with her elbow.
vt. to add a small amount of a particular emotion or quality to sth (使略带......感情)
Her words seemed tinged with blame and worry. She grumbled, letting out a sigh.
Basic meaning of "tinge" is "to add small amount of color", which is further extended to "emotion adding".
a. to fill with joy or pride (使得意)
Since the amount of unfortunate humanoid cats had decreased... there was more of a balance, and owners were quite elated.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "since?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "since?"。
A tsundere is a character, most often female and in anime, who switches from being tough and cold towards a love interest into being soft and sweet.
Shigure wasn't kidding when she said "a tsundere older brother is a good thing"...!
—Minazuki Vanilla
You may notice that I didn't mention the form of it, but it doesn't means the form isn't given by the dictionary. On quite the contrary, modern English absorbed this Japanese-origin word and made it versatile... Regarding my poor linguistics knowledge, I can't comprehensively appraise it but feel strange anyway...
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
cn. a layer of food that you put on top of a dish, cake, etc. to add flavour or to make it look nice (佐料)
Okay! Please choose the topping and flavour you'd like off this menu here.
—Food Stand Owner
un. a thick cold white sauce made from eggs, oil and vinegar , used to add flavour to sandwiches , salads, etc. (蛋黄酱)
Chocola likes them with mayonnaise on top!
—Minazuki Chocola
cn. the mass of eggs inside a female fish (hard roe) or the sperm of a male fish (soft roe), used as food (鱼子)
Thank you so much for your kindness. Bow~ I'd like mine to be fish roe and cheese flavour.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. to ignore sb's feelings or rights and treat them as if they are not important (摧残(心灵))
Those words are sexual harassment. You are trampling on our dignity.
—Minazuki Vanilla
v. to pretend that you have a particular feeling or that you are ill/sick, tired, etc. (假装)
Stop feigning ignorance, you two. Cut that out.
—Minazuki Kashou
vi. to no longer take part in something, or to stop someone or something from taking part (退出)
I will also make great haste. Or rather, I'll withdraw with the speed of a catgirl.
—Minazuki Vanilla
cn. a Japanese mattress , often on a wooden frame, that can be used for sitting on or rolled out to make a bed (蒲团)
For now I'll let you stay, but only for tonight... I don't have guest beds or futons, okay?
—Minazuki Kashou
cn. a small sign of sth (一丝)
The one glimmer of hope I had, that Shigure would call me back, didn't happen... so I decided that taking them home tomorrow was my first priority.
a. serious and often disapproving; expecting sb to obey you (严苛的)
I placed my hands on their heads and spoke in a clear and stern voice.
vt. to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can (聚集(支持、勇气等))
... They mustered out. They looked like they were on the verge of tears. Their obedience had the exact opposite of effect I expected -- it filled me with guilt. I felt a prickling sensation in my chest.
Probably "muster up", which means to summon, gather or cobble something, especially those intangible, here. "Muster out" has only meaning about "muster", namely the summoned military.
这里应该是“muster up”,它指聚集无形的东西。“Muster”本义指聚集(的)部队,“muster out”只有和部队相关的意思。
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
vi. to sting or feel strange and unpleasant because you are frightened, angry, excited, etc. (有刺痒感)
... They mustered out. They looked like they were on the verge of tears. Their obedience had the exact opposite of effect I expected -- it filled me with guilt. I felt a prickling sensation in my chest.
n. an extra amount of sth such as time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to make sure that sth is successful (余地)
... Was what she told me when I was finally able to get in touch with her. Without any margin of negotiation space, I was struck down.
a. hard and cruel (残酷无情的)
As the ruthless electronic buzz of the dropped call echoed, I stared at my phone.
"Ruth" is the pity for another person's troubles, ”ruthless“ is therefore similar to merciless.
vt. to eat sth steadily and often noisily, especially sth crisp (大声咀嚼)
Munch munch munch, breakfast tastes good!
—Minazuki Chocola
a. as good as the best in the world (世界级的)
Chocola is a lot of fun, you know? With Chocola, it's a world-class level of fun!
—Minazuki Chocola
vi. to become or be made weaker or less severe (变麻木)
I tilted the already-cooled coffee cup... as my emotions dulled, unimpeded by my judgement.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "emotion dulled?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "emotion dulled?"。
a. cheerful and full of energy (精力充沛的)
Her usually always perky ears were drooping. Chocola was speaking clearly under her own volition.
un. the power to choose sth freely or to make your own decisions (自行决断力)
Her usually always perky ears were drooping. Chocola was speaking clearly under her own volition.
vt. to persuade sb to believe sth or do sth (动摇)
But if I was going to be swayed by that... then I wouldn't have said this.
cn. a list of goods that have been sold, work that has been done etc., showing what you must pay (发票)
If everything looks to be in order, could you please sign this invoice?
—Tableware Seller
vi. to be much taller than someone or something else (高耸)
The mountain of cardboard boxes towered over everything. I was at a loss for words.
cn. one that is or is regarded as a source of salvation in a crisis (生命线)
That's right, I have a lifeline!!
—Minazuki Kashou
vt. to finish a drink or eat sth quickly ((一下子)咽下)
I downed the cold tea in one gulp.
vi. to walk slowly or with heavy steps, because you are tired or carrying sth heavy (费力地走)
She trudged up to the second floor, still dejected.
a. unhappy and disappointed (沮丧的)
She trudged up to the second floor, still dejected.
a. completely lacking in sth (完全没有的)
Inside the bakery, now devoid of anyone but myself... I repeated those words she had just said to me.
vi. to think about sth carefully for a period of time (深思)
I pondered as I looked at the name of the bakery affixed to the window. With a bitter smile, I began to clean up the tea sets that had arrived earlier.
vt. if sth dry and light rustles or you rustle it, it makes a sound like paper, leaves, etc. moving or rubbing together (发出沙沙声)
The constant sea breeze rustled the trees in the park.
vt. to prevent sth from happening; to prevent a feeling from being expressed (抑制)
Her voice trembled as she frantically wiped away her tears. She stifled her sobbing and her voice became strained.
vi. to gather closely together, usually because of cold or fear ((通常因寒冷或害怕)挤在一起)
Chocola and Vanilla were huddled together, crying by the side of the road. They were still so young, they couldn't even speak yet.
un. severe pain, mental suffering or unhappiness (剧痛)
No one had realized it hat night... But we felt so much pain, anguish, and loneliness...
—Minazuki Chocola
vt. to affect sb/sth very strongly (严重影响)
*Chocola, if you could be with me--* I was engulfed by my inner thoughts with were ready to overflow.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "engulfed?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "engulfed?"。
vi. to flow slowly and in small quantities through sth or into sth (渗透)
These uncharacteristic words from Vanilla... deeply penetrated and seeped into my heart.
vi. to make a deep, clear sound that continues for a long time (发出回响)
*Who am I dictate Chocola and Vanilla's happiness?* Only those words continued to strongly resonate in my mind... which was otherwise empty.
I love the Greek-origin word "echo". It was after the mythological mountain nymph Echo, who faded away for love of Narcissus until nothing but her voice was left, therefore focused on the sound itself. "Resonate" is meanwhile Latin-origin from "resonatus" and means "to sound again". Literally there is no difference except the myth-related parentage of "echo". However, from my point of view, "resonate" was shifting its focus to "vibration" with probably deeping understanding of people about the nature of sound. It turns out that "resonate" could better express the "impact" these days.
谈到“回声”,我非常喜欢希腊语源的“echo”这个词,它来自回声女神(Echo)的名字。在 Echo 的故事里,她爱上了美男子 Narcissus,最终憔悴而死,只留下回荡的声音,“Echo”这个词因而比较关注声音。“Resonate”来自拉丁语单词“resonatus”,指“再次发出声音”。从这个角度看它和基于神话故事的“echo”起初没有任何含义差别,但现在并不是这样。在我看来,或许是随着人们对声音本质的认识深化,“resonate”这个词逐渐将重心转移到了“振动”上。总而言之,如今用“resonate”或许能更好表达“影响”相关的意思。
a. that makes you feel sad; dull and not interesting (令人沮丧的)
The dreary moment seemed to be blown away by her sazzling smile.
vt. to disarrange something, making it messy (使凌乱)
Even if the road ahead of us is uncertain... I lovingly rubbed their heads, disheveling their hair.
List of Modal Particles (语气词表)
to show the sound that you make to express doubt or when you are hesitating
... Hmm? What's with this big box...?
—Minazuki Kashou
to show anger, surprise, disagreement, etc. or to show that they are not impressed by sth
Oh, it's just a cat, huh? Just a troublesome cat. Geez.
—Minazuki Kashou
a mild oath or introductory expletive (as to express surprise)
Oh, it's just a cat, huh? Just a troublesome cat. Geez.
—Minazuki Kashou
Eheheh... uhm, l-long time no see... right, master...?
—Minazuki Chocola
used while you are talking but need a moment to think about what you are saying
Eheheh... uhm, l-long time no see... right, master...?
—Minazuki Chocola
Well, uhm... that is true, Chocola guesses... Ahaha...
—Minazuki Chocola
used to express surprise, pleasure, admiration or sympathy, or when you disagree with sb
Ah, more importantly than that, listen up! Those movers were really mean!
—Minazuki Chocola
used when you are surprised or shocked
Gosh, both of you have major bed-head. Sheesh!
—Minazuki Kashou
used to express disappointment, annoyance, or surprise
Gosh, both of you have major bed-head. Sheesh!
—Minazuki Kashou
Fuwah~ Chocola loves it when Master rubs her head~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 It feels good~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
used to show that you are very pleased about sth
Yay~! Food! Chocola loves Master!
—Minazuki Chocola
a replacement for the word fuck
Fueh! Chocola, that tickles...!
—Minazuki Vanilla
Uuuu~ Shopping with Shigure-chan and shopping with Master are totally different!
—Minazuki Chocola
Tch, his defense is strong.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Auuuu... but we're on our way home to have dinner...
—Minazuki Chocola
a cute way to express delight or bashfulness, as in after a pleasant surprise. Used especially by the anime community
Uwah?! Ah wait! Hey, Chocola...?!
—Minazuki Kashou
Geh, I've got you, Vanilla!
—Minazuki Kashou
used to show that you are very happy
Yay~! Yahoo~!!
—Minazuki Chocola
the sound people make when they are surprised
Eh? Why is that? Aren't you done with shopping already?
—Minazuki Chocola
List of Onomatopoeia (拟声词表)
a sound that people make to show that they are hot, tired, or happy that sth bad has finished or did not happen
... Phew, this should be most of the boxes then.
—Minazuki Kashou
the sound that you make when you sneeze
loud sucking noises as you drink something
It's cutely artistic. I'll lick it off. Shlurp slurp~
—Minazuki Vanilla
an act or the sound of sniffling
Sniffle... You really are kind, are,'t you Master...?
—Minazuki Chocola
Phrases (短语)
from here on out
ad. From this moment and continuing into the future (从今往后)
From here on out, no one would tell me what to do.
"From here on out" is an interesting expression that there are prepositions in tandem, which is quite unusual in English (while there is a distinctive "chez" in French and classic expression such as "bien de chez nous" (which means "typically native")). Just as the famous "come on in", we can disassemble it into "from here on" and "from here out", which have the same meaning.
“From here on out”是一个有趣的表达,其中包含了英语中不常出现的介词连用现象。法语中则有一个独具特色的“chez”使得这种现象较为常见(可以以形容某物“地道”的经典表达“bien de chez nous”为例)。英语中另一个众所周知的例子是“come on in”,这里的“From here on out”也和它一样可以分解为“from here on”和“from here in”两个短语,而它们都包含“从今往后”之意。
break into smiles/a smile
v. to start smiling (绽出微笑)
Although I was a bit worried, the thought of what lay ahead made me break into a smile.
"Break into a smile/smiles" is similar to "burst into a laugh/laughs" in form but they differ in their emotional attitude tendency. For instance, we can "burst into a tear/tears" but can hardly "break into a tear/tears", which is a natural result of the latent meaning about "to start to have success in your career or an area of activity" of "break into". "Burst", however, only describes a "sudden action" objectively.
“Break into a smile/smiles”和“burst into a laugh/laughs”形似,但它们在情感倾向上有所不同。举例说明的话,“break”很难替换“burst into a tear/tears”中的“burst”。考虑到“break into”有一个“开始在某领域获得成功之意”,我认为这也是很正常的现象。“burst”一词实则更侧重对一个行为“突然发生”的客观描述。
go overboard
vi. to be too excited or enthusiastic about sth or about doing sth (过分热情)
The warnings were going overboard. They were getting annoying.
first off
ad. used for introducing the first of a series of things that you are going to say (首先)
First off, they were boxes that looked like they came from my house. If these were for the bakery, there's no way I wouldn't remember buying them.
listen up
vi. used for getting the attention of a noisy group of people
Ah, more importantly than that, listen up! Those movers were really mean!
—Minazuki Chocola
puff out
vt. to make (something) larger and rounder by filling it with air ((充气)鼓起)
She ignored what I said. Chocola puffed out her cheeks.
As suggested by the word "pufferfish", face of Chocola who "puffs out cheeks" is similar to cute pufferfish.
就像“pufferfish”(指“气泡鱼”)这个词暗示的那样,“puff out cheeks”指的是像气泡鱼那样鼓起脸颊。
in regard to
prep. In reference to; considering (关于)
Also, they said "this box" is heavy, so be careful with it" in regards to me too.
—Minazuki Vanilla
"S" in "in regards to" seems like a typo.
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
at one's wits' end
a. at the limits of one's mental resources (智穷才尽的)
I was at my wits' end with the large boxes that had suddenly shown up. Anyhow, Chocola and Vanilla got out of their boxes.
Mind the spelling here, similar to "spirits" means "mood", "wit" is usually in plural when it means "ability to think quickly and clearly and to make good decisions".
fine by me
a. said when one has no objection to something. (对我可接受的)
Snuggling acknowledged. That is fine by me.
—Minazuki Vanilla
I saw "fine by me" for the first time from Avicii's Wake Me Up and it went as "Well it's fine by me." However, "fine with me" would be slightly more formal while "fine by me" is really usual.
我第一次见到“fine by me”这个表达还是听A神(Avicii)的 Wake Me Up 的时候,歌中有一句“Well it's fine by me”。 但即使“fine by me”确实被广泛使用,“fine with me”是稍微才是正式一点的表达。
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
bring up
vt. to start discussing a subject (提起话题)
Well, it wasn't really an issue I needed to bring up right this moment. I should hear from Shigure soon anyhow.
bed head
un. hair that is mussed or tangled when a person gets out of bed (起床头)
Gosh, both of you have major bed-head. Sheesh!
—Minazuki Kashou
"Bedhead", "bed-head" or "bed head", though using noun as attribute seems better, my investigations give no concrete answer whether the former two are typos or not. Anyway, it is a very real-life expression about the hair in a mess when just getting up from bed.
众说纷纭,很遗憾我没能考证到加连字符和不空格两种拼写的正确性,但显然名词作定语的“bed head”要更好一些。作为一个非常生活化的表达,它指的是人刚起床时头发乱糟糟的状态。
tag along
vt. (informal) to accompany or follow somebody, often when your presence is unwanted (尾随)
Chocola said she was going, so I tagged along.
—Minazuki Vanilla
now that
conj. as it is now the case that; seeing as; considering (既然)
Now that I thought about it, I haven't eaten anything since this morning either.
get carried away
vi. to be so excited that one is no longer in control of one's behavior (忘乎所以)
You'll bother those around us, so try not to get too carried away, you two.
—Minazuki Kashou
real estate
un. property in the form of land or buildings (房地产)
That was how the real estate agent had recommended this place to me.
piping hot
a. food or drink that is piping hot is very hot (滚烫的)
Would you like to try some piping hot takoyaki with lots of bonito flakes on top~?
—Food Stand Cat
"Piping" describes the hissing or sizzling noise made by food taken very hot from the oven. Therefore it suits "just-cooked food" well.
这个“piping”其实是形容刚从炉子里取出的食物发出的嘶嘶声,所以“piping hot”用来形容刚烹饪好的食物是最贴切的。
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
be all the rage
vi. to be very popular (风靡一时)
Humanoid cats were all the rage, but... They're many times more difficult to take care of than regular cats.
虽然人型猫曾经风靡一时...... 不过要养育她们,毕竟还是得花上比普通猫多好几倍的工夫。
—Food Stand Owner
get hold of
vt. to successfully make contact and communicate with one (联系上)
... I still can't get a hold of her.
—Minazuki Kashou
Not sure whether the "a" is a typo here, while "get hold of" is fine.
iron grip
cn. total, dominant control (over someone or something) (完全掌握)
Master is grabbing Chocola's chest with an iron grip.
—Minazuki Vanilla
get ahead of oneself
vi. to plan or become overly excited for a possible future event (说过头)
Don't get ahead of yourself, you two.
—Minazuki Kashou
on the verge of
prep. closely approaching some action or outcome (将要)
... They mustered out. They looked like they were on the verge of tears. Their obedience had the exact opposite of effect I expected -- it filled me with guilt. I felt a prickling sensation in my chest.
sweet nothings
un. endearments, often whispered, between lovers (情侣之间的悄悄话)
By the way, Nii-sama. Would you whisper this morning's sweet nothings to your little sister?
—Minazuki Shigure
in question
a. the person, thing, time, etc. in question is the one that you are talking about at the present time (当事的)
The catgirls in question were happily stuffing themselves with sandwiches.
stuff oneself
vi. to eat a large amount of food (大吃大喝)
The catgirls in question were happily stuffing themselves with sandwiches.
over easy
a. turned over when almost cooked and fried for a short time on the other side (两面煎的)
These sandwiches incidentally contained tomato, cheese and lettuce. With an over-easy fried egg tucked inside all of that, it was a simple meal.
It's more common to see a hyphen-free "over easy" spelling, an over easy fried egg is also tender with a runny yolk.
比起这里的拼写,更常见的是不加连字符的“over easy”,它同时暗示鸡蛋是溏心的。
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
at back of one's mind
ad. in one's thoughts, but with little or no conscious or active consideration or reflection (在脑海/记忆的角落)
... I don't remember Chocola or Vanilla ever being this disobedient." That thought stayed at the back of my mind.
"Back" implies a remote part of mind/memory.
somehow or another
ad. by some means; in uncertain or undetermined ways (无论如何)
Somehow or another, the light meal tableware had arrived. Soon, I really had to get the bakery ready for its opening.
it just so happens
conj. surprisingly or by an unlikely coincidence (碰巧)
It just so happened that no one was home on the day I decided to take the two catgirls home.
It was quite amusing when I consulted dictionary for this. I saw "so" but failed to explain this, I found "just so" later but failed again. Just before I decided to turn to someone else, it occured to me that I can try to search entire this and it unexpectedly solved the problem. It could be treated as a reinforced version of "it happens that...".
我查这个词的时候还蛮搞笑的。一开始我查的是“so”,但是翻译不通;然后我发现“just so”是个词组但是我还是翻译不通。就在我打算找人帮忙的时候我试了一下直接查整个“it just so happens”,然后问题就这么解决了......事实是这就是一个加强版的“it happens that...”。
from that day forward
ad. from then on (从那时起)
... That's why, from that day forward, Master became Chocola's Master.
—Minazuki Chocola
in one's stead
ad. (formal) as the representative of someone or something; in place of someone or something (代替某人)
Since Shigure can't go with you, she asked us to go in her stead, Master.
—Minazuki Vanilla
bring oneself to do
vi. to cause or inspire someone to take a particular action (使自己做)
Saying "no" to their words... was not something I could bring myself to do.
Expressions (其它表达)
"La Soleil"
And finally, there were the words that displayed the name of the bakery: "La Soleil".
以及玻璃窗上的店名——『La Soleil』。
Obviously "soleil" is masculine in French and the definite article should be "le". However, there's a latent feminine noun here (exactly the "someone I admired" in the context and it remains a mystery till the end), which is the same with those expressions of festival in French (using "la" for the feminine "fête" (which means festival)).
How to present the tone and manner of someone speaking is quite challenging in writing. A method is resorting to punctuation as notation. Here's a wonderful example including common "~", "..." and "?" simultaneously, which convey the long tone, hangover and uncertainty, respectively. Additionally, the hyphen here is also usually seen in some expressions about tone, which links an independent phoneme to simulate the stammer.
"so..., right?"
Ah, more importantly than that, listen up! Those movers were really mean! So they were picking up Chocola, right?! And they said "This box is heavy, so be careful with it!"
—Minazuki Chocola
Corresponding to the "listen up" in the first sentence, "so" here is a marking for starting a question, which is about checking whether Minazuki Kashou had caught up with what she was talking.
"for one thing..., for another..."
In any case, they couldn't have mailed themselves all on their own. Mailing living thing through the post would be impossible, for one thing.
Probably another typo... The full structure should be "for one thing..., for another...".
此处疑似错误,完整的结构应该是“for one thing..., for another...”。
"rebellious stomach"
Chocola's stomach is just being rebellious!! So that's not it, really!!
—Minazuki Chocola
"myah, myahn..."
Myah, myahn... Don't~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Vanilla
Having spent more than 10 hours since I started to analyze the English text of NEKOPARA Vol. 1, I come to realize the high frequency of vowels "a", "e" and consonant "h", "m"/"n", "y" in English modal particles. This preliminary conclusion requires further modification and obviously not applicable to other languages ("h" is silent in French, for example). Let's go on.
在花了超过十个小时研究 NEKOPARA Vol. 1 的英语文本之后,我开始注意到英语语气词表达中元音“a”、“e”和辅音“h”、“m”或“n”、“y”的高频出现。毫无疑问这只是一个相当初步的结论,对其它语言也完全不适用(比方说法语里“h”就不发音),还得多读多体会。
"mindset of a master"
Sigh~ It's troubling that Master doesn't have the proper mindset of a master. Chocola pities you.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "pity who?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "pity who?"。
"like you hit me"
It's so mean, it feels like you hit me, fuehhh...!!
—Minazuki Chocola
"sneak something in"
I had to be on guard or they would sneak something in when I wasn't paying attention.
"put on some act"
Don't put on some act to confuse the customers around us! Seriously!
—Minazuki Kashou
Chocola is gonna rub your neck~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Rub rub~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
"Gonna do" is an informal substitution for "going to do". Mind that it is forbidden when "going to" acts as central verb rather than auxiliary verb.
当作助动词时,“going to do”可以非正式地略写成“gonna do”。
"droop downheartedly"
Chocola and Vanilla's shoulders drooped downheartedly.
Shigure-chan said that Chocola and Vanilla have already grown to be elegant cat-ladies!
Word game, if there's catgirl, there must be cat-lady.
"next to Chocola"
And I belong next to Chocola.
I lost... my words.
我去... 我不知道说什么好了。
"cast gazes"
Chocola and Vanilla turned away from me and cast their gazes downwards.
"Casting gaze downwards" differs from "looking down" indeed. "Looking" is always paying attention to the target, namely the termination of eyesight, while "casting gaze" is just a action of giving out eyesight and alludes no absolute destination. Therefore, "casting gaze" is definitely a better expression when you weigh the motion of head more than observation of object.
尽管都是“往下看”,“casting gaze downwards”和“looking down”还是很不一样。凡是用了“look”,一般都是要强调看到了什么目标,也就是着重于视线的终点;但“cast gaze”则只是发出视线的动作,往往暗示其实没有在刻意看神秘东西。我们可以总结成,如果你描述看其实是想描述人物头部的动作而不是强调看到了什么,用“casting gaze”会更好。
"11 o'clock became midnight"
While all that was happening, 11 o'clock became midnight.
Using the time as subject, "starting time" becomes "ending time" is interesting.
"vanishing voice"
Her vanishing voice echoed slightly in the darkened room. The pain in my hear from before became even sharper.
"for sleep to take over"
While I continued to pile on insults and make excuses for my actions... I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to take over.
"ready stance"
She had a wide smile on her face and was in a ready stance to receive my approval.
"frantically wipe away tears"
Her voice trembled as she frantically wiped away her tears. She stifled her sobbing and her voice became strained.
"just lies to us"
When morning came, you took us to the hospital. You were always, always by our side... We felt so anxious and helpless, it felt like it was all just lies to us.
—Minazuki Chocola
"tear-filled eyes"
I wished that her tear-filled eyes would not spill over. Those tears were filled with anxiety, sadness, and happiness. She smiled all she could before me.
"say back to her"
I was the one she was saying all this to. Even so, the only thing I could say back to her was her name.
"wrap up"
... I was simply selfish for just leaving home like that. I didn't want to get my dear family wrapped up in my selfishness... or have them experience any unnecessary hardship because of me.
"that's a reason"
If we really love you then even if it's troublesome we want to be with you. That is a reason to want to be with you.
—Minazuki Vanilla
"become the setting sun"
It was as if her gentle, warm, and soft smile... had become the setting sun.
"more human"
Although I thought it was all still so immature. Perhaps catgirls were more human than humans were when it came to honestry.
Translations (翻译)
Chocola wanted to hiss at them all of a sudden. Chocola really did! Chocola did her best to control her temper, but Chocola was fuming, you know! Absolutely fuming!
—Minazuki Chocola
Seemingly there's a translation mistake, "hiss" could be explained as "making long 's' sound" or "saying something in a quiet angry voice" but neither of them meet the "怒吼" in Chinese. I prefer the translation as the former one because, regarding of the real situation, it was impossible for Chocola to really "say" anything or she would have been in trouble. However, "fume" in the following sentence traps me then...
此处似乎有翻译错误,“hiss”可作“发出嘶嘶声”或“低声怒言”讲,但无论如何都不可能译成“怒吼”。如果在两者中选一个的话我偏向前者,考虑到实际情况,巧克力如果不想惹麻烦应该不会在那种情况下真的说人话。但是下文中又出现了一个“fume”, 这又有点令人迷惑......
These two were as easygoing as always.
Probably a translation mistakes? From my point of view, "easygoing" pays more attention on "optimistic" while "我行我素" in Chinese means just "sticking to original way of doing things".
"pity who?"
Sigh~ It's troubling that Master doesn't have the proper mindset of a master. Chocola pities you.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Since the context here is that ChocoVani were trying to let Minazuki Kashou know his particularity for them, both "Vanilla pitied Chocola" and "Chocola pitied Kashou" make sense. I'd like to follow the transformed "pities" in English text and propose a translation mistake while it doesn't harm much.
"it can't be helped!"
Catgirls are honest, so it can't be helped.
—Minazuki Vanilla
It uses the passive form of "can't help doing sth" structure, the Chinese translation is excellent.
这里中文翻译的很漂亮,“can't be helped”的确应该理解成被动形式的“can't help doing sth”结构。
"education freak!"
My little sister is actually quite the education freak. Back then they were really noisy, but it was all worth it.
—Minazuki Kashou
To be honest, I know nothing about Chinese "教育妈妈", which is a pedagogy jargon means "overly education-minded mother", before consulting dictionary. I must praise the accuarcy of translation here.
Not that long ago, it wasn't rare to see stary humanoid cats just wandering throughout town. But now, it was more likely for one to see humanoid cats that were well loved by their owners. Since the amount of unfortunate humanoid cats had decreased... there was more of a balance, and owners were quite elated.
What to emphasize is the severe translation here. From my point of view, the mistake might be from the "since" in this sentence. Noticing that "had decreased" is the "past in the past" for "were elated", "since" is probably not a time sign but a "because". We can then realize that the translation puts the cause and effect reversed. For me, the whole background story began from the decrease of "unfortunate stray humanoid cats" and then the increased proportion of "well loved catgirls". Meanwhile, the qualified owners felt elated for them.
这里需要指出的是翻译的严重错误,在我看来错误可能源于译者对本句首这个“since”的错误理解。前半句“had decreased”相较后半句“were elated”是“过去的过去”,因此这个“since”不应该是时间标志而应该是因果关系的体现,从中文文本来看译者完全搞反了事情的因果关系。我认为这里的背景是从“不幸的流浪人型猫”的减少开始的,然后造成了“得到良好饲养的猫娘”占比的增加。至于这些饲主觉得高兴这件事情只不过是同时发生的一个结果罢了。
"way back!"
This must be like how pets find their way back to their owners.
Excellent translation. I agree that "way back" alludes the "destined belonging relationship" for wonderful pet-owner pair as the Chinese "命中注定".
这里翻译的很漂亮,英文文本提到“way back”,我也认同这个暗指的是关系很好的主宠之间的“缘分”,中文翻译提到“命中注定”真是再合适不过了。
"free of charge!"
Okay! Please choose the topping and flavour you'd like off this menu here. Since you were so nice to my catgirl, I'll throw it in free of charge~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Food Stand Owner
At my first glance I doubt the translation here for I have noticed the "free of charge". However, it later turns out that I'm still overconfident for my English. The "throw in" here particularly means "including something extra with something that you are selling, without asking for more money" and it implies the free topping in the story. I'm afraid my confidence about English is cracking now...
我开始注意到英文文本的“free of charge” 怀疑中文翻译有点问题。但事实上我还是太自信了,这里的“throw in”其实是一个专门的说法,指小贩“不收钱加点东西”。从这个角度,真正免费的应该是提到的佐料,那中文翻译就很到位了......现在不知怎么的我有点怀疑自己的英文水平了......
"speed of a catgirl!"
I will also make great haste. Or rather, I'll withdraw with the speed of a catgirl.
—Minazuki Vanilla
"emotions dulled?"
I tilted the already-cooled coffee cup... as my emotions dulled, unimpeded by my judgement.
Comparing the bilingual text, I notice the inconsistence and later doubt that there is omission in the English part. However, detailed discussion with other suggests that the translation has added ungrounded assumption. "As" introduces an adverbial of cause which tells us Minazuki Kashou was numb at that time. Such a description is further reinforced with the complement "unimpeded by judgement", which implies the invalidation of rational. Under the circumstances, he was just drinking cold coffee mechanically.
That's right, I have a lifeline!!
—Minazuki Kashou
The translation here is just ordinary while I want to discuss about the translation of "lifeline" to Chinese by the way. Take the example from famous game Apex Legends, "lifeline" reminds us of "命脉" in Chinese. However, "lifeline" only describe the line object that carries the hope of life, such as the signal line of diver or the rope to someone drowning, while Chinese "命脉" alludes those crucial and is more similar to "lifeblood".
这里的翻译没什么出彩之处,但我想借这个机会谈一谈“lifeline”这个词的翻译。以著名游戏 Apex 英雄为代表的许多翻译会将其译为“命脉”。但实际上英语中的“lifeline”只是指承载生命希望的线状物,比如潜水者的信号线或是给溺水者的救生绳。中文的“命脉”一词指的则是极为重要的事物,其在英语中更好的对应词是“lifeblood”。
... Still. No matter what, Chocola wants to be by Master's side... When Master is having a tough time or is in trouble... somehow Chocola just knows... Chocola just somehow does. Whether it's cleaning, doing the laundry, or cooking, Chocola will do anything to help...! Even if Chocola can't do it properly right now, Chocola will absolutely make sure that she'll be able to do things right someday...!
可是......可是,巧克力还是想要待在主人身边...... 主人将来或许会过的很辛苦...... 这点巧克力已经察觉到了。虽然,这只不过是巧克力的直觉而已。不过......不管是扫地、洗衣服还是煮饭,只要是巧克力帮得上忙的主人尽管吩咐没关系......!就算现在做不到,巧克力也会努力学到好......!
—Minazuki Chocola
There are two "somehow" in a row and I assume that they contain different meanings. "Somehow Chocola just knows" means Chocola knew it "by some means" while "Chocola just somehow does" means Chocola did it (knew it) "in one way or another not known or designated", which is similar to "intuitively" and Chinese "直觉". Slight difference in word order enhanced such a divergence of meaning.
这里“somehow”出现了两次,我认为这两次的含义是不同的。前一处“somehow Chocola just knows”指的是巧克力“以某种方式”察觉到了未来的状况;而后一处“Chocola just somehow does”指的是巧克力是“以某种未知的方式”做到这一点的,而这恰好和中文“直觉”相符。此外,这两处中细微的语序差异也支撑了它们含义的区别。
*Chocola, if you could be with me--* I was engulfed by my inner thoughts which were ready to overflow.
The translation got the subject and object reversed here. It was not Minazuki Kashou swallowed his word down but he himself was strongly impacted by his feeling.
"being with Chocola?"
For me, as long as it's fun, I am fine being with Chocola. Even if there are hardships, I think I am fine being with Chocola.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Translation is in an absolute mess here that the core action should be "being with Chocola". Vanilla wanted to tell Minazuki Kashou that she will be there for Chocola despite ups and downs. However, the translation mistook the verb and even the people in those "ups and downs".
About Grammar (语法碎片)
subjunctive mood (虚拟语气)
First off, they were boxes that looked like they came from my house. If these were for the bakery, there's no way I wouldn't remember buying them.
"If these were..., ... I wouldn't..." is the subjunctive mood introduced by "if" to express "on the contrary to the present fact".
“If these were..., ... I wouldn't...”是由“if”引导的虚拟语气,用于表达与现在事实相反的情况。
subject clause (主语从句)
There were no tags from the moving company either. All there was were those warning labels.
Composition of the second sentence seems confusing that there were "was" and "were" in tandem. However, the mists are banished when we substitute "all there was" with a single "they". "All there was" here is a noun clause act as the subject of the outer layer and is similar to "what it had".
此处第二个句子中出现了连续的”was“和”were“,结构因而看起来有些令人迷惑。当我们将“all there was”用单独的“they”代替时则要明了得多。此处“all there was”实际上是一个主语从句,相当于“what it had”。
Chapter 2: Preparing to Open (第二章:准备开张)
Words (单词)
vi. to play and move around in a lively, happy way (嬉戏)
I looked at the frolicking catgirls out of the corner of my eye as I wiped the trays and tableware.
Notice that "frolic" which ends with "c" should be appended with an extra "k" when transforming. Such situation is the same with "panic" as verb.
un. care in what you say or do, in order to keep sth secret or to avoid causing embarrassment to or difficulty for sb; the quality of being discreet (审慎)
You have no sense of discretion in an era where everyone is protective of their privacy.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vt. to think that sth is probably true (料想)
It was rare for Vanilla to want something like that. But I imagine even catgirls like to have mementos.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "but I imagine?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "but I imagine?"。
cn. a thing that you keep or give to sb to remind you or them of a person or place (纪念品)
It was rare for Vanilla to want something like that. But I imagine even catgirls like to have mementos.
Since the same translation, "memento" reminds me of "souvenir". As for the details, the former focuses on "memory" as its root "mens" (which means "mind") suggests, while the latter almost refers specially to the merchandises from tourist attractions now. When turning to etymology, it is quite amusing to find both "mémento" and "souvenir" is French while English has its "keepsake", which is more similar to "memento" (if you don't mind that "sake" is from German...)。
References: one
a. so interested or involved in sth that you give it all your attention (全神贯注的)
That was how I felt, watching those two get so engrossed in a regular cat toy.
a. wearing a particular type of clothing (穿......衣服的)
As I lookd around the store, an apron-clad shop clerk came up to me.
"Clothes-clad" could be a flexible and useful attribute.
vi. to move with small quick movements (短促运动)
Their eyes flickered towards the toy that was jutting out of the plastic bag.
vi. to stick out further than the surrounding surface, objects, etc.; to make sth stick out (伸出)
Their eyes flickered towards the toy that was jutting out of the plastic bag.
un. a sweet yellow sauce made from milk, sugar, eggs and flour, usually served hot with cooked fruit, puddings , etc. (蛋奶沙司)
I had a taste of the custard I'd just made.
cn. a small group of things or people very close together, especially trees or plants; a bunch of sth such as grass or hair (丛,簇,束)
There were no clumps and the taste was uniform. The sweetness was superb too.
cn. a tool with a broad flat blade used for mixing and spreading things, especially in cooking and painting (刮刀)
I handed the custard-covered spatula over to them.
a. complete and enthusiastic (全心全意的)
The two of them were wholeheartedly licking their spoons. Well, I suppose their straightforwardness was sort of cute.
un. a shine on a smooth surface (光亮)
Shigure-chan said our hair had a nice gloss to it, so we should let it grow out. We've done so since then~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
因为时雨说我们的头发很漂亮,建议我们留长嘛。所以就一直留到现在啰 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
nsing. a white mass of small bubbles that is produced by mixing soap with water (肥皂泡)
With shampoo in my hands, I went to work it into a lather in their hair.
"Lather" is an uncountable noun while it is always used in single form as "a lather" structure.
虽然“lather”是不可数名词,但它总是在“a lather”结构中以单数形式出现。
a. not given or giving willingly; not generous, especially with money (小气的)
Instead of our stingy master, why I don't I wash your tail as usual.
—Minazuki Vanilla
un. the consistency of a mixture or a liquid substance is how thick, smooth, etc. it is (密实度)
... Okay, looks like the sponge cake dough has a good consistency.
—Minazuki Kashou
a. happening only for short periods; not continuous or regular (断续的)
I looked over my shoulder to see the two of them sleeping fitfully on the sofa.
cozy (cosy)
a. warm and comfortable, and making you feel relaxed; friendly and relaxed (温暖舒适的)
They leaned against each other cozily, smilling as if in the middle of a middle of a wonderful dream.
nsing. a person or an animal that is difficult to control (难以控制的人或动物)
You two really are a handful...
—Minazuki Kashou
List of Modal Particles (语气词表)
used to say "yes"
Yep yep, good good. I was the one who chose these though.
—Minazuki Vanilla
...... Meow, fwahp!
—Minazuki Chocola
Hyuuh, hyuuh, hyuuh...!!
—Minazuki Vanilla
Ahhnn, welcummm~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
Nuwah, Vanilla, let go of me! All right, I'll make it!
—Minazuki Kashou
the completely universal word that can be used in any situation where no other response can be though of
Hwah... hwah...
—Minazuki Chocola
Hurry up and bake the next cakes... Huhree huhree... Zzz...
—Minazuki Vanilla
List of Onomatopoeia (拟声词表)
japanese for meow, while also being fun to use in sentences at random.
Nyaahh... I'm not that kind of catgirl-- ahh, stop, Chocola...!
—Minazuki Vanilla
Phrases (短语)
to the/an extent
ad. in a limited way or to a limited degree (在某种程度上)
... Well, we'll do our best to the extent of our ability.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Word "extent" and the relating expression is quite flexible and sadly complex, while I assume that the core is about "the degree" anyway. Interestingly, most of the dictionaries mentioned only "to an extent" rather than using "the". Noticing that "extent of" is similar to "degree of", I hypothesize that the article here does't matter, which explains the existence of various "to some extent", "to a limited extent" and their coincidence with "to some degree", etc.
eye candy
un. something superficially attractive to look at (华而不实的东西)
You should also give Master some eye-candy by flipping your skirt a bit, Vanilla! Come on, come on~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
I can definitely get those thing between the lines here as Chinese text suggests. However, it is still quite strange to see "eye candy" (hyphen-free version is better accepted) here, which means something hollow actually. If the Chinese "杀必死" is a mondegreen of Japanese, which is further from English "fan service", why the English text chooses not to use "fan service" directly?
我完全可以理解原文这里想说什么,中文文本的翻译我认为也是正确的。我不理解的是这里英文文本为什么要用“eye-candy”,一方面这个拼写可能没有连字符的更常见;另一方面,“eye candy”语义的核心是指某物“肤浅”。再说具体一点的话,如果中文“杀必死”是英语“fan service”片假名化读法的空耳,这里的英文文本为什么不直接用“fan service”呢??
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
out of the corner of one's eye
ad. at a glance; glimpsing something, as with peripheral vision (用余光(看))
I looked at the frolicking catgirls out of the corner of my eye as I wiped the trays and tableware.
business card
cn. a small card printed with sb's name and details of their job and company (商业名片)
I reached for the business cards that has just arrived that morning.
be taken aback
vi. to be shocked or surprised by sb/sth (震惊)
I was so taken aback by the tightly packed amount of books on catgirls, my thought happened to slip out.
study up on
vt. to learn a lot of information about someone or something, especially in a short span of time (快速习得)
Oh, no, my little sister is their owne--... Wait, no. Iam their owner. I thought should do a bit of studying up on them.
—Minazuki Kashou
on one's plate
a. (informal) on one's schedule of imminent or pressing matters (将要做的)
If that's what you have on your plate, then maybe it would be better to learn about the special charateristics of catgirls instead of how to raise them.
—Shop Clerk
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "on one's plate?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "on one's plate?"。
flip through
vt. to quickly look through a magazine or book, or to quickly look at several different television programs (草草翻阅)
I rapidly flipped through the pages. "Eating habits to promote growth", "Mating season", "Stable period during pregnancy","Catgirl training", "Ways to deal with catgirls", "Catgirl personalities", "Schooling". It covered topics all the way to athletic competitions involving catgirls.
talk out of
vt. to coax, convince, or persuade one not to do or take part in something (说服不做)
I suddenly remembered not too long ago when Chocola and Vanilla managed to talk me out of sending them home.
stock up on
vt. to gather, build up, or hoard a supply of something (囤积)
I guess there was some medicine I wanted to stock up on, so I didn't mind.
up in one's face
a. extremely close to one, especially in an aggressive and confrontational manner
I calmed down the concerned Chocola, who was right up in my face.
on that note
ad. a transitional phrase used to segue between what has just been said and what one is about to say (接下来)
On that note, was it okay for catgirls to take regular human medicine?
pick flowers
vi. visit the bathroom (上厕所)
I just went to pick some flowers.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Seems such an uncommon expression that most dictionaries return no result. Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "pick flowers?".
“Pick flowers”是一个比较生僻的表达,许多词典都没有收录该词条。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "pick flowers?"。
References: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
tall order
cn. a particularly difficult task to complete or accomplish (难事)
It's going to be a tall order, so I'm counting on you two.
—Minazuki Kashou
from the top
ad. from the very beginning, used in reference to the performance of something, especially a song (从头开始)
Hrmm, hrmm. Sexy, huh? Okay, lets try once more from the top.
—Minazuki Chocola
just for the record
ad. so that the true facts about something are clear or known, especially publicly or officially (明确声明)
Just for the record, this isn't that kind of bakery, okay?
—Minazuki Kashou
get fired up
vi. to become very excited or intensely passionate (充满热情)
Oh, Chocola is getting fired up. I'm compelled to be excited with expectation about this. Stop right there, Master.
change of pace
nsing. a variation in routine or activity (改变节奏)
... It was a lot of effort, but this kind of change of pace might've been good.
Expressions (其它表达)
"be gone and replaced"
With such a prettry business card, soon they'll all be gone and replaced with a shop packed with guests instead! 𝅘𝅥𝅮
既然有这么棒的小卡,客人一定会天天爆满哟 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
For me, I can only write something as "hand all of them out and get guest as return" to the best of my ability. However, it would be more flowing to change the subject to cards as is given here.
"books on catgirls"
Hmm, where can I find books on catgirls...
Mind the preposition here.
"I can see... the light..."
I can see... the light... Hyuu, hyuu, hyuu...!!
—Minazuki Vanilla
Here, ChocoVani were exhausted after playing with cat toy and "I can see the light" is an euphemism of "I'm dying", which implies the heaven with "the light".
在此句中,巧克力和香草和逗猫玩具玩到筋疲力尽,“I can see the light”用“the light”代指天堂,是“我要死了”的婉语。
"screwed on right"
... Sometimes, I really wondered if their heads were screwed on right.
For robot, you must screw all its body part and it could function well. The metaphor here compare the state of ChocoVani with that of a robot without screwed head.
"be uncharacteristic of"
Using such unclear words was uncharacteristic of Vanilla.
"Be (un)characteristic of" offers a formal chance for oral expression as "that's not you".
通过“be (un)characteristic of”结构,我们可以更正式地表达“那不像你”这样的意思。
"men-stroo-al pain"
Hey hey, Master. What's men-stroo-al pain?
—Minazuki Chocola
The correct spelling should be "menstrual" but Chocola didn't know this word. To vividly present the uncertain pronunciation of Chocola, hyphens are introduced to show the pauses and short vowel "u" is replaced by long vowel "oo" ("i" to "ee" as another common example).
"piercing stares"
Stares from others in the store were piercing me once again.
It's a figurative expression about the embrassment of being looked at by the crowd.
"coordinates confirmed"
Coordinates confirmed! Chocola will follow you, Master~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
遵命!主人去哪里巧克力都会跟得紧紧的 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
It's a military tartical term of movement from aircraft carrier in Red Alert 2, well done author.
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
Ahhnn, welcummm~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
When Vanilla asked Chocola to be more flirty when practicing greeting guest (quod vide Pharses => from the top), Chocola put up a extremely syrupy tone. A splendid word game here is the dirty pun "welcum".
当香草让巧克力尝试以更性感的方式练习招徕客人时(参见 短语 => from the top),巧克力尝试了一种极度甜腻的音调。这里玩了一个精彩的文字游戏,“welcum”多少算是一个黄色双关语。
"what good is...?"
What good is it if a customer walks into a bakery and you recommend cakes to them?
—Minazuki Kashou
"What good is...?" is similar to "why" but only used to present query in rhetorical questions.
“What good is...?”的含义和“why”相同,但是仅用于表达反问句中表达质问的目的。
Stare~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 C'mon c'mon c'mon!!
—Minazuki Chocola & Minazuki Vanilla
Comparing with full "come on", "c'mon" is used in writing to represent the sound of it when it is spoken quickly (as when urging someone to do something or expressing surprise or skepticism).
和完整的“come on”相比,“c'mon”用于表达语速很快的情况。具体而言多用于催促他人或是包含惊讶怀疑语气的场合。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"you reap what you sow"
You reap what you sow, right? Come on, close you eyes.
—Minazuki Kashou
"You reap what you sow" is a proverb that says future consequences are inevitably shaped by present actions.
“You reap what you sow”这句谚语指的是“自作自受”。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"work it into a lather"
With shampoo in my hands, I went to work it into a lather in their hair.
To express "produce lather from shampoo", use "work shampoo into a lather" please.
请使用“work shampoo into a lather”来表达“用洗发精打泡泡”的意思。
"leave-in hair treatment"
I gently rubbed them both on the head... and the sweet smell of their leave-in hair treatment tickled my nose.
"Leave-in" equals to "wash-free" and "hair treatment" is usually addressed as "hair conditioner".
“Leave-in”指的是免洗,“hair treatment”指的是护发素,但免洗护发素更常见的表达是“leave-in hair conditioner”.
Translations (翻译)
The two catgirls showed off the uniforms they had just recived comedically.
There is joke about "fliping up the uniform skirt" in the context above, therefore "comedically" appears here as a summary. The translation here highlights both the their dialogue and interaction and works well, from my point of view.
"but I imagine?"
It was rare for Vanilla to want something like that. But I imagine even catgirls like to have mementos.
It is easy to sense the tone of rhetorical question in Chinese text while English text uses only plain statement. To explain the difference here, I first hypothesized that "but" here is of a specially usage that functions as "neither" to make for "neither can I imagine..." However, my resorting to dictionaries disapproved my rootless guess, which is later recapitulated by my teacher. I didn't fully understand the problem until looked up "imagine" in the dictionary the next day and astounded at the fact that "imagine" here is more similar to plain "think" rather than "fancy". Sad, probably the Chinese translation made same mistake like I did.
"slip out?"
I was so taken aback by the tightly packed amount of books on catgirls, my thought happened to slip out.
Translation here just omits the whole "slip out". It could be treated as "go blank" or something else, but I see nothing here.
这里翻译遗漏了“slip out”这个点,它可以翻译成“停止思考”之类的,但这里并没有对应的内容。
"at full speed?"
I was so taken aback by the tightly packed amount of books on catgirls, my thought happened to slip out. "A Catgirl's Feeling", "Catgirl Education", "Catgirls at Full Speed... or Not!"
I'm not sure about it. From where I stand, I assume that "at full speed" might be a popular book title. For instance, these is famous Full Speed Python by João Ventura (joaoventura @ GitHub) on computer science. The book could be instructional then "full speed" would be similar to "quick start", or it may imply a book popular then "at full speed" would resemble "all the rage". I don't know the answer but the translation is impossible for me.
我并不是很确定这里的翻译。我认为“at full speed”可能是书名的一种流行取法。在计算机科学领域,João Ventura(GitHub ID 为 joaoventura)就写过著名的 Full Speed Python。如果是一本教程类的书,这个“full speed”可能会翻译成“快速上手”;如果是一本流行书籍,我认为“at full speed”也有可能形容某物风靡一时。我对此并没有定数,但这个翻译显然是搞笑。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"on one's plate?"
If that's what you have on your plate, then maybe it would be better to learn about the special charateristics of catgirls instead of how to raise them.
—Shop Clerk
Translation here is acceptable but I have a question about the "on one's plate". Obviously, something on my plate is what I'm going to eat rather than that have been in my tummy. It's suspicious that some description about ChocoVani appears in the translation, which might be from the misunderstanding of "what you have on your plate" to "what you have already". What the clerk intended to do was to respond Minazuki Kashou's confession of "I thought should do a bit of studying up on them" (quod vide Pharses => study up on), therefore she answered "if you have such a plan, I advise...".
这里的翻译没有原则性错误,但是我针对“on one's plate”还是有个疑问。显然这个词指的是我要吃的东西而非我已经吃进肚子里的东西,因而指“要做的事情”。这里中文翻译描述了巧克力香草“很懂事”,我认为很可能是错误理解了上述词组成了“已有的东西”。实际上,这里店员的话是回应在上文中水无月嘉祥透露自己“想多学一点有关猫娘的事”的打算(参见 短语 => study up on),这句话因而指的是“如果您有这样的打算的话,我建议......”
"pick flowers?"
I just went to pick some flowers.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Further investigation about this euphemism manifests that it is probably Japanese-origin but later accepted by modern English. Though "采花" is an acceptable metaphor in ACG group, I think it's better to translate it more directly as there is no identical expression in Chinese. It's also acceptable to use Chinese euphemism here as a corresponding translation.
关于“pick flowers”进一步的调查表明这可能是一个日语源的婉语,直到近些时候才被现代英语接受。关于翻译,虽然在 ACG 圈子里有人直接以“采花”作为一种“黑话”,由于中文里并没有相同的暗喻,我认为更好的翻译方式还是将它直接译出,或是采取中文中关于“上厕所”的婉语作为对应的翻译。
References: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
"what I was doing?"
Well, what I was doing could be done by one person for now, at least.
What good is it to translate madly? Minazuki Kashou set a goal for the product amount and it turned out to be acceptable for himself to solve it, isn't it clear?
Chapter 3: La Soleil, Open for Business! (第三章:La Soleil 开张了!)
Words (单词)
vt. to read sth, especially in a careful way (细读)
Our menu is over here. Please peruse it as your leisur--
—Minazuki Kashou
Prefix "per-" means "thoroughly or completely". "Peruse" therefore means "read carefully".
cn. the outside of a shop/store that faces the street (店面)
Hrmm, hrmm. Taking into account the location and use of color, this is quite a splendid storefront.
—Female Customer
cn. a small trivial article usually intended for ornament (小装饰物)
The introspective feel makes for a simple basis of design, while the knick knacks and such create a relaxing atmosphere. How wonderful!
—Female Customer
Space-free "knickknack" seems better according to the dictionaries. Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "makes for?".
查字典,“knickknack”的拼写应该是没有空格的。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "makes for?"。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
a. out-of-date or inappropriate at the time in question (过时的)
Then there was her anachronistic Taisho-era mantle and military cap.
cn. a loose piece of clothing without sleeves, worn over other clothes, especially in the past (披风,斗篷)
Then there was her anachronistic Taisho-era mantle and military cap.
a. seeming very impressive but too large, complicated, expensive, etc. to be practical or possible (浮夸的)
Finally, there was her grandiose way of speaking, which didn't match the familiar voice.
"Grandiose" is French-origin, which means simply magificent in French without any irony. Senior French-speaker noted that such divengence between praise and blame attitude is common in the comparison between English and French. Similar examples would be like "seduce/seductive versus séduir/séduisant" or "important" but lack obvious "regulation". Rather than simply finding it interesting, I imagine that it reminds us of consulting dictionaries more often for accurate understanding.
vt. to bring honour to sb/sth; to be kind enough to attend or take part in sth (使生辉)
There's no way a young lass, such a pretty and earnest little sister to her older brother, would grace such a place like this with her presence!
—Minazuki Shigure?
un. attention (注意)
Very well, I won't pay heed to such rudeness! There's no reason to put a damper on your grand opening, after all!
—Minazuki Shigure?
cn. a piece of metal that can be moved to allow more or less air into a fire so that the fire burns more or less strongly (挡板)
Very well, I won't pay heed to such rudeness! There's no reason to put a damper on your grand opening, after all!
—Minazuki Shigure?
cn. a series of movements, jokes, etc. that are part of a performance ((演出中的)一套动作)
In that case, could you cut the crazy routine?
—Minazuki Kashou
un. behaviour that shows that you respect sb/sth (尊重)
What rudeness to only show deference to certain customers!
—Minazuki Shigure?
cn. the way that sb/sth appears to be, which is different from the way sb/sth really is ((虚假的)表面)
Not only had she now burst into tears, but her facade was in shambles. I had no clue what to say.
a. occurring very suddenly, impulsively, and/or without preparation beforehand; impromptu or capricious (一时冲动的)
Ahaha, sorry! It was kind of a spur-of-the-moment thing.
—Minazuki Chocola
cn. a traditional Japanese piece of clothing like a long loose dress with wide sleeves, worn on formal occasions; a dressing gown or robe in this style (和服)
Shigure placed her hand over her mouth. A piece of paper fell from her kimono to the ground.
adv. nevertheless (但是)
So, if you are going to scold your bad little sister, I ask that you be firm yet kind.
—Minazuki Shigure
a. using authority in an unreasonable way, without considering the opinions of other people (专横的)
She's been such a clingy, adoring little sister in the past that people even made fun of her for it. That is why I had to use such a roundabout, high-handed tactic.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "I had to use?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "I had to use?"。
a. brave (勇敢的)
Shigure had a gallant smile on her face as I rubbed her head.
a. slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinions (矜持的)
Oh, Kashou. Why so reserved? It's not like Shigure's a stranger or something.
—Minazuki Azuki
a. sweets/candy, chocolate, etc. (甜食(糖果、巧克力等))
Wow~ This is the first time I've seen the kitchen of a Western-style confectionery!
—Minazuki Shigure
a. very interested in sth/sb and wanting to know more about it/them (好奇的)
Shigure seemed really intrigued as she looked around at the mixers, rollers, and other tools in the kitchen.
a. unusually good (优秀的)
Once I'd read the book, I'd realized once again that my family's catgirls were particularly excellent. Apparently, the fact that they were fluent in our language and able to live comfortably with humans made them quite exceptional.
vt. to take care of sb very well and make them feel as comfortable as possible (娇惯)
Yeah. Just pampering them won't do them any good, right?
—Minazuki Kashou
a. short and thick (短而粗的)
Ah, or could it be you're at a disadvantage because of your stubby little arms and legs~?
—Minazuki Coconut
cn. an annoying child who behaves badly; an insulting word for a child (臭小鬼)
You damn brats are twenty million years too young to talk cat with me, you gobby fish!!
—Minazuki Azuki
un. black tea from Darjeeling city, which is in northern Bangla, India, close to the border with Nepal, famous for its tea plantations (大吉岭红茶)
All right, I'll take you up on your recommendation. Also, it's called Darjeeling, okay?
—Minazuki Maple
vt. to serve a drink by letting it flow from a container into a cup or glass (倒,斟(饮料))
O-kay, leave it to me. Maple will be the first customer I pour tea for.
—Minazuki Vanilla
cn. a young man or boy who behaves in a rude or violent way (小混混)
What did you say, punk? That's big talk coming from the most skittish catgirl of the bunch of us!
—Minazuki Azuki
a. easily excited or frightened and therefore difficult to control (易受惊的)
What did you say, punk? That's big talk coming from the most skittish catgirl of the bunch of us!
—Minazuki Azuki
a. trying to control other people without considering their opinions or feelings (专断的)
That normally domineering side of you is starting to becoming cute, too~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Cinnamon
cn. a set of clothes, especially strange or unusual ones (奇装异服)
Grrrahhh! How dare you make fun of me when you're the one in that stupid magical girl get-up?!
—Minazuki Maple
cn. special words that are spoken or sung to have a magic effect; the act of speaking or singing these words (咒语)
I'll upload your magic incantation video to YouChube!!
小心我把你唱魔法咒文的模样拍起来传上 YouChube 喔!?
—Minazuki Maple
a. slightly warm (微热的)
Since it's cake, could you get me some Earl Grey to go with it? Ah, lukewarm, of course.
—Minazuki Maple
vi. to move, or make sth move, gently through the air ((随风)飘荡)
There also seemed to be a sweet, high class scent wafting throughout it.
a. excellent (极好的)
Shigure-chan arranged for all of this~! It's super-duper cute~!
—Minazuki Chocola
List of Modal Particles (语气词表)
the way of writing the sound or that people make when they are not sure about sth, when they do not hear or understand sth you have said, or when they want you to agree with what they have said
Uh, Shigure, what are you doing?
—Minazuki Kashou
used for attracting sb's attention or for making a suggestion or comment
That attitude might chase away, say, a high-class customer who'd come in every day at opening and buy you out!
—Minazuki Shigure?
used by young people to say hello
Yo. It's been a few days, Chocola, Vanilla.
—Minazuki Azuki
Mmhmm! Seeing the catgirls having a happy, emotional reunion together is simply the best!
—Minazuki Shigure
Please stop insisting that this is an act! Shigure is being honest~... Oopsie.
—Minazuki Shigure
the sound that people use to show they do not believe sth or do not approve of it
Humph. The two of them aren't very honest, despite being older.
—Minazuki Coconut
Huhu~ That's because while I do like the tranditional candy our family makes, Nii-sama's cakes are number one in the world.
—Minazuki Shigure
used as an exclamation or representation of laughter, as in expressing amusement or derision
I had no doubt that you'd let them stay, Nii-sama. Teehee~
—Minazuki Shigure
Hyphened version is better accepted.
Grrrahhh! How dare you make fun of me when you're the one in that stupid magical girl get-up?!
—Minazuki Maple
Woahh?! It's good... This is really good!!
—Minazuki Azuki
Hey, Kashou! You're not bad, aren't ya? Armph, munch munch!!
—Minazuki Azuki
used to showing that you think something is surprising
Whoa...?! Wh-What the...?!
—Minazuki Kashou
Phrases (短语)
go forth
vi. to set out, as on some journey or mission. Often used as an imperative(出发)
It would be quicker to go forth and capture them. I'll do it well, so leave it to me.
—Minazuki Vanilla
brace oneself
vi. to physically or mentally prepare oneself for something, typically something that is imminent, in an attempt to limit any adverse impact (振作精神)
If you brace yourself like that from the start, then you'll get tired quickly.
—Minazuki Kashou
make for
vt. to help to make something possible (支持)
The introspective feel makes for a simple basis of design, while the knick knacks and such create a relaxing atmosphere. How wonderful!
—Female Customer
take a liking to
vt. to begin to like (开始喜欢)
Hrmm, I've taken a liking to this place! I shall buy every cake you have available!
—Female Customer
scurry along
vt. to scarper, scamper, or bound onward or over the length of something very quickly. often used as an imperative, sometimes sarcastically or condescendingly (快速、定向运动)
I-In any case, just scurry along and prepare all the cakes that you have! I will pay your asking price!! Quickly!!
—Minazuki Shigure?
chase away
vt. to drive something or someone away from a place or from oneself, either literally or figuratively (赶走)
That attitude might chase away, say, a high-class customer who'd come in every day at opening and buy you out!
—Minazuki Shigure?
buy out
vt. to buy all that is available of a particular item (买完)
That attitude might chase away, say, a high-class customer who'd come in every day at opening and buy you out!
—Minazuki Shigure?
jump at
vt. to accept or seize something with alacrity, typically an opportunity (欣然接受(机会))
When it comes to business, you won't get anywhere if you don't jump at every opportunity to make money!
—Minazuki Shigure?
in shambles
a. completely destroyed or wrecked (完全走样)
Not only had she now burst into tears, but her facade was in shambles. I had no clue what to say.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "I had no clue?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "I had no clue?"。
have no clue
vt. to be completely unable to guess, understand, or deal with something (没有思路)
Not only had she now burst into tears, but her facade was in shambles. I had no clue what to say.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "I had no clue?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "I had no clue?"。
necessary evil
nsingl. something bad that must exist or occur in order for something good to happen (必要之恶)
This was in exchange for us being allowed to go with you when you moved. It was a necessary evil.
—Minazuki Vanilla
stow away
vi. to hide aboard vehicle in order to be transported without paying one's fare (偷渡)
So earlier, when I couldn't get ahold of you... and Chocola and Vanilla stowing away in the boxes... this was all part of your plan?
—Minazuki Kashou
let slide
vt. to choose not to take any action to correct or improve a particular situation or someone's actions or behavior (有意不管)
Well, she's always been like this, so I let it slide. Still..
in a sense
ad. partly; in some way(s); in a certain way of looking at it (在某种程度上)
In a sense, she worried about me more than even Chocola and Vanilla.
lay off
vt. to stop doing or using something, especially for a short period of time (停止做)
Sorry about that, Azuki, Maple. I already feel guilty enough as it is, so lay off, okay?
—Minazuki Kashou
cut some slack
vt. to allow one more latitude or freedom than usual; to be more lenient with one (放某人一马)
It won't happen again, so please cut me some slack.
—Minazuki Kashou
pinkie swear
vi. to affirm a promise by linking one's smallest finger (the pinkie) with that of someone else (拉钩起誓)
Okay! Let's pinky-swear on it.
—Minazuki Shigure
Spelling here is controversial but the core is "little finger swear". According to my investigation, "pinkie" seems slightly more formal than "pinky" and I adopt the hyphen-free "pinkie swear" here.
尽管拉钩起誓的英文说法肯定是“小拇指誓言”但具体的拼写似有争议。我认为“pinkie”比“pinky”稍微正式一点,在这里采用了无连字符的“pinkie swear”进行记录。
Reference: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
fit out
vt. to supply with necessaries or means (使装备齐全)
It's not fitted out quite like the Minadukis' tranditional candymaking kitchen, is it...
—Minazuki Shigure
be fed up with
vt. to be irritated, exasperated, bored, or disgusted with someone or something (厌烦)
The studying was so hard! I was totally fed up with it~
—Minazuki Cinnamon
kick up dust
vi. to blow dust into the air (扬起灰尘)
Ah, geez. If you're going to fight and kick up dust, then do it outside. Out-si-de!
—Minazuki Maple
Quite interesting, "kicking up a dust" is a idiom for "inducing turbulence" while "kicking up dust" is a figurative expression of "blowing dust into the air", which is proved by many weather report texts.
还是蛮有意思的,“kicking up a dust”是“引起骚动”的俗语;但“kicking up dust”只是“扬起灰尘”的一种形象说法,在许多天气预报文本中都可以见到这种用法。
take one up on
vt. to agree to an offer one has made, especially one made at an earlier point in time (接受提议)
All right, I'll take you up on your recommendation. Also, it's called Darjeeling, okay?
—Minazuki Maple
speak volumes
vi. to reveal or indicate a great deal about someone or something (有力说明)
She must have brought this all in while I was out. That really speaks volumes about her abilities.
take hat off to
vt. to respect, admire, or congratulate (脱帽致敬)
I really must take my hat off to how much Shigure loves you.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Expressions (其它表达)
"say what you like"
Say what you like, but that's your name.
—Minazuki Kashou
Similar to "whatever", "say what you like" is used to introduce something one believes to be inherently and objectively true no matter what someone's opinion may be.
和“whatever”相似,“say what you like”常用于在某人说了一番主观话语之后引出一些客观的事实。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"sister to her brother"
There's no way a young lass, such a pretty and earnest little sister to her older brother, would grace such a place like this with her presence!
—Minazuki Shigure?
As suggested by the collocation like "key to the door" or "answer to the question", preposition "to" specializes in express the corresponding relation. I think it is superb to present Minazuki Shigure, who is of severe "twisted brother complex".
就像“key to the door”和“answer to the question”这些固定搭配所展示的那样,介词“to”常常用来表达对应关系。我认为这里基于“to”的表达精妙绝伦地表现了水无月时雨的“恋兄综合征”。
"make girls' heart sing"
I prefer seeing Nii-sama in traditional Japanese clothing, but I'm sure you in your bakery uniform will make girls' hearts sing, too.
—Minazuki Shigure
Hey, Kashou! You're not bad, aren't ya? Armph, munch munch!!
—Minazuki Azuki
"Ya" is the oral version of "you" and "your".
"into opening day"
And just like that, half an hour into opening day, and suddenly where was a "SOLD OUT" sign on the door of my bakery.
就这样,值得纪念的开店首日才过了30分钟,Soleil 门口马上就贴上了『售完』字条。
"Go through" a day? Why not "get into" a day?
“Get into”不失为“度过一天”的好表达。
"seeing is believing"
Just come here. Seeing is believing. It would be faster for you to just have a look.
—Minazuki Vanilla
It's a idiom which means that actually seeing or witnessing something, as opposed to simply being told about it, allows or will allow one to believe that it is true or has occurred.
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
Yay~ The bed is really fluffy-wuffy and smells nice~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
I didn't find enough evidence for literal "fluffy-wuffy" while "puffy" or "fuffy" might suit the context. Both of them can convey the meaning of "soft".
Translations (翻译)
"someone who really likes sweets!"
Vanilla, look! That girl walking over there! She looks like someone who really likes sweets!
香草你看!走在那边那个女生!那张 Sweets 脸看起来一副就是很喜欢甜点的样子!
—Minazuki Chocola
Translation seemingly goes mad here while a further investigation dating back to the Japanese text suggests that it is the English text that goes wrong. I know little about Japanese, but a friend of mine points out that Chocola made grammar mistake according to the Japanese text. Chinese translation might does a good job by refering original Japanese text.
"make for?"
The introspective feel makes for a simple basis of design, while the knick knacks and such create a relaxing atmosphere. How wonderful!
—Female Customer
There are many points to mention or to discuss. However, there's no doubt that the translation overlooks most of the first sentence. The "introspective feel" supported the plain design style, but what is the "introspective feel"? Feeling a little bit strange to translate "introspective", I wonder if it's a jargon from design or architecture or whatever. A verbatim comprehension basing on morphology would be like "'introspective' is inward perspective" and seems to have a point. However, a friend of mine who majors in architecture design disapproved my "jargon hypothesis". Translating "introspective" as ordinary "self-reflecting" seems acceptable then.
这句话里有好些可以讨论的点,但毫无疑问的是中文翻译漏掉了第一句中的大量内容。原文提到是“introspective feel”支撑了朴素的设计风格,但这又是什么呢?感觉直接翻译有点奇怪的我尝试把它当作一个建筑设计学的术语去理解,基于构词法,“introspective”可能表达“向内看”并和透视法(perspective)扯上联系,但我一个学建筑设计的朋友否决了我的这个臆想。那就按照“自省”去解释吧,一种“发人自省的设计”似乎也讲得通,不是么?
"I had no clue?"
Not only had she now burst into tears, but her facade was in shambles. I had no clue what to say.
Obvious mistake in person determination.
"I had to use?"
She's been such a clingy, adoring little sister in the past that people even made fun of her for it. That is why I had to use such a roundabout, high-handed tactic.
Obvious mistake in person determination as well. The context about mentions both Minazuki Shigure's plan of "ChocoVani's stowing away" and Minazuki Kashou's choice of "moving out without saying anything". They were both arbitrary while the bilingual text diverge on the specific topic. I second the English text as always.
"gobby fish?"
You damn brats are twenty million years too young to talk cat with me, you gobby fish!!
—Minazuki Azuki
The Internet doesn't return useful explanation for "you gobby fish" here except for suggesting "goby" as a small sea fish with a sucker underneath. It's probably from Japanese as a idiom therefore and I'm sorry for no further research.
我尝试在互联网上搜索“you gobby fish”但并没有获得什么有价值的信息,不过“goby”倒是指海中的一种小鱼——虾虎鱼。或许这个说法来自什么日语俗语,我就不再继续考证下去了。
About Grammar (语法碎片)
The two catgirls didn't so much as turn an ear in my direction.
We could try to change the location of negative words for better understanding. Noticing that "so" here is a by-product from the negative form of "as much as", we can therefore move it to the second half of this sentence, generating new sentence as "... did as much as turn a deaf ear in my direction". Mist is banished for now.
对一个包含否定的结构,我们可以尝试移动否定词的位置来让句子更易懂。这里否定词位于“as much as”结构前,导致其变形为“not so much as”使句子看起来比较难懂。如果我们将它移动到句子的后半部分,整个句子就可以变为更加明了的“... did as much as turn a deaf ear in my direction”。
Chapter 4: This Time, La Soleil is Open for Business!(第四章:这次,La Soleil 是真的开张了!)
Words (单词)
cn. a dish composed of puff pastry layered with a filling (such as salmon or cream) (千层蛋糕(拿破仑蛋糕))
Thank you for waiting. Here is your seasonal mille-feuille and chocolate montblanc.
—Minazuki Vanilla
"Mille-feuille" is a French name which implies "a thousand leaves".
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
cn. a classic French pastry features chestnut puree piled on top of meringue rounds and topped with whipped cream for a subtlety sweet dessert that looks like a little snowy Mont Blanc (蒙布朗)
Thank you for waiting. Here is your seasonal mille-feuille and chocolate montblanc.
—Minazuki Vanilla
According to my investigation, in order to be distinguished from geographical jargon Mont Blanc and famous brand Montblanc, the pastry is often addressed as "mont-blanc" with hyphen in French.
cn. a cake with a pastry base and cream and fruit on top (水果奶油酥饼)
... All right. Maybe I'll take this moment to bake some more sponge cake for the shortcakes.
—Minazuki Kashou
un. the movement of people or goods from one place to another (人流)
I looked through the window onto the bakery floor and saw that the customer traffic had calmed down a bit.
cn. an amount of food, medicine, etc. produced at one time ((食物、药物等)一批生产的量)
I lightly stretched my neck side to side as I took the ingredients for the next batch and put them in the refrigerator.
a. cooked for only a short time so that the inside is still red (半熟的)
Not only that, it's the rare kind too! It's rare cheesecake, Chocola...! The surface is all glossy...!
—Minazuki Vanilla
"Rare" here suggests that the cake is non-baked. Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "rare cheesecake?".
这里的“rare”取“半熟的”的含义,指的是免烤的生芝士蛋糕。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "rare cheesecake?"。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
a. having a large proportion of flavoursome or fatty ingredients, such as spices, butter, or cream (风味浓郁的)
It's soooooooo tastyyyyyyy~!! I love how soft and rich it is~!!
—Minazuki Chocola
a. extremely beautiful or carefully made (精致的)
Fuwah~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 This exquisite amount of sweetness and slight burst of lemon... It's delicious~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Vanilla
cn. a person who is always accepting free food and accommodation from other people without giving them anything in exchange (白吃白占的人)
I'll work so that my food expenses are covered. Just enough that you can't call me a freeloader.
—Minazuki Vanilla
cn. an animal, a toy, etc. that people believe will bring them good luck, or that represents an organization, etc (吉祥物)
I can understand why catgirls make great mascots though.
vt. to disturb the smooth surface of sth, so that it is not even (弄乱)
I ruffled their hair.
cn. a large hole in the ground caused by the explosion of a bomb or by sth large hitting it ((爆炸或撞击形成的)坑)
I want to see an aurora. Or a crater on the Moon. Or both. Both is good.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. to shine with a pale clear light (发微光)
The two catgirls were lost in their own fantasy worlds while their eyes gleamed.
a. functioning properly, being in good and ready condition (一切正常的)
Yes, ma'am! All preparations are go, Professor Sigure-chan!
—Minazuki Chocola
vt. to make sb nervous and/or confused, especially by giving them a lot to do or by making them hurry (使慌乱)
Well, catgirls are catgirls. There's no reason to get flustered. Calm down.
—Minazuki Vanilla
a. without any expression or emotion; often pretending to be serious when you are joking (没有表情的)
Vanilla really lacks ambition, huh? She just takes it easy with all those deadpan jokes of hers. Munch, crunch, crunch.
—Minazuki Azuki
vi. to move things around carelessly while searching for sth (搜寻)
With pride, Shigure reached into her kimono, rummaged around, and pulled something out.
cn. the type of humour that is based on simple actions, for example people hitting each other, falling down, etc. (闹剧)
I felt like this was more than enough slapstick for now, though. Yep.
vt. to make sth necessary or appropriate in a particular situation (使有必要)
Teehee~ Something like this isn't even special enough to warrant praise!
—Minazuki Coconut
nsing. a situation that is annoying because it involves doing sth difficult or complicated that needs a lot of effort (麻烦)
All right. It's a bit of a hassle, but I'm here...
—Minazuki Maple
cn. a short set of keyboard symbols that represents the expression on sb's face, used in email, etc. to show the feelings of the person sending the message (颜文字)
Wow~! Maple-chan, that's amazing!! There's no emoticon you can't make!
—Minazuki Chocola
nsing. unnecessary excitement, worry or activity (大惊小怪)
Do emoticons really warrant that much of a fuss? I'll show you LIME stamps next.
不过,这点程度还没有什么好值得惊讶的喔?再来让你看看 LIME 贴图吧。
—Minazuki Maple
cn. a small thin male part in the middle of a flower that produces pollen and is made up of a stalk supporting an anther (雄蕊)
You know about flowers, right~? They have something called a stamen and pistil, okay~?
—Minazuki Cinnamon
cn. the female organs of a flower, which receive the pollen and produce seeds (雌蕊)
You know about flowers, right~? They have something called a stamen and pistil, okay~?
—Minazuki Cinnamon
vt. to make sb feel sexually excited (激起性欲)
I-I'm not getting a-aroused, meow...! I-I'm a big sister with a Bell, after all...!
—Minazuki Cinnamon
a. very educated about a particular subject (精通的)
Lately, there have been crimes committed by catgirls, as well. It's necessary to be well-versed in the general education of human society.
—Minazuki Shigure
vi. to attract prospective buyers; be popular on the market (受欢迎)
I don't really know much about LIME, though. But it definitely was true that, as mascot characters, they could sell.
虽然我不太懂 LIME 好玩在哪里,不过时雨作的这些图案确实很有特色。
a. with very light rain falling (下着蒙蒙细雨的)
Maple-chan. the smart phones says that it will rain tomorrow! It's going to be drizzly!
—Minazuki Chocola
a. permitting no opportunity for progress or advancement (陷入僵局的)
Even I was suckered in to thinking she was just playing around. I went back to watching the catgirls' dead-end study session.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "sucker into?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "sucker into?"。
vt. to make sth such as a feeling or a reaction less strong (抑制(感情等))
Close. I didn't go that far ahead. I stayed silent so as to not dampen their spirit.
a. worthy of no respect; vulgar or contemptible (可鄙的)
Please don't think Chocola is some cheap catgirl who just purrs over any old thing!!
—Minazuki Chocola
List of Modal Particles (语气词表)
Whaa~! Cute...!! That's super cute~! What is this?! What is this exactly?!
—Minazuki Chocola
That is because we adore you profoundly, Master! Ehen~
—Minazuki Chocola
List of Onomatopoeia (拟声词表)
a noise like the sound of sth firm being crushed
Vanilla really lacks ambition, huh? She just takes it easy with all those deadpan jokes of hers. Munch, crunch, crunch.
—Minazuki Azuki
Phrases (短语)
word of mouth
un. the verbal sharing of information (口耳相传)
Thanks to some tweets and blog posts, word of mouth had spread and we were really busy the next day.
甚至还有人把这件事贴上部落格跟 Dwitter,想当然我们隔天立刻开始忙得不可开交。
as in
ad. used to introduce a specific or illuminating detail that helps to explain or emphasize something (比方说)
Qualifications, as in a Bell?
—Minazuki Chocola & Minazuki Vanilla
From my point of view, "as in" in English seems quite similar to Latinism "id est (i.e.)".
在我看来,英语中“as in”的功能和拉丁语词“id est(即 i.e.)”十分相似。
make light of
vt. to treat something as insignificant or unimportant (小看)
A catgirl's dreams obviously weren't something to make light of. They were... incredible.
In this idiom, "light" means something "trivial".
within reason
a. within a logical or sensible scope of action (合理的)
Uh, within reason, okay? Are you two listening?
—Minazuki Kashou
through the roof
a. to a very high level (高涨的)
Shigure's intensity has totally been through the roof these past few days. It's been a total pain. Sigh~
—Minazuki Azuki、
clamor for
vt. to support or request something vocally or passionately (吵吵闹闹地要求)
Here I have a sparking piece of fatty funa that any catgirl would clamor for.
—Minazuki Shigure
at one's disposal
a. ready and available to help or serve one (由某人做主)
Hello, Kashou-san~ While I may not be the greatest, I am at your absolute disposal~
—Minazuki Cinnamon
educate in
vt. to train or prepare oneself or someone in a particular area or subject (在某方面教育)
It's important to be educated in common knowledge and achieve at least an elementary school reading level.
—Minazuki Shigure
in the slightest
ad. at all; a little bit (一点儿)
They absolutely weren't studying. I really did not think this was studying in the slightest.
Similar to "at all", "in the slightest" is typically used in the negative, either.
和“at all”类似,“in the slightest”也常用于否定句中。
from the sidelines
ad. watching sth but not actually involved in it (从旁观者的角度)
I thought that this would be a way to help Nii-sama's bakery continue to grow from the sidelines.
—Minazuki Shigure
quick on the uptake
a. able to grasp or understand something very quickly and easily (机灵)
It really was a big help to have a little sister who was quick on the uptake.
sucker into
vt. to con, swindle, or deceive one into doing something (蒙骗去做)
Even I was suckered in to thinking she was just playing around. I went back to watching the catgirls' dead-end study session.
"Sucker" has nothing to do with "suck", but "sucker into" resembles "trick into". Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "sucker into?".
“Sucker”和“Suck”没半点关系,“sucker into”反而和“trick into”更像。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "sucker into?"。
play around
vi. to engage in aimless recreation or frivolous time-wasting; to fool around (绕圈子)
Even I was suckered in to thinking she was just playing around. I went back to watching the catgirls' dead-end study session.
It's a very native expression of English with flexible meanings. Mark it! Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "sucker into?".
“Play around”是一个非常地道的英语表达,它也包含了诸多意思,值得关注。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "sucker into?"。
so as to
conj. in order to; with the intention of (为了)
Close. I didn't go that far ahead. I stayed silent so as to not dampen their spirit.
any old thing
pron. any thing at all (任何事物)
Please don't think Chocola is some cheap catgirl who just purrs over any old thing!!
—Minazuki Chocola
give it one's best shot
vi. to put forth one's best effort in an attempt to do or accomplish something (尽力尝试)
Come on, Master! Why don't you give it your best shot?
—Minazuki Vanilla
be the bomb
vi. to be excellent, extremely entertaining, or of very high quality (太棒了)
Catnip is da best...! It really is da bomb~ Purrrrrrrrrrr~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
Expressions (其它表达)
"better yet"
The first catgirl in history to go into outer space...! Better yet, perhaps we could go as far as Mars...!
—Minazuki Vanilla
We can use "better yet" when we are adding a new idea that we think is better than a good one already mentioned.
当我们要提出某个比原有想法更好的新想法时,可以使用“better yet”进行引出。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
Yes, ma'am! All preparations are go, Professor Sigure-chan!
—Minazuki Chocola
"Ma'am" is the informal form of "madam".
"proof is in the pudding"
There's a human saying: "The proof is in the pudding". Basically, "you learn more from experience than from explanations."
—Minazuki Shigure
The expression is an alteration of an older saying that makes the meaning a bit clearer: "the proof of the pudding is in the eating". "If you want to know the taste of a pudding, you must change the pudding by eating it yourself". In other words, things must be judged by trying them yourself or seeing them in action, rather than on other factors, such as hearsay.
这句谚语其实是“the proof of the pudding is in the eating”的一个变体,从后者我们可以更直接的看出其含义。“你要知道布丁的滋味,你就得变革布丁,亲口吃一吃”。道听途说适得其反,你只有参与对某件事物的实践才能了解那件事物的真相。
"in catgirls' paws"
We'll leave it in the younger catgirls capable paws. Now then, why don't we go have tea together, just the two of us, Nii-sama?
—Minazuki Shigure
Mind the missing possessive case here. Original idiom "leave sth in one's hand" means to allow one to have control. Hands to human are the paws to catgirls for sure.
这里的拼写应该是缺失了一个所有格,俗语“leave sth in one's hand”指的是把决定权交到某人的手中。对人而言是手,对猫娘而言当然是爪子了。
"too many cooks"
Considering how many teachers are already here for them, we should leave. You know, too many cooks and all that.
—Minazuki Shigure
It's the shortened version of the full phrase "too many cooks spoil the broth/stew/soup", which means "the quality of the final product suffers if too many people trying to control".
这是“too many cooks spoil the broth/stew/soup”的一个简化版本,和汉语中的“人多手杂”类似。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"run finger down"
I murmured that as I ran my finger down the prep sheet to confirm.
Translations (翻译)
"rare cheesecake?"
Not only that, it's the rare kind too! It's rare cheesecake, Chocola...! The surface is all glossy...!
—Minazuki Vanilla
If the translator had raised any question about the "rare" here, there wouldn't have been such an ignorant mistake.
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"if they were trying to act!"
As always, these two catgirls had limitless energy, but I seriously wondered if they were trying to act as silly as they were being.
The bilingual texts seem to diverge a lot while I think it is acceptable. No matter the analogy is about act or crosstalk, they lead to the same conclusion that ChocoVani were incredibly cute or innocent or somewhat silly. The Chinese translation just adopts a more local expression.
"a Russian character?"
A Russian character forms the mouth. It's prettry useful if you can remember that.
—Minazuki Maple
It takes some considerations to understand the meaning here. Maple was suggesting cyrillic letter "Дд", which is often used to form the mouth in many emoticons. I therefore imagine that a more direct translation would be better.
"how do I not!"
No way! How do I not have any science textbooks... I-I don't have any health textbooks, either...!
—Minazuki Cinnamon
Seems strange while I agree with the translation here. "How do..." is a rhetoric question to emphsize that "what I have is a science textbook". Meanwhile, "either" in the last sentence is merely cooperating with the "don't" rather then marking a "second" negative.
尽管看起来有些奇怪,我认为这里的翻译含义是正确的。前一句“How do...”是一个反问句,小桂在强调她手上的是正经的理科教科书;后一句要注意对这个“either”的理解,它仅仅是呼应“don't”才取了“either”的形式,并不代表这里的否定是第二次出现。
To think Vanilla would say something so dirty like that... Cinnamon is gonna drooooool~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Cinnamon
"Drool" is a keyword for Cinnamon throughout the NEKOPARA to manifest her sensuality. To this extent, Chinese translation does a good job by substituting it with a suggestive word. Speaking of which, I did some investigation about the "drool" itself in English but sadly found no amatory entry. "Drool" only has something to do with strong appreciation and desire, which are suggestive as well, by the way.
在 NEKOPARA 系列中,“drool”可谓是小桂的核心词,文本表现每次小桂发情兴奋的时候每次都用这个词。从这个角度来说,中文用强性暗示的“湿”来翻译还是做的不错。回归英文语境中这个词本身,其实它也并不直接包含色情的意思。它可以用来表现强烈的爱好和欲望,多少也有点性暗示的意味,不是么?
"cheet sheets?"
Since I figured something of this sort might happen, I also have the cheat sheets of the Bell manual.
—Minazuki Shigure
I know it's a Japanese idiom while I, someone from the Chinese mainland, can hardly understand this. Still okay?
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"sucker into?"
Even I was suckered in to thinking she was just playing around. I went back to watching the catgirls' dead-end study session.
According to the context, though not sure about the result of Bell-bearing qualification test, Minazuki Kashou was convinced by Minazuki Shigure with the cheat sheets of Bell manual not to complain. He therefore called himself "being suckered" and Shigure "being playing around".
"an excuse!"
I couldn't shake the fact that this was an excuse out of her.
Vanilla made a terrible excuse. When we see such an excuse, in English we say it is obvious an excuse, which means it's inadequately disguised. However, in Chinese we say "不成借口", which means is an insufficient excuse. All roads lead to rome then.
Chapter 5: Bell-Holding, Poster Catgirl (第五章:我们是带铃的看板猫娘)
Words (单词)
cn. a job that you do for sb that involves going somewhere to take a message, to buy sth, deliver goods, etc. (差事)
It was their first errand, so naturally as their owner, I was fraught with worry and could't sit still.
a. causing or feeling worry and anxiety (忧虑的)
It was their first errand, so naturally as their owner, I was fraught with worry and could't sit still.
cn. a person (such as a stage magician) skilled in the use of tricks and illusion (骗术师)
I told you not to do that, you trickster.
—Minazuki Kashou
a. bad-tempered or not speaking because you are angry about sth (生闷气的)
She looks beyond cute when she's all sulky like this.
vi. to look at sth with your eyes partly shut in order to keep out bright light or to see better (眯眼睛)
The faintly salty breeze blew into their squinted eyes.
ad. in a way that shows great affection (温情地)
Chocola fondly looked at me.
vt. to turn your eyes, etc. away from sth that you do not want to see (转移目光)
As I averted my gaze away, the color of her silver Bell caught my eye.
a. feeling an emotion such as excitement or fear very strongly ((情感)强烈的))
A sweet like... tingly feeling? It's like everything has become light...
—Minazuki Chocola
Note that word "tingly" is a commonly used in expression about love and sex.
a. showing strong feelings of excitement or worry, often with a lot of activity or quick movements (激动的)
She let out a long feverish sigh. As she sighed, she gazed downwards with her face flushed red. She glanced up at me, her eyes gleaming.
a. suggesting or characterized by sadness or loneliness (凄凉的)
She squeezed her hands tightly in front of her chest... as she said to me with a sorrowful voice and forlorn look on her face.
The more common meaning of "forlorn" is about "being abondoned", but I don't think it suits the context here.
n. a sudden quick movement that you cannot control in one of your muscles (痉挛)
Her body shivered with a twitch.
vi. to say sth in a soft quiet voice, especially to sb you love ((对所爱之人)轻声低语)
She cooed in a sweet voice I hadn't heard before. Still clinging to me, she rubbed her cheek against mine.
n. the process of forcing someone to leave the house they are living in, usually because they have not paid their rent (驱逐)
Mission acknowledged. Chocola has been captured. Engaging Eviction Mode.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. to pronounce words in a way that is not clear so that they run into each other, usually because you are drunk or tired (含混不清地说话)
She slurred her words as she refused my request.
a. produced in large amounts (大量的)
My heartbeat started to slow down as it began to throb profusely.
vt. to make sb calmer or less angry by giving them what they want (安抚)
Chocola and Vanilla curled up, completely appeased.
a. confused and anxious because you are unable to understand sth; showing this (困惑的)
With a slightly perplexed smile, I poked the cheeks of the two catgirls.
vi. to speak or say sth in a quiet voice in a way that is not clear (嘟哝)
I responded to the two catgirls as they mumbled in their sleep while rubbing their heads.
un. friendly or helpful feelings towards other people or countries (善意)
Absolutely honest goodwill with no mind games. I guess that's what made catgirls so wonderful.
List of Modal Particles (语气词表)
the way of writing the sound that people make to show that they are listening to sb or that they agree, they are thinking, they like sth, they are not sure, etc.
Mm~ This breeze feels nice. Chocola loves it.
—Minazuki Chocola
Ah, it's a bit like the sensation we had from that catnip before... Hauuu~
—Minazuki Chocola
Phrases (短语)
by a hair
ad. by an extremely short or slim margin (of distance, time, or another measure) (一线之差)
Even if it was just by a hair, a pass is a pass~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
call for
vt. to require something (需要)
Besides, Chocola and I were the youngest catgirls in out group to pass. I think that calls for a bit more praise.
—Minazuki Vanilla
get one's hopes up
vi. to become excited at the prospect of something happening (十分期待)
Okay, I'll think up something special. Don't get your hopes up though, okay?
—Minazuki Kashou
out of the question
a. not possible; having no chance; not permitted (不可能的)
Taking a bath with me is completely out of the question though.
line of vision
cn. the area in front of one's eyes (视野)
I turned around and saw a beach enter my line of vision.
space out
vi. to be or become distracted, preoccupied, or unfocused from the present moment or the task at hand (心不在焉的)
Well, actually, there's a really sweet smell... coming from you, Master, which kinda made Chocola space out...
—Minazuki Chocola
wait up
vt. to stay up late waiting for someone to arrive or something to happen (等一下)
Wait up, wait up, wait up! You're prettry heavy there, Vanilla-san.
—Minazuki Kashou
flail about
vi. to move one's body, often the limbs, in an erratic or clumsy way (胡乱摆动肢体)
She flailed her arms about as she howled in confusion.
either way
ad. used to say that whether one or the other of usually two possible decisions, actions, or results is chosen the result will be the same (无论如何)
Either way, can you tell Chocola to go up to her room to rest?
—Minazuki Kashou
rise to the challenge
vi. to discover or utilize the strength, determination, or skill necessary to accomplish some difficult task successfully (直面挑战)
Surprisingly, Vanilla was the type who could rise to a challenge when necessary.
I mark the "a" in English text as an error according to the traditional usage. However, from a view of "meanings go first", it's an excellent attempt to combine "any" with this idiom to form "rise to a/any challenge", which could act as a concise expression about someone with both initiative and competence. Just try it when your readers can get what are you talking about!
虽然我基于固定搭配的要求把这里的不定冠词“a”标记为了错误,但如果我们改为以表意为核心的视角看这个句子,其实这是一个非常优秀的表达。这里将“任何”的含义融入“直面挑战”的传统表达,我认为“rise to a/any challenge”可以很好地表达一个人具有行动力(兼具主动性和能力)。如果你的读者能理解你的意思,我认为这是一个非常好的表达。
feel up to
vt. to have enough energy, motivation, or emotional wherewithal to be able to do something (能够做)
I'd like to take you to the clinic, but do you fell up to walking there?
—Minazuki Kashou
gloss over
vt. to give only superficial or perfunctory attention to something (粗略了解)
I thought that it was still too early to worry about stuff like that and totally glossed over it.
in heat
a. in a state of sexual excitement and able to breed, as of a female animal (发情的)
The reason why Chocola's body is like this could be because Chocola's in heat... but still... But still, the reason why Chocola loves Master is... And the reason why Chocola wants to be touched by Master isn't because Chocola's in heat... It's, well, you know...
—Minazuki Chocola
get going
vi. to start taking some action (采取行动)
Okay, you better get going then, Master.
—Minazuki Vanilla
mind game
cn. an act of calculated psychological manipulation, done especially to confuse or intimidate (心计)
Absolutely honest goodwill with no mind games. I guess that's what made catgirls so wonderful.
Expressions (其它表达)
"blossoming smiles"
With proof that they had become independent catgirls, they both had blossoming smiles, full of pride on their faces.
"ifs and buts"
That's true. No reason to talk about ifs and buts.
—Minazuki Kashou
"smile creep"
She closed her eyes a bit and I could see a faintly mischievous smile creep across her face.
"cool flushed face"
I took a deep breath, cooling my flushed face.
Well, actually, there's a really sweet smell... coming from you, Master, which kinda made Chocola space out...
—Minazuki Chocola
"Kinda" is an informal version of "kind of".
“Kind of”可以非正式缩略为“kinda”。
"false accusation"
Oh, this is what you'd call a false accusation. Or an unfounded suspicion.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Both "false accusation" and "unfounded suspicion" are useful expresion about wronging someone.
“False accusation”和“unfounded suspicion”都是“冤枉某人”的实用表达。
"two blessings at once"
This is what humans call "two blessings at once", right.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Great harmony here, but "two blessings at once" is actually a literal translation from Japanese idiom.
看起来双语还是比较和谐的,但是“two blessings at once”其实只是一个日语俗语的英文翻译。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"tilt head"
Puzzled, she frantically tilted her head left and right.
"sugary sweet voice"
Her voice was especially sugary sweet. You could even say that there was a stickiness to it.
From "sugary sweet voice" to "voice with stickiness", the description about voice is moving to "amatory" from only "lovey-dovey".
这里出现了两次对声音的描述,如果说“sugary sweet voice”还只是情意缱绻的声音,那“voice with stickiness”多少有点色情。
"tear-stained eye"
She looked up at me with pained, tear-stained eyes.
An obviously better expression about "pain-soaked eye" comparing with simply "tear-filled eye" (quod vide Chapter 1 => Expressions => "tear-filled eyes").
比起“tear-filled eye”,这更能表现充满痛苦的眼睛(参见 第一章 => 其他表达 => "tear-filled eyes")。
"this current"
Chocola and Vanilla were important, irreplaceable members of my family. This wasn't a matter of liking or disliking them. But that's why in the current of all this...
"return gaze"
I returned her gaze... as Chocola took hot, shallow breaths, still caught in her bewilderment.
Translations (翻译)
"a breakthrough?"
A breakthrough. This felt promising.
To be honest, I didn't get anything of the translation here. "断言" in Chinese means "assertion", which focus on rightness and the high subjective confidence. However, regarding the context, we can conclude that the key point should be the suspicion of Minazuki Kashou and how Vanilla's word broke this stalemate of uncertainty. Kashou sensed the change on Chocola but he didn't assure it until Vanilla gave similar judgement. Both "breakthrough" and "promising" are based on the stalemate itself.
It was somewhat relieving to hear that I smelled normal. Well, it meant that I didn't smell especially sweet ot anything.
"微妙" in Chinese means "subtle" while the meaning here can't be more clear. "Relieving" here should be understood basing on Minazuki Kashou's suspicion (quod vide Translations => "relieving?") as well. After the confirmation about the change of Chocola, Kashou wondered if it was some scent from him impacted Chocola and got relieved after Vanilla's denial.
汉语词汇“微妙”指的是事物难以捉摸,但这里的语义再清楚不过了。这里的“Relieving”同样需要基于水无月嘉祥的怀疑来理解(参见 翻译 => "relieving?")。当他确定了巧克力的确和往常不同之后便着手分析造成不同的原因,希望确定是不是自己身上有什么特殊的香味影响了巧克力。因此,当香草给出否定的答案时他自然感到一种轻松。
"be drawn in?"
Vanilla was drawn in by what I had said.
"Be drawn in" means "get involved in" rather than having something to do literally with "withdrawal". It should therefore be translated to "get lost in thought after her words".
尽管长得和“withdrawal”很像,但“be drawn in”只有“被涉及”或者“被卷入”这样的意思。这里更好的翻译或许是香草“在说完后就陷入了沉思”。
It was the look of a woman desperately pleading for help.
Chocola was in love, and in heat. The English text resorts to "woman" for such an emotion expression beyond the concept of "catgirl". Chinese text, in the meantime, utilized Chinese quotation marks for an emphasis。
"return to that state?"
Chocola was all back to normal after being satisfied. Although, she could have just been exhausted after all that and would return to that state soon.
The translation goes mad again. Obviously "that state" here implies the "in heat" state. Out of ignorance, Minazuki Kashou doubted that the "strange" state was only temporarily shut down due to exhaustion.
这里又是乱翻,这里的“that state”显然应该指的是巧克力的发情状态。水无月嘉祥怀疑巧克力的平静只是暂时的,害怕她在体力恢复后又会进入“奇怪的状态”。
Chapter 6: Two Catgirls in Love (第六章:陷入爱河的猫娘们)
Words (单词)
cn. an open pie filled with sweet food such as fruit (水果馅饼)
Let's see, two shortcakes, two cheesecakes, two fruit tarts... one gateau, one millie-feuille, one montblanc...
—Minazuki Kashou
cn. a large cake filled with cream and usually decorated with fruit, nuts, etc (奶油水果大蛋糕)
Let's see, two shortcakes, two cheesecakes, two fruit tarts... one gateau, one millie-feuille, one montblanc...
—Minazuki Kashou
English word "gateau" is from French word "gâteau", which means "cake". By the way, "c'est du gâteau" is just a French version of "it's piece of cake".
英语词汇“gateau”源于法语词汇“gâteau”,两者均指蛋糕。同时值得一提的是,法语中也有类似“piece of cake”的表达“c'est du gâteau”。
cn. an official or formal list recording names, events, or transactions ((账)簿)
Master. I've finished closing out the register. Come check.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vt. to look hard at sb in an offensive way, usually showing sexual interest (抛媚眼)
If you must know, it's because of how you keep ogling the customers with those lecherous eyes of yours. Totally sleeeeeazy.
—Minazuki Vanilla
a. dirty, unpleasant and not socially acceptable, especially because sex is involved (道德败坏的)
If you must know, it's because of how you keep ogling the customers with those lecherous eyes of yours. Totally sleeeeeazy.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. to make a loud sound by breathing air out noisily through your nose, especially to show that you are angry or amused (喷鼻息)
Vanilla folded her arms and snorted.
a. very calm and in control of yourself (镇静的)
I'm not angry. I'm an always cool and collected catgirl, just like Shigure says.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vt. to point sth, especially a gun, at sb ((用枪)对准)
Vanilla leveled a chilly glare at me while I was thinking that.
cn. a feeling that sth is true even though you do not have any evidence to prove it (直觉)
... I have a hunch I'm needed for something naughty.
—Minazuki Vanilla
a. slightly rude; connected with sex (下流的)
... I have a hunch I'm needed for something naughty.
—Minazuki Vanilla
cn. a feeling of anger or dislike towards sb because of sth bad they have done to you in the past (怨恨)
It seemed that she was still holding a grudge.
It worth a mention that there is a famous horror franchise called "The Grudge".
npl. a feeling of doubt or worry about whether what you are doing is right (顾虑)
Well, in all seriousness, I have no qualms with Chocola being a poster catgirl... but I don't think making cakes would suit her.
—Minazuki Kashou
a. clever or amusing and short ((语言)短小精悍的)
It was more like neither of us were the type to come up with snappy retorts. Vanilla also wasn't the type to talk about herself much, either.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "snappy retorts?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "snappy retorts?"。
cn. a quick, angry or humorous reply ((生气或幽默的)反驳)
It was more like neither of us were the type to come up with snappy retorts. Vanilla also wasn't the type to talk about herself much, either.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "snappy retorts?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "snappy retorts?"。
vt. if your brows or eyebrows furrow or are furrowed, you pull them together, usually because you are worried, and so produce lines on your face (皱(眉头))
She tilted her head to the side and blinked a few times in confusion. Furrowing her brow, she put a hand to her chin as she thought.
vt. to hit sb lightly (轻打)
I lightly bopped Vanilla on the head.
vt. to confuse sb completely; to be too difficult or strange for sb to understand or explain (使困惑)
This time, I gently patted Vanilla on the head. As usual, she had a baffled expression on her face as she looked up at me.
a. lacking grace or easy charm; very formal (一本正经的)
Master isn't good at this stiff stuff, either...
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. if you pout, pout your lips or if your lips pout, you push out your lips, to show you are annoyed or to look sexually attractive ((恼怒或性感地)撅嘴)
She pouted as her cheeks became rosy. Vanilla mumbled as she looked up at me.
a. not suitable or good enough for sb/sth (不适宜的)
As an unbefitting wry smile came across my face... I faced Vanilla and spoke my true feelings.
"Un-be-fit-(t)ing", what a "English" word!
vt. to make someone feel great pleasure (使狂喜)
... Trying to ravish me, too.
—Minazuki Vanilla
un. strong determination to achieve sth (决心)
Measuring the level of resolve on Master's face... Beep boop beep. Evaluation, Slack Level: Bulldog.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "resolve?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "resolve?"。
a. not putting enough care, attention or energy into sth and so not doing it well enough (懈怠的)
Measuring the level of resolve on Master's face... Beep boop beep. Evaluation, Slack Level: Bulldog.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "resolve?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "resolve?"。
cn. the back of the neck (后颈)
Chocola's lips and tongue crept along the nape of Vanilla's neck.
a. not firm, stiff, or strong (软绵绵的)
Teehee, her body's gone completely limp, meow! 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Vanilla is so cute~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
un. a feeling or state of very great happiness (狂喜)
Chocola has never seen such a cute, ecstasy-filled face before, meow! Haah~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
a. pointing or facing upwards (朝向上的)
She looked at me with troubled, upturned eyes.
Comparing with "looking up", "upturned eyes" implies only the movement of eye rather then head. It therefore seems more shy or nervous.
和“looking up”相比,“upturned eyes”的表述强调只有眼睛向上看。这样的表述在主角紧张或羞赧时更为合适。
a. you can use straight to describe a person who is normal and ordinary, but who you consider dull and boring (正经的)
Wah~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 You were able to keep such a straight face on, even though you're already like this...?
—Minazuki Chocola
vt. to fill with delight, wonder, or enchantment (使入迷)
I was unable to find the right words to say... as I was entranced by the two catgirls in front of my eyes.
a. behaving in a way that does not attract attention to herself or her body; quiet and serious (端庄的)
You were working in the store with such a demure face while you were like this the whole time, meow?
—Minazuki Chocola
cn. a person who is attractive or kind (可爱的人)
Mufufu, Vanilla sure is a cutie, meow~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
vt. to twist or turn sth with your fingers often because you are nervous or bored ((因紧张或无聊)摆弄)
She looked up at me modestly with upturned eyes... as she twiddled her fingers together.
a. if a person's mouth is agape, it is wide open, especially because they are surprised or shocked ((嘴巴)大张的)
I petted both of their heads, each with one hand... and I looked up at the ceiling with my mouth still slightly agape.
prep. so as to pass, bypass, or avoid (绕过)
You can't just "more importantly" your way around this, you worthless little sister...
—Minazuki Kashou
vi. to take part in an activity (参与)
Next, let us partake in a sultry kiss between siblings... Mwah! 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Shigure
a. sexually attractive; seeming to have strong sexual feelings (风情万种的)
Next, let us partake in a sultry kiss between siblings... Mwah! 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Shigure
vt. to hit sth with a sudden quick movement, especially using your finger and thumb together, or your hand (轻击)
As Shigure sought my lips, I flicked her on the forehead.
cn. an advantage or reward that persuades you to do something; the process of enticing someone (引诱)
How could you ever refuse such a cute little sister's entincements? Aren't you acting rather cold now after Chocola and Vanilla became your catpanions?
—Minazuki Shigure
un. the things that you do to keep your clothes and hair clean and neat, or to keep an animal's fur or hair clean (打扮)
Not too long ago, they didn't even seem to care much about personal grooming like that, either.
—Minazuki Shigure
a. not justified or deserved; unwarranted (无谓的)
... I did have a bit of uncalled-for pride just because I was a little older than her.
vi. to make an ugly expression with your face to show pain, disgust, etc. (做鬼脸)
I rubbed Shigure's head, messing up her hair. She grimaced and scowled at me.
vi. to look at sb/sth in an angry or annoyed way (怒视)
I rubbed Shigure's head, messing up her hair. She grimaced and scowled at me.
cn. a piece of hair that grows in a different direction from the rest of your hair and is difficult to make lie flat (翘起的头发)
Combat preparations complete. Not a single cow lick.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. to speak or say sth in a quiet voice that is difficult to hear, especially because you are annoyed about sth (嘀咕)
After being sure everyone had gone down to the bakery to work... Shigure sat on the living room sofa and muttered to herself.
cn. the person on whom one has a crush; one’s main squeeze; one’s boyfriend or girlfriend (心上人)
It's still hard to believe that Chocola and Vanilla are Nii-sma's catpanions now... It's almost like another girl has stolen away my crush from me. Teehee.
—Minazuki Shigure
List of Modal Particles (语气词表)
used to acknowledge something you dislike/disagree with
You not only ignored me, but you did this and that with Chocola AND you're just playing with her feelings. I just can't stand for this, hmph!
—Minazuki Vanilla
used to say ‘yes’, or to show sb that you are listening to them
Mhm, very well. I shall return to my regular position, then.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Mufufu~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 How long have you been holding out for?
—Minazuki Chocola
List of Onomatopoeia (拟声词表)
used to represent the sound that some people make when they kiss sb on the cheek
I'll be off, mwah! 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
Myaow, Vanilla's cute voice~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Lick, shlurp, lick, fuwah~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
Phrases (短语)
double check
cn. a careful reinspection or reexamination to assure accuracy or proper condition; verification (核验)
Master, Chocola is ready to make this delivery~! Please double-check the order!
—Minazuki Chocola
There is no typo in "double-check" here, which acts as a verb with hyphen.
close out
vt. to end the registration period for something (结束(登记))
Master. I've finished closing out the register. Come check.
—Minazuki Vanilla
"Closing out the (cash) register" is quite a fixed expression in the field of business, which means stopping transactions and checking all the transaction records.
“Closing out the (cash) register”在商业英语中指算账。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
closing statement
cn. the concluding statement in a debate (总结陈词)
I don't sense any sincerity in your closing statement. Thumbs down.
—Minazuki Vanilla
this and that
un. miscellany; a lot of different, varying things (许多杂事)
You not only ignored me, but you did this and that with Chocola AND you're just playing with her feelings. I just can't stand for this, hmph!
—Minazuki Vanilla
fool around
vi. to have a casual sexual relationship with someone (鬼混)
It was a false accusation to say I was fooling around with Chocola.
lighten up
vt. to cause someone or something to become less serious or stern (缓和气氛)
In any case, I needed to lighten things up.
in all seriousness
ad. in one's sincere opinion; without any disingenuousness (郑重地)
Well, in all seriousness, I have no qualms with Chocola being a poster catgirl... but I don't think making cakes would suit her.
—Minazuki Kashou
catch on
vi. to become popular or widespread (流行起来)
If we did it, it might catch on. Nice idea.
说不定会引起一阵风潮喔。Nice idea。
—Minazuki Vanilla
joke around
vi. to engage in (usually lighthearted) teasing (of someone) (戏谑)
If it wasn't true, there would be no point for me to bring it up myself. Master doesn't usually joke around with others like this too, you know...
—Minazuki Vanilla
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "like this?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "like this?"。
out of character
a. very unlike the way someone would normally speak or behave; uncharacteristic (不符合个性的)
Well, I know it's bit out of character for me, but... I wanted to get that out in the open. At the very least, I wanted to tell you how I feel.
—Minazuki Kashou
It's also well-known as an acronym OOC, which is more common in the ACG field comparing with "be uncharacteristic of" (quod vide Chapter 2 => Expressions => "be uncharacteristic of").
缩略词 OOC 就来自“out of character”,比起“be uncharacteristic of”(参见 第二章 => 其他表达 => "be uncharacteristic of"),它在 ACG 领域更常见。
References: here(参考资料见左侧链接)
in the open
ad. by extension, revealed or uncovered for others to know, see, experience, etc (直白地)
Well, I know it's bit out of character for me, but... I wanted to get that out in the open. At the very least, I wanted to tell you how I feel.
—Minazuki Kashou
slack off
vi. to be or become lazy; to procrastinate or avoid work or one's duty (摸鱼)
I wasn't saying you were slacking off or anything.
—Minazuki Kashou
wipe down
vt. to clean or dry someone or something by wiping them or it (擦干净)
The tabletops haven't been wiped down yet.
—Minazuki Vanilla
creep along
vt. to move slowly, and often stealthily, across a particular area or surface (沿某物缓慢行进)
Chocola's lips and tongue crept along the nape of Vanilla's neck.
hold out
vi. to continue to survive or endure (忍耐)
Mufufu~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 How long have you been holding out for?
—Minazuki Chocola
dart around
vi. to move quickly and erratically (游荡)
Her gaze darted around even more than before... as she stole small glances of me.
steal a glance at
vt. To look at someone or something very quickly and discreetly (偷瞄)
Her gaze darted around even more than before... as she stole small glances of me.
Within the allowance of error, the text here can express the same meaning.
ever so
ad. to a great or exceeding degree or extent. used as a modifier for other adjectives (非常地)
She looked at me with ever-so-slightly dewy looking eyes... and then looked away, blushing. After taking a big breath, she looked me in the eye once again.
go along with
vt. to play along with someone or something; to pretend that you are party to someone's scheme (附和)
... I can't make an excuse about me just going along with it now.
—Minazuki Kashou
driff off
vi. to gradually fall sleep (进入梦乡)
I kissed both of them gently as they murmured in their sleep... and closed my eyes and drifted off.
work off
vt. to get rid of anger, anxiety, or energy by doing physical activity (发散)
The catgirls at home are doing just fine, you know. I'm having them do a bit of exercise to work off the effect of being in heat, though.
—Minazuki Shigure
have oneself
vi. to enjoy or indulge in something (好好享受)
If Chocola and Vanilla weren't going to accept you, I would have myself.
—Minazuki Shigure
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "have oneself?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "have oneself?"。
press upon
vt. to put pressure on someone or something (施压于)
No, no. I was the one who pressed upon you this early.
—Minazuki Shigure
Similar to "press on", while "upon" is formal and less commonly used.
“Press upon”和“press on”的意思是一致的,但“upon”的用法稍微正式一些。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
to oneself
ad. to the exclusion of anyone else (私自地)
Knowing that she had done it to herself... she could't help but let out an ironic laugh.
Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "to herself?".
此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "to herself?"。
give up on
vt. to lose faith in someone or something; to no longer believe in someone's or something's potential for betterment (放下期待)
... Well, I might as well give up on a dream that won't come to pass. Maybe it's time I thought about letting me older brother go.
—Minazuki Shigure
come to pass
vi. to happen (实现)
... Well, I might as well give up on a dream that won't come to pass. Maybe it's time I thought about letting me older brother go.
—Minazuki Shigure
Expressions (其它表达)
"try to figure out"
After all, since I was young, the only thing I've done has been making Japanese sweets. I was exhausted from trying to figure out how to respond to them.
"pastry puffer"
I never thought Master would ever be such a horny pastry puffer. Humph!
—Minazuki Vanilla
Little information is found for this expression. Regarding the fact that pastries are always soft and fluffy, I imagine that "pastry puffer" might imply "patissier" but find no evidence. Unexpectedly, Urban Dictionary returned a relative meaning but still lack third-party evidence.
关于这里的绰号,我并没有找到什么相关信息。考虑到糕点大多是松软的,我怀疑这里的“pastry puffer”也表达“糕点师”之意,但我并没有找到确凿的证据。尽管权威词典都没有给出相关的词条,但 Urban Dictionary 给出了一个可能适用的义项,不过还需要进一步核实。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"be the actress"
As always, she was quite the actress.
"it's happening"
It's happening! I'll let you teach me.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Information is limited here as well. I assume that it's similar to "let's make it happen" to express affirmative.
关于这个表达也没有找到太多信息,我猜测这个可能和“let's make it happen”类似,都表示赞同。
"fast learner"
Shigure told me I'm a fast learner, too. Eheh~
—Minazuki Vanilla
Both "fast learner" and "quick learner" seem acceptable while the latter seems better as "fast" emphasize "high-speed" only while there is intelligence in "being quick".
虽然说“fast learner”和“quick learner”都行,但前者只强调速度快。“Quick”相比来说同时包含了一种“机智”,或许会好一些。
"Earth to Vanilla"
Hey... H-Hey, Earth to Vanilla...? Uhm, you're really close...
—Minazuki Kashou
It's quite figurative to say "Earth to someone" that he/she is absent as if in space. At first I thought there was a story about aerospace like "Houston, we have a problem" while I found nothing special in effect.
“Earth to someone”是一个非常形象的说法,它暗喻说话的对象在太空中而难以交流。我一开始认为这和经典的“Houston, we have a problem”一样都源于真实的航空航天故事,但遗憾并没有考证到。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
"Slack Level: Bulldog"
Measuring the level of resolve on Master's face... Beep boop beep. Evaluation, Slack Level: Bulldog.
—Minazuki Vanilla
It's a pun, "slack" also means "the part of a rope, etc. that is hanging loosely". To this extent, a bulldog is very "slack". Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "resolve?".
这是个双关冷笑话,“slack”这个词也可以指“松弛下垂”,所以斗牛犬可谓是相当懈怠了。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "resolve?"。
"all green"
Feeling fine. All green.
—Minazuki Vanilla
"Green" implies "green light" and then "being fine". A wonderful example is the voice line of Fareeha "Pharah" Amari from Overwatch as "green across the board, I'm ready for action".
“绿色”指“绿灯”进而代表“没有问题”。关于这个含义,一个极好的例子是游戏守望先锋中角色“法老之鹰(法芮尔·艾玛莉)”的台词“green across the board, I'm ready for action(所有系统检查完毕,准备进行战斗)”。
"dewy looking eye"
She looked at me with ever-so-slightly dewy looking eyes... and then looked away, blushing. After taking a big breath, she looked me in the eye once again.
"carrot with stick"
Muuuuh~ I certainly hope ther's a carrot to go with this stick.
—Minazuki Shigure
Minazuki Shigure secretly planned everything, which made Minazuki Kashou troubled later. Kashou criticized her high-handed scheme while Shigure tried to ask for a kiss as reward according to the concept of "carrot and stick".
"heck of a"
Sometimes, as her older brother, I wondered if it's really safe for her to go outside on her own. Even more so because she's a heck of a cute little sister.
"Heck" is an euphemism for "hell" and "hell of a" is just an intensive to emphasize certain qualities about the noun it modifies. Here, the latter sentence brought something new about "being cute" and emphasized it. The overall meaning then goes like "Minazuki Shigure behaves strange sometimes and she looks cute, so she might be in safety trouble going out alone". Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "safe?".
“Heck”其实是“hell”的一个婉语,所以“heck of a”就是“hell of a”,而这个结构只具有强调作用。要正确理解这里的含义,只需要注意后半句话强调了“可爱”这个新的语义点即可。整句话的意思大概就是“水无月时雨有的时候神神叨叨的,又偏偏看起来很可爱,如果她一个人出去可能会有安全隐患”。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "safe?"。
"lean cheek"
Shigure responded with a soft smile and by leaning her cheek against my hand.
"ask for the impossible"
As if to ask her yearning heart for the impossible... As if to confess to the person she loved, who was just nearby... She whispered it out once more:
Translations (翻译)
If you must know, it's because of how you keep ogling the customers with those lecherous eyes of yours. Totally sleeeeeazy.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Honestly I can't judge it, it might be a dialect expression from some regions of China that use traditional Chinese or some idiom from Japanese.
"she's interested?"
Vanilla was the right catgirl for the job. It'd be great if she's interested, but it'll be fine, even if she messes up.
The English text here focuses on the Minazuki Kashou's confidence. He believed in Vanilla's competence and thought it would be better if she would be interested in pastry.
"like this?"
If it wasn't true, there would be no point for me to bring it up myself. Master doesn't usually joke around with others like this too, you know...
—Minazuki Vanilla
Here, Vanilla wanted to tell Minazuki Kashou that she wasn't joking. It was because she seldom bragged about herself that it was still the first time for Kashou to hear of Minazuki Shigure's praise about Vanilla. As another evidence, she also mentions Kashou's hardly joking around. The key is that the text uses "joke around (with others) like this" rather than "joke around about something like this". Chinese translation might have made mistake about the pronoun "this" in text. Another evidence lies in the following context (quod vide Translations => "snappy retorts?").
我认为这里的意思在于香草想要强调她说的是事实,只是因为她不常自夸所以水无月嘉祥才是第一次听到水无月时雨对香草的赞扬。香草同时也提到嘉祥本人也不喜欢戏谑,她当时的确没有瞎说。我这样理解的依据在于原文是说“joke around (with others) like this”而非“joke around about something like this”,中文翻译可能弄错了“this”指代的内容。此外,下文中还有另一处证据(参见 翻译 => "snappy retorts?")。
"snappy retorts?"
It was more like neither of us were the type to come up with snappy retorts. Vanilla also wasn't the type to talk about herself much, either.
It's the aftermath of previous mistake and it seems like the Chinese tranlation has abandoned the English text this time. "Snappy retorts" here is for specifying the "joking around" above (quod vide Translations => "like this?").
这里的错误反映的是历史遗留问题,中文翻译为了通顺已经脱离文本了。这里的“snappy retorts”其实就是上文“joking around”的一个具体体现(参见 翻译 => "like this?")。
"Earth to Vanilla!"
Hey... H-Hey, Earth to Vanilla...? Uhm, you're really close...
—Minazuki Kashou
I think Chinese translation is elegant here. We do often resort to some honorific to raise the attention of others. Well done!
Measuring the level of resolve on Master's face... Beep boop beep. Evaluation, Slack Level: Bulldog.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Witnessing all the lovey-doveys between Minazuki Kashou and Chocola and hearing Kashou's saying "just a bit", Vanilla asked about his resolve of that here. If we only focus on the first sentence here, it would be no problem. However, now that the following text throws in a pun, I do think the translation should pay more attention on illustrating it.
"grip her shoulders?"
She blushed, breathing in shallow, quick breaths. She was gripping her shoulders as if she were trying to hold something back.
I think the action here should be similar to "have her arms crossed".
"aspects of me?"
It seemed as if Shigure was able to see through a lot of aspects of me. Mainly my shame, embarrassment, resentments, in particular.
Three nouns here are obviously specific "aspects of me", translation here seems strange.
这里翻译得很奇怪,三个名词明显应该是前面“aspect of me”的具体化才对。
Sometimes, as her older brother, I wondered if it's really safe for her to go outside on her own. Even more so because she's a heck of a cute little sister.
The English text doubts the safety problem letting Minazuki Shigure go out alone, while the Chinese translation is talking about the potiential embarrassment from doing so.
"have myself?"
If Chocola and Vanilla weren't going to accept you, I would have myself.
—Minazuki Shigure
Too many mistakes to be mentioned one by one... Wrong tense form misunderstanding of subjunctive mood (quod vide About Grammar => subjunctive mood), wrong person and there's no clue for the meaning of enforcement, either.
这里的错误还蛮复杂的......由于漏判了虚拟语气导致时间平台判断出错(参见 语法碎片 => 虚拟语气),人称判断出错,这里的“强迫”也是一个没有依据的语义点。
"to herself?"
Knowing that she had done it to herself... she could't help but let out an ironic laugh.
The translation got just the opposite... Noticing the "had done" in past perfect tense, we can judge that Minazuki Shigure planned everything originally for herself while the fact was a heavy blow for her. She therefore "could't help but let out an ironic laugh".
这里的翻译完全搞反了。注意到前半句的“had done”使用的是过去完成时,我们不难推测这里水无月时雨想到的是自己从一开始就充满私心的计划,但事实却恰恰不遂其愿,给了她一个沉重的打击。因此她才“只能自嘲地笑笑”。
About Grammar (语法碎片)
subjunctive mood (虚拟语气)
If Chocola and Vanilla weren't going to accept you, I would have myself.
—Minazuki Shigure
When it comes to the subjuctive mood introduced by "if" on the contraty to the future, there are three potential forms. Rather than simply remember them, we should pay attention to the essence of "being on contrary to the future". Regarding that the speaker can only make "subjective judgement", we should interpret it into a personal assumption with low possibility. From this point of view, three difference forms here are matching with different possibility degree vide infra:
Form of "if" clause | Subjective possibility | Example |
were to do | low | If I were to perform on such a grand stage, I would be on cloud nine. |
did | moderate | If I performed on such a grand stage, our training schedule might be adjusted. |
should do | high | If I should perform on such a grand stage, I would make endeavor to show my best. |
What's more, about the alternative "were going to do" here, it might be an analogue of "were to do", which implies a subjective low possibility about ChocoVani's not accepting Minazuki Kashou from the view of Minazuki Shigure. Potiential translation mistake here, details quod vide Translation => "have myself?".
“if”从句的形式 | 主观可能性 | 例句 |
were to do | 低 | If I were to perform on such a grand stage, I would be on cloud nine. 如果我能在那样一个大舞台表演,我睡着了都会笑醒的。 |
did | 适中 | If I performed on such a grand stage, our training schedule might be adjusted. 如果我能在那样一个大舞台表演,我们或许得调整训练安排。 |
should do | 高 | If I should perform on such a grand stage, I would make endeavor to show my best. 如果我能在那样一个大舞台表演,我将会尽我所能。 |
非主流结构“were going to do”大概率还是跟“were to do”比较相近。水无月时雨的言下之意是在她看来巧克力香草拒绝水无月嘉祥的概率还是很低的。此处可能存在翻译错误,参见 翻译 => "have myself?"。
Chapter 7: Like a Catpanion(第七章:和猫娘情人们的约会)
Words (单词)
cn. a person who likes to spoil other people's enjoyment (大煞风景的人)
Master is being a killjoy right now. Cold, in a word.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. to complain in an annoying, crying voice (哀鸣)
Forced to get on the ride because of their whining... I was now facing the most extreme threat to my life ever.
Noticing that "whine" could act as a noun, I wonder why "-ing" form is used here...
vi. to shout loudly (呼喊)
Master is hollering so much, tears are coming out, nyahahahahahahahaaaaaaa~! 𝅘𝅥𝅮 𝅘𝅥𝅮 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Vanilla
vt. to surprise sb suddenly in a way that slightly shocks or frightens them (惊吓)
When catgirls are extremely startled, they stop moving...
—Minazuki Vanilla
a. weak and unable to think or move well because you are ill/sick or very tired (踉踉跄跄的)
Light-headed, I sat on the bench feeling groggy.
vi. to move up and down or from side to side with short, quick, light movements, or to make something move in this way; to move through the air with short, quick, light movements (扑腾)
The two fluttered about as they teased each other.
un. photographers who follow famous people in order to take photographs of them that newspapers and magazines will buy (狗仔队)
I'll take some next, okay? Rapid-fire super paparazzi burst!
—Minazuki Vanilla
a. showing a lack of effort or care (粗枝大叶的)
Ah! You're being lazy!
—Minazuki Chocola
a. with no particular order or plan; not organized well (随便的)
Such haphazardness isn't good. Super not good.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vt. to limit or reduce someone’s legal rights or freedom (侵犯(权利))
How careless of me...! Infringement of catgirl personal rights, meow...!
—Minazuki Vanilla
ad. in a definite and direct way (直接地)
Of course, there was no doubt that this was a date. No, if I say it like that it sounds kind of negative. Yeah, if I were to say it flat out... thinking about how others might view this makes me feel a bit bashful.
a. shy and easily embarrassed (羞怯的)
Of course, there was no doubt that this was a date. No, if I say it like that it sounds kind of negative. Yeah, if I were to say it flat out... thinking about how others might view this makes me feel a bit bashful.
cn. a soft smooth shiny quality (光辉)
Shining rays of sun beamed down from directly overhead... making a mystical sheen spread throughout the surrounding scenery.
a. full of energy; wanting to play (活泼的)
I'm also having lots of fun. It may not look it, but catgirls have a very high friskiness level.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vi. to produce more saliva in your mouth than usual, especially when you see or smell food (流口水)
So much fatty tuna. Salivating... I'm salivating... Drool~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Vanilla
vt. to say sth suddenly and without thinking carefully enough (漏嘴说出)
Don't blurt out cat-likr things like that, okay?
—Minazuki Kashou
vi. to feel very embarrassed and uncomfortable about sth (感到难为情)
I cringed. She'd hit the nail on the head.
ad. suddenly or quickly (突然地)
I felt I should be more straight-up about it. But I really can't just stop being bashful about it overnight.
a. very serious (极其严重的)
But we must show hime that cheating on catpanions comes with dire consequences.
—Minazuki Vanilla
cn. a person who is easy to persuade or influence (好说话的人)
I saw something about that and not becoming a pushover catgirl on the TV.
—Minazuki Vanilla
vt. to annoy or irritate sb very much (使激怒)
I said to myself, exasperated. I headed over towards Chocola, who was still crying into her hands.
vi. to breathe noisily through your nose and mouth while you are asleep (打呼噜)
I looked at their sleeping faces while they snored away on the sofa.
un. extreme happiness (极乐)
With a kind and gentle smile... they lowered their gazes as if savoring their bliss.
a. suggesting an interest in physical pleasure, especially sexual pleasure (耽于肉欲的)
She spoke smoothly... as she lured me in with her soft and sensual gaze.
a. trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be sth that you are not, in order to impress (浮夸的)
You're so pretentious, even though you're never honest.
—Minazuki Vanilla
npl. sleep; a time when sb is asleep (睡眠)
As I also drifted off into slumber... I continued to pet them gently on the head.
List of Modal Particles (语气词表)
Yode-Lay-Hee-Hoo! Nyahahaha~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮
—Minazuki Chocola
Little information found on the Internet so I can't assure the spelling. It worth a mention that Yodel-Lay-Hee-Hoo might be a Disney song performed in The 7D episode, "Frankengloom", sung by Queen Delightful and Roar.
关于这个表达,我并没有找到足够的信息以确定它的拼写。但值得一提的是,Yodel-Lay-Hee-Hoo 可以是一首迪士尼歌曲。
Reference: here (参考资料见左侧链接)
used to show that you are not at all interested in or impressed by sth
Yode-Lay-Hee-Hoo. Meh, it's not that fun actually.
—Minazuki Vanilla
Tell Shigure... I went out like a true catgirl...! Urk!!
—Minazuki Vanilla
Aww, Vanilla isn't being honest~
—Minazuki Chocola
Squee, too cute~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 Look over here~! 𝅘𝅥𝅮
Chocola is just a pushover catgirl by natyure, isn't she... Fwehhh...
—Minazuki Chocola
Augh, you two are such a pain to deal with sometimes...
—Minazuki Kashou
List of Onomatopoeia (拟声词表)
Catgirl smile super attack! Nipah~
—Minazuki Vanilla
Phrases (短语)
go out
vi. to die (死)
Tell Shigure... I went out like a true catgirl...! Urk!!
—Minazuki Vanilla
take one up on
vt. to agree to an offer one has made, especially one made at an earlier point in time (接受提议)
Okay, then I might as well take you up on your offer then.
hit the nail on the head
vi. to be precisely correct or accurate (完全正确)
I cringed. She'd hit the nail on the head.
live up to
vt. to be as good as or have the qualities that someone predicted, expected, or hoped for (满足期望)
That'd be nice if I could live up to that.
—Minazuki Kashou
take after
vi. to pursue something that one (often a family member) has already done; to follow one as an example (向某人学习)
You should be more confident in yourself. They've taken after you quite a bit, after all.
strike up
vt. to initiate, instigate, or begin something (开始)
You seemed like you'd be able to relate, so I thought I'd strike up a conversation.
get at
vt. to allude to or suggest a particular point (暗示)
I'm not so oblivious that I didn't know what they were getting at.
booby trap
cn. a trap for an unsuspecting person, esp one intended as a practical joke, such as an object balanced above a door to fall on the person who opens it (恶作剧陷阱)
Even going as far as to say they were to boobytrap my underwear, now. Vanilla thinks up some really nasty stuff...
I'm not sure about the spelling when it acts as a single verb. It's probably acceptable.
trail off
vi. to dwindle, diminish, or fade away; to become fainter or weaker. Used especially, though not exclusively, in reference to speech or music (渐弱)
As mumbles spilled from their lips... their voices trailed off, making it sound like they were talking in their sleep.
Expressions (其它表达)
Catgirls get proportionally more excited the higher they climb.
—Minazuki Vanilla
We can used "proportionally" as a formal alternative for "the more... the more...".
“Proportionally”可以用于正式地表达“the more... the more...”的含义。
"just a ride"
It's just a ride! Calm down! It won't kill you!
—Minazuki Kashou
I find no reliable source for this idiom while much trivial information suggest that it might be similar to "take it easy" or "fear not".
关于这句俗语我并没有从可靠来源找到解释,但网络上一些零碎的信息显示其含义可能和“take it easy”或“fear not”类似。
"pack punch"
To think amusement parks could pack this much punch...
"Ronald McDonald"
Ultra grinning. Like Donald O'Ronald.
It should be the mascot of McDonald, Ronald McDonald. "Mc-" here is a patronymic sign from Irish, which means a father names Donald may give his son patronymic surname McDonald. It's a common phenomenon in many different languages, e.g., "-son" in English, "-ez" in Spanish, etc. "O'-" here is also a sign like these from Gaelic while the author might make mistake when writing this.
这里指的应该是麦当劳的吉祥物 Ronald McDonald(也就是常说的麦当劳叔叔)。这里的“Mc-”是源于爱尔兰语的一个父名标记,具体来说,一个叫做 Donald 的父亲可能给他的儿子一个父名姓 McDonald。在许多语言中都可以见到这种现象,例如英语中的“-son”,西班牙语中的“-ez”等。其实这里的“O'-”也是源于盖尔语的一个父名标记,不过显然作者在写文本的时候犯了错误。
"wrap around my arm"
With full smiles, thw two of them wrapped themselved around my arms.
"white as ash"
Ooh... it's white! Almost like it's color has burnt down to white ash!
—Minazuki Vanilla
"cry into one's hand"
I said to myself, exasperated. I headed over towards Chocola, who was still crying into her hands.
This might be an action similar to "burying one's face in hands and crying".
"savor bliss"
With a kind and gentle smile... they lowered their gazes as if savoring their bliss.
"sultry eye pressure"
I was pressed between two sets of sultry eyes.
"spilled mumble"
As mumbles spilled from their lips... their voices trailed off, making it sound like they were talking in their sleep.
"melt into the moment"
At some point, I melted into this blissful moment and drifted off to sleep.
Translations (翻译)
The white clothes sparkled in the sunshine. It was very cute and seeing them all dressed up made the day even more special. ... Not that Vanilla would ever admit she felt that way.
I won't correct the mistakes about number and person in this piece of s**t one by one but just give some explanations for the "not that..." in the end. It shares the formal subject structure "it was" from my point of view. In the context above, Vanilla said she "just a little bit happy" and Minazuki Kashou assumed that she was just dishonest.
这里的翻译完全稀烂,关于数和人称的错误我都不想骂了,只稍微说一下最后“not that...”句的问题。我认为这个半句话其实是省略了前面出现过的形式主语结构“it was”。在原文上文中,香草说她“有一点点高兴”,这里水无月嘉祥无疑是觉得香草和往常一样不太坦率。
... I couldn't escape it even if I had tried. So catgirls change as they grow up, too...
It isn't about "change so much" but about simply an ordinary conjunction "so". Additionally, it was Minazuki Kashou who "couldn't escape" rather than ChocoVani. He couldn't deny their irony at all.
这里的“so”只是一个平平无奇的连词,绝不是什么“change so much”的表达。此外,前半句中“无可辩驳”的应该是水无月嘉祥而非巧克力香草。
About Grammar (语法碎片)
Chapter 8: Mutual Love(第八章:爱尚往来)
p.s. A straightforward translation occured to my mind was the "popular" expression "双向奔赴 (Lovers Rush into Each Other)". I have to admit its accuracy while I sorrowfully realized that it is too disgusting to even mention it for me as a consequence of its inundant occurrence. A brainstorm among friends of mine was later launched and I purposed "爱尚往来 (Love Calls for Reciprocity)" from Chinese idiom "礼尚往来 (Courtesy Calls for Reciprocity)". What's more, a friend of mine suggested "喵琪的礼物 (The Gift of the Meogi)" as another solution. Regarding that we are translating chapter name to Chinese, I keep my own answer here. However, if we ignore the absence of specific "gift", "The Gift of the Meogi" is absolutely a splendor basing on English culture and way better than the stiff "Mutual Love".
小记:看到英文标题,我的第一反应就是最近很火的“双向奔赴”。准倒是准,就是大伙滥用这个词搞得我看到这个词就恶心,多少有点悲哀。我后来和群友一起讨论这个翻译,在启发下基于“礼尚往来”提出了“爱尚往来”的说法。值得一提的是有老哥提出可以翻译成“喵琪的礼物”,尽管我考虑到这里是要把英文翻译成中文而没有采用这个答案,但毫无疑问这个提法是很精彩的。如果我们忽略这里没有具体礼物这个小瑕疵的话,我认为“The Gift of the Meogi”无疑要比原文这个呆板的“Mutual Love”好得多。
Words (单词)
un. great skill at doing sth (非凡技艺)
Now, now. We can discuss Nii-sama's prowess later. But for now, we should get him to a clinic.
—Minazuki Shigure
un. the physical or mental strength that enables you to do sth difficult for long periods of time (体力)
It doesn't matter how young you are or how much stamina you have. Chronic fatigure destorys your ability to recover.
—Minazuki Shigure
un. all the customers or clients of a shop/store, restaurant, organization, etc. (客户)
We're at a crucial time with our clientele increasing and all...
—Minazuki Kashou
a. very strange; more like a dream than reality, with ideas and images mixed together in a strange way (离奇的)
Their long string of yawns was surreal.
a. open and without shame, usually about sth that people find shocking (厚颜无耻的)
Oh my, "live with them!" How brazen of you~ Blush~
—Minazuki Shigure
vi. to move slightly; to make sth/sb move slightly (轻微挪动)
We waited in silence for a while, yet she still stared at me without budging an inch.
un. a sudden short period of angry, unreasonable behaviour, especially in a child ((小孩)耍脾气)
She spoke as if she were indulging a child's tantrum. Sitting next to me, she placed her small hand on my cheek and ever so slightly closed her eyes.
a. having developed particular abilities and ways of behaving at a much younger age than usual (早熟的)
I probably didn't have to tell my precocious little sister... but she still gave a small nod at my words.
vi. to hold sb/sth close in your arms to show love or affection (拥抱)
Myahhh~! Shigure-chan and Master are cuddling!
—Minazuki Chocola
a. evil and cruel (卑鄙的)
Having us go clean up and then doing things like this...?! How dastardly......!
—Minazuki Vanilla
Notice that "dastard-ly" is not a adverb.
nsing. behaviour that is not genuine, done in order to hide your true feelings or opinions (外表)
Now that Shigure was gone... I could drop the front I'd been putting up to keep her from worrying.
a. not smooth or controlled (不流畅的)
My shoulders were shaking and my breathing was ragged. As I fought to keep my vision from wavering, I checked that they were both safe.
vi. to move in an unsteady way (闪烁;忽明忽暗)
My shoulders were shaking and my breathing was ragged. As I fought to keep my vision from wavering, I checked that they were both safe.
vi. when your knees or legs buckle or when you buckle at the knees, your knees become weak and you start to fall (双腿发软)
Now that I knew Chocola and Vanilla were okay, I fought to keep my knees from buckling.
List of Modal Particles (语气词表)
used for showing that you are surprised in a happy way, or that you recognize sb/sth
Nii-sama, I said I love you. It was just my usual whisper of love. Ohoho~
—Minazuki Shigure
... Gah, do I have no choice but to stop hiding things from Shigure?!
Phrases (短语)
for heaven's sake
int. a mild oath of surprise, exasperation, annoyance, frustration, or anger (看上帝的份上)
Oh, Nii-sama, just what am I supposed to do with you, for heaven's sake?
—Minazuki Shigure
depart this life
vi. to die; to leave this life (死)
Well, it's fine. Once Nii-sama has departed this life, I won't be far behind him.
—Minazuki Shigure
take in stride
vt. to handle or cope with something, especially something unpleasant, without a noticeable change in one's demeanor (淡然处事)
Which isn't to say I don't like seeing Nii-sama working hard and taking things in stride, too.
—Minazuki Shigure
lose track of time
vi. to forget about or neglect to pay close attention to the time (忘记时间)
I need to get well quickly, so I don't worry them anymore than I already have. With that foremost in my mind, I lost track of time.
Expressions (其它表达)
"give in to reason"
That's right. I like it when Nii-sama gives in to reason.
—Minazuki Shigure
"drain tension"
It was like some sort of tension was draining from me.
"stab at heart"
Her smile stabbed at my heart.
"clouded and darkened"
Their faces, already clouded with worry, darkened more.
"forefront of heart"
We had to get to the clinic as quickly as possible. With that in the forefront of hearts, we ran without stopping.
"chew lips"
We gripped each other's hands tightly in worry. Looking up at the cold shutters, we chewed our lips in concern.
Chapter 9 (第九章)
p.s. No official chapter name in English is given, I therefore won't give translation, either.
Words (单词)
vi. to eat sth very fast, in a way that people consider rude or greedy (狼吞虎咽)
I thought Western desserts were a bit "meh", but these aren't bad at all! Gobble, smaurch, munch!
—Minazuki Azuki
un. a time when children must be home in the evening (儿童必须在家的时间)
You have a curfew, and on weekdays, you have school...!
—Minazuki Kashou
Phrases (短语)
pain in the butt
nsing. an especially irritating, aggravating, or obnoxious person, thing, or situation (讨人厌的人或事)
Geez. It's a pain in the butt, but that's the life of an owned catgirl, I guess.
—Minazuki Azuki
Expressions (其它表达)
Everyone has matching uniforms just like Chocola-chan and Vanilla-chan~ 𝅘𝅥𝅮 How cuuuute! I'm so happyyyy! 𝅘𝅥𝅮 And Na-chan's in the same thing~!
—Minazuki Cinnamon
To call one's nickname in English, we basically avoid plosive as the last phoneme. "Chocola" and "Vanilla" share combination "la" as common ending, which is also the foundation of nickname "ChocoVani", and it works will. However, "Coconut" unfortunately ends with "t", for which Cinnamon adapted "Cocona" or simply "Na" from it in the nickname.
Acknowledgements (致谢)
I sincerely thanks Prof. Lan He from Hunan University for her generous help and contribution to the entries vide infra:
- Chapter 1 => Translation => "emotions dulled?"
- Chapter 1 => About Grammar => subject clause
- Chapter 2 => Translation => "but I imagine?"
- Chapter 5 => Phrases => rise to the challenge
- Chapter 6 => About Grammar => subjunctive mood
M. Su Peng from Hunan University for his generous help and contribution to the entries vide infra:
- Chapter 1 => Phrases => from here on out
- Chapter 1 => Expressions => "La Soleil"
- Chapter 3 => Words => grandiose
M. Xing Ni from Wuhan University of Science and Technology for his generous help and contribution to the entries vide infra:
- Chapter 2 => Expressions => "coordinates confirmed"
- Chapter 2 => Translation => "pick flowers?"
- Chapter 3 => Translation => "someone who really likes sweets!"
- Chapter 8 => p.s.
And I thanks Quan "Aldehyde" Gan from Huazhong University of Science and Technology for his contribution to the entries vide infra:
- Chapter 2 => Translation => "at full speed?"
- Chapter 3 => Translation => "someone who really likes sweets!"
M. Mingrui Xiao from Wuhan University of Technology for his contribution to the entries vide infra:
- Chapter 8 => p.s.
M. Ziyang Chen from Central South University for his contribution to the entries vide infra:
- Chapter 8 => p.s.
Mlle. Xuzi Zhao from Hunan University for her contribution to the entries vide infra:
- Chapter 2 => Translation => "pick flowers?"
M. Shikun Wang from Wuhan University for his contribution to the entries vide infra:
- Chapter 3 => Translation => "make for?"
- 第一章 => 翻译 => "emotions dulled?"
- 第一章 => 语法碎片 => subject clause
- 第二章 => 翻译 => "but I imagine?"
- 第五章 => 短语 => rise to the challenge
- 第六章 => 语法碎片 => subjunctive mood
- 第一章 => 短语 => from here on out
- 第一章 => 其他表达 => "La Soleil"
- 第三章 => 词汇 => grandiose
- 第二章 => 其他表达 => "coordinates confirmed"
- 第二章 => 翻译 => "pick flowers?"
- 第三章 => 翻译 => "someone who really likes sweets!"
- 第八章 => 小记
- 第二章 => 翻译 => "at full speed?"
- 第三章 => 翻译 => "someone who really likes sweets!"
- 第八章 => 小记
- 第八章 => 小记
- 第二章 => 翻译 => "pick flowers?"
- 第三章 => 翻译 => "make for?"
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by Syl & Sylvia @ 2022-09-04 11:06:03 @ Changsha, Yuelu District
originally post @ https://www.cnblogs.com @ 2022-09-04
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