
Posted on 2017-03-21 23:42  sylar少侠  阅读(182)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
  • C++多态
  • #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    class Base {
        virtual void f() { cout << "base" << endl; }
    class Derived : public Base{
        void f() { cout << "derived" << endl; }
    class Base2 {
        virtual void g() { cout << "base2 process g" << endl; } // dynamic_cast only work under polymorphic settings
    class Derived2 : public Base2{
        void f() { cout << "derived2" << endl; }
    int main() {
        Base *b = new Derived;
        b->f(); //base
        Base *b = new Derived;
        Derived *a = static_cast<Derived *>(b);
        a->f(); //derived
        Base *b = new Derived;
        b->f(); //derived, derived overwrite base in virtual table
        Derived *a = dynamic_cast<Derived *>(b);
        a->f(); //derived, same with b->f()
        Base2 *b = new Derived2;
        //b->f(); // compile error
        Derived2 *a = dynamic_cast<Derived2 *>(b);
        a->f(); //derived2, same with b->f()
        return 0;
  • 可调用函数, 匿名函数
  • auto f = [](int a, int b){return a + b;};
    cout << f(1,2) << endl; //3
    cout << [](int a, int b){return a + b;}(1,2) << endl; //3
    int a = 0; int b = 0; int c = 0;
    //cout << [=](int a, int b){c = 1; return a + b;}(1,2) << "\t" << c << endl;
    // error: cannot assign to a variable captured by copy in a non-mutable lambda
    //cout << [](int a, int b){int c = 1; return a + b;}(1,2) << "\t" << c << a << endl; //3 \t 0
    cout << [&](int a, int b){c = 1; return a + b;}(1,2) << "\t" << c << "\t" << a << endl; //3 \t 1
    cout << [&c](int a, int b){c = 1; return a + b;}(1,2) << "\t" << c << endl; //3 \t 1
  • C++ 宏下的 # 和 ##
    • #的功能是将其后面的宏参数进行字符串化操作
    • ##被称为连接符(concatenator)
  • /// Macro for registering a layer type.
    /// Example: REGISTER_LAYER(crf_error, CRFDecodingErrorLayer);
    #define REGISTER_LAYER(__type_name, __class_name) \
      static InitFunction __reg_type_##__type_name(   \
          []() { Layer::registrar_.registerClass<__class_name>(#__type_name); })
  • C++explicit关键字详解
    •   http://www.cnblogs.com/ymy124/p/3632634.html
    • C++中的explicit关键字只能用于修饰只有一个参数的类构造函数, 它的作用是表明该构造函数是显示的, 而非隐式的, 跟它相对应的另一个关键字是implicit, 意思是隐藏的,类构造函数默认情况下即声明为implicit(隐式). explicit关键字的作用就是防止类构造函数的隐式自动转换. explicit关键字只对有一个参数的类构造函数有效, 如果类构造函数参数大于或等于两个时, 是不会产生隐式转换的, 所以explicit关键字也就无效了。 但是 当除了第一个参数以外的其他参数都有默认值的时候, explicit关键字依然有效, 此时, 当调用构造函数时只传入一个参数, 等效于只有一个参数的类构造函数

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