

Title Total Submissions  Solving % Total Users  Solving %
100 - The 3n + 1 problem 536120 27.38% 76353 72.62%
10055 - Hashmat the Brave Warrior 147050 27.33% 31953 85.72%
10071 - Back to High School Physics 74075 50.05% 27855 93.75%
102 - Ecological Bin Packing 75504 38.09% 21297 86.15%
458 - The Decoder 51482 47.67% 19204 92.57%
272 - TEX Quotes 47494 47.57% 18536 91.56%
10038 - Jolly Jumpers 95150 26.29% 18031 81.23%
10189 - Minesweeper 79513 22.72% 17542 71.80%
136 - Ugly Numbers 58360 29.45% 17253 75.59%
494 - Kindergarten Counting Game 48888 37.74% 16634 88.36%
10035 - Primary Arithmetic 63898 28.80% 15643 85.41%
101 - The Blocks Problem 73056 19.40% 15276 63.69%
10018 - Reverse and Add 63154 41.11% 15109 85.52%
591 - Box of Bricks 47054 31.54% 14861 79.49%
10300 - Ecological Premium 25426 66.53% 14756 96.64%
113 - Power of Cryptography 43063 38.02% 14266 87.04%
488 - Triangle Wave 62186 20.75% 13940 63.19%
10082 - WERTYU 39722 38.41% 13876 88.23%
299 - Train Swapping 28477 55.48% 13552 93.74%
108 - Maximum Sum 42257 39.37% 13391 79.16%
10783 - Odd Sum 32137 46.83% 12406 93.99%
11172 - Relational Operator 22814 59.72% 11241 96.75%
10370 - Above Average 24726 52.43% 11090 94.45%
105 - The Skyline Problem 44547 22.24% 11027 61.96%
10110 - Light, more light 43444 31.58% 10628 85.95%
382 - Perfection 30732 34.74% 10400 81.83%
483 - Word Scramble 30429 43.04% 10283 84.46%
424 - Integer Inquiry 26924 41.07% 10238 86.04%
10004 - Bicoloring 37434 44.83% 10182 87.61%
10008 - What's Cryptanalysis? 21957 56.48% 10163 93.37%
10041 - Vito's Family 36626 38.95% 10161 84.54%
495 - Fibonacci Freeze 47894 25.83% 10137 67.38%
579 - ClockHands 28010 42.63% 10052 91.27%
10696 - f91 27548 52.78% 10035 94.72%
401 - Palindromes 40171 24.93% 9823 75.65%
673 - Parentheses Balance 47692 29.26% 9770 82.31%
575 - Skew Binary 15754 68.97% 9602 96.51%
160 - Factors and Factorials 30997 30.36% 9423 79.99%
369 - Combinations 25836 43.38% 9393 89.00%
10340 - All in All 38780 29.86% 9320 88.44%
706 - LCD Display 42526 24.18% 9177 68.48%
10079 - Pizza Cutting 24155 42.09% 9164 92.31%
374 - Big Mod 25932 41.99% 9142 89.24%
10346 - Peter's Smokes 23037 42.54% 8896 91.52%
103 - Stacking Boxes 33927 22.65% 8739 60.24%
445 - Marvelous Mazes 24820 41.04% 8610 84.85%
10137 - The Trip 45124 18.77% 8395 62.97%
111 - History Grading 20205 39.96% 8371 71.60%
543 - Goldbach's Conjecture 28057 41.03% 8347 87.54%
10812 - Beat the Spread! 23779 39.37% 8320 92.42%
10327 - Flip Sort 24638 43.19% 8307 90.27%
694 - The Collatz Sequence 24086 38.88% 8307 87.01%
713 - Adding Reversed Numbers 22316 27.58% 8202 59.00%
151 - Power Crisis 15972 58.36% 8190 92.37%
490 - Rotating Sentences 30255 28.01% 8180 78.04%
10107 - What is the Median? 21236 46.52% 8149 90.11%
406 - Prime Cuts 31445 24.37% 8104 67.28%
10050 - Hartals 16806 56.12% 8051 92.75%
623 - 500! 33700 24.42% 7983 64.31%
10062 - Tell me the frequencies! 39075 18.03% 7928 60.12%
499 - What's The Frequency, Kenneth? 15242 57.40% 7799 94.01%
530 - Binomial Showdown 31668 24.51% 7762 79.59%
541 - Error Correction 15876 56.95% 7755 92.19%
10013 - Super long sums 40677 26.09% 7646 62.27%
264 - Count on Cantor 18293 48.03% 7611 88.90%
146 - ID Codes 16827 51.68% 7560 91.69%
120 - Stacks of Flapjacks 23303 40.44% 7512 86.21%
10405 - Longest Common Subsequence 26862 35.88% 7455 88.48%
10106 - Product 24854 37.44% 7439 88.17%
10127 - Ones 17127 51.84% 7342 90.17%
147 - Dollars 33863 22.40% 7297 64.64%
119 - Greedy Gift Givers 23320 23.87% 7264 64.95%
116 - Unidirectional TSP 37747 19.14% 7231 62.69%
107 - The Cat in the Hat 41756 18.99% 7108 64.29%
674 - Coin Change 21058 47.64% 7028 90.38%
10019 - Funny Encryption Method 11334 68.63% 7012 95.37%
10469 - To Carry or not to Carry 11566 71.52% 6994 97.53%
686 - Goldbach's Conjecture (II) 17300 52.16% 6978 92.95%
138 - Street Numbers 16436 42.22% 6922 82.52%
10222 - Decode the Mad man 13628 51.27% 6910 87.64%
357 - Let Me Count The Ways 24484 29.21% 6907 70.80%
492 - Pig-Latin 33684 24.21% 6904 75.87%
583 - Prime Factors 35819 28.05% 6866 76.01%
195 - Anagram 30309 23.07% 6838 63.91%
371 - Ackermann Functions 38610 23.03% 6777 72.29%
10302 - Summation of Polynomials 17255 44.04% 6732 90.54%
10006 - Carmichael Numbers 26022 36.68% 6719 82.84%
476 - Points in Figures: Rectangles 22212 38.32% 6585 90.90%
256 - Quirksome Squares 13597 54.92% 6539 92.58%
10003 - Cutting Sticks 22163 42.57% 6464 87.39%
10929 - You can say 11 23221 33.39% 6397 86.02%
10970 - Big Chocolate 12609 67.90% 6372 97.49%
10070 - Leap Year or Not Leap Year and ... 30012 13.84% 6364 48.32%
10252 - Common Permutation 27602 26.65% 6319 78.48%
572 - Oil Deposits 12937 59.19% 6304 95.61%
294 - Divisors 17120 44.11% 6224 86.49%
10010 - Where's Waldorf? 22564 27.93% 6138 76.03%
10924 - Prime Words 18324 39.13% 6022 92.91%
10034 - Freckles 24816 28.60% 5987 74.78%
414 - Machined Surfaces 15058 43.68% 5982 92.13%
568 - Just the Facts 12872 52.33% 5968 88.22%
439 - Knight Moves 15720 56.54% 5928 93.71%
112 - Tree Summing 28762 25.59% 5916 76.03%
612 - DNA Sorting 27583 20.51% 5886 59.14%
350 - Pseudo-Random Numbers 12155 53.43% 5862 89.07%
344 - Roman Digititis 10595 59.83% 5817 92.20%
10000 - Longest Paths 24328 20.88% 5755 58.73%
408 - Uniform Generator 14164 32.51% 5743 65.00%
441 - Lotto 13460 38.81% 5721 70.69%
438 - The Circumference of the Circle 9684 65.64% 5720 94.04%
10323 - Factorial! You Must be Kidding!!! 24131 24.59% 5704 76.58%
412 - Pi 18086 37.53% 5695 81.28%
10921 - Find the Telephone 9923 63.04% 5679 96.25%
10424 - Love Calculator 17445 34.03% 5679 87.04%
484 - The Department of Redundancy Department 16285 41.17% 5653 88.89%
324 - Factorial Frequencies 12294 55.24% 5647 88.70%
489 - Hangman Judge 17471 26.22% 5633 59.63%
10420 - List of Conquests 11903 54.31% 5604 94.31%
10260 - Soundex 11930 51.25% 5585 92.28%
106 - Fermat vs. Pythagoras 24862 31.75% 5498 62.90%
10131 - Is Bigger Smarter? 18685 37.91% 5496 85.17%
10235 - Simply Emirp 20959 29.97% 5395 87.40%
10161 - Ant on a Chessboard 10978 57.73% 5376 94.16%
10098 - Generating Fast 16319 40.60% 5355 81.38%
305 - Joseph 13301 47.49% 5334 88.02%
118 - Mutant Flatworld Explorers 13998 37.31% 5277 84.39%
477 - Points in Figures: Rectangles and Circles 10958 58.39% 5223 94.45%
11332 - Summing Digits 9959 60.96% 5208 96.29%
10066 - The Twin Towers 13407 45.57% 5153 87.62%
444 - Encoder and Decoder 17064 29.66% 5100 77.88%
104 - Arbitrage 25205 21.58% 5035 64.07%
11547 - Automatic Answer 8499 68.44% 5000 97.32%
573 - The Snail 11666 44.62% 4990 90.20%
231 - Testing the CATCHER 17836 20.51% 4950 56.67%
10200 - Prime Time 23176 12.68% 4950 35.29%
11462 - Age Sort 19333 36.64% 4936 88.41%
392 - Polynomial Showdown 16412 29.48% 4924 75.24%
562 - Dividing coins 20993 30.67% 4854 82.18%
10220 - I Love Big Numbers ! 8828 62.83% 4850 93.84%
167 - The Sultan's Successors 11070 47.90% 4848 88.33%
200 - Rare Order 17107 29.43% 4835 74.91%
913 - Joana and the Odd Numbers 13453 42.67% 4831 91.78%
446 - Kibbles "n" Bits "n" Bits "n" Bits 10027 51.32% 4801 92.63%
10324 - Zeros and Ones 21076 28.08% 4767 79.78%
640 - Self Numbers 12418 49.40% 4758 88.73%
834 - Continued Fractions 9481 61.84% 4749 94.48%
156 - Ananagrams 10710 51.30% 4681 91.18%
11185 - Ternary 12070 43.58% 4661 94.49%
386 - Perfect Cubes 10702 48.75% 4657 87.74%
443 - Humble Numbers 13249 41.26% 4644 87.27%
10192 - Vacation 15282 36.46% 4636 88.76%
846 - Steps 12278 45.75% 4625 88.30%
190 - Circle Through Three Points 12935 32.25% 4618 76.09%
10195 - The Knights Of The Round Table 15411 31.50% 4614 84.53%
10099 - The Tourist Guide 20538 28.31% 4603 80.86%
900 - Brick Wall Patterns 8719 61.80% 4599 94.22%
10305 - Ordering Tasks 12439 47.54% 4598 92.34%
10931 - Parity 8455 65.27% 4576 96.44%
10499 - The Land of Justice 13664 40.78% 4551 91.19%
10432 - Polygon Inside A Circle 13391 39.77% 4545 91.07%
440 - Eeny Meeny Moo 7895 67.82% 4543 94.61%
847 - A Multiplication Game 10098 49.50% 4493 87.60%
10473 - Simple Base Conversion 11756 46.14% 4413 89.51%
10591 - Happy Number 11071 47.50% 4359 89.54%
291 - The House Of Santa Claus 7964 62.31% 4345 94.50%
621 - Secret Research 10658 43.90% 4345 86.35%
10033 - Interpreter 28055 21.71% 4335 71.93%
11000 - Bee 12017 41.13% 4305 91.75%
10026 - Shoemaker's Problem 17252 29.54% 4302 76.36%
10104 - Euclid Problem 12548 39.74% 4286 81.57%
11150 - Cola 9738 51.06% 4241 93.04%
10550 - Combination Lock 9137 56.25% 4224 94.27%
514 - Rails 13475 37.19% 4220 78.67%
352 - The Seasonal War 8384 58.03% 4219 92.79%
389 - Basically Speaking 13618 29.17% 4215 71.98%
11461 - Square Numbers 9152 51.53% 4092 94.65%
10699 - Count the factors 8476 61.66% 4070 95.26%
11044 - Searching for Nessy 6025 75.44% 4057 97.98%
133 - The Dole Queue 9418 43.81% 4054 85.03%
191 - Intersection 17696 20.50% 4044 66.17%
524 - Prime Ring Problem 15850 28.47% 4033 65.78%
459 - Graph Connectivity 16223 22.96% 4003 68.92%
122 - Trees on the level 18511 21.09% 3980 66.91%
455 - Periodic Strings 13764 19.87% 3980 55.20%
10023 - Square root 20814 7.66% 3977 21.70%
10474 - Where is the Marble? 14745 38.50% 3975 88.83%
336 - A Node Too Far 18326 26.59% 3953 80.17%
10183 - How Many Fibs? 15125 28.70% 3949 79.41%
10579 - Fibonacci Numbers 8129 59.37% 3934 92.55%
465 - Overflow 18855 21.49% 3928 76.25%
10608 - Friends 13832 45.73% 3919 91.58%
10196 - Check The Check 17910 25.90% 3897 77.24%
11479 - Is this the easiest problem? 15972 26.21% 3877 88.91%
10954 - Add All 12748 35.31% 3876 79.67%
10310 - Dog and Gopher 15667 27.47% 3866 82.31%
10139 - Factovisors 21534 18.17% 3866 53.70%
10267 - Graphical Editor 28204 14.42% 3865 63.57%
10209 - Is This Integration ? 10215 52.90% 3861 93.24%
482 - Permutation Arrays 18093 21.25% 3823 69.50%
10530 - Guessing Game 12248 37.12% 3812 90.32%
10815 - Andy's First Dictionary 15600 29.94% 3790 86.49%
10361 - Automatic Poetry 8098 49.22% 3764 91.29%
10130 - SuperSale 10877 49.16% 3756 92.39%
624 - CD 11393 44.19% 3751 87.98%
417 - Word Index 6835 66.07% 3746 94.63%
532 - Dungeon Master 12905 36.02% 3727 87.76%
10258 - Contest Scoreboard 22969 22.87% 3703 75.56%
10282 - Babelfish 15390 38.89% 3661 87.13%
400 - Unix ls 16060 36.81% 3656 83.04%
497 - Strategic Defense Initiative 17496 20.08% 3645 66.17%
11636 - Hello World! 9467 49.14% 3638 94.34%
11636 - Hello World! 9467 49.14% 3638 94.34%
10450 - World Cup Noise 9523 40.97% 3635 87.21%
537 - Artificial Intelligence? 10225 36.42% 3626 84.94%
10168 - Summation of Four Primes 27648 44.26% 3613 84.36%
10789 - Prime Frequency 9135 48.34% 3593 92.43%
11417 - GCD 6369 70.33% 3590 96.71%
10338 - Mischievous Children 9885 42.08% 3571 87.85%
729 - The Hamming Distance Problem 12405 38.27% 3565 72.85%
10142 - Australian Voting 33137 20.15% 3556 61.05%
128 - Software CRC 17445 41.49% 3551 88.09%
10394 - Twin Primes 14345 36.26% 3490 82.81%
567 - Risk 9499 43.08% 3474 81.55%
10515 - Powers Et Al. 15258 30.34% 3469 76.68%
11530 - SMS Typing 8308 47.46% 3443 94.71%
750 - 8 Queens Chess Problem 14942 18.58% 3443 56.72%
478 - Points in Figures: Rectangles, Circles, Triangles 9393 43.13% 3432 89.42%
531 - Compromise 12790 26.79% 3406 71.70%
10922 - 2 the 9s 8260 52.08% 3404 92.51%
10334 - Ray Through Glasses 7036 53.79% 3397 89.34%
496 - Simply Subsets 8052 49.13% 3383 88.32%
11854 - Egypt 8055 46.95% 3357 95.47%
536 - Tree Recovery 6727 60.70% 3355 94.04%
10193 - All You Need Is Love 6775 52.71% 3348 92.08%
10533 - Digit Primes 14848 31.65% 3340 79.28%
10878 - Decode the tape 8287 47.32% 3333 92.80%
10152 - ShellSort 22190 35.15% 3319 83.64%
10048 - Audiophobia 9245 40.24% 3307 79.74%
485 - Pascal's Triangle of Death 10772 28.05% 3294 60.69%
409 - Excuses, Excuses! 10205 31.98% 3292 80.92%
10945 - Mother bear 7312 52.65% 3284 94.09%
534 - Frogger 10201 37.28% 3271 82.21%
10101 - Bangla Numbers 14430 13.28% 3264 44.03%
10409 - Die Game 6320 60.38% 3250 95.48%
348 - Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence 10877 39.85% 3231 86.20%
576 - Haiku Review 5874 58.07% 3224 92.90%
340 - Master-Mind Hints 6840 50.89% 3211 87.89%
355 - The Bases Are Loaded 12501 24.27% 3210 76.11%
10042 - Smith Numbers 12498 32.36% 3206 81.16%
130 - Roman Roulette 7667 41.70% 3203 82.49%
10191 - Longest Nap 11847 27.74% 3189 78.93%
10245 - The Closest Pair Problem 29774 21.01% 3189 63.50%
755 - 487--3279 20579 17.76% 3188 59.19%
315 - Network 12281 38.12% 3182 84.63%
123 - Searching Quickly 9778 31.77% 3177 71.99%
10067 - Playing with Wheels 11178 38.73% 3138 88.27%
10190 - Divide, But Not Quite Conquer! 13997 19.82% 3129 72.58%
498 - Polly the Polynomial 9338 38.08% 3120 73.46%
11192 - Group Reverse 6147 56.55% 3118 95.67%
11805 - Bafana Bafana 6528 54.20% 3094 95.64%
343 - What Base Is This? 11446 28.60% 3076 78.25%
10905 - Children's Game 13027 25.73% 3072 70.28%
481 - What Goes Up 16054 23.39% 3038 70.93%
117 - The Postal Worker Rings Once 6894 48.17% 3018 89.56%
10032 - Tug of War 26279 9.53% 3015 26.00%
10198 - Counting 9025 41.88% 3013 82.24%
558 - Wormholes 8995 45.46% 3002 90.67%
378 - Intersecting Lines 8505 36.12% 2985 79.90%
124 - Following Orders 7820 32.77% 2979 69.92%
661 - Blowing Fuses 8503 35.41% 2971 85.86%
507 - Jill Rides Again 11843 32.44% 2968 83.19%
615 - Is It A Tree? 15316 18.16% 2962 62.53%
10784 - Diagonal 8034 40.64% 2958 91.41%
10025 - The ? 1 ? 2 ? ... ? n = k problem 10554 23.85% 2945 69.88%
11059 - Maximum Product 13072 21.81% 2918 77.52%
701 - The Archeologists' Dilemma 18684 30.05% 2916 60.77%
202 - Repeating Decimals 11121 25.39% 2910 63.06%
10194 - Football (aka Soccer) 16676 19.49% 2904 71.69%
10611 - The Playboy Chimp 10172 37.45% 2897 84.43%
193 - Graph Coloring 12148 23.62% 2894 60.64%
10037 - Bridge 14772 20.32% 2889 58.95%
155 - All Squares 6426 48.63% 2883 85.02%
10684 - The jackpot 8351 47.87% 2861 93.32%
793 - Network Connections 16942 25.59% 2860 76.54%
10105 - Polynomial Coefficients 6665 60.69% 2853 91.62%
10679 - I Love Strings!! 15876 26.51% 2847 55.46%
725 - Division 8541 28.57% 2844 66.00%
333 - Recognizing Good ISBNs 15810 13.93% 2840 47.01%
594 - One Little, Two Little, Three Little Endians 6226 61.37% 2831 94.52%
442 - Matrix Chain Multiplication 5662 60.56% 2828 93.35%
10465 - Homer Simpson 10538 35.53% 2810 82.63%
10205 - Stack 'em Up 10435 28.74% 2809 76.54%
10523 - Very Easy !!! 10293 26.20% 2794 61.78%
271 - Simply Syntax 8172 40.47% 2792 82.06%
10014 - Simple calculations 8009 29.33% 2792 66.51%
10341 - Solve It 17804 27.37% 2789 85.26%
356 - Square Pegs And Round Holes 7846 26.91% 2789 59.34%
544 - Heavy Cargo 6616 49.17% 2788 89.42%
10336 - Rank the Languages 5394 58.95% 2778 94.96%
10935 - Throwing cards away I 8644 35.70% 2773 88.68%
10494 - If We Were a Child Again 9299 29.42% 2765 78.92%
727 - Equation 12779 24.75% 2732 68.48%
10347 - Medians 9755 30.67% 2724 85.43%
216 - Getting in Line 8088 38.12% 2724 74.52%
820 - Internet Bandwidth 14497 32.35% 2713 85.48%
784 - Maze Exploration 8807 42.06% 2712 85.51%
10015 - Joseph's Cousin 6583 23.67% 2707 43.41%
10295 - Hay Points 5112 59.06% 2704 95.16%
121 - Pipe Fitters 6697 40.79% 2694 86.60%
10077 - The Stern-Brocot Number System 6473 52.34% 2693 92.13%
110 - Meta-Loopless Sorts 9642 26.60% 2684 58.12%
748 - Exponentiation 5208 55.82% 2683 91.76%
11498 - Division of Nlogonia 4087 75.36% 2678 98.21%
10074 - Take the Land 7978 49.06% 2671 90.64%
10298 - Power Strings 9373 34.76% 2660 76.39%
300 - Maya Calendar 7520 34.56% 2650 81.47%
10229 - Modular Fibonacci 8140 33.65% 2639 76.51%
109 - SCUD Busters 10507 26.94% 2626 62.49%
278 - Chess 5117 56.52% 2614 93.23%
10170 - The Hotel with Infinite Rooms 5950 53.88% 2604 89.82%
10583 - Ubiquitous Religions 9555 40.84% 2603 89.86%
10009 - All Roads Lead Where? 9439 29.39% 2601 74.55%
402 - M*A*S*H 10237 17.44% 2590 43.17%
10188 - Automated Judge Script 12667 24.20% 2584 80.61%
10656 - Maximum Sum (II) 8453 31.48% 2580 79.11%
739 - Soundex Indexing 7539 33.93% 2578 73.86%
516 - Prime Land 6561 38.18% 2563 77.88%
10226 - Hardwood Species 12673 26.58% 2563 71.79%
11219 - How old are you? 8320 31.66% 2561 84.11%
11984 - A Change in Thermal Unit 7453 50.17% 2557 95.78%
850 - Crypt Kicker II 14159 18.80% 2555 66.14%
11875 - Brick Game 4324 67.09% 2538 97.01%
10221 - Satellites 8651 30.53% 2536 85.49%
11057 - Exact Sum 9199 34.32% 2531 88.34%
574 - Sum It Up 6622 40.32% 2530 84.23%
263 - Number Chains 9120 35.16% 2521 75.72%
253 - Cube painting 7017 37.34% 2517 82.96%
11689 - Soda Surpler 4392 65.32% 2504 97.00%
11689 - Soda Surpler 4392 65.32% 2504 97.00%
10219 - Find the ways ! 6333 41.40% 2501 88.16%
10810 - Ultra-QuickSort 10371 35.67% 2494 74.34%
10700 - Camel trading 7254 39.74% 2491 88.32%
469 - Wetlands of Florida 9397 24.06% 2491 67.56%
154 - Recycling 4987 52.06% 2485 89.09%
642 - Word Amalgamation 5494 52.44% 2483 90.94%
644 - Immediate Decodability 6521 47.34% 2480 90.00%
10093 - An Easy Problem! 10852 18.70% 2467 61.21%
836 - Largest Submatrix 7779 30.88% 2465 76.84%
457 - Linear Cellular Automata 7256 33.48% 2459 80.89%
10020 - Minimal coverage 12273 27.02% 2454 75.55%
127 - "Accordian" Patience 9325 33.36% 2454 74.69%
10100 - Longest Match 12541 17.70% 2447 65.96%
10154 - Weights and Measures 14633 19.63% 2431 52.86%
10125 - Sumsets 16479 20.94% 2427 73.01%
10286 - Trouble with a Pentagon 5054 62.11% 2419 93.39%
10285 - Longest Run on a Snowboard 5820 55.79% 2406 94.06%
11340 - Newspaper 11589 26.46% 2400 83.71%
280 - Vertex 8477 33.73% 2396 82.39%
10069 - Distinct Subsequences 11306 26.48% 2394 71.35%
11942 - Lumberjack Sequencing 4994 54.08% 2384 95.72%
10487 - Closest Sums 7593 39.19% 2374 89.68%
144 - Student Grants 5081 43.75% 2373 83.31%
10007 - Count the Trees 6127 38.80% 2364 70.43%
10054 - The Necklace 14753 17.43% 2360 57.03%
10633 - Rare Easy Problem 6486 38.17% 2349 85.91%
10276 - Hanoi Tower Troubles Again! 3929 72.87% 2345 96.25%
10299 - Relatives 10671 29.95% 2339 75.84%
10049 - Self-describing Sequence 5493 51.39% 2332 88.16%
11541 - Decoding 4503 58.23% 2326 95.31%
639 - Don't Get Rooked 4686 60.20% 2318 91.11%
11677 - Alarm Clock 4800 54.75% 2317 93.48%
11677 - Alarm Clock 4800 54.75% 2317 93.48%
474 - Heads / Tails Probability 7575 37.32% 2314 82.45%
227 - Puzzle 9526 19.69% 2313 51.75%
587 - There's treasure everywhere! 7938 27.74% 2302 77.85%
10179 - Irreducable Basic Fractions 6659 45.14% 2289 87.29%
11455 - Behold my quadrangle 6487 38.26% 2286 92.21%
637 - Booklet Printing 5422 42.60% 2284 80.87%
11877 - The Coco-Cola Store 4029 66.77% 2269 96.30%
10315 - Poker Hands 10341 22.83% 2268 74.51%
10182 - Bee Maja 5004 56.89% 2262 90.89%
125 - Numbering Paths 8213 25.02% 2258 68.64%
10344 - 23 out of 5 8463 32.27% 2241 76.04%
11388 - GCD LCM 4472 60.24% 2239 95.58%
10116 - Robot Motion 4768 50.71% 2239 91.11%
311 - Packets 6712 32.85% 2235 79.51%
145 - Gondwanaland Telecom 8365 22.73% 2235 71.14%
201 - Squares 6828 31.55% 2233 69.19%
10397 - Connect the Campus 10844 31.04% 2226 86.34%
423 - MPI Maelstrom 4950 51.92% 2207 91.84%
555 - Bridge Hands 5360 40.63% 2199 76.13%
486 - English-Number Translator 5617 36.10% 2197 74.69%
10044 - Erdos Numbers 21057 14.82% 2175 59.26%
10242 - Fourth Point !! 5698 38.72% 2173 85.27%
164 - String Computer 10435 28.95% 2170 72.17%
11559 - Event Planning 5559 44.13% 2165 92.89%
153 - Permalex 6348 28.86% 2162 69.47%
142 - Mouse Clicks 6199 20.23% 2160 40.46%
861 - Little Bishops 9797 31.92% 2155 74.25%
275 - Expanding Fractions 6449 26.86% 2149 64.45%
993 - Product of digits 4987 52.66% 2144 94.68%
152 - Tree's a Crowd 6676 37.34% 2126 83.54%
10036 - Divisibility 7601 34.86% 2116 81.24%
10790 - How Many Points of Intersection? 4924 49.65% 2102 94.58%
10986 - Sending email 10139 34.66% 2098 83.32%
10223 - How many nodes ? 4213 52.46% 2096 93.08%
821 - Page Hopping 5047 52.53% 2094 92.79%
740 - Baudot Data Communication Code 3998 55.80% 2091 89.29%
297 - Quadtrees 5740 41.85% 2087 90.61%
10311 - Goldbach and Euler 16323 21.97% 2083 63.80%
10673 - Play with Floor and Ceil 5373 44.71% 2075 87.08%
10281 - Average Speed 4736 44.28% 2067 87.13%
10622 - Perfect P-th Powers 10454 22.80% 2064 75.97%
260 - Il Gioco dell'X 6029 42.98% 2063 89.53%
383 - Shipping Routes 5164 37.74% 2061 73.90%
10701 - Pre, in and post 5019 55.53% 2055 93.48%
10080 - Gopher II 9762 38.42% 2053 83.97%
10948 - The primary problem 5518 43.58% 2052 89.72%
10115 - Automatic Editing 5099 43.81% 2050 90.15%
437 - The Tower of Babylon 4441 52.69% 2045 90.37%
140 - Bandwidth 5793 44.54% 2044 88.75%
10297 - Beavergnaw 3285 67.49% 2043 95.35%
10215 - The Largest/Smallest Box ... 9850 11.16% 2042 34.57%
10056 - What is the Probability ? 5857 37.97% 2039 85.63%
10714 - Ants 5447 53.09% 2034 91.54%
12015 - Google is Feeling Lucky 3591 70.01% 2032 98.13%
539 - The Settlers of Catan 4336 55.33% 2032 93.65%
114 - Simulation Wizardry 7081 30.41% 2025 73.23%
10407 - Simple division 5664 29.64% 2021 64.47%
143 - Orchard Trees 15452 10.11% 2020 35.79%
10664 - Luggage 4430 54.36% 2013 93.69%
10102 - The path in the colored field 7021 35.32% 2007 87.44%
10940 - Throwing cards away II 5881 51.98% 2002 87.16%
11137 - Ingenuous Cubrency 3612 69.96% 1989 97.34%
10491 - Cows and Cars 4052 61.45% 1988 94.82%
10199 - Tourist Guide 8963 25.49% 1988 75.35%
681 - Convex Hull Finding 12246 21.44% 1974 70.67%
353 - Pesky Palindromes 5307 44.75% 1970 88.07%
10404 - Bachet's Game 5444 54.96% 1968 93.19%
10903 - Rock-Paper-Scissors Tournament 7419 31.96% 1967 81.85%
10703 - Free spots 4098 56.88% 1963 94.91%
10678 - The Grazing Cow 3345 68.58% 1959 97.29%
762 - We Ship Cheap 9567 24.21% 1958 75.84%
825 - Walking on the Safe Side 8337 26.24% 1954 79.38%
696 - How Many Knights 6320 38.02% 1953 84.54%
166 - Making Change 6976 35.34% 1953 83.56%
10279 - Mine Sweeper 6042 25.19% 1953 68.46%
429 - Word Transformation 8018 21.36% 1936 62.04%
161 - Traffic Lights 6028 35.43% 1934 85.16%
10129 - Play on Words 9556 24.92% 1932 69.67%
10763 - Foreign Exchange 6797 43.71% 1931 86.64%
10140 - Prime Distance 9331 26.01% 1931 71.78%
10162 - Last Digit 4730 39.47% 1926 79.34%
843 - Crypt Kicker 12441 22.96% 1915 64.54%
460 - Overlapping Rectangles 5698 24.45% 1910 60.89%
10213 - How Many Pieces of Land ? 7061 28.82% 1905 63.62%
11152 - Colourful Flowers 5746 44.24% 1904 91.49%
10539 - Almost Prime Numbers 7938 32.82% 1904 82.41%
170 - Clock Patience 4845 40.95% 1900 89.26%
10573 - Geometry Paradox 4436 46.78% 1895 90.24%
714 - Copying Books 11259 20.29% 1894 67.37%
884 - Factorial Factors 8410 42.52% 1883 81.52%
332 - Rational Numbers from Repeating Fractions 8813 23.07% 1879 67.80%
10879 - Code Refactoring 4001 58.46% 1871 95.62%
10363 - Tic Tac Toe 6269 27.68% 1866 78.19%
10002 - Center of Masses 8971 25.01% 1866 65.01%
636 - Squares (III) 3698 54.68% 1865 92.92%
422 - Word-Search Wonder 3945 50.47% 1862 89.15%
10141 - Request for Proposal 7157 25.88% 1850 76.32%
540 - Team Queue 9086 28.12% 1839 78.63%
10303 - How Many Trees? 4858 37.34% 1836 75.05%
11494 - Queen 4378 51.71% 1832 95.52%
679 - Dropping Balls 5440 47.83% 1828 85.12%
11364 - Parking 2662 80.09% 1826 98.74%
10176 - Ocean Deep ! - Make it shallow !! 5936 36.91% 1819 83.73%
11577 - Letter Frequency 4427 52.63% 1815 94.93%
320 - Border 4068 42.01% 1815 78.95%
902 - Password Search 12178 19.55% 1811 65.82%
307 - Sticks 13112 11.53% 1808 27.88%
11151 - Longest Palindrome 7748 29.78% 1807 84.84%
10369 - Arctic Network 7030 37.74% 1801 88.23%
270 - Lining Up 12117 14.77% 1799 53.64%
10392 - Factoring Large Numbers 4946 44.26% 1798 86.04%
10090 - Marbles 9643 18.34% 1793 58.51%
12289 - One-Two-Three 3870 58.68% 1791 96.31%
347 - Run 4132 23.67% 1782 42.59%
699 - The Falling Leaves 5479 36.72% 1780 74.33%
232 - Crossword Answers 5319 30.85% 1775 62.76%
10773 - Back to Intermediate Math 6223 30.84% 1771 88.99%
571 - Jugs 5440 40.64% 1771 84.87%
10534 - Wavio Sequence 7164 36.88% 1767 80.87%
115 - Climbing Trees 6061 31.48% 1766 79.39%
10943 - How do you add? 4510 50.11% 1752 91.89%
10451 - Ancient Village Sports 3723 60.27% 1740 95.23%
10509 - R U Kidding Mr. Feynman? 3779 58.43% 1738 90.79%
11428 - Cubes 4746 42.58% 1735 91.93%
413 - Up and Down Sequences 3425 46.01% 1731 78.86%
10490 - Mr. Azad and his Son!!!!! 4206 41.96% 1727 88.82%
306 - Cipher 8146 19.45% 1717 58.24%
10005 - Packing polygons 7107 15.44% 1717 45.84%
11069 - A Graph Problem 2949 71.96% 1715 97.49%
11369 - Shopaholic 3670 55.40% 1706 94.72%
10078 - The Art Gallery 4537 45.87% 1706 89.62%
10642 - Can You Solve It? 3479 56.83% 1702 91.07%
208 - Firetruck 7427 17.81% 1700 57.00%
10012 - How Big Is It? 7074 27.35% 1699 65.04%
628 - Passwords 3453 59.17% 1697 87.27%
608 - Counterfeit Dollar 5076 33.45% 1696 74.76%
454 - Anagrams 7913 13.88% 1696 49.41%
11121 - Base -2 3946 57.20% 1694 93.86%
141 - The Spot Game 4639 42.62% 1692 89.13%
10427 - Naughty Sleepy Boys 3569 51.16% 1692 85.70%
10132 - File Fragmentation 6832 26.46% 1692 72.40%
657 - The die is cast 6614 25.84% 1682 74.32%
10150 - Doublets 12737 19.20% 1679 60.93%
11292 - Dragon of Loowater 4668 46.68% 1672 91.81%
11608 - No Problem 4851 39.33% 1670 90.48%
11608 - No Problem 4851 39.33% 1670 90.48%
630 - Anagrams (II) 5706 21.28% 1662 59.03%
10800 - Not That Kind of Graph 6723 20.62% 1657 71.64%
10489 - Boxes of Chocolates 4077 48.00% 1654 92.20%
10212 - The Last Non-zero Digit. 7403 18.18% 1653 47.73%
10994 - Simple Addition 5723 28.99% 1651 64.20%
10377 - Maze Traversal 4555 36.09% 1638 78.21%
10946 - You want what filled? 5132 40.10% 1637 92.79%
11063 - B2-Sequence 7462 23.97% 1634 82.44%
10147 - Highways 9390 23.05% 1632 75.25%
10400 - Game Show Math 7381 29.30% 1631 78.79%
12372 - Packing for Holiday 3174 63.55% 1627 97.60%
11233 - Deli Deli 3010 61.13% 1625 97.42%
895 - Word Problem 3514 55.92% 1623 92.61%
580 - Critical Mass 3556 53.97% 1606 90.22%
325 - Identifying Legal Pascal Real Constants 4984 31.34% 1604 78.12%
10452 - Marcus 3401 48.04% 1601 84.20%
10063 - Knuth's Permutation 4288 39.69% 1601 66.08%
880 - Cantor Fractions 7063 30.07% 1593 79.22%
10852 - Less Prime 2803 68.43% 1591 96.04%
602 - What Day Is It? 9177 25.85% 1590 63.96%
450 - Little Black Book 8731 30.03% 1585 80.19%
10364 - Square 7870 23.16% 1585 59.31%
12250 - Language Detection 3383 53.27% 1576 96.07%
10706 - Number Sequence 4420 34.64% 1576 73.41%
10029 - Edit Step Ladders 10671 17.13% 1575 52.70%
11936 - The Lazy Lumberjacks 2574 71.29% 1568 98.09%
10360 - Rat Attack 6820 35.63% 1564 82.67%
11879 - Multiple of 17 2838 64.73% 1561 93.91%
11244 - Counting Stars 2995 61.14% 1553 94.91%
10293 - Word Length and Frequency 3700 38.05% 1551 79.37%
10600 - ACM Contest and Blackout 5810 35.13% 1549 88.83%
384 - Slurpys 3389 45.23% 1543 82.63%
785 - Grid Colouring 5868 32.75% 1542 77.63%
711 - Dividing up 8570 15.22% 1542 50.13%
796 - Critical Links 7396 29.06% 1539 79.79%
712 - S-Trees 3118 51.12% 1538 86.02%
159 - Word Crosses 4493 23.04% 1538 57.09%
11526 - H(n) 6140 36.58% 1536 64.19%
700 - Date Bugs 4659 29.00% 1518 75.43%
10051 - Tower of Cubes 5264 32.43% 1513 80.77%
11900 - Boiled Eggs 3598 48.47% 1511 93.71%
326 - Extrapolation Using a Difference Table 2707 61.47% 1511 89.61%
11650 - Mirror Clock 4347 37.04% 1511 86.57%
11650 - Mirror Clock 4347 37.04% 1511 86.57%
11631 - Dark roads 5536 40.08% 1510 90.07%
11631 - Dark roads 5536 40.08% 1510 90.07%
10249 - The Grand Dinner 6668 34.43% 1507 80.36%
10167 - Birthday Cake 5286 33.35% 1505 82.86%
11614 - Etruscan Warriors Never Play Chess 3550 50.03% 1503 89.95%
11614 - Etruscan Warriors Never Play Chess 3550 50.03% 1503 89.95%
10365 - Blocks 3239 55.54% 1502 92.48%
839 - Not so Mobile 5759 29.08% 1488 77.76%
10589 - Area 4858 41.97% 1471 89.67%
10408 - Farey sequences 3207 57.62% 1461 91.44%
501 - Black Box 8937 22.73% 1458 51.51%
10271 - Chopsticks 6387 32.00% 1456 77.27%
10128 - Queue 4571 48.74% 1454 88.03%
254 - Towers of Hanoi 5884 18.37% 1450 49.86%
10301 - Rings and Glue 6240 22.79% 1444 77.63%
10359 - Tiling 3021 56.77% 1437 95.82%
394 - Mapmaker 3077 56.74% 1437 92.00%
301 - Transportation 4987 32.52% 1434 76.29%
10508 - Word Morphing 5772 35.86% 1433 84.37%
10496 - Collecting Beepers 3015 54.63% 1430 90.70%
10926 - How Many Dependencies? 4998 33.81% 1429 86.63%
11503 - Virtual Friends 5461 38.25% 1415 85.58%
10330 - Power Transmission 7036 33.07% 1414 86.78%
616 - Coconuts, Revisited 6346 22.93% 1413 54.28%
129 - Krypton Factor 3532 35.90% 1406 76.32%
10057 - A mid-summer night's dream. 5437 28.53% 1404 68.73%
10061 - How many zero's and how many digits ? 5782 25.13% 1401 72.95%
10651 - Pebble Solitaire 2664 67.76% 1398 95.42%
436 - Arbitrage (II) 3990 42.93% 1390 86.47%
471 - Magic Numbers 5504 24.75% 1389 60.91%
10739 - String to Palindrome 2824 63.56% 1386 95.09%
126 - The Errant Physicist 4033 29.70% 1385 73.86%
10925 - Krakovia 3981 36.50% 1383 84.16%
218 - Moth Eradication 7208 40.55% 1371 81.25%
12149 - Feynman 2726 80.92% 1370 99.05%
11362 - Phone List 5351 34.05% 1369 81.96%
341 - Non-Stop Travel 3633 47.29% 1367 89.10%
526 - String Distance and Transform Process 6291 23.62% 1367 63.57%
12403 - Save Setu 2709 66.45% 1363 96.11%
10112 - Myacm Triangles 2755 53.10% 1361 92.58%
11470 - Square Sums 2616 57.61% 1360 94.93%
10017 - The Never Ending Towers of Hanoi 4396 18.95% 1360 43.90%
620 - Cellular Structure 2740 50.44% 1359 85.72%
10443 - Rock 3396 46.88% 1358 80.78%
855 - Lunch in Grid City 4736 36.44% 1357 85.70%
131 - The Psychic Poker Player 2952 49.25% 1355 88.86%
10918 - Tri Tiling 2579 61.65% 1351 96.60%
10081 - Tight Words 2908 51.10% 1351 89.34%
10502 - Counting Rectangles 2819 57.36% 1347 92.28%
10916 - Factstone Benchmark 2558 62.20% 1345 93.83%
377 - Cowculations 2320 56.98% 1340 87.54%
619 - Numerically Speaking 3775 48.40% 1336 84.51%
10519 - !! Really Strange !! 3864 34.60% 1331 82.57%
11223 - O: dah dah dah! 4969 27.21% 1320 82.35%
11371 - Number Theory for Newbies 4354 28.89% 1316 81.08%
10653 - Bombs! NO they are Mines!! 4723 37.01% 1315 88.75%
11827 - Maximum GCD 3344 48.74% 1314 91.63%
542 - France '98 2336 61.22% 1314 89.35%
10001 - Garden of Eden 4177 32.70% 1308 68.20%
10177 - (2/3/4)-D Sqr/Rects/Cubes/Boxes? 2686 53.61% 1306 91.73%
139 - Telephone Tangles 8653 13.63% 1305 43.30%
331 - Mapping the Swaps 2569 55.74% 1297 85.12%
10791 - Minimum Sum LCM 5764 23.47% 1294 76.66%
10596 - Morning Walk 4691 37.54% 1289 90.54%
10801 - Lift Hopping 3805 41.50% 1289 89.22%
10683 - The decadary watch 2848 53.90% 1287 92.00%
10181 - 15-Puzzle Problem 13749 21.20% 1287 55.63%
10065 - Useless Tile Packers 5135 29.25% 1284 80.92%
10719 - Quotient Polynomial 3840 37.92% 1283 82.62%
327 - Evaluating Simple C Expressions 4321 31.50% 1282 72.07%
11504 - Dominos 6483 22.30% 1281 70.80%
705 - Slash Maze 4669 40.76% 1278 84.59%
338 - Long Multiplication 5892 9.22% 1276 29.15%
362 - 18,000 Seconds Remaining 5968 22.39% 1275 71.53%
763 - Fibinary Numbers 5938 19.79% 1273 59.39%
468 - Key to Success 4222 18.92% 1272 51.10%
10963 - The Swallowing Ground 5534 29.89% 1269 87.00%
10047 - The Monocycle 4096 37.87% 1265 81.19%
10201 - Adventures in Moving - Part IV 6453 20.58% 1263 66.35%
10551 - Basic Remains 2581 53.04% 1262 91.28%
10375 - Choose and divide 3521 36.27% 1261 77.00%
11321 - Sort! Sort!! and Sort!!! 5758 27.89% 1259 82.53%
10930 - A-Sequence 5290 22.63% 1259 72.52%
10261 - Ferry Loading 8156 19.16% 1256 65.37%
10165 - Stone Game 2251 58.86% 1253 87.63%
466 - Mirror, Mirror 2526 55.70% 1251 89.05%
11934 - Magic Formula 1897 77.70% 1248 98.40%
435 - Block Voting 2898 51.79% 1239 84.67%
10391 - Compound Words 5267 31.55% 1232 80.68%
10693 - Traffic Volume 1794 73.58% 1231 96.34%
186 - Trip Routing 3478 27.86% 1225 65.63%
337 - Interpreting Control Sequences 2797 58.56% 1224 91.26%
585 - Triangles 4734 26.78% 1223 72.44%
10278 - Fire Station 8781 17.69% 1216 63.65%
10304 - Optimal Binary Search Tree 4545 42.79% 1214 82.45%
11005 - Cheapest Base 3705 35.01% 1209 86.27%
11220 - Decoding the message. 3110 41.96% 1206 90.80%
10422 - Knights in FEN 4733 43.67% 1203 90.61%
929 - Number Maze 7184 22.49% 1201 65.28%
10171 - Meeting Prof. Miguel... 4591 27.47% 1200 81.25%
12468 - Zapping 2842 60.56% 1198 96.83%
10780 - Again Prime? No Time. 4170 31.27% 1196 77.51%
10910 - Marks Distribution 2958 51.28% 1190 91.34%
11015 - 05-2 Rendezvous 3811 40.15% 1186 91.91%
10803 - Thunder Mountain 4235 35.66% 1183 85.88%
10806 - Dijkstra, Dijkstra. 4295 32.46% 1182 74.62%
11389 - The Bus Driver Problem 2755 45.88% 1180 88.81%
10374 - Election 3773 29.02% 1179 74.30%
10158 - War 7830 25.99% 1178 72.58%
627 - The Net 3008 40.29% 1175 80.26%
10891 - Game of Sum 2935 51.24% 1173 89.77%
756 - Biorhythms 4448 25.16% 1166 59.78%
11466 - Largest Prime Divisor 7166 22.01% 1162 77.37%
10911 - Forming Quiz Teams 3565 48.86% 1161 89.66%
719 - Glass Beads 5347 21.38% 1159 45.38%
11401 - Triangle Counting 3918 43.98% 1156 89.36%
410 - Station Balance 5313 20.85% 1151 59.86%
168 - Theseus and the Minotaur 6498 30.44% 1150 64.52%
10415 - Eb Alto Saxophone Player 2633 48.92% 1149 84.16%
548 - Tree 5315 29.22% 1148 78.75%
545 - Heads 5793 13.93% 1146 49.04%
11110 - Equidivisions 4501 27.08% 1145 80.79%
10306 - e-Coins 2965 51.60% 1143 93.44%
11385 - Da Vinci Code 4353 27.73% 1142 83.19%
10976 - Fractions Again?! 2451 56.67% 1141 94.83%
188 - Perfect Hash 2830 43.14% 1141 86.59%
196 - Spreadsheet 6575 19.10% 1136 67.78%
302 - John's trip 7031 20.17% 1134 57.14%
948 - Fibonaccimal Base 2141 62.87% 1131 95.76%
10820 - Send a Table 3377 51.41% 1131 86.30%
10453 - Make Palindrome 5198 32.05% 1120 80.71%
148 - Anagram checker 4186 33.99% 1119 75.34%
448 - OOPS! 3669 46.20% 1118 81.84%
11995 - I Can Guess the Data Structure! 4907 34.24% 1116 89.87%
10959 - The Party, Part I 3095 42.62% 1115 85.92%
10814 - Simplifying Fractions 2699 41.27% 1113 78.35%
273 - Jack Straws 5107 17.64% 1113 56.51%
10880 - Colin and Ryan 4197 30.36% 1111 82.45%
634 - Polygon 2647 51.72% 1109 90.35%
11849 - CD 3945 38.86% 1106 81.83%
10290 - {Sum+=i++} to Reach N 7327 6.99% 1104 15.22%
10680 - LCM 3827 39.04% 1102 78.22%
11040 - Add bricks in the wall 2295 54.99% 1101 90.64%
590 - Always on the run 2673 45.64% 1100 85.91%
11221 - Magic square palindromes. 2842 43.56% 1099 90.45%
11450 - Wedding shopping 2558 52.50% 1098 89.89%
11661 - Burger Time? 2828 47.45% 1094 89.85%
11661 - Burger Time? 2828 47.45% 1094 89.85%
10702 - Travelling Salesman 4116 50.02% 1090 89.63%
11039 - Building designing 2987 54.10% 1086 91.62%
11045 - My T-shirt suits me 3158 50.89% 1086 89.41%
11235 - Frequent values 5147 28.93% 1085 71.71%
11054 - Wine trading in Gergovia 2706 55.10% 1082 94.82%
184 - Laser Lines 3476 41.92% 1082 83.92%
11074 - Draw Grid 2417 56.10% 1079 94.72%
871 - Counting Cells in a Blob 3258 36.16% 1078 89.61%
10202 - Pairsumonious Numbers 3014 39.45% 1075 77.86%
598 - Bundling Newspapers 6850 22.54% 1075 66.60%
10088 - Trees on My Island 4768 33.31% 1070 85.98%
314 - Robot 4519 25.69% 1066 67.26%
641 - Do the Untwist 2012 62.62% 1065 90.99%
10368 - Euclid's Game 2702 37.05% 1065 77.84%
187 - Transaction Processing 2652 34.24% 1062 74.29%
10819 - Trouble of 13-Dots 5897 18.20% 1062 64.60%
10849 - Move the bishop 3508 46.24% 1061 91.80%
10382 - Watering Grass 6911 24.08% 1059 75.45%
607 - Scheduling Lectures 4714 19.47% 1059 52.22%
11518 - Dominos 2 3637 35.28% 1058 88.75%
991 - Safe Salutations 2986 39.22% 1055 89.95%
10827 - Maximum sum on a torus 4403 35.93% 1053 80.15%
213 - Message Decoding 2922 38.95% 1052 82.32%
10720 - Graph Construction 4480 28.57% 1052 75.76%
11878 - Homework Checker 2218 56.63% 1051 95.15%
10650 - Determinate Prime 4760 22.29% 1050 74.67%
10126 - Zipf's Law 4658 19.79% 1050 52.86%
10180 - Rope Crisis in Ropeland! 6648 12.79% 1048 47.33%
11991 - Easy Problem from Rujia Liu? 4290 41.70% 1047 86.06%
11495 - Bubbles and Buckets 2904 50.41% 1044 82.57%
10500 - Robot maps 3564 25.42% 1042 71.69%
10667 - Largest Block 1997 62.99% 1036 95.37%
11111 - Generalized Matrioshkas 3811 33.77% 1036 87.84%
11988 - Broken Keyboard (a.k.a. Beiju Text) 4067 34.55% 1033 81.22%
10557 - XYZZY 5832 23.44% 1033 76.48%
10908 - Largest Square 2693 41.44% 1029 90.48%
535 - Globetrotter 3494 29.36% 1028 75.19%
10635 - Prince and Princess 3507 34.36% 1027 80.04%
10721 - Bar Codes 2552 52.12% 1022 93.44%
551 - Nesting a Bunch of Brackets 4317 30.46% 1021 69.93%
550 - Multiplying by Rotation 2547 44.84% 1017 88.00%
10160 - Servicing Stations 7634 16.44% 1017 46.12%
10227 - Forests 2978 29.55% 1013 72.75%
10254 - The Priest Mathematician 3812 43.86% 1011 83.48%
601 - The PATH 3953 29.57% 1009 71.75%
11349 - Symmetric Matrix 4499 27.67% 1008 85.12%
10689 - Yet another Number Sequence 3105 34.85% 1008 76.39%
11830 - Contract Revision 1759 70.38% 1004 97.11%
10337 - Flight Planner 2284 47.81% 1001 87.41%
11520 - Fill the Square 1872 64.42% 1000 97.10%


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