1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | /** * 推送消息 APP、短信 * @param message * @throws Exception */ public void sendMsg(Message message) throws Exception{ try { "send message start..." ); long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>( 20000 ); ThreadPoolExecutor executors = new ThreadPoolExecutor( 5 , 6 , 60000 , TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue); //要推送的用户总数 int count = filterPhonesCount(message); "message all count=>{}" ,count); //初始每个线程处理的用户数量 final int eveLength = 2000 ; //计算处理所有用户需要的线程数量 int eveBlocks = count / eveLength + (count % eveLength != 0 ? 1 : 0 ); "need thread's count=>{}" ,eveBlocks); //线程计数器 CountDownLatch doneSignal = new CountDownLatch(eveBlocks); //开启线程处理 int doneCount = 0 ; for ( int page = 0 ; page < eveBlocks; page++) { /* blocks太大可以再细分重新调度 */ MessageSendThread ms = new MessageSendThread(messageDao,message,page + 1 ,eveLength,doneSignal); executors.execute(ms); //"start thread =>{}",page+1); doneCount++; } doneSignal.await(); //等待所有计数器线程执行完 long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); "send message all thread ends!time(s)=>{}" ,(startTime-endTime)/ 1000 ); "all thread count=>{}" ,doneCount); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "send message error=>{}" ,e); } } |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 | package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.DateUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * 系统消息推送线程(处理 block数据块) */ public class MessageSendThread implements Runnable{ private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageSendThread. class ); private Integer currentIndex; //当前索引 private Integer rows; //处理数据条数 private CountDownLatch doneSignal; //处理线程条数 private Message message; //消息实体 private MessageDao messageDao; //DAO public MessageSendThread(MessageDao messageDao,Message message,Integer currentIndex,Integer rows, CountDownLatch doneSignal) { this .message = message; this .messageDao = messageDao; this .currentIndex = currentIndex; this .rows = rows; this .doneSignal = doneSignal; } @Override public void run() { try { /** * ---------1.查询当前的block范围内的发送的手机号=>筛选目标客户群手机号--------- */ Map<String,Object> smsDataMap = filterPhones(message,currentIndex,rows); if (MapUtils.isEmpty(smsDataMap)|| null == smsDataMap.get( "jgAlias" ) ||StringUtils.isBlank(smsDataMap.get( "jgAlias" ).toString())){ logger.debug( "push param is null,caurse by target customers is nothing" ); throw new RuntimeException(); } "type of target customers=>{}" , message.getReceiverGroupType()); " result of filter target customers=>{}" , smsDataMap); /** * ---------2.批量发送消息--------- * TODO://((-?)\d{1,11}\,?){1,n} n个线程分批发送 */ if ( "0" .equals(message.getType())){ //短信发送 sendBatch(smsDataMap.get( "phone" ).toString(),message); } if ( "1" .equals(message.getType())){ //APP推送 if ( "0" .equals(message.getMethod())){ //实时发送 sendNormal(smsDataMap); } if ( "1" .equals(message.getMethod())){ //定时发送 sendDelay(smsDataMap); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "send message thread exception=>{}{}{}{}" ,message,currentIndex,rows,e); } finally { doneSignal.countDown(); //工人完成工作,计数器减一 } } /** * APP实时推送 * @param smsDataMap */ private void sendNormal(Map<String,Object> smsDataMap) { //0为全部发送 if ( "0" .equals(message.getReceiverGroupType())){ JPushClient.appSendAll(message.getTitle(), message.getContent(), message.getId().toString(), StringUtils.isBlank(message.getLink())? "0" : "1" , message.getLink()); } else { String[] jgAlias = smsDataMap.get( "jgAlias" ).toString().split( "," ); for (String jgAlia:jgAlias){ JPushClient.appSend(message.getTitle(), message.getContent(), jgAlia, message.getId().toString(), StringUtils.isBlank(message.getLink())? "0" : "1" , message.getLink()); } } } /** * APP定时推送 * @param smsDataMap */ private void sendDelay(Map<String,Object> smsDataMap) { //0为全部发送 if ( "0" .equals(message.getReceiverGroupType())){ JPushScheduleClient.createSingleSchedule( DateUtil.formatDateToStr( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" , message.getExpectTime()), message.getTitle(), message.getContent(), message.getId().toString(), StringUtils.isBlank(message.getLink())? "0" : "1" , message.getLink()); } else { String[] jgAlias = smsDataMap.get( "jgAlias" ).toString().split( "," ); JPushScheduleClient.createSingleSchedule( Arrays.asList(jgAlias), DateUtil.formatDateToStr( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" , message.getExpectTime()), message.getTitle(), message.getContent(), message.getId().toString(), StringUtils.isBlank(message.getLink())? "0" : "1" , message.getLink()); } } /** * 批量发送消息 * @param smsDataList * @param message */ private void sendBatch(String smsDataListStr,Message message){ try { //批量发送方法使用异步发送 if (!message.getContent().contains( "退订回T" )){ message.setContent(message.getContent()+ "退订回T" ); } SmsUtils.batchExecuteTask(smsDataListStr, message.getContent()); //短信测试方法 //SmsUtils.batchExecuteTask(smsDataListStr, message.getContent(),true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error( "批量发送消息异常=>{}{}" ,smsDataListStr,e); } } } |
1 /** 2 * 批量发送消息 3 * @param smsDataList 4 * @param message 5 */ 6 private void sendBatch(String smsDataListStr,Message message){ 7 try { 8 //批量发送方法使用异步发送 9 if(!message.getContent().contains("退订回T")){ 10 message.setContent(message.getContent()+"退订回T"); 11 } 12 SmsUtils.batchExecuteTask(smsDataListStr, message.getContent()); 13 //短信测试方法 14 //SmsUtils.batchExecuteTask(smsDataListStr, message.getContent(),true); 15 } catch (Exception e) { 16 e.printStackTrace(); 17 logger.error("批量发送消息异常=>{}{}",smsDataListStr,e); 18 } 19 }
1 public static String sendSmsCL(String mobile, String content,String urlStr,String un, String pw, String rd) { 2 // 创建StringBuffer对象用来操作字符串 3 StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(urlStr+"?"); 4 // 用户账号 5 sb.append("un="+un); 6 7 //用户密码 8 sb.append("&pw="+pw); 9 10 // 是否需要状态报告,0表示不需要,1表示需要 11 sb.append("&rd="+rd); 12 13 // 向StringBuffer追加手机号码 14 sb.append("&phone="+mobile); 15 16 // 返回发送结果 17 String inputline; 18 BufferedReader in = null; 19 InputStreamReader isr = null; 20 try { 21 // 向StringBuffer追加消息内容转URL标准码 22 sb.append("&msg="+URLEncoder.encode(content,"UTF8")); 23 // 创建url对象 24 URL url = new URL(sb.toString()); 25 26 // 打开url连接 27 HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 28 29 // 设置url请求方式 ‘get’ 或者 ‘post’ 30 connection.setRequestMethod("POST"); 31 isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()); 32 // 发送 33 in = new BufferedReader(isr); 34 inputline = in.readLine(); 35 if(inputline.contains(",0")){ 36"手机号:【{}】发送短信成功", mobile); 37 }else{ 38"手机号:【{}】发送短信失败,errorMsg is:{}", mobile,inputline); 39 } 40 // 输出结果 41 return inputline; 42 } catch (Exception e) { 43 logger.error("发送短信请求异常:{}", e.getMessage()); 44 return e.getMessage(); 45 } finally{ 46 if(null != isr){ 47 try { 48 isr.close(); 49 } catch (IOException e) { 50 logger.error("关闭流异常:{}", e.getMessage()); 51 } 52 } 53 if(null != in){ 54 try { 55 in.close(); 56 } catch (IOException e) { 57 logger.error("关闭流异常:{}", e.getMessage()); 58 } 59 } 60 } 61 62 }
package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The entrance of JPush API library. * */ public class JPushClient extends BaseClient { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JPushClient.class); //在极光注册上传应用的 appKey 和 masterSecret private static final String appKeyStr ="******************";////必填, private static final String masterSecretStr = "******************";//必填,每个应用都对应一个masterSecret private static JPushClient jpush = null; /* * 保存离线的时长。秒为单位。最多支持10天(864000秒)。 * 0 表示该消息不保存离线。即:用户在线马上发出,当前不在线用户将不会收到此消息。 * 此参数不设置则表示默认,默认为保存1天的离线消息(86400秒 */ private static long timeToLive = 60 * 60 * 24; protected static HttpPostClient httpClient = new HttpPostClient(); /** * 给指定用户推送消息 * @param msgTitle 标题 * @param msgContent 内容 * @param jgAlias 极光通讯id * @param sysMsgId 系统保存的消息id * @param type 跳转类型0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 2 站内信 * @param url 跳转url * @author wxz * @date 2017年2月27日 */ public static void appSend(String msgTitle,String msgContent,String jgAlias,String sysMsgId,String type,String url) { try { Map<String, Object> extra1 =new HashMap<String, Object>(); extra1.put("sysMsgId", sysMsgId); extra1.put("type", type);//0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 extra1.put("url", url); if(null == jpush){ jpush = new JPushClient(masterSecretStr, appKeyStr, timeToLive); } MessageResult msgResult = jpush.sendNotificationWithAlias(getRandomSendNo(), jgAlias, msgTitle, msgContent, 0, extra1); if (null != msgResult) {"服务器返回数据: " + msgResult.toString()); if (msgResult.getErrcode() == ErrorCodeEnum.NOERROR.value()) {"发送成功, sendNo=" + msgResult.getSendno()); } else { logger.error("发送失败, 错误代码=" + msgResult.getErrcode() + ", 错误消息=" + msgResult.getErrmsg()); } } else { logger.error("无法获取数据"); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("发送失败,error msg is :"+e); } } /** * 给所有用户推送消息 * @param msgTitle 标题 * @param msgContent 内容 * @param sysMsgId 消息id * @param type 跳转类型0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 * @param url 跳转url * @author wxz * @date 2017年2月27日 */ public static void appSendAll(String msgTitle,String msgContent,String sysMsgId,String type,String url) { /* * IOS设备扩展参数, * 设置badge,设置声音 */ Map<String, Object> extra1 =new HashMap<String, Object>(); extra1.put("sysMsgId", sysMsgId); extra1.put("type", type);//0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 extra1.put("url", url); if(null == jpush){ jpush = new JPushClient(masterSecretStr, appKeyStr, timeToLive); } MessageResult msgResult = jpush.sendNotificationWithAppKey(getRandomSendNo(), msgTitle, msgContent, 0, extra1); if (null != msgResult) {"服务器返回数据: " + msgResult.toString()); if (msgResult.getErrcode() == ErrorCodeEnum.NOERROR.value()) {"发送成功, sendNo=" + msgResult.getSendno()); } else { logger.error("发送失败, 错误代码=" + msgResult.getErrcode() + ", 错误消息=" + msgResult.getErrmsg()); } } else { logger.error("无法获取数据"); } } public JPushClient(String masterSecret, String appKey) { this.masterSecret = masterSecret; this.appKey = appKey; } public JPushClient(String masterSecret, String appKey, long timeToLive) { this.masterSecret = masterSecret; this.appKey = appKey; this.timeToLive = timeToLive; } public JPushClient(String masterSecret, String appKey, DeviceEnum device) { this.masterSecret = masterSecret; this.appKey = appKey; devices.add(device); } public JPushClient(String masterSecret, String appKey, long timeToLive, DeviceEnum device) { this.masterSecret = masterSecret; this.appKey = appKey; this.timeToLive = timeToLive; devices.add(device); } /* * @description 发送带IMEI的通知 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendNotificationWithImei(String sendNo, String imei, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { NotifyMessageParams p = new NotifyMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.IMEI); p.setReceiverValue(imei); return sendNotification(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, 0, null); } /* * @params builderId通知栏样式 * @description 发送带IMEI的通知 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendNotificationWithImei(String sendNo, String imei, String msgTitle, String msgContent, int builderId, Map<String, Object> extra) { NotifyMessageParams p = new NotifyMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.IMEI); p.setReceiverValue(imei); return sendNotification(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, builderId, extra); } /* * @description 发送带IMEI的自定义消息 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendCustomMessageWithImei(String sendNo, String imei, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { CustomMessageParams p = new CustomMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.IMEI); p.setReceiverValue(imei); return sendCustomMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, null, null); } /* * @params msgContentType消息的类型,extra附属JSON信息 * @description 发送带IMEI的自定义消息 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendCustomMessageWithImei(String sendNo, String imei, String msgTitle, String msgContent, String msgContentType, Map<String, Object> extra) { CustomMessageParams p = new CustomMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.IMEI); p.setReceiverValue(imei); return sendCustomMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, msgContentType, extra); } /* * @description 发送带TAG的通知 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendNotificationWithTag(String sendNo, String tag, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { NotifyMessageParams p = new NotifyMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.TAG); p.setReceiverValue(tag); return sendNotification(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, 0, null); } /* * @params builderId通知栏样式 * @description 发送带TAG的通知 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendNotificationWithTag(String sendNo, String tag, String msgTitle, String msgContent, int builderId, Map<String, Object> extra) { NotifyMessageParams p = new NotifyMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.TAG); p.setReceiverValue(tag); return sendNotification(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, builderId, extra); } /* * @description 发送带TAG的自定义消息 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendCustomMessageWithTag(String sendNo, String tag, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { CustomMessageParams p = new CustomMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.TAG); p.setReceiverValue(tag); return sendCustomMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, null, null); } /* * @params msgContentType消息的类型,extra附属JSON信息 * @description 发送带TAG的自定义消息 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendCustomMessageWithTag(String sendNo, String tag, String msgTitle, String msgContent, String msgContentType, Map<String, Object> extra) { CustomMessageParams p = new CustomMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.TAG); p.setReceiverValue(tag); return sendCustomMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, msgContentType, extra); } /* * @description 发送带ALIAS的通知 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendNotificationWithAlias(String sendNo, String alias, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { NotifyMessageParams p = new NotifyMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.ALIAS); p.setReceiverValue(alias); return sendNotification(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, 0, null); } /* * @params builderId通知栏样式 * @description 发送带ALIAS的通知 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendNotificationWithAlias(String sendNo, String alias, String msgTitle, String msgContent, int builderId, Map<String, Object> extra) { NotifyMessageParams p = new NotifyMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.ALIAS); p.setReceiverValue(alias); return sendNotification(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, builderId, extra); } /* * @description 发送带ALIAS的自定义消息 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendCustomMessageWithAlias(String sendNo, String alias, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { CustomMessageParams p = new CustomMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.ALIAS); p.setReceiverValue(alias); return sendCustomMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, null, null); } /* * @params msgContentType消息的类型,extra附属JSON信息 * @description 发送带ALIAS的自定义消息 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendCustomMessageWithAlias(String sendNo, String alias, String msgTitle, String msgContent, String msgContentType, Map<String, Object> extra) { CustomMessageParams p = new CustomMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.ALIAS); p.setReceiverValue(alias); return sendCustomMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, msgContentType, extra); } /* * @description 发送带AppKey的通知 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendNotificationWithAppKey(String sendNo, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { NotifyMessageParams p = new NotifyMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.APPKEYS); return sendNotification(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, 0, null); } /* * @params builderId通知栏样式 * @description 发送带AppKey的通知 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendNotificationWithAppKey(String sendNo, String msgTitle, String msgContent, int builderId, Map<String, Object> extra) { NotifyMessageParams p = new NotifyMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.APPKEYS); return sendNotification(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, builderId, extra); } /* * @description 发送带AppKey的自定义消息 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendCustomMessageWithAppKey(String sendNo, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { CustomMessageParams p = new CustomMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.APPKEYS); return sendCustomMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, null, null); } /* * @params msgContentType消息的类型,extra附属JSON信息 * @description 发送带AppKey的自定义消息 * @return MessageResult */ public MessageResult sendCustomMessageWithAppKey(String sendNo, String msgTitle, String msgContent, String msgContentType, Map<String, Object> extra) { CustomMessageParams p = new CustomMessageParams(); p.setReceiverType(ReceiverTypeEnum.APPKEYS); return sendCustomMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent, msgContentType, extra); } protected MessageResult sendCustomMessage(CustomMessageParams p, String sendNo, String msgTitle, String msgContent, String msgContentType, Map<String, Object> extra) { if (null != msgContentType) { p.getMsgContent().setContentType(msgContentType); } if (null != extra) { p.getMsgContent().setExtra(extra); } return sendMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent); } protected MessageResult sendNotification(NotifyMessageParams p, String sendNo, String msgTitle, String msgContent, int builderId, Map<String, Object> extra) { p.getMsgContent().setBuilderId(builderId); if (null != extra) { p.getMsgContent().setExtra(extra); } return sendMessage(p, sendNo, msgTitle, msgContent); } protected MessageResult sendMessage(MessageParams p,String sendNo, String msgTitle, String msgContent) { p.setSendNo(sendNo); p.setAppKey(this.getAppKey()); p.setMasterSecret(this.masterSecret); p.setTimeToLive(this.timeToLive); p.setSendDescription(this.getSendDescription()); for (DeviceEnum device : this.getDevices()) { p.addPlatform(device); } if (null != msgTitle) { p.getMsgContent().setTitle(msgTitle); } p.getMsgContent().setMessage(msgContent); return sendMessage(p); } protected MessageResult sendMessage(MessageParams params) { return, this.enableSSL, params); } public static final int MAX = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static final int MIN = (int) MAX/2; /** * 保持 sendNo 的唯一性是有必要的 * It is very important to keep sendNo unique. * @return sendNo */ public static String getRandomSendNo() { return String.valueOf((int) (MIN + Math.random() * (MAX - MIN))); } }
1 package; 2 3 import java.util.ArrayList; 4 import java.util.HashMap; 5 import java.util.List; 6 import java.util.Map; 7 8 import org.apache.shiro.util.CollectionUtils; 9 import org.slf4j.Logger; 10 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; 11 12 import cn.jpush.api.JPushClient; 13 import cn.jpush.api.common.TimeUnit; 14 import cn.jpush.api.common.Week; 15 import cn.jpush.api.common.resp.APIConnectionException; 16 import cn.jpush.api.common.resp.APIRequestException; 17 import cn.jpush.api.push.model.Platform; 18 import cn.jpush.api.push.model.PushPayload; 19 import cn.jpush.api.push.model.audience.Audience; 20 import cn.jpush.api.schedule.ScheduleListResult; 21 import cn.jpush.api.schedule.ScheduleResult; 22 import cn.jpush.api.schedule.model.SchedulePayload; 23 import cn.jpush.api.schedule.model.TriggerPayload; 24 25 public class JPushScheduleClient { 26 27 protected static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JPushScheduleClient.class); 28 29 private static final String appKey ="*********"; 30 private static final String masterSecret = "*******"; 31 /* 32 * 保存离线的时长。秒为单位。最多支持10天(864000秒)。 33 * 0 表示该消息不保存离线。即:用户在线马上发出,当前不在线用户将不会收到此消息。 34 * 此参数不设置则表示默认,默认为保存1天的离线消息(86400秒 35 */ 36 private static int timeToLive = 60 * 60 * 24; 37 38 public static void main(String[] args) { 39 List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); 40 list.add("22"); 41 // testGetScheduleList(); 42 // testUpdateSchedule(); 43 String scheduleId = "***************"; 44 String time = "2017-03-07 09:55:00"; 45 String msgTitle = "push schedule jpush,TEST\"\""; 46 String msgContent = "测试定时发送"; 47 String sysMsgId = "26"; 48 String type = "1"; 49 String url = ""; 50 //指定接收者的定时发送 51 scheduleId = createSingleSchedule(list,time,msgTitle,msgContent,sysMsgId,type,url); 52 //全部用户的定时发送 53 // scheduleId = createSingleSchedule(time,msgTitle,msgContent,sysMsgId,type,url); 54 testGetSchedule(scheduleId); 55 // testDeleteSchedule(scheduleId); 56 } 57 /** 58 * 添加指定接收者定时发送消息的 59 * @param aliases List<String> 接收者极光id列表 60 * @param time 定时发送时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) 61 * @param msgTitle 标题 62 * @param msgContent 内容 63 * @param sysMsgId 系统保存的消息id 64 * @param type 跳转类型0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 65 * @param url 跳转url 66 * @return 67 * @author wxz 68 * @date 2017年3月7日 69 */ 70 public static String createSingleSchedule(List<String> aliases, 71 String time, String msgTitle, String msgContent, 72 String sysMsgId, String type, String url) { 73 if(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(aliases)){ 74"aliases is empty"); 75 return null; 76 } 77 JPushClient jpushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey, timeToLive); 78 String name = "schedule_"+time.replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll(":", "").replaceAll("-", ""); 79 Map<String, String> extra = new HashMap<String, String>(); 80 extra.put("sysMsgId", sysMsgId); 81 extra.put("type", type);//0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 82 extra.put("url", url); 83 84 // Message message = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.Message.Builder() 85 // .setMsgContent(msgContent).addExtras(extra) 86 // .build(); 87 // Audience audience = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.audience.Audience.Builder().build().alias(aliases); 88 //初始化android消息通知 89 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.AndroidNotification androidNotification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.AndroidNotification.Builder().setAlert(msgContent).setTitle(msgTitle).addExtras(extra).build(); 90 //初始化ios消息通知 91 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.IosNotification iosNotification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.IosNotification.Builder().setAlert(msgContent).addExtras(extra).build(); 92 //初始化消息通知,将android和ios赋值 93 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.Notification notification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.Notification.Builder() 94 .addPlatformNotification(androidNotification) 95 .addPlatformNotification(iosNotification) 96 .build(); 97 //初始化push 98 PushPayload push = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.PushPayload.Builder() 99 .setPlatform(Platform.all()) 100 .setAudience(Audience.alias(aliases)) 101 .setNotification(notification) 102 .build(); 103 // PushPayload pucsh = PushPayload.alertAll("----test schedule example0000001111111."); 104 try { 105 ScheduleResult result = jpushClient.createSingleSchedule(name, time, push); 106"schedule result is " + result); 107 return result.getSchedule_id(); 108 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 109 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later. ", e); 110 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 111 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 112"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 113"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 114"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 115 } 116 return null; 117 } 118 /** 119 * 添加所有用户定时发送消息的 120 * @param time 定时发送时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) 121 * @param msgTitle 标题 122 * @param msgContent 内容 123 * @param sysMsgId 系统保存的消息id 124 * @param type 跳转类型0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 125 * @param url 跳转url 126 * @return 127 * @author wxz 128 * @date 2017年3月7日 129 */ 130 public static String createSingleSchedule(String time, String msgTitle, 131 String msgContent, String sysMsgId, String type, String url) { 132 JPushClient jpushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey, timeToLive); 133 String name = "schedule_"+time.replaceAll(" ", "").replaceAll(":", "").replaceAll("-", ""); 134 Map<String, String> extra = new HashMap<String, String>(); 135 extra.put("sysMsgId", sysMsgId); 136 extra.put("type", type);//0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 137 extra.put("url", url); 138 139 // Message message = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.Message.Builder() 140 // .setMsgContent(msgContent).addExtras(extra) 141 // .build(); 142 // PushPayload push = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.PushPayload.Builder().setPlatform(Platform.all()) 143 // .setAudience(Audience.all()) 144 // .setMessage(message) 145 //// .setOptions(new cn.jpush.api.push.model.Options.Builder().setApnsProduction(true).build()) 146 // .build(); 147 //初始化android消息通知 148 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.AndroidNotification androidNotification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.AndroidNotification.Builder().setAlert(msgContent).setTitle(msgTitle).addExtras(extra).build(); 149 //初始化ios消息通知 150 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.IosNotification iosNotification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.IosNotification.Builder().setAlert(msgContent).addExtras(extra).build(); 151 //初始化消息通知,将android和ios赋值 152 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.Notification notification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.Notification.Builder() 153 .addPlatformNotification(androidNotification) 154 .addPlatformNotification(iosNotification) 155 .build(); 156 //初始化push 157 PushPayload push = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.PushPayload.Builder() 158 .setPlatform(Platform.all()) 159 .setAudience(Audience.all()) 160 .setNotification(notification) 161 .build(); 162 // PushPayload push = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.PushPayload.Builder() 163 // .setPlatform(Platform.all()) 164 // .setAudience(Audience.all()) 165 // .setNotification(new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.Notification.Builder().addPlatformNotification(new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.AndroidNotification.Builder().setAlert(msgContent).setTitle(msgTitle).addExtras(extra).build()) 166 // .addPlatformNotification(new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.IosNotification.Builder().setAlert(msgContent).addExtras(extra).build()) 167 // .build()) 168 // .build(); 169 // PushPayload pucsh = PushPayload.alertAll("----test schedule example0000001111111."); 170 try { 171 ScheduleResult result = jpushClient.createSingleSchedule(name, time, push); 172"schedule result is " + result); 173 return result.getSchedule_id(); 174 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 175 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later. ", e); 176 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 177 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 178"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 179"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 180"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 181 } 182 return null; 183 } 184 185 private static void testCreateDailySchedule() { 186 JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey); 187 String name = "test_daily_schedule"; 188 String start = "2015-08-06 12:16:13"; 189 String end = "2115-08-06 12:16:13"; 190 String time = "14:00:00"; 191 PushPayload push = PushPayload.alertAll("test daily example."); 192 try { 193 ScheduleResult result = jPushClient.createDailySchedule(name, start, end, time, push); 194"schedule result is " + result); 195 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 196 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later. ", e); 197 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 198 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 199"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 200"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 201"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 202 } 203 } 204 205 private static void testCreateWeeklySchedule() { 206 JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey); 207 String name = "test_weekly_schedule"; 208 String start = "2015-08-06 12:16:13"; 209 String end = "2115-08-06 12:16:13"; 210 String time = "14:00:00"; 211 Week[] days = {Week.MON, Week.FRI}; 212 PushPayload push = PushPayload.alertAll("test weekly example."); 213 try { 214 ScheduleResult result = jPushClient.createWeeklySchedule(name, start, end, time, days, push); 215"schedule result is " + result); 216 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 217 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later. ", e); 218 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 219 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 220"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 221"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 222"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 223 } 224 } 225 226 private static void testCreateMonthlySchedule() { 227 JPushClient jPushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey); 228 String name = "test_monthly_schedule"; 229 String start = "2015-08-06 12:16:13"; 230 String end = "2115-08-06 12:16:13"; 231 String time = "14:00:00"; 232 String[] points = {"01", "02"}; 233 PushPayload push = PushPayload.alertAll("test monthly example."); 234 try { 235 ScheduleResult result = jPushClient.createMonthlySchedule(name, start, end, time, points, push); 236"schedule result is " + result); 237 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 238 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later.", e); 239 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 240 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 241"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 242"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 243"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 244 } 245 } 246 247 private static void testDeleteSchedule(String scheduleId) { 248 // String scheduleId = "************************8"; 249 JPushClient jpushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey); 250 251 try { 252 jpushClient.deleteSchedule(scheduleId); 253 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 254 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later. ", e); 255 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 256 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 257"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 258"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 259"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 260 } 261 } 262 263 private static void testGetScheduleList() { 264 int page = 1; 265 JPushClient jpushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey); 266 267 try { 268 ScheduleListResult list = jpushClient.getScheduleList(page); 269"total " + list.getTotal_count()); 270 for(ScheduleResult s : list.getSchedules()) { 271; 272 } 273 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 274 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later. ", e); 275 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 276 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 277"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 278"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 279"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 280 } 281 } 282 283 private static void testUpdateSchedule() { 284 String scheduleId = "*******************"; 285 JPushClient jpushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey); 286 String[] points = {,}; 287 TriggerPayload trigger = TriggerPayload.newBuilder() 288 .setPeriodTime("2015-08-01 12:10:00", "2015-08-30 12:12:12", "15:00:00") 289 .setTimeFrequency(TimeUnit.WEEK, 2, points) 290 .buildPeriodical(); 291 SchedulePayload payload = SchedulePayload.newBuilder() 292 .setName("test_update_schedule") 293 .setEnabled(false) 294 .setTrigger(trigger) 295 .build(); 296 try { 297 jpushClient.updateSchedule(scheduleId, payload); 298 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 299 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later. ", e); 300 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 301 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 302"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 303"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 304"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 305 } 306 } 307 308 private static void testGetSchedule(String scheduleId) { 309 // String scheduleId = "************************"; 310 JPushClient jpushClient = new JPushClient(masterSecret, appKey); 311 312 try { 313 ScheduleResult result = jpushClient.getSchedule(scheduleId); 314"schedule " + result); 315 } catch (APIConnectionException e) { 316 LOG.error("Connection error. Should retry later. ", e); 317 } catch (APIRequestException e) { 318 LOG.error("Error response from JPush server. Should review and fix it. ", e); 319"HTTP Status: " + e.getStatus()); 320"Error Code: " + e.getErrorCode()); 321"Error Message: " + e.getErrorMessage()); 322 } 323 } 324 325 /** 326 * 组建push,若发送全部,则aliases传null 327 * @param aliases List<String> 接收者极光id列表 328 * @param msgTitle 标题 329 * @param msgContent 内容 330 * @param sysMsgId 系统保存的消息id 331 * @param type 跳转类型0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 332 * @param url 跳转url 333 * @return 334 * @author wxz 335 * @date 2017年3月7日 336 */ 337 private static PushPayload buildPush(List<String> aliases,String msgTitle, String msgContent, 338 String sysMsgId, String type, String url) { 339 Map<String, String> extra = new HashMap<String, String>(); 340 extra.put("sysMsgId", sysMsgId); 341 extra.put("type", type);//0不带链接跳转,1带链接跳转 342 extra.put("url", url); 343 //初始化android消息通知 344 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.AndroidNotification androidNotification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.AndroidNotification.Builder().setAlert(msgContent).setTitle(msgTitle).addExtras(extra).build(); 345 //初始化ios消息通知 346 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.IosNotification iosNotification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.IosNotification.Builder().setAlert(msgContent).addExtras(extra).build(); 347 //初始化消息通知,将android和ios赋值 348 cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.Notification notification = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.notification.Notification.Builder() 349 .addPlatformNotification(androidNotification) 350 .addPlatformNotification(iosNotification) 351 .build(); 352 //初始化push 353 PushPayload push = new cn.jpush.api.push.model.PushPayload.Builder() 354 .setPlatform(Platform.all()) 355 .setAudience(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(aliases)?Audience.all():Audience.alias(aliases)) 356 .setNotification(notification) 357 .build(); 358 return push; 359 } 360 }
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