openstack 官方镜像qcow2 下载和修改密码
- Using “guestfish” to change the Password for the root account:
1)You can use guestfish to edit a running system under KVM virtualization
2)You can use “guestfish” to edit the /etc/shadow file and change the root password.
3)Guestfish is an interactive shell that you can use from the command line or from shell scripts to access guest virtual machine file systems. (See example below): - 安装guestfish:
yum -y install guestfish//RHEL
yum -y install libguestfs-tools//FEDORA
Import the qcow2 image into KVM. The image will be named something
along the lines of: “rhel-guest-image-7.1-20150224.0.x86_64.qcow2”, (as
of July 2nd, 2015, the version will of course change over time)
Change the password on the newly imported KVM to get on the pre-built system.
Example steps to change the root password using guestfish:
This set of instructions is for use on the host system that has the kvm RHEL 7 guest.
The syntax is: guestfish –rw -a
(Note, your system may be /dev/vda1, mine was /dev/sda1. Use the ‘list-filesystems’ command)
root@box1 # guestfish --rw -a ./rhel-guest-image-7.1-20150224.0.x86_64.qcow2
><fs> run
><fs> list-filesystems
><fs> mount /dev/sda1 /
><fs> vi /etc/shadow
><fs>quit //退出
[root@someothersystem ~]# openssl passwd -1 changeme