作者分析了http://www.kdnuggets.com/ 专业挖掘网2010年度词汇,从一定程度上反映了数据分析与挖掘的年度走势。
The top 10 terms are- data
- analytics
- mining
- business
- predictive
- social
- analysis
- research
- most
- sas
which is a good summary of KDnuggets focus.
Here is a word cloud for top 50 KDnuggets words in 2010. Larger font corresponds to more frequent items (log scale used), while different colors are used only to increase readability.
analysis analytics applications available business companies company conference customer data first free google help intelligence jobs large learning like management market marketing media mining model modeling models most network online people predictive research results said san sas science services social solutions statistical systems technology text time tools university web world |
The top 10 2-word terms in KDnuggets in 2010 are:
- data mining
- predictive analytics
- social media
- business intelligence
- machine learning
- business analytics
- data analysis
- most viewed
- viewed items
- data sets
Here are the top 2-word terms. As expected, "Data Mining" and "Predictive Analytics" are the top terms, but we also see new terms like "data analytics". "Social media", "social network", and "social networks" show the increasing social focus.
advanced analytics analytics data analytics world big data business analytics business intelligence data analysis data analytics data miners data mining data sets items week jobs data machine learning media analytics most viewed poll results predictive analytics predictive modeling predictive models san diego san francisco social media social network social networks text analytics text mining viewed items web analytics world cup |