AutoCAD.Net/C#.Net QQ群:193522571 利用监听系统变量来捕捉acadapp级别的事件
Application object events are used to respond to the application window. Once an Application event is registered, it remains registered until AutoCAD is shutdown or the event is unregistered.
The following events are available for the Application object:
- BeginCustomizationMode
Triggered just before AutoCAD enters customization mode.
- BeginDoubleClick
Triggered when the mouse button is double clicked.
- BeginQuit
Triggered just before an AutoCAD session ends.
- DisplayingCustomizeDialog
Triggered just before the Customize dialog box is displayed.
- DisplayingDraftingSettingsDialog
Triggered just before the Drafting Settings dialog box is displayed.
- DisplayingOptionDialog
Triggered just before the Options dialog box is displayed.
- EndCustomizationMode
Triggered when AutoCAD exits customization mode.
- EnterModal
Triggered just before a modal dialog box is displayed.
- Idle
Triggered when AutoCAD text.
- LeaveModal
Triggered when a modal dialog box is closed.
- PreTranslateMessage
Triggered just before a message is translated by AutoCAD.
- QuitAborted
Triggered when an attempt to shutdown AutoCAD is aborted.
- QuitWillStart
Triggered after the BeginQuit event and before shutdown begins.
- SystemVariableChanged
Triggered when an attempt to change a system variable is made.
- SystemVariableChanging
Triggered just before an attempt is made at changing a system variable.
Enable an Application object event
This example demonstrates how to register an event handler with the BeginQuit event. Once registered, a message box is displayed before AutoCAD completely shutdown.
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
<CommandMethod("AddAppEvent")> _
Public Sub AddAppEvent()
AddHandler Application.SystemVariableChanged, AddressOf appSysVarChanged
End Sub
<CommandMethod("RemoveAppEvent")> _
Public Sub RemoveAppEvent()
RemoveHandler Application.SystemVariableChanged, AddressOf appSysVarChanged
End Sub
Public Sub appSysVarChanged(ByVal senderObj As Object, _
ByVal sysVarChEvtArgs As Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices. _
Dim oVal As Object = Application.GetSystemVariable(sysVarChEvtArgs.Name)
'' Display a message box with the system variable name and the new value
Application.ShowAlertDialog(sysVarChEvtArgs.Name & " was changed." & _
vbLf & "New value: " & oVal.ToString())
End Sub
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
public void AddAppEvent()
Application.SystemVariableChanged +=
new Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.
public void RemoveAppEvent()
Application.SystemVariableChanged -=
new Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.
public void appSysVarChanged(object senderObj,
SystemVariableChangedEventArgs sysVarChEvtArgs)
object oVal = Application.GetSystemVariable(sysVarChEvtArgs.Name);
// Display a message box with the system variable name and the new value
Application.ShowAlertDialog(sysVarChEvtArgs.Name + " was changed." +
"\nNew value: " + oVal.ToString());
VBA/ActiveX Code Reference
Public WithEvents ACADApp As AcadApplication
Sub Example_AcadApplication_Events()
' Intialize the public variable (ACADApp)
' Run this procedure first
Set ACADApp = ThisDrawing.Application
End Sub
Private Sub ACADApp_SysVarChanged(ByVal SysvarName As String, _
ByVal newVal As Variant)
' This procedure intercepts an Application SysVarChanged event.
MsgBox (SysvarName & " was changed." & _
vbLf & "New value: " & newVal)
End Sub