setup FTP server on CentOS 7
2017-03-31 22:50 Wizardlsw 阅读(370) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报Setup FTP Server on CentOS 7
Install vsftpd
vsftpd (Very Secure File Transport Protocol Daemon) is a secure, fast FTP server for Unix/Linux systems.
# install vsftp yum install vsftpd -y #edit config file and ## disable anonymous login : change YES to NO ## uncomment ascii_upload_enable=YES and ascii_download_enable=YES ## Uncomment - Enter your Welcome message - This is optional ## # ftpd_banner=Welcome to UNIXMEN FTP service. vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf ## Add at the end of this file ## use_localtime=YES
#change to NO for listen_ipv6
#change to YES for listen
#Following part is very important!!!
pasv_max_port=6000 #public IP goes here
#Enable and start the vsftpd service: systemctl enable vsftpd systemctl start vsftpd
Add new User and set password
By default, root user is not allowed to login to ftp server for security purpose. So, let us create a normal testing user called “sk” with password “centos”.
useradd sk passwd sk
> ftp
Errors and solutions:
1. vsftpd 425 Security: Bad IP connecting
主要是需要在/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf文件中添加如下一行: pasv_promiscuous=YES
然后重启: systemctl restart vsftpd 解决问题
2、ftp中使用get后,文件位于本地哪里: 命令: lcd 或者指定目录 lcd /home/myfolder/testfolder
3、报“use PORT or PASV first.”, 需要使用命令: quote pasv 或者quote port来切换。
Set folder of ftp for user
Simple way:
Method 1: change user home default directory
Make sure following line exists:
Set user HOME Directory to /var/www/
, if you want to change for existing user then you can use:
usermod --home /var/www/ username
then set required permission on /var/www/
Method 2: Use user_sub_tokenIf you don't want to change user's Home directory then you can use:
chroot_local_user=YES local_root=/ftphome/$USER user_sub_token=$USER
About user_sub_token
Automatically generate a home directory for each virtual user, based on a template. For example, if the home directory of the real user specified via guest_username is /ftphome/$USER, and user_sub_token is set to $USER, then when virtual user test logs in, he will end up (usually chroot()'ed) in the directory /ftphome/test. This option also takes affect if local_root contains user_sub_token.
Advanced way (TO BE READ) (TO BE READ)
How to remove systemd services
My recipe for service obliteration (be careful with the rm statements!)
systemctl stop [servicename] systemctl disable [servicename] rm /etc/systemd/system/[servicename] rm /etc/systemd/system/[servicename] symlinks that might be related systemctl daemon-reload systemctl reset-failed
FTP Commands:
FTP Config: