

Libsim –a(-u) xxxx


  • 问题分析:


  1. 实现时的困难:
    1. 如何实现管理员和读者双菜单?
    2. 文件该以哪种方式打开?
    3. 文件信息读取不全是什么造成的?
    4. 操作后再读取文件出错,打开文件信息连在一起?
    5. 删除最后一个数据时出错?
    6. 如果用户输入的操作都无效(要修改的信息不存在)怎么办?
  2. 对应解决方案
    1. 判断命令行参数信息,用if判断语句分别进入功能即可。
    2. 操作者只需选择“r(只读)”和“a+(追加)”方式打开文件,防止文件数据意外损失。其中在只有管理员增加数据时才用“a+”,其他模式均以“r”方式打开!
    3. 因为程序有继续操作选项,而上次操作后文件标志已经为EOF,采用rewind函数即可将文件标志位重置
    4. 在写入、修改、删除信息时注意最后写入换行符,保证文件可读性以及下一次操作可行
    5. 因为采用的是链表操作,删除非末尾元素时,下一个链节内容完全拷贝到要删字节,再释放下一个链节即可。但是链表尾指向NULL,访问NULL会出错,要单独考虑。
    6. 定义变量int sign = 0;只有操作有效时sign = 1,进入下一步操作,防止文件信息丢失。
//#define AUTO
//#define MANUAL1
#define MANUAL2
#define LEN1 sizeof(book_info)
#define LEN2 sizeof(reader_info)
typedef struct Book {
	char code[20];
	char title[100];
	int number;
	struct Book* next;
typedef struct Reader {
	char order[20];
	char name[100];
	char borrow_code[20];
	struct Reader* next;
const char* book_format = "%s %s %d", * reader_format = "%s %s %s";
char file_name[101] = { 0 };

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
	void format_judge(char* type, char* name);
	FILE* open_file();
	void function(char* type, char* name);
	char type[3], name[100];

#ifdef AUTO
	strcpy(type, argv[1]);
	strcpy(name, argv[2]);
#ifdef MANUAL1
	freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
	freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
#ifdef MANUAL2
	printf("Enter user's type(-a/-u) and username:\n");
	scanf("%s %s", type, name);

	format_judge(type, name);

	function(type, name);

	return 0;

FILE* open_file() {
	FILE* fp;
	char  ope_way[3] = { 0 };
	printf("Enter the path of data:");
	scanf("%s", file_name);
	printf("Enter the way to operate(r/a+):");
	scanf("%s", ope_way);
	if ((fp = fopen(file_name, ope_way)) == NULL) {
		printf("File not exist\n");
	return fp;

void show_file(FILE* fp) {
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("File failed to open\n");

	char c;
	while (!feof(fp)) {
		c = fgetc(fp);
		printf("%c", c);

void format_judge(char* type, char* name) {
	if (type[0] != '-' || (type[1] != 'a' && type[1] != 'u')) {
		printf("Format Error!\n");

void revise_file(FILE* fp, FILE* fp_n) {
	if (fp_n == NULL) {
		printf("New file failed to open\n");
	char c;
	fopen(file_name, "w");
	while ((c = fgetc(fp_n)) != EOF) {
		fputc(c, fp);

void function(char* type, char* name) {
	FILE* open_file();
	void add_info(FILE * fp, int object);
	void revise_info(FILE * fp, int object);
	void delete_info(FILE * fp, int object);
	void borrow_book(FILE * fp, FILE * fp_r);
	void return_book(FILE * fp_r);
	void search_info(FILE * fp, FILE * fp_r);

	int option, object, sign = 1;
	FILE* fp = NULL, * fp_r = NULL;

	if (type[1] == 'a') {
		printf("Administrator, what do you want to do\n\t1.Add information\n\t2.Revise information\n\t3.Delete information\n\t4.Show all the information\nOperate object:\n\t1.book\n\t2.reader\nAnswer:");
		while (sign) {
			scanf("%d%d", &option, &object);
			switch (option) {
			case 1: //增加数据 
				fp = open_file();
				add_info(fp, object);
			case 2: //修改数据 
				fp = open_file();
				revise_info(fp, object);
			case 3: //删除数据 
				fp = open_file();
				delete_info(fp, object);
			case 4: //总览数据 
				if (object == 1) {
					fp = fopen("book.txt", "r");
				else {
					fp_r = fopen("reader.txt", "r");
			default:printf("Option Error\n");
			printf("Continue to operate\n\t1->yes\n\t0->no\nAnswer:");
			scanf("%d", &sign);
	else {
		printf("User, what do you want to do\n\t1.Borrow books\n\t2.Return books\n\t3.Search information\nAnswer:");
		while (sign) {
			scanf("%d", &option);
			switch (option) {
			case 1: //借书 
				fp = fopen("book.txt", "r");
				fp_r = fopen("reader.txt", "a+");
				if (fp == NULL || fp_r == NULL) {
					printf("File missing\n");
				else borrow_book(fp, fp_r);
			case 2: //还书 
				fp_r = fopen("reader.txt", "r+");
				strcpy(file_name, "reader.txt\0");
				if (fp_r == NULL) {
					printf("File missing\n");
				else return_book(fp_r);
			case 3: //查数据 
				fp = fopen("book.txt", "r");
				fp_r = fopen("reader.txt", "r");
				if (fp == NULL || fp_r == NULL) {
					printf("File missing\n");
				else search_info(fp, fp_r);
			default:printf("Option Error\n");
			printf("Continue to operate\n\t1->yes\n\t0->no\nAnswer:");
			scanf("%d", &sign);

void add_info(FILE* fp, int object) {
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("File failed to open\n");
	int num;
	book_info book;
	reader_info reader;
	if (object == 1) {
		printf("How many books you want to add\nAnswer:");
		scanf("%d", &num);
		printf("Information format:book_number title amount\nEnter:\n");
		while (num--) {
			scanf(book_format, &book.code, &book.title, &book.number);
			fprintf(fp, book_format, book.code, book.title, book.number);
			fprintf(fp, "\n");
		printf("Succeed to operate\n");
	else if (object == 2) {
		printf("How many readers you want to add\nAnswer:");
		scanf("%d", &num);
		printf("Information format:reader_number name book_code\nEnter:\n");
		while (num--) {
			scanf(reader_format, &reader.order, &reader.name, &reader.borrow_code);
			fprintf(fp, reader_format, reader.order, reader.name, reader.borrow_code);
			fprintf(fp, "\n");
		printf("Succeed to operate\n");
	else printf("Object error\n");

void revise_info(FILE* fp, int object) {
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("File failed to open\n");

	book_info* original_information_input_b(FILE * fp);
	reader_info* original_information_input_r(FILE * fp);
	void information_save_b(book_info * head, FILE * fp_n);
	void information_save_r(reader_info * head, FILE * fp_n);
	book_info* get_adress_b(book_info * head_adress, char* search);
	reader_info* get_adress_r(reader_info * head_adress, char* search);
	void revise_file(FILE * fp, FILE * fp_n);

	int num, sign = 0;
	char search[100] = { 0 };
	FILE* fp_n = NULL;
	if (object == 1) {
		//定义变量:1.head:存储了图书信息的链表头;2. book:存贮修改信息的结构体;3.locat:指向修改数据所在链节的指针  
		book_info* head = original_information_input_b(fp), book, * locat;
		printf("How many books you want to revise\nAnswer:");
		scanf("%d", &num);
		while (num--) {
			printf("Enter book_code or title:");
			scanf("%s", search);
			locat = get_adress_b(head, search);
			if (locat != NULL) {
				printf("Enter the new information(Format:book_number title amount):");
				scanf(book_format, &book.code, &book.title, &book.number);
				strcpy(locat->code, book.code);
				strcpy(locat->title, book.title);
				locat->number = book.number;
				sign = 1;
		if (sign) {
			fp_n = fopen("book_n.txt", "w+");
			information_save_b(head, fp_n);
			revise_file(fp, fp_n);
			printf("Succeed to operate\n");


	if (object == 2) {
		reader_info* head = original_information_input_r(fp), reader, * locat = head;
		int answer;
		printf("How many readers you want to revise\nAnswer:");
		scanf("%d", &num);
		while (num--) {
			printf("Enter reader_order or name\n:");
			scanf("%s", search);
			while (locat != NULL) {
				locat = get_adress_r(locat, reader.order);
				if (locat != NULL) {
					printf(reader_format, locat->order, locat->name, locat->borrow_code);
					printf("\nRevise or not\n\t1.yes\n\t2.no\nAnswer:");
					scanf("%d", &answer);
					if (answer == 1) {
						printf("Enter the new information(Format:reader_order name borrow_code):\n");
						scanf(reader_format, &reader.order, &reader.name, &reader.borrow_code);
						strcpy(locat->order, reader.order);
						strcpy(locat->name, reader.name);
						strcpy(locat->borrow_code, reader.borrow_code);
						sign = 1;
					locat = locat->next;
		if (sign == 1) {
			fp_n = fopen("reader_n.txt", "w+");
			information_save_r(head, fp_n);
			revise_file(fp, fp_n);
			printf("Succeed to operate\n");


void delete_info(FILE* fp, int object) {
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("File failed to open\n");

	book_info* original_information_input_b(FILE * fp);
	reader_info* original_information_input_r(FILE * fp);
	book_info* get_adress_b(book_info * head_adress, char* search);
	reader_info* get_adress_r(reader_info * head_adress, char* search);
	void information_save_b(book_info * head, FILE * fp_n);
	void information_save_r(reader_info * head, FILE * fp_n);
	void revise_file(FILE * fp, FILE * fp_n);

	int num, answer, sign = 0;
	char search[100];

	if (object == 1) {
		book_info* head = original_information_input_b(fp), * locat = NULL, * free_adress = NULL;
		printf("How many books you want to delete\nAnswer:");
		scanf("%d", &num);
		while (num--) {
			printf("Search book_code or title to delete:");
			scanf("%s", search);
			locat = get_adress_b(head, search);
			if (locat != NULL) {
				if (locat->next != NULL) {
					free_adress = locat->next;
					*locat = *(locat->next);
				else {
					book_info* taget = head;
					for (; taget->next != locat; taget = taget->next);
					taget->next = NULL;
				sign = 1;
		if (sign) {
			FILE* fp_n = fopen("book_n.txt", "w+");
			information_save_b(head, fp_n);
			revise_file(fp, fp_n);
			printf("Succeed to operate\n");

	if (object == 2) {
		reader_info* head = original_information_input_r(fp), * locat = head, * free_adress = NULL;
		printf("How many readers you want to delete\nAnswer:");
		scanf("%d", &num);
		while (num--) {
			printf("Search reader_order or name to delete:");
			scanf("%s", search);
			while (locat != NULL) {
				locat = get_adress_r(locat, search);
				if (locat != NULL) {
					printf("This person's one record:");
					printf(reader_format, locat->order, locat->name, locat->borrow_code);
					printf("\nDelelt this record or not?\n\t1.yes\n\t2.no\nAnswer:");
					scanf("%d", &answer);
					if (answer == 1) {
						if (locat->next != NULL) {
							free_adress = locat->next;
							*locat = *(locat->next);
						else {
							reader_info* taget = head;
							for (; taget->next != locat; taget = taget->next);
							taget->next = NULL;
						sign = 1;
					locat = locat->next;
		if (sign) {
			FILE* fp_n = fopen("reader_n.txt", "w+");
			information_save_r(head, fp_n);
			revise_file(fp, fp_n);
			printf("Succeed to operate\n");

void borrow_book(FILE* fp, FILE* fp_r) {
	if (fp == NULL || fp_r == NULL) {
		printf("File failed to open\n");

	book_info* original_information_input_b(FILE * fp);
	book_info* get_adress_b(book_info * head_adress, char* search);

	int num, answer;
	char search[100];
	book_info* head = original_information_input_b(fp), * locat;

	printf("Show book list\n\t1.yes\n\t2.no\nAnswer:");
	scanf("%d", &answer);
	if (answer == 1)show_file(fp);
	printf("How many books you want to borrow\nAnswer:");
	scanf("%d", &num);
	while (num--) {
		printf("Search book_code or title to borrow:");
		scanf("%s", search);
		locat = get_adress_b(head, search);
		if (locat != NULL) {
			char order[20], name[100];
			printf("Enter your personal_order and your name:");
			scanf("%s%s", order, name);
			fprintf(fp_r, reader_format, order, name, locat->code);
			fprintf(fp_r, "\n");
			printf("Succeed to operate\n");

void return_book(FILE* fp) {
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("File failed to open\n");

	reader_info* original_information_input_r(FILE * fp);
	reader_info* get_adress_r(reader_info * head_adress, char* search);
	void information_save_r(reader_info * head, FILE * fp_n);

	int num, sign = 0;
	reader_info reader, * head = original_information_input_r(fp), * locat = head;

	printf("How many books you want to return\nAnswer:");
	scanf("%d", &num);
	while (num--) {
		printf("Enter your person_order name and book_code:");
		scanf(reader_format, reader.order, reader.name, reader.borrow_code);
		//*****同时判断读者编号和姓名是否符合,直到链表尾 (注意下一次搜寻的起始地址为locat->next!)
		for (; locat != NULL && strcmp(locat->order, reader.order) != 0; locat = get_adress_r(locat->next, reader.name));
		if (locat != NULL) {
			if (locat->next != NULL) {
				reader_info* free_adress = locat->next;
				*locat = *(locat->next);
			else {
				reader_info* taget = head;
				for (; taget->next != locat; taget = taget->next);
				taget->next = NULL;
			sign = 1;
		else printf("Record doesn't exist\n");
	if (sign) {
		FILE* fp_n = fopen("reader_n.txt", "w+");
		information_save_r(head, fp_n);
		revise_file(fp, fp_n);
		printf("Succeed to operate\n");


void search_info(FILE* fp, FILE* fp_r) {
	book_info* original_information_input_b(FILE * fp);
	reader_info* original_information_input_r(FILE * fp);
	book_info* get_adress_b(book_info * head_adress, char* search);
	reader_info* get_adress_r(reader_info * head_adress, char* search);

	int answer, num, i = 1;
	char search[100];
	printf("Want to know what\n\t1.Show all books\n\t2.Search one book\n\t3.Remain to return\nAnswer:");
	scanf("%d", &answer);
	if (answer == 1) show_file(fp);
	else if (answer == 2) {
		book_info* head = original_information_input_b(fp);
		printf("How many books you want to search\nAnswer:");
		scanf("%d", &num);
		while (num--) {
			printf("Search book_code or title to show:");
			scanf("%s", search);
			book_info* locat = get_adress_b(head, search);
			if (locat != NULL) {
				printf(book_format, locat->code, locat->title, locat->number);
				reader_info* head_r = original_information_input_r(fp_r), * locat_r = head_r;
				printf("Borrow record:\n");
				for (i = 1; locat_r != NULL; locat_r = locat_r->next, i++) {
					if (strcmp(locat->code, locat_r->borrow_code) == 0)
						printf("%d : %s %s\n", i, locat_r->order, locat_r->name);
	else if (answer == 3) {
		reader_info reader, * head = original_information_input_r(fp_r), * locat = head;
		printf("Enter your personal_order and name:");
		scanf("%s%s", reader.order, reader.name);
		while (locat != NULL) {
			for (; locat != NULL && strcmp(locat->name, reader.name) != 0 && strcmp(locat->order, reader.order) != 0; locat = get_adress_r(locat->next, reader.order));
			if (locat == NULL)break;
			else {
				printf("Borrowed book %d:", i++);
				printf("%s", locat->borrow_code);
				locat = locat->next;



book_info* original_information_input_b(FILE* fp) {
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("File failed to open\n");
		return NULL;
	book_info* head = NULL, * p = NULL, temp;
	int i = 0;
	while (fscanf(fp, book_format, &temp.code, &temp.title, &temp.number) != EOF) {
		if (i == 1)head = p = (book_info*)malloc(LEN1);
		else p = p->next = (book_info*)malloc(LEN1);

		strcpy(p->code, temp.code);
		strcpy(p->title, temp.title);
		p->number = temp.number;

	if (i != 0)p->next = NULL;
	return head;

//参数列表:指向读者信息文件指针 返回值:链表链头
reader_info* original_information_input_r(FILE* fp) {
	if (fp == NULL) {
		printf("File failed to open\n");
		return NULL;
	reader_info* head = NULL, * p = NULL, temp;
	int i = 0;

	while (fscanf(fp, reader_format, &temp.order, &temp.name, &temp.borrow_code) != EOF) {

		if (i == 1)head = p = (reader_info*)malloc(LEN2);
		else p = p->next = (reader_info*)malloc(LEN2);

		strcpy(p->order, temp.order);
		strcpy(p->name, temp.name);
		strcpy(p->borrow_code, temp.borrow_code);


	if (i != 0)p->next = NULL;
	return head;

void information_save_b(book_info* head, FILE* fp_n) {
	book_info* p = head;
	for (; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
		fprintf(fp_n, book_format, p->code, p->title, p->number);
		fprintf(fp_n, "\n");

void information_save_r(reader_info* head, FILE* fp_n) {
	reader_info* p = head;
	for (; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
		fprintf(fp_n, reader_format, p->order, p->name, p->borrow_code);
		fprintf(fp_n, "\n");

//参数列表:指向图书信息新文件指针 返回值:所找链节地址,无返回NULL 
book_info* get_adress_b(book_info* head_adress, char* search) {
	book_info* search_adress = head_adress;
	for (; search_adress != NULL && strcmp(search_adress->code, search) != 0; search_adress = search_adress->next);
	if (search_adress == NULL) {
		for (search_adress = head_adress; search_adress != NULL && strcmp(search_adress->title, search) != 0; search_adress = search_adress->next);
		if (search_adress != NULL)	return search_adress;
		else {
			printf("This book doesn't exist\n");
			return NULL;
	else return search_adress;

//参数列表:指向读者信息新文件指针 返回值:所找链节地址,无返回NULL
reader_info* get_adress_r(reader_info* head_adress, char* search) {
	reader_info* search_adress = head_adress;
	for (; search_adress != NULL && strcmp(search_adress->order, search) != 0; search_adress = search_adress->next);
	if (search_adress == NULL) {
		for (search_adress = head_adress; search_adress != NULL && strcmp(search_adress->name, search) != 0; search_adress = search_adress->next);
		if (search_adress != NULL)	return search_adress;
		else {
			printf("This person doesn't exist\n");
			return NULL;
	else return search_adress;


本文转自 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_32971095/article/details/124508883,如有侵权,请联系删除。

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