
Excellence is never an accident. It is the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution.

Choice, not chance, determines your destiny, dreams and values.




                                                  —— 亚里斯多德






词缀 含义 词例 词缀 含义 词例 词缀 含义 词例
auto- self automobile in- not insufficient Ab- being away from abbreviation
bi- Two binary im- impossible de- can not,being worse than Degenerate
counter- against counterexample un- unstable
inter- between interface super- Above Supersonic
dict- Speak dictionary -able Noticeable trans- across transform, transparent
-scope see microscope -ive effective




  1.Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen:
  2.Madam Chairman, ladies and gentlemen:
  3.Thank you, Professor Li. Ladies and gentlemen:
  4.Thank you, Dr. Becker, for your gracious introduction.
  5.I am delighted (very glad/very happy/very pleased) to be here.
  6.I am particularly honored to have been invited to speak at this conference.
  7.It’s a great pleasure to be here and to be given the honor of opening the discussion on this important topic.
  8.I would like to begin my talk by thanking the organizers for inviting me to take part in this symposium.
  9.It’s a great pleasure (honor) for me to be allowed to speak about...
  10.It’s a great pleasure (honor) for me to have the opportunity of giving the final lecture in this congress.
  11.I am very glad to have the opportunity to introduce our work on …


  1.Today I would like to talk to you about some of our work in the field of ABC.
  2.Today I would like to give a talk on various aspects of the application of ABC.
  3.I would like to talk about our work in the field of …
  4.Today I will be speaking mostly about ABC, but I will also cover DEF later on.
  5.My topic today will deal with one of the most serious problems we are facing today.
  6.The paper I am going to present today will describe some of the important aspects of ABC.
  7.I should like to give this talk in three parts. The first part deals with ABC. The 2nd part concerns DEF, and then the last part relates to GHI.
  8.I will first discuss ABC, then I will touch on DEF, and finally describe GHI.
  9.I would like to make three points with respect to ABC. The first point relates to …. The second point concerns…
  10.The first point I’d like to make about ABC is that...
  11.I want to go back to DEF.
  12.Now, let’s talk about (look at, go over, go through, discuss) ABC. 
  13.In the interest of time, I won’t go into details on this subject.
  14.I’m afraid I won’t have time to cover everything of ABC.
  15.I don’t have time to go into detail on this subject.
  16.I am not going to say much more about that except to tell you that …
  17.I think I will leave out this part to spare time
  18.I have to skip this part because of time limitation.
  19.In the first part of this paper I am going to talk about ...
  20.The next question is the connection between ABC and DEF.
  21.I will go over from ABC to DEF.
  22.Here I will go into details on this issue.


  1.May (Could) I have the first slide, please?
  2.May I proceed to the next slide, please?
  3.The next slide will show you…
  4.This slide will give you an outline of …
  5.As you can see here, …
  6.Could you sharpen it a little bit, please?
  7.Could you give us a better focus?
  8.The slide is upside down, please adjust it. …
  9.Could you move it up a little, please ?
  10.That one is in the wrong place. Go to the next one first , please.
  11.May I have the previous slide, please?
  12.Could I skip to the next slide?


  1.I’d like to divide my presentation into four parts, three parts, I should say. 
  2.…in 1931, sorry, in 1951,…
  3.ABC is transformed in DEF, excuse me, in GHI.
  4.The so-called B-tree, I beg your pardon, B+-tree, is...


  1.I would like to conclude with a few general remarks on ABC.
  2.May I conclude my talk with a few more general remarks ?
  3.Finally, as a summary statement, I would like to say that…
  4.I would like to close by saying that …
  5.Now, I would like to sum up our investigation.
  6.Now, I am going to conclude my presentation.
  7.Thank you very much for your kind attention.
  8.Thank you for your patience in listening to rather a long talk.


  1.I would like to ask Mr. Li a question.
  2.May I address (put /direct/pose) a question to Mr. Li ?
  3.I’d like to raise a question about ABC.
  4.There’s something I’d like to ask.
  5.I’d like to ask how you solved the question, Mr. Bauman?
  6.Ms. Li, I wonder if you would care to comment on this point.
  7.I wonder if you would be good enough to explain it.
  8.I wonder why the emphasis is on ABC rather than DEF.
  9.I am curious why you used this method in your experiments.
  10.I am anxious to hear Mr. Wu’s opinion about ABC.
  11.I am interested in how you used this method in your experiments.
  12.You’ve not told me about ABC.
  13.What is the cause of the delay (difference)?
  14.Could you tell us why?
  15.Can you make a distinction between ABC and DEF?
  16.What are the merits and demerits of ABC?
  17.What is your evidence for this theory ?
  18.I’d like to ask Mr. Qi if he could explain ABC more clearly.
  19.I’d like to know a little more about that.
  20.I wonder if you are aware of similarity between ABC and DEF.
  21.I’m sorry, I could’t hear what you said.
  22.Are you asking me questions about ABC?
  23.I beg your pardon?


  1.Yes (certainly/That’s true)
  2.Let me reply very rapidly to the first question.
  3.In answer to the second question, I would say that …
  4.My answer to that question is that …
  5.I am not aware of any similarity between ABC and DEF.
  6.May I answer your second question first?
  7.As to ABC, I have no knowledge of any kind.
  8.I am not sure.  / I ’m afraid I don’t know.
  9.I honestly cannot answer this question.
  10.I don’t have any evidence to support ABC.
  11.I don’t have sufficient data on ABC.
  12.I can’t give you any quantitative data to explain this.
  13.I think it will be possible to answer this question when more experiments are completed.
  14.That’s all I can say at present.
  15.I have only a partial answer to that question.
  16.That’s a good question.
  17.That’s a interesting/hard/difficult question.
  18.I think Dr. Li’s question is really to the point.
  19.If I understand your question correctly, I can say that.
  20.I think, this question could be best answered by Dr. Stadt.
  21.Does that answer your question?
  22.I hope this answered your question.


  1.I would like to make a comment on ABC.
  2.I’d just like to make a few comments to clarify some of the points made earlier that I believe might be misunderstood.
  3.Allow me to make a comment on ABC.
  4.I would like to make a remark about ABC.
  5.I would like to offer (present/give/express/state) my opinion on this subject.
  6.In my opinion ABC is perhaps the most important discovery in electronics.
  7.I believe that the theory is sound.
  8.We see no reason for limitations to be placed on ABC
  9.I am convinced of its truth.
  10.I must say you are exaggerating (夸张).
  11.Let me point out one more thing.
  12.I would think you are mistaken.
  13.I don’t know if that is a satisfactory answer to your question.
  14.Maybe we should hold a meeting to discuss this problem.
  15.It seems as if he is hiding some important facts.


  –Communications of the ACM ACM通讯
  –Multimedia Systems 多媒体系统
  –Computing Surveys 计算技术调查
  –Computing Reviews 计算技术回顾
  –Journal of the ACM ACM杂志
  –Wireless Networks 无线网络技术
  –Computer Systems 计算机系统
  –Database Systems 数据库系统
  –Graphics 图型


    题目、摘要中常会出现review, survey , summary等字样;
      –文中使用大量特用词,如:address, outline, issue;





    White paper分为政府白皮书和商业白皮书。
      –商务利益类: 为某个技术或方法设计商务cases;
      –技术类: 描述某项技术的机理;
      –混合类: 组合了高层次商务利益和技术细节 ;
    作者是(大)企业和公司的研发部门、独立的市场分析组的科研人员,资深工程师等, 如IBM、Microsoft、Intel、Oracle。


    学术界的技术文章的作者由各大学的科研人员、资深学者,某些顶级公司下属的研究中心(如:IBM TJ Watson research Center (NY),Almaden research Center (CA), Microsoft Research)的科学家等组成。
      –文章结构通常为:abstract Æ introduction Æ main parts Ærelated work Æ conclusion (future work)
      –文中被动态多,或出现人称时,用our work (一是多位作者,二是谦称);


    •Every three days : 每三天/每隔两天
    •Second to none : 首屈一指、无所匹敌
    •By halves: 不完全、不彻底
    •Ten to one : 十有八九
    •Fifty-fifty : 平均、各半
    •A hundred and one: 无数的、许多的
    •for the better part of a decade七八年来 


  技术报告 + 学术论文 + 手册 + 说明书
  流程:写作 - 完善 - 投稿 - 评议 - 录用 - 出版  
    •Title + subtitle (论文题名+副标题)
    •Authors + correspondence address (作者姓名+通讯地址)
    •Abstract + Keyword (摘要+关键词)
    •Introduction (引言)
    •Materials and methods (材料与方法)
    •Results & Discussion(结果与讨论)
    •Conclusion (结论)
    •Acknowledgement (致谢)
    •Reference (参考文献)
  •实验性和技术性强的文章多用陈述性(指示性)摘要形式 。
  研究目的 + 研究方法 + 结果 + 论文的关键工作 + 结论  
    •不使用图、表或化学结构式,以及相邻专业的读者尚难于清楚理解的缩略语、简称、代 号,如果确有必要,在摘要中首次出现时必须加以说明。 


  1) This paper deals with...
  2) This article focuses on the topics of (that, having, etc)...
  3) This eassy presents knowledge that...
  4) This thesis discusses/ analyzes...
  6) This paper provides an overview of...
  7)   This paper elaborates on ...
  8) This article gives an overview of...
  9) This article compares...and summarizes key findings.
  10)This paper includes discussions concerning...
  11)  This paper presents up to date information on...
  12)  This article covers the role of chemicals in...
  13)  This paper addresses important topics including...
  14)  This paper touches upon...
  15)  This paper strongly emphasizes...
  16)  This eassy represents the preceedings of ...
  17)  This article not only describes...but also suggests...
  19) This paper provides a method of ...
  20) This paper introduces an applicable procedure to analyze...
  21) This paper offers the latest information regarding...
  22) This paper is devoted to examining the role of...
  23) This article explores...
  24) This paper expresses views on...
  25) This paper reflects the state of the art in...
  26) This paper explains the procedures for...
  27) This paper develops the theory of ...
  28) This article reviews the techniques used in...
  29) This paper investigates the techniques and procedures to...
  30) This article is about/concerns ...
  31) This eassy is related to ...
  33) This paper gives an account of ..
  34) This article tells of...
  35) This paper tries to describe...
  36) This paper provides an analysis of ...
  37) This paper reports the latest information on ...
  38) The author of this article reviews...
  39) The writer of this paper discusses...
  40) The writer of this eassy tries to explore..
  41) The aim of this paper is to determine...
  42)The purpose of this article is to review...
  43) The objective of this paper is to explore...


  ①The author of this article reviews (or: discusses, describes, summarizes, examines) something……
  ②This article reviews (or:reports,tells of,is about,concerns)something…….
  ③This article has been prepared (or:designed,written)…….
  ④The purpose of this article is to determine something…….
  ⑤The problem of something is discussed …….


  ①The author suggests (recommends,concludes)that…….
  ②This article shows that…….
  ③It is suggested that…….
  ④The author's suggestion (or:conclusion )is that ……
  ⑤The author finds it necessary to ……. 


  API (application programming interface) 应用编程接口,应用编程界面
  applet 支程序,小应用程序
  application programming interface 应用编程接口,应用编程界面
  ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 美国信息交换标准代码
  assembler 汇编器,汇编程序
  asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) 异步传输模式
  AWT (abstract windows toolkit) 抽象窗口工具库
  binary relation 二元关系   
  binary tree 二叉树
  bit series 比特序列            
  black box/white box 黑盒,白盒
  block miss 块失效
  diagram 图表            
  Difference Manchester 曼彻斯特差分
  directed graph/undirected graph 有向图/无向图
  distributed system 分布式系统       
  waterfall model 瀑布模型
  white noises 白噪声
posted @ 2016-01-25 13:43  sweetyu  阅读(470)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报