delegate and event


// declares a delegate for a method that takes a single
//  argument of type string and has a void return type
delegate void MyDelegate1(string s);


// instantiating a delegate to a static method Hello
//   in the class MyClass
MyDelegate1 a = new MyDelegate1(MyClass.Hello);

// instantiating a delegate to an instance method
//  AMethod in object p
MyClass p = new MyClass();
MyDelegate1 b = new MyDelegate1(p.AMethod);

// given the previous delegate declaration and
//  instantiation, the following invokes MyClass'
//  static method Hello with the parameter "World"

a = a + b;
这样就可以实现顺序调用两个事件MyClass.Hello(“World”) , p.AMethod("World").

a = a -b;

Multicast Delegates(多波代理)


All Delegates Have an Invocation List of Methods That Are
Executed When Their Invoke Method is Called

Single-Cast Delegates: Derived Directly From System.MulticastDelegate
Invocation list contains only one method

Multicast Delegates: Derived from System.MulticastDelegate
Invocation list may contain multiple methods

Multicast delegates contain two static methods to add and remove
references from invocation list: Combine and Remove

// assign to c the composition of delegates a and b
c = (MyDelegate2)Delegate.Combine(a, b);

// assign to d the result of removing a from c
d = (MyDelegate2)Delegate.Remove(c, a);  

// Iterate through c's invocation list
//  and invoke all delegates except a
Delegate[] DelegateList = c.GetInvocationList();
for (int i = 0; i < DelegateList.Length; i++) { 
         if (DelegateList[i].Target != aFoo1) { 
                ((MyDelegate2) DelegateList[i])(); 

C# Delegates That Return Void Are Multicast Delegates In C#, Use the + and - Operators to Add and Remove
Invocation List Entries
Less verbose than Combine and Remove methods

MyDelegate a, b, c, d;
a = new MyDelegate(Foo);
b = new MyDelegate(Bar);
c = a + b;  // Compose two delegates to make another
d = c - a;  // Remove a from the composed delegate
a += b; // Add delegate b to a's invocation list
a -= b; // Remove delegate b from a's list

A Delegate Declaration Causes the Compiler to Generate a New Class

// delegate void MyDelegate3(string val);
class MyDelegate3 : System.MulticastDelegate  {
public MyDelegate3(object obj, methodref mref) 
                            : base (obj, mref) { //...
public void virtual Invoke(string val) { //... 

Event : 实际上就是代理的一个实例

// MouseClicked delegate declared
public delegate void MouseClickedEventHandler();

public class Mouse
      // MouseClicked event declared 
        public static event MouseClickedEventHandler MouseClicked;

Connecting to an Event

// Client’s method to handle the MouseClick event
private void MouseClicked() {

// Client code to connect to MouseClicked event
Mouse.MouseClicked += new MouseClickedEventHandler(MouseClicked);

// Client code to break connection to MouseClick event
Mouse.MouseClicked -= new MouseClickedEventHandler(MouseClicked);

Raising an Event

Check Whether Any Clients Have Connected to This Event 
    If the event field is null, there are no clients
Raise the Event by Invoking the Event’s Delegate

if (MouseClicked != null) 


public delegate void Del(string message);
public class DelClass
    public void DelegateMethod(string message)
Del handler = new Del(new DelClass().DelegateMethod);

public void MethodWithCallback(int para1, int para2, Del callback)
    callback("The number is :"  + (para1 + para2).ToString());

MethodWithCallback(1, 2, handler);

Multicast Delegates(多波代理)


public class DelClass
    public void Method1(string message){}
    public void Method2(string message){}

DelClass obj = new DelClass();
Del d1 = obj.Method1;
Del d2 = obj.Method2; 
Del d3 = obj.DelegateMethod;

Del allMethodsDelegate = d1 + d2;
allMethodsDelegate += d3;

posted on 2007-09-19 00:07  执法长老  阅读(260)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
