jupyter 错误合集

1. Error loading server extension jupyter_lsp

  • 问题描述
    启动 jupyter notebook 提示 Error loading server extension jupyter_lsp

  • 可能原因
    jupyter_lsp 不匹配、失效
    The old notebook server is going away and it seems that we (unintentionally) started to rely on features from new jupyter-server. You probably want to disable jupyter-lsp for the old server as it is of no use with Jupyter Notebook 6 anyways:

  • 处理方式
    jupyter serverextension disable jupyter_lsp
    使用以上命令禁用 jupyter-lsp
    Please note no space betwen "server" and "extension" (this is the command for old server).

  • 参考引用

2. Jupyter Server Terminals requires Jupyter Server 2.0+

  • 问题描述
    启动 jupyter lab 提示 jupyter_server_terminals | error adding extension (enabled: True): Jupyter Server Terminals requires Jupyter Server 2.0+

posted on 2023-10-26 16:40  これから  阅读(559)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
