Connect Cloud Server from local space - 本地连接云服务器

Step 1: The configuration on the Cloud Server(Ucloud)

Follow the instruction in the link:

(Just at the step of verification, I couldn't access the ftp server by ftp://ip:21, so I turned to use sftp)

Remained:  1) ftp vs sftp  2) why can't access successfully?


Step 2: Upload file to the Cloud

-> sftp ftpuser@outerIP (passwd is obilgatory, here 'ftpuser' and passwd, they must all be created when you're implementing Step 1)

-> put file path in local file path in cloud



The main task here is concentrating on the Step 1(configuration), these two steps are preliminary actions for further experiment. As you can imagine, you could deploy hadoop or spark or whatever you want to the server.

posted on 2021-08-02 03:33  BruceSue  阅读(64)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
