dynamic programming-unique path
classic dynamic problem, ultimately it's iterative problem, like how to calculate the determinant of matrix. The code below is performed by @someone.
class Solution:
def uniquePaths(self, m: int, n: int) -> int:
if m < 1 or n < 1 or m > 100 or n > 100:
return 0
memo = {}
def dp(i, j):
if (i, j) not in memo:
if i==n-1 and j==m-1:
ans = 1
if i==n-1:
ans = dp(i, j+1)
elif j==m-1:
ans = dp(i+1, j)
ans = dp(i, j+1) + dp(i+1, j)
memo[i, j] = ans
return memo[i, j]
return dp(0, 0)