问题:gpg: Signature made Ma 01 oct 2013 19:44:27 +0300 EEST using RSA key ID 692B382Cgpg: Can't check signature: public key not founderror: could not verify the tag 'v1.12.4'解决: i found a solution here for the error that you are seeing :http://www.marshut.com/wrrts/repo-release-1-12-4.html 阅读全文
问题: # ssh admitted failure to sign using the key.Permission denied (publickey).在将自己的公钥添加到要登陆的机器上时,仍然不能免密码登陆,并出现以下提示:Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.需要进行以下操作即可解决:ssh-add# ssh -vT git@github.com 阅读全文