New to Ubuntu, NodeJs, Arale

Copy from others

$ sudo apt-get install python 

(I don't know why when I type an upgrade it ran for a long while)

(?built-in python version, the meaning the upgrade stands for)

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential 

$ sudo apt-get install gcc 

$ sudo apt-get install g++ 

$ tar -zxf node-v0.8.15.tar.gz 

$ cd node-v0.8.15 

Gerneral way to make 

$ ./configure 

$ make 

$ sudo make install 


As I want to run this command:

$ sudo npm install spm -g

I thought npm is a part of node...

(?the relationship between these two)



add-apt-reposiotry ppa:richarvey/nodejs

apt-get update

apt-get install nodejs npm

(2 exp.):

1. two versions of nodejs

delete the former all and install a new one

sudo apt-get remove nodejs


2.  show the information( It will illustrate the conficts to you)

apt-cache show nodejs


Everything seems OK, go on reviewing my exam now.


I do not find the config.json, and searching for it 4 files can be found, useless for solving this problem.

{"sources": [""]}




Tired now.

I am not that interested in the framework development, but it seems that arale is quite good for my web.

Next step:

Subtituting the all the js files and Bootstrap UI with this arale framework.


posted on 2012-12-08 16:25  surghost  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
