
Almost 5 weeks, it is hard to say I've got a lot of things here, maybe I got lost myself in these fucking mathematics prooving procedure. 

I've read a lot of books.

   Cfa. which consist of the major part, 

  Django web development

  C++ primer (on the way)

  SAS little book(on the way)  I'm not sure of its value. Time is money I only have a limited amount.

  Stochastic calculus(on the way)

  probalilty and martigale(on the way)

  Financial mathematics(on the way)


1.  I also follow the qunatlib now, (PS: using my old notebook it spent me almost 1 and half of an hour, my new notebook only took me 10mins)

2.  C++ should be my concentration but I spent more time on reading python.

3.  And I read a book written by YJ about the system of the organization of the par, which stirs up my concerning about the future, though the government release a policy which would relax the limintations on many areas of China.

4.  I decide not to pursue more on the PHD of mathematics, at least not now.

5.  looking vedio of ted, which illustrate a efficent way to get close to those officials. (how to show your sincerity is of the most importance)

6.  tend to build a web which can substitute the web our c++ teacher links to.

7.  find that my web so similar to linkk. It's obvious I cannot provide any value to him, but rather a potential threat to his team. (Do not mind, actually you've determined to be my own boss in the future, just fight for yourself)


  Seldom goals I reached...

  Too many concentrations though important distract my mind.


Strategy and the future:

  C++:a systematic  program(not web, had better in finance emcompassing all the materials in courses)

  python: just be familiar with it.(do not spend too much time on it)

  courses: finish all the tasks and summarize them





posted on 2012-10-11 15:37  surghost  阅读(170)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
