vue 笔记备份
vue实现数据双向绑定主要是:采用数据劫持结合发布者-订阅者模式的方式,通过Object.defineProperty()来劫持各个属性的setter,getter,在数据变动时发布消息给订阅者,触发相应监听回调。当把一个普通 Javascript 对象传给 Vue 实例来作为它的 data 选项时,Vue 将遍历它的属性,用 Object.defineProperty 将它们转为 getter/setter。用户看不到 getter/setter,但是在内部它们让 Vue 追踪依赖,在属性被访问和修改时通知变化。
vue的数据双向绑定 将MVVM作为数据绑定的入口,整合Observer,Compile和Watcher三者,通过Observer来监听自己的model的数据变化,通过Compile来解析编译模板指令(vue中是用来解析 {{}}),最终利用watcher搭起observer和Compile之间的通信桥梁,达到数据变化 —>视图更新;视图交互变化(input)—>数据model变更双向绑定效果。
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <body> <div id="app"> <input type="text" id="txt"> <p id="show"></p> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> var obj = {} Object.defineProperty(obj, 'txt', { get: function () { return obj }, set: function (newValue) { document.getElementById('txt').value = newValue document.getElementById('show').innerHTML = newValue } }) document.addEventListener('keyup', function (e) { obj.txt = }) </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <style> * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } div { padding: 20px; border: 1px solid red; margin: 20px auto; } </style> <div id="btn1">A</div> <div id="btn2">B</div> <div id="btn3">C</div> <div id="btn4">D</div> <script> function watcher(obj2, fn) { var hasProxy = typeof Proxy === 'function' ? 1 : 0; hasProxy = 0; console.log("代理类型:", hasProxy ? "Proxy" : "defineProperty") //ie typeof Proxy === "undefined" true // typeof Proxy === 'function' false if (hasProxy) { function myProxy(obj2, fn) { this._callback = fn; //console.log("myProxy 参数", obj) return this.ProxyCreate(obj2); } myProxy.prototype = { constructor: myProxy, ProxyCreate: function(obj) { var self = this;; var handle = { get: function(target, prop, receiver) { //console.log("get prop", prop, typeof target[prop]); if (typeof target[prop] === "object" && target[prop] !== null) { console.log("Proxy 深层次递归") return self.ProxyCreate(target[prop]); } return target[prop]; }, set: function(target, prop, value, receiver) { //target:被代理的目标对象 //prop:想要获取的属性名 //receiver:Proxy 或者继承 Proxy 的对象 if (value === target[prop]) return; //console.log("Proxy 修改了prop", prop); //console.log("新值:", value, "旧值:", target[prop]);, value, target[prop], prop) target[prop] = value; } } var proxy = new Proxy(obj, handle); return proxy; } } var obj1 = new myProxy(obj2, fn); return obj1; } else { function myProxy(obj2, fn) { this._callback = fn; //console.log("myProxy 参数", obj) this.ProxyCreate(obj2); return obj2 } myProxy.prototype = { constructor: myProxy, ProxyCreate: function(obj) { var self = this; var keyArr1 = []; for (var prop in obj) { keyArr1.push(prop) } //console.log("keyArr1", keyArr1) // ['prop1', 'prop2', 'prop3'] // var keyArr2 = Object.keys(obj); keyArr1.forEach(function(prop) { var oldVal = obj[prop]; Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { get: function() { return oldVal; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal === oldVal) return; //console.log("defineProperty 修改了prop", prop); //console.log("新值:", newVal, "旧值:", oldVal); if ( == '[object Object]') { self.ProxyCreate(newVal); }, newVal, oldVal, prop) oldVal = newVal } }) if ( === '[object Object]') { console.log("defineProperty 深层次递归") self.ProxyCreate(oldVal) } // if ( === '[object Array]') { // self.ProxyCreate(oldVal) // } }) return this } } var obj1 = new myProxy(obj2, fn); return obj1; } } </script> <script> var obj1 = { old: 0, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: { age: 22 } } //直接 new watcher(obj2,fn) 不支持 var obj2 = new watcher(obj1, function(newVal, oldVal, prop) { console.log("watcher最后", "newVal", newVal, "oldVal", oldVal, "修改的属性", prop) //console.log("原始obj1", obj1) }) var btn1 = document.getElementById("btn1") var btn2 = document.getElementById("btn2") var btn3 = document.getElementById("btn3") var btn4 = document.getElementById("btn4") btn1.onclick = function() { console.log("1 obj2 oldVal", obj2.a) obj2.a = 'a11' + (+new Date); } btn2.onclick = function() { console.log("2 obj2 oldVal", obj2.b) obj2.b = 'b22' + (+new Date); } btn3.onclick = function() { console.log("3 obj2 oldVal", obj2.c) obj2.c = 'c33' + (+new Date); } btn4.onclick = function() { console.log("4 obj2.d.age oldVal", obj2.d.age) obj2.d.age = 'd.age:' + (+new Date); } </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <style> div { margin: 10px; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid red; } </style> <body> <div id="btn0">相同</div> <div id="btn1">A</div> <div id="btn2">B</div> <div id="btn3">C</div> <div id="btn4">添加属性</div> <div id="btn5">删除属性</div> <div id="btn6">查询属性</div> <div>------------------------------</div> <div id="dsd00">0设置observeObj</div> <div id="dsd11">11设置observeObj "leve_1_" + (new Date)</div> <div id="dsd12">11设置observeObj "leve_2_" + (new Date)</div> <div id="dsd22">22设置observeObj = "leve_3_" + (new Date)</div> <div id="dsd33">33设置observeObj = "leve_4_" + (new Date)</div> <div id="dsd34">混个1与2</div> <div id="dsd35">混个2与3</div> <div id="dsd36">混个1与2与3</div> <div>------------------------------</div> <div style="margin-bottom: 500px;;"></div> <!-- <script src="watch.js"></script> --> <script> function watcher(obj2, fn, isClone) { //ie typeof Proxy === "undefined" true // typeof Proxy === 'function' false var hasProxy = typeof Proxy === 'function' ? 1 : 0; hasProxy = 1; console.log("代理类型:", hasProxy ? "Proxy" : "defineProperty") // var toClone = 0 // if (isClone&&!toClone) { // obj2 = deepClone&&deepClone(obj2) //toClone=1 // } // function deepClone(obj) { // // if (obj === null) return obj // //if ([null, undefined, NaN, false].includes(obj)) return obj; // if (typeof obj == 'function') return new Function('return ' + obj.toString())() // if (typeof obj != 'object') return obj // if (obj instanceof RegExp) return new RegExp(obj) // if (obj instanceof Date) return new Date(obj) // // 运行到这里,基本上只存在数组和对象两种类型了 // let newObj = === '[object Array]' ? [] : {}; // for (let index in obj) { // newObj[index] = deepClone(obj[index]); // 对子项进行递归复制 // } // return newObj; // } function $set(data, prop, val, type) { //set 通知根新属性的值 重置最初的值 //if (Array.isArray(target) && isValidArrayIndex(val)) {//isArray 判断是不是数组,并且key的值是有效的数组索引。 // } var text = '' if (type == "add" || type == 1) { text = '增加' data[prop] = val; //return initWatch(data, fn) } if (type == "delete" || type == 2) { text = '删除' for (var key in data) { if (key == prop) { delete data[key] } } //return initWatch(data, fn) } if (type == "search" || type == 3) { text = '查询' } if (type == "edit" || type == 4) { text = '修改' } //console.log("set 通知变化:" + text + "了 " + prop + "属性", data, val) } //typeof Proxy === 'function' if (hasProxy) { // obj2 = new Proxy(data, { //console.log("2 new Proxy 对象", obj2) function myProxy(obj2, fn) { this._callback = fn; this._isSET = 0; this._isGET = 0; //console.log("Proxy 参数", obj) return this.ProxyCreate(obj2); } myProxy.prototype = { constructor: myProxy, ProxyCreate: function(obj, pathArray) { var self = this; var firstPath = []; // for (let prop in obj) { // if (typeof obj[prop] === 'object') { // obj[prop] = self.ProxyCreate(target[prop], pathArray); // } // } // 这边把handle拿出来,看着更清晰 var handle = { get: function(target, prop, receiver) { self._isGET = 1; if (!firstPath.length) { firstPath = [prop]; } //console.log("get- prop:", prop); if (!pathArray || self._isSET) { pathArray = []; self._isSET = 0; //console.log("get 置空 pathArray", pathArray); } //debugger; pathArray.push(prop) //console.log("get pathArray", pathArray, "self._isSET", self._isSET); // 如果是对象的话就递归 if (typeof target[prop] === "object" && target[prop] !== null) { self._isGET = 2; return self.ProxyCreate(target[prop], pathArray); } return target[prop]; }, set: function(target, prop, value, receiver) { if (value === target[prop]) return; //console.log("set 拿到 第一个", get1) var path = []; //console.log("set pathArray", pathArray, "_isGET", self._isGET) if (pathArray && self._isGET == 2) { //path = [...firstPath, ...pathArray, prop] path = [].concat(firstPath, pathArray, [prop]) } if (!self._isGET || self._isGET == 1) { //单层 的设置,不走get,直接set //console.log("set 里面" + (self._isGET == 1 ? "单层 的设置,走了get,没递归" :"单层 的设置,不走get,直接set ")) path = [prop]; pathArray = []; } self._isSET = 1; self._isGET = 0; //console.log("set _isGET-----", self._isGET); //console.log("set path-----", path, "firstPath", firstPath); //console.log("set",prop,"arr",arr);, value, target[prop], prop, path) target[prop] = value; } }; var proxy = new Proxy(obj, handle); return proxy; } } var obj1 = new myProxy(obj2, fn); obj1.$set = $set; //console.log("new Proxy 对象 ", obj2) return obj1 } else { function myProxy(obj2, fn) { this._callback = fn; //console.log("myProxy 参数", obj) this.ProxyCreate(obj2); return obj2 //return ProxyCreate(target, handler); } myProxy.prototype = { constructor: myProxy, ProxyCreate: function(obj, path) { var self = this; var keyArr1 = []; for (var prop in obj) { keyArr1.push(prop) } //console.log("keyArr1", keyArr1) // ['prop1', 'prop2', 'prop3'] // var keyArr2 = Object.keys(obj); // console.log("keyarr2", keyArr2) if ( === '[object Array]') { var prop = path && path.slice(-1)[0] || "" self.overrideArrayProto(obj, prop, path); } keyArr1.forEach(function(prop) { var oldVal = obj[prop]; let pathArray = path && path.slice(); //console.log("path", path, "pathArray", pathArray) if (pathArray) { pathArray.push(prop); } else { pathArray = [prop]; } Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { get: function() { return oldVal; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal === oldVal) return; //console.log("defineProperty 修改了prop", prop); //console.log("新值:", newVal, "旧值:", oldVal); if ( == '[object Object]') { self.ProxyCreate(newVal, pathArray); }, newVal, oldVal, prop, pathArray) oldVal = newVal } }) if ( === '[object Object]') { self.ProxyCreate(oldVal, pathArray) } if ( === '[object Array]') { self.ProxyCreate(oldVal, pathArray) } }) //keyArr1.forEach end return obj }, overrideArrayProto(array, prop, path) { // 保存原始 Array 原型 var originalProto = Array.prototype, // 通过 Object.create 方法创建一个对象,该对象的原型是Array.prototype overrideProto = Object.create(Array.prototype), OAM = ['push', 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'short', 'reverse', 'splice'], self = this, result; // 遍历要重写的数组方法 OAM.forEach((method) => { Object.defineProperty(overrideProto, method, { value: function() { var oldVal = this.slice(); //调用原始原型上的方法 result = originalProto[method].apply(this, arguments); //继续监听新数组 //console.log("method", method, "oldVal", oldVal,prop, path) self.ProxyCreate(this, path); self._callback(this, oldVal, prop, path); return result; } }) }); // 最后 让该数组实例的 __proto__ 属性指向 假的原型 overrideProto array.__proto__ = overrideProto; } } var obj1 = new myProxy(obj2, fn); obj1.$set = $set; //console.log("new myProxy 对象 ", obj2) return obj1 } } </script> <script> let obj = { name: "leve_1_颜1酱", age: 18, leve_1: { like: "猫", name: "leve_1_name", leve_2: { name: "leve_2_name", leve_3: { name: "leve_3_name", age: 23, leve_4: { name: "leve_4_name", age: 23, } } } } }; //let x = observe2Obj(obj, function(newVal, oldVal, prop, path) { let x = new watcher(obj, function(newVal, oldVal, prop, path) { console.log("第1个 watcher", "newVal", newVal, "oldVal", oldVal, "修改的属性", prop, "path", path) //console.log("原始obj1", obj1) }) document.getElementById("dsd00").onclick = function() { = "leve_1_" + (+new Date); } document.getElementById("dsd11").onclick = function() { = "leve_1_" + (+new Date); } document.getElementById("dsd12").onclick = function() { = "leve_2_" + (+new Date); } document.getElementById("dsd22").onclick = function() { = "leve_3_" + (+new Date); } document.getElementById("dsd33").onclick = function() { //console.log(; = "leve_4_" + (+new Date); } document.getElementById("dsd34").onclick = function() { //console.log(; = "leve_1_" + (+new Date); = "leve_2_" + (+new Date); } document.getElementById("dsd35").onclick = function() { //console.log(; = "leve_2_" + (+new Date); = "leve_3_" + (+new Date); } document.getElementById("dsd36").onclick = function() { //console.log(; = "leve_1_" + (+new Date); = "leve_2_" + (+new Date); = "leve_3_" + (+new Date); } //console.log(x, obj); // -------------------------------------------------------- var obj1 = { old: 0, a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, } //直接 new watcher(obj2,fn) 不支持 var obj2 = new watcher(obj1, function(newVal, oldVal, prop, path) { console.log("第2个 watcher 最后", "newVal", newVal, "oldVal", oldVal, "修改的属性", prop, "path", path) //console.log("原始obj1", obj1) }) //console.log("obj2", obj2) var btn0 = document.getElementById("btn0") var btn1 = document.getElementById("btn1") var btn2 = document.getElementById("btn2") var btn3 = document.getElementById("btn3") var btn4 = document.getElementById("btn4") var btn5 = document.getElementById("btn5") var btn6 = document.getElementById("btn6") var sum = 0; var ss = 0; btn0.onclick = function() { sum++ ss++; obj2.old = sum; if (sum == 2) { sum = 1 } if (ss == 4) { sum = -1 } //obj2.b = 'b11'; //console.log("1 obj2", obj2.a) //document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = a; } btn1.onclick = function() { console.log("1 obj2 oldVal", obj2.a) obj2.a = 'a11' + (+new Date); //obj2.b = 'b11'; //document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = a; } btn2.onclick = function() { console.log("2 obj2 oldVal", obj2.b) obj2.b = 'b22' + (+new Date); //document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = a; } btn3.onclick = function() { console.log("3 obj2 oldVal", obj2.c) obj2.c = 'c33' + (+new Date); //document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = a; } btn4.onclick = function() { console.log("添加新属性 newprop") var asdad = 'newprop' + (+new Date) obj2.newprop = asdad; obj2.$set(obj2, "newprop", asdad, "add") //document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = a; } btn5.onclick = function() { console.log("删除新属性 newprop") delete obj2.newprop; obj2.$set(obj2, "newprop", "", 'delete') //document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = a; } btn6.onclick = function() { console.log("查询属性 newprop", obj2.newprop) obj2.$set(obj2, "newprop", "", 'search') //document.getElementById('id2').innerHTML = a; } </script> </body> </html>
const orginalProto = Array.prototype; const arrayProto = Object.create(orginalProto); // 先克隆一份Array的原型出来 const methodsToPatch = [ 'push', 'pop', 'shift', 'unshift', 'splice', 'sort', 'reverse' ] methodsToPatch.forEach(method => { arrayProto[method] = function () { // 执行原始操作 orginalProto[method].apply(this, arguments) console.log('监听赋值成功', method) } })
ResizeObserver polyfill
// index.js (async () => { if (!ResizeObserver in window) { const module = await import('resize-observer-polyfill'); window.ResizeObserver = module.ResizeObserver } }();
//vue3 nextTick------------------------------------------------------------------------- const resolvedPromise = Promise.resolve(); let currentFlushPromise = null; function nextTick(fn) { const p = currentFlushPromise || resolvedPromise; return fn ? p.then(this ? fn.bind(this) : fn) : p; }
//vue2 nextTick------------------------------------------------------------------ // 定义一个队列 const queue = []; function queueJob(job){ // 不存在队列中,则放入 if(!queue.includes(job)){ queue.push(job) } // 放入微队列中执行 nextTick2(() => { let jobFn // 取出队列中的第一个effect进行执行 while(jobFn = queue.shift()){ jobFn && jobFn() } }) } function nextTick2(fn){ return fn ? Promise.reslove.then(fn) : Promise.reslove() } function nextTick (cb, ctx) { var _resolve; // 放入回调函数,等待DOM重新渲染完毕后执行 callbacks.push(function () { if (cb) { try { // 修改执行上下文,指向当前页面实例 // 所以在我们没有使用箭头函数的前提下,this指向仍然正确; } catch (e) { handleError(e, ctx, 'nextTick'); } } else if (_resolve) { _resolve(ctx); } }); if (!pending) { pending = true; timerFunc(); } // $flow-disable-line if (!cb && typeof Promise !== 'undefined') { return new Promise(function (resolve) { _resolve = resolve; }) } } // 原型链上,挂载此方法 // Vue.prototype.$nextTick = function (fn) { // //参数1:回调函数,参数二:页面实例执行上下文 // return nextTick(fn, this) // }; //timerFunc() //Vue 在内部对异步队列尝试使用原生的 Promise.then、MutationObserver 和 setImmediate, //如果执行环境不支持,则会采用 setTimeout(fn, 0) 代替。 //宏任务耗费的时间是大于微任务的,所以在浏览器支持的情况下,优先使用微任务。 //如果浏览器不支持微任务,使用宏任务;但是,各种宏任务之间也有效率的不同,需要根据浏览器的支持情况,使用不同的宏任务。 // const callbacks = [] // 回调队列 let pending = false // 异步锁 // 执行队列中的每一个回调 function flushCallbacks () { pending = false // 重置异步锁 // 防止出现nextTick中包含nextTick时出现问题,在执行回调函数队列前,提前复制备份并清空回调函数队列 const copies = callbacks.slice(0) callbacks.length = 0 // 执行回调函数队列 for (let i = 0; i < copies.length; i++) { copies[i]() } } let timerFunc; /* 优先检测微任务(micro task) */ // 检测浏览器是否原生支持 Promise if (typeof Promise !== 'undefined') { const p = Promise.resolve() timerFunc = () => { p.then(flushCallbacks) } isUsingMicroTask = true } // 以上都不支持的情况下,使用setTimeout else { timerFunc = () => { setTimeout(flushCallbacks, 0) } }
; (function () { if ( !window.requestAnimationFrame || !window.cancelAnimationFrame) { var lastTime = 0; window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback) { var now =(+new Date); var nextTime = Math.max(lastTime + 16, now); return setTimeout(function () { callback(lastTime = nextTime); },nextTime - now); }; window.cancelAnimationFrame = clearTimeout; } var tickArr = []; var tick = function (fn) { tickArr.push(fn); }; var execTick = function () { var i = 0, len = tickArr.length; for (; i < len; i++) { tickArr[i](); } requestAnimationFrame(execTick); }; execTick(); window.tick = tick; })();
var element1 = document.querySelector("#test1"); Transform(element1); element1.rotateZ = 45; var element2 = document.querySelector("#test2"); Transform(element2); tick(function () { element2.rotateY++; }); var element3 = document.querySelector("#test3"); Transform(element3, true); tick(function () { element3.rotateX++; });
js发布订阅模式简单实现(vue中,$on, $emit, $off)
// 简单的订阅发布
class Event {
constructor() {
// 存储事件
this.callbacks = {}
// 监听
$on(name, fn) {
// 一个名字可以订阅多个事件函数
(this.callbacks[name] || (this.callbacks[name] = [])).push(fn)
// 触发
$emit(name, arg) {
let cbs = this.callbacks[name]
if (cbs) {
cbs.forEach(v => {, arg)
// 移除事件
$off(name) {
this.callbacks[name] = null
// 简单使用
let event = new Event()
event.$on('event1', function(arg) {
console.log('事件1', arg)
event.$on('event2', function(arg) {
console.log('事件2', arg)
event.$emit('event1', {name: 'anyway'})
event.$emit('event2', {age: '28'})
ie 浏览器刷新去除缓存
document.getElementById("jsds").onclick =function(){ var preWin = window;, '_blank'); setTimeout(function() {'', '_self').close(); }, 100) }
<template> <div class="body"> <div v-if="isShow"> <router-view /> </div> </div> </template> data () { return { isShow:false, }; }, mounted () { window.addEventListener("beforeunload",(e)=> { console.log('刷新'); this.isShow=false; window.removeEventListener('beforeunload', ()=>{})//移除这个监听 }); },
vue filter
<div class="flexbox "><span> 截至时间</span> <span v-if="pivot">{{service_end_time|timeTypeFilter("Y-m-d H:i:s")}}</span></div>
filters: { timeTypeFilter(timestamp,formats) { if(!timestamp){ return ""; } function dateFormat (timestamp, formats) { // formats格式包括 // 1. Y-m-d // 2. Y-m-d H:i:s // 3. Y年m月d日 // 4. Y年m月d日 H时i分 formats = formats || 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; var zero = function (value) { if (value < 10) { return '0' + value; } return value; }; var arrTimestamp = (timestamp + '').split(''); for (var start = 0; start < 13; start++) { if (!arrTimestamp[start]) { arrTimestamp[start] = '0'; } } timestamp = arrTimestamp.join('') * 1; var myDate = timestamp? new Date(timestamp): new Date(); var year = myDate.getFullYear(); var month = zero(myDate.getMonth() + 1); var day = zero(myDate.getDate()); var hour = zero(myDate.getHours()); var minite = zero(myDate.getMinutes()); var second = zero(myDate.getSeconds()); return formats.replace(/Y|m|d|H|i|s/ig, function (matches) { return ({ Y: year, m: month, d: day, H: hour, i: minite, s: second })[matches]; }); }; return dateFormat(timestamp,formats); }, },
axios formData
var params = new FormData(); params.append('name', self.addnewmsg.staffName); params.append('identNo', self.addnewmsg.identNo); //身份证 let config = { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'token': sessionStorage.getItem('token') } }"/manage/project/staff/add", params, config).then(res => { console.log('addRes',res) }).catch(res => { console.log(res) })
elementui tree checkChange 多次触发
@check-change="checkChange" @check="checkEvent"
checkEvent(item,checkedObj){ this.checkedKeys=checkedObj.checkedKeys; this.checkedNodes=checkedObj.checkedNodes; console.log("3里面checkEvent",item,'checkedObj---',checkedObj) this.$emit("checkChange",{ item:item, checkedKeys:this.checkedKeys, checkedNodes:this.checkedNodes }) }, checkChange(item,check,aa){ console.log("1里面checkChange 多次触发",item,check,aa) item.myCheck=check; },
beforeCreate(创建前) 在数据观测和初始化事件还未开始
created(创建后) 完成数据观测,属性和方法的运算,初始化事件,$el属性还没有显示出来
beforeMount(载入前) 在挂载开始之前被调用,相关的render函数首次被调用。实例已完成以下的配置:编译模板,把data里面的数据和模板生成html。注意此时还没有挂载html到页面上。
mounted(载入后) 在el 被新创建的 vm.$el 替换,并挂载到实例上去之后调用。实例已完成以下的配置:用上面编译好的html内容替换el属性指向的DOM对象。完成模板中的html渲染到html页面中。此过程中进行ajax交互。
beforeUpdate(更新前) 在数据更新之前调用,发生在虚拟DOM重新渲染和打补丁之前。可以在该钩子中进一步地更改状态,不会触发附加的重渲染过程。
updated(更新后) 在由于数据更改导致的虚拟DOM重新渲染和打补丁之后调用。调用时,组件DOM已经更新,所以可以执行依赖于DOM的操作。然而在大多数情况下,应该避免在此期间更改状态,因为这可能会导致更新无限循环。该钩子在服务器端渲染期间不被调用。
beforeDestroy(销毁前) 在实例销毁之前调用。实例仍然完全可用。
destroyed(销毁后) 在实例销毁之后调用。调用后,所有的事件监听器会被移除,所有的子实例也会被销毁。该钩子在服务器端渲染期间不被调用。
父子 组件的加载顺序
import Page from
// 同步方式引入
const Page = () => import (
// 异步引入
父子 组件的销毁顺序
destroyed钩子函数在Vue 实例销毁后调用。调用后,Vue 实例指示的所有东西都会解绑定,所有的事件监听器会被移除,所有的子实例也会被销毁(也就是说子组件也会触发相应的函数)。这里的销毁并不指代'抹去',而是表示'解绑'。
答:会触发 下面这几个beforeCreate, created, beforeMount, mounted 。
vue3 proxy的优缺点
性能优化 内存减少
Vue 2.x里,是通过 递归 + 遍历 data
Vue 3.x 使用Proxy。
Object.defineProperty VS Proxy
4、数组元素的增加和删除也无法监听 (性能考虑,所以无法监听 )
const data = {} for(let i = 0; i <= 100000; i++) { data['pro' + i] = i } function defineReactive(data, property) { let value = data[property] Object.defineProperty(data, property, { get() { // console.log(`读取${property}的值为${value}`) return value }, set(newVal) { // console.log(`更新${property}的值为${newVal}`) } }) } for(let property in data) { defineReactive(data, property) }
const data = {} for(let i = 0; i <= 100000; i++) { data['pro' + i] = i } var proxyData = new Proxy(data, { get(target, property, receiver) { // console.log(`读取${property}的值为${target[property]}`) return Reflect.get(target, property, receiver); }, set(target, property, value, receiver) { // console.log(`更新${property}的值为${value}`) return Reflect.set(target, property, value, receiver); } })
原生提供的 Proxy
let proxy = new Proxy(target, handler);
let obj = { a : 1 } let proxyObj = new Proxy(obj,{ get : function (target,prop) { return prop in target ? target[prop] : 0 }, set : function (target,prop,value) { target[prop] = 888; } }) console.log(proxyObj.a); // 1 console.log(proxyObj.b); // 0 proxyObj.a = 666; console.log(proxyObj.a) // 888
下面的例子 给予proxy的vue demo
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>简单版mvvm</title> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <h1>开发语言:{{language}}</h1> <h2>组成部分:</h2> <ul> <li>{{}}</li> <li>{{makeUp.two}}</li> <li>{{makeUp.three}}</li> </ul> <h2>描述:</h2> <p>{{describe}}</p> <p>计算属性:{{sum}}</p> <input placeholder="123" v-module="language" /> </div> <script> function Mvvm(options = {}) { this.$options = options let data = this._data = this.$ let vm =, data) new Compile(this.$options.el, vm) return this._vm } function initVm () { this._vm = new Proxy(this, { get: (target, key, receiver) => { return this[key] || this._data[key] || this._computed[key] }, set: (target, key, value) => { return Reflect.set(this._data, key, value) } }) return this._vm } function initObserve(data) { this._data = observe(data) } function observe(data) { if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') return data return new Observe(data) } class Observe { constructor(data) { this.dep = new Dep() for (let key in data) { data[key] = observe(data[key]) } return this.proxy(data) } proxy(data) { let dep = this.dep return new Proxy(data, { get: (target, prop, receiver) => { if ( { dep.addSub( } return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver) }, set: (target, prop, value) => { const result = Reflect.set(target, prop, observe(value)) dep.notify() return result } }) } } class Compile{ constructor (el, vm) { this.vm = vm this.element = document.querySelector(el) this.fragment = document.createDocumentFragment() this.init() } init() { let element = this.element this.fragment.append(element) this.replace(this.fragment) document.body.appendChild(this.fragment) } replace(frag) { let vm = this.vm Array.from(frag.childNodes).forEach(node => { let txt = node.textContent let reg = /\{\{(.*?)\}\}/g if (node.nodeType === 1) { let nodeAttr = node.attributes; Array.from(nodeAttr).forEach(attr => { let name = let exp = attr.value if (name.includes('v-')){ node.value = vm[exp] node.addEventListener('input', e => { let newVal = // 相当于给this.a赋了一个新值 // 而值的改变会调用set,set中又会调用notify,notify中调用watcher的update方法实现了更新 vm[exp] = newVal }) } }); } else if (node.nodeType === 3 && reg.test(txt)) { replaceTxt() function replaceTxt() { node.textContent = txt.replace(reg, (matched, placeholder) => { new Watcher(vm, placeholder, replaceTxt); // 监听变化,进行匹配替换内容 return placeholder.split('.').reduce((val, key) => { return val[key] }, vm) }) } } if (node.childNodes && node.childNodes.length) { this.replace(node) } }) } } class Dep { constructor() { this.subs = [] } addSub(sub) { this.subs.push(sub) } notify() { this.subs.filter(item => typeof item !== 'string').forEach(sub => sub.update()) } } class Watcher { constructor (vm, exp, fn) { this.fn = fn this.vm = vm this.exp = exp Dep.exp = exp = this let arr = exp.split('.') let val = vm arr.forEach(key => { val = val[key] }) = null } update() { let exp = this.exp let arr = exp.split('.') let val = this.vm arr.forEach(key => { val = val[key] }) this.fn(val) } } function initComputed() { let vm = this let computed = this.$options.computed vm._computed = {} if (!computed) return Object.keys(computed).forEach(key => { this._computed[key] = computed[key].call(this._vm) new Watcher(this._vm, key, val => { this._computed[key] = computed[key].call(this._vm) }) }) } function mounted() { let mounted = this.$options.mounted mounted && } // 写法和Vue一样 let mvvm = new Mvvm({ el: '#app', data: { language: 'Javascript', makeUp: { one: 'ECMAScript', two: '文档对象模型(DOM)', three: '浏览器对象模型(BOM)' }, describe: '没什么产品是写不了的', a: 1, b: 2 }, computed: { sum() { return this.a + this.b } }, mounted() { console.log('i am mounted', this.a) } }) </script> </body> </html>
清楚销毁事件 一般 beforeDestroy
;实际情况可能 mounted
事件和 beforeDestroy
事件之间有很多其他的代码,这样,很容易忘记自己究竟有没有清除 resize
事件的监听,为了解决这个问题,我们可以在监听 resize
事件之后,紧跟着使用 $on
或者 $once
来监听生命周期如 created
<template> <div class="echarts"></div> </template> <script> export default { created() { // 干了一堆活 }, mounted() { this.chart = echarts.init(this.$el) // 请求数据,赋值数据 等等一系列操作... // 监听窗口发生变化,resize组件 window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResizeChart) }, updated() { // 干了一堆活 }, beforeDestroy() { // 组件销毁时,销毁监听事件 window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResizeChart) }, methods: { handleResizeChart() { this.chart.resize() }, // 其他一堆方法 } } </script>
为了解决这个问题,我们可以在监听 resize
事件之后,紧跟着使用 $on
或者 $once
来监听生命周期钩子函数,如 created
export default { mounted() { this.chart = echarts.init(this.$el) // 请求数据,赋值数据 等等一系列操作... // 监听窗口发生变化,resize组件 window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResizeChart) // 通过hook监听组件销毁钩子函数,并取消监听事件 this.$once('hook:beforeDestroy', () => { window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResizeChart) }) }, updated() {}, created() {}, methods: { handleResizeChart() { // this.chart.resize() } } } 这样全局
Vue的路由实现:hash模式 和 history模式
hash 模式下,仅 hash 符号之前的内容会被包含在请求中,如,因此对于后端来说,即使没有做到对路由的全覆盖,也不会返回 404 错误。
history 模式下,前端的 URL 必须和实际向后端发起请求的 URL 一致,如。后端如果缺少对 /items/id 的路由处理,将返回 404 错误。Vue-Router 官网里如此描述:“不过这种模式要玩好,还需要后台配置支持……所以呢,你要在服务端增加一个覆盖所有情况的候选资源:如果 URL 匹配不到任何静态资源,则应该返回同一个 index.html 页面,这个页面就是你 app 依赖的页面。”
每一个 Vuex 应用的核心就是 store(仓库)。“store”基本上就是一个容器,它包含着你的应用中大部分的状态 (state)。Vuex 和单纯的全局对象有以下两点不同:1、Vuex 的状态存储是响应式的。当 Vue 组件从 store 中读取状态的时候,若 store 中的状态发生变化,那么相应的组件也会相应地得到高效更新。
每一个 Vuex 应用的核心就是 store(仓库)。“store”基本上就是一个容器,它包含着你的应用中大部分的状态 (state)。Vuex 和单纯的全局对象有以下两点不同:
1、Vuex 的状态存储是响应式的。当 Vue 组件从 store 中读取状态的时候,若 store 中的状态发生变化,那么相应的组件也会相应地得到高效更新。
2、你不能直接改变 store 中的状态。改变 store 中的状态的唯一途径就是显式地提交 (commit) mutation。这样使得我们可以方便地跟踪每一个状态的变化,从而让我们能够实现一些工具帮助我们更好地了解我们的应用。、你不能直接改变 store 中的状态。改变 store 中的状态的唯一途径就是显式地提交 (commit) mutation。这样使得我们可以方便地跟踪每一个状态的变化,从而让我们能够实现一些工具帮助我们更好地了解我们的应用。
答:.prevent: 提交事件不再重载页面;.stop: 阻止单击事件冒泡;.self: 当事件发生在该元素本身而不是子元素的时候会触发;.capture: 事件侦听,事件发生的时候会调用
答:优点:Vue 的目标是通过尽可能简单的 API 实现响应的数据绑定和组合的视图组件,核心是一个响应的数据绑定系统。MVVM、数据驱动、组件化、轻量、简洁、高效、快速、模块友好。
vue props 参数类型
props: { // 基础类型检测 (`null` 意思是任何类型都可以) propA: Number, // 多种类型 propB: [String, Number], // 必传且是字符串 propC: { type: String, required: true }, // 数字,有默认值 propD: { type: Number, default: 100 }, // 数组/对象的默认值应当由一个工厂函数返回 propE: { type: Object, default: function () { return { message: 'hello' } } }, // 自定义验证函数 propF: { validator: function (value) { return value > 10 } } }
refAge: { type: Number, default: 0 }, refName: { type: String, default: '' }, hotDataLoading: { type: Boolean, default: false }, hotData: { type: Array, default: () => { return [] } }, getParams: { type: Function, default: () => () => {} }, meta: { type: Object, default: () => ({}) }
vue router
const File = { template: `<div>This is file</div>`, beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next) { // do someting // 在渲染该组件的对应路由被 confirm 前调用 }, beforeRouteUpdate(to, from, next) { // do someting // 在当前路由改变,但是依然渲染该组件是调用 }, beforeRouteLeave(to, from ,next) { // do someting // 导航离开该组件的对应路由时被调用 } }
beforeRouteEnter 不能获取组件实例 this,因为当守卫执行前,组件实例被没有被创建出来,剩下两个钩子则可以正常获取组件实例 this
少数情况,我们不知道要 加载那些组件,随着业务动态添加,比如 接口动态加载,根据需要加载组件
<button @click="asdfn">切换组件</button>
<div ref="xxx"></div>
registerComponent(templateName,yourNeedEl){ var self=this; return import(`@/components/${templateName}.vue`).then((component) => { console.log("component",component) const cpt = Vue.extend(component.default); new cpt({ el: yourNeedEl }); }); },
asdfn(){ console.log("tabContent2"); var ele=this.$; this.registerComponent("tabContent2",ele) },
import Vue from 'vue'
vue 参数传递
//子组件 <template> <label class="child"> 输入框: <input :value=val @input="$emit('update',$"/> </label> </template>
//父组件 <template> <div class="parent"> <p>父组件传入子组件的值:{{name}}</p> <fieldset> <legend>子组件</legend> <child :val.sync="name"> </child> </fieldset> </div> </template>
//父组件 <my-input placeholder="请输入你的姓名" type="text" title="姓名" v-model="name"/>
<template> <div> <label>输入框:</label><input v-bind="$attrsAll" @input="$emit('input',$"/> </div> </template> <script> export default { inheritAttrs:false, computed: { $attrsAll() { return { value: this.$, ...this.$attrs } } } } </script>
<template> <div> <label>输入框:</label><input v-bind="$attrs" :value="value" @input="$emit('input',$"/> </div> </template> <script> export default { inheritAttrs:false, props:['value'] } </script>
<my-input @focus="focus" placeholder="请输入你的姓名" type="text" title="姓名" v-model="name"/>
<template> <div> <label>输入框:</label><input v-bind="$attrsAll" v-on="$listenserAll"/> </div> </template> <script> export default { inheritAttrs:false, props:['value'], computed:{ $attrsAll() { return { value: this.value, ...this.$attrs } }, $listenserAll(){ return Object.assign( {}, this.$listeners, {input:(event) => this.$emit('input',}) } } } </script>
组件 v-model
vue beforeEach
</script> <script> console.log('22 click2'); const obj3 = { name: 'QuintionTang', routerList: ['页面1的url', '页面2的url', '页面3的url'], beforeEach: function(fn) { //fn=f(to,form next){} console.log('beforeEach 里面调用 to'); this.registerHook(this.routerList, fn) }, registerHook: function(arrList, fn) { var to = arrList[0]; var form = arrList[1]; var nextNoop = function(to) { console.log("里面 next 接收参数 拦截跳转", to) if (to === false) { // next(false) -> abort navigation, ensure current URL } else if (typeof to === 'string' || (typeof to === 'object' && (typeof to.path === 'string' || typeof === 'string'))) { // next('/') or next({ path: '/' }) -> redirect } else { //next() confirm transition and pass on the value } return to }; //console.log('beforeEach 里面2 ', to, form); return fn &&, to, form, nextNoop) } }; obj3.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { console.log('beforeEach 外面调用 to', to, "from", from); next(123) }); </script>
<p id="app"> {{fullName}} </p> <script> var vm = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar', }, computed: { fullName: function () { return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName } } }) </script>
// ... computed: { fullName: { // getter get: function () { return this.firstName + ' ' + this.lastName }, // setter set: function (newValue) { var names = newValue.split(' ') this.firstName = names[0] this.lastName = names[names.length - 1] } } }
这个时候在控制台直接运行vm.fullName = ‘bibi wang’,相应的firstName和lastName也会改变。
var vm = new Vue({ el: '#app', data: { firstName: 'Foo', lastName: 'Bar', fullName: 'Foo Bar' }, watch: { firstName: function (val) { this.fullName = val + ' ' + this.lastName }, lastName: function (val) { this.fullName = this.firstName + ' ' + val } } })
vuex --> computed-->watch-->回调方法
vue 页面插入了非虚拟dom的处理,例如地图的气泡 点击事件的绑定
var MyComponent = Vue.extend({ data: function() { return { message: '快速录入信息', taskUrl: '', message2: '查看详情>>', telPhone:'拨打电话', } }, // props:['data'], props:['myname'], template: '<a @click="show(message)">{{message }}</a>', methods: { show(message) { var self=this; // console.log('地图气泡 哈哈哈',message,this.message2,this.myProps,this.myType); // this.$router.push({path: '/detail', query:defaults }); //快速录入信息点 // this.myRouter.push({ path: '/PositioningAndPublishing', query: { 'testId': } }) if(this.myType=="go_addEvent"){ var highwayId=this.myProps.highwayId;//K1289+820 var highwayDirectionId=this.myProps.highwayDirectionId;// var positionCode=this.myProps.positionCode;// var cache=+new Date; self.bus.$emit('upPositionNumber', positionCode) // 触发事件sh //this.$emit("upDataPoint",this.myProps) var path='/PositioningAndPublishing'; var query={ "testId": , "highwayId": highwayId , "highwayDirectionId": highwayDirectionId , "positionCode": positionCode, "cache": cache } console.log(path,"0myProps",query); self.myRouter.push({ path: path, replace: true, query:query }) } //查看详情 // this.myRouter.push({ path: '/evnetWork', query: { 'testId': } }) // evnetWork?testId='+id+'" if(this.myType=="go_Detail"){ var cache=+new Date; this.myRouter.push({ path: '/evnetWork',replace: true, query: { 'testId': ,'cache': cache }}) } }, }, created(){ //this.message=this.message2; if(this.myType=="go_addEvent"){ this.message="快速录入信息" } //查看详情 // this.myRouter.push({ path: '/evnetWork', query: { 'testId': } }) // evnetWork?testId='+id+'" if(this.myType=="go_Detail"){ this.message="查看详情>>" } //console.log("cre33ated",this,this.message); }, mounted() { //console.log("TextIconOverlay",new BMapLib.TextIconOverlay()); }, beforeDestroy () { this.bus.$off('upPositionNumber'); this.bus.$off('upTestId'); // 触发事件sh }, });
var component = new MyComponent().$mount();
infoBox =new BMapLib.InfoBox(map,content,opts); infoBox.enableAutoPan(); infoBox.addEventListener('open',function(type, target, point){ //窗口打开是,隐藏自带的关闭按钮 //console.log(type,target,point); document.querySelectorAll('.boxClass')[0].clientLeft; document.querySelectorAll('.boxClass')[0].classList.add("myps1sss"); setTimeout(()=>{ // console.log("component go_addEvent",component) console.log("dat222a2",data2.positionCode); component.myProps=data2; component.myRouter=self.$router; component.myType="go_addEvent"; component.message="快速录入信息"; document.querySelectorAll('.luxx')[0].appendChild(component.$el); },100) })
或者直接dom 绑定
self.lookTimeer=setTimeout(()=>{ if(document.querySelector('.jshows')){ document.querySelector('.jshows').removeEventListener("click",looksss); document.querySelector('.jshows').addEventListener("click",looksss) } },200)
vue 指令 directives
export default { bind (el, binding, vnode) { function documentHandler (e) { if (el.contains( { return false; } if (binding.expression) { binding.value(e); } } el.__vueClickOutside__ = documentHandler; document.addEventListener('click', documentHandler); }, update () { }, unbind (el, binding) { document.removeEventListener('click', el.__vueClickOutside__); delete el.__vueClickOutside__; }
/** * v-clickoutside * @desc 点击元素外面才会触发的事件 * @example * ```vue * <div v-element-clickoutside="handleClose"> * ``` */ export default { bind(el, binding, vnode) { nodeList.push(el); const id = seed++; el[ctx] = { id, documentHandler: createDocumentHandler(el, binding, vnode), methodName: binding.expression, bindingFn: binding.value }; }, update(el, binding, vnode) { el[ctx].documentHandler = createDocumentHandler(el, binding, vnode); el[ctx].methodName = binding.expression; el[ctx].bindingFn = binding.value; }, unbind(el) { let len = nodeList.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (nodeList[i][ctx].id === el[ctx].id) { nodeList.splice(i, 1); break; } } delete el[ctx]; } };
$ npm install on-change
use strict'; module.exports = (object, onChange) => { const handler = { get(target, property, receiver) { try { return new Proxy(target[property], handler); } catch (err) { return Reflect.get(target, property, receiver); } }, defineProperty(target, property, descriptor) { onChange(); return Reflect.defineProperty(target, property, descriptor); }, deleteProperty(target, property) { onChange(); return Reflect.deleteProperty(target, property); } }; return new Proxy(object, handler); };
const object = { foo: false, a: { b: [ { c: false } ] } }; let index = 0; const watchedObject = onChange(object, function (path, value, previousValue, applyData) { console.log('Object changed:', ++index); console.log('this:', this); console.log('path:', path); console.log('value:', value); console.log('previousValue:', previousValue); console.log('applyData:', applyData); }); = true;
deal(nodes, predicate) { // 如果已经没有节点了,结束递归 if (!(nodes && nodes.length)) { return; } const newChildren = []; for (const node of nodes) { if (predicate(node)) { // 如果自己(节点)符合条件,直接加入到新的节点集 newChildren.push(node); // 并接着处理其 children node.children =, predicate); } else { // 如果自己不符合条件,需要根据子集来判断它是否将其加入新节点集 // 根据递归调用 deal() 的返回值来判断 const subs =, predicate); // 以下两个条件任何一个成立,当前节点都应该加入到新子节点集中 // 1. 子孙节点中存在符合条件的,即 subs 数组中有值 // 2. 自己本身符合条件 if ((subs && subs.length) || predicate(node)) { node.children = subs; newChildren.push(node); } /* if (subs && subs.length) { // 1. 如果子孙集中有符合要求的节点(返回 [...]),加入 node.children = subs; newChildren.push(node); } */ // 2. 否则,不加入(因为整个子集都没有符合条件的) } } return newChildren.length ? newChildren : void 0; },
ztree 向上递归
function getTreeList(node){ var menuIds=[]; function getTreeId(node) { if (node.level > 0) { var one=node.getParentNode() menuIds.push(one); getTreeId(one); return menuIds; } } return getTreeId(node); }
function expandLevel(treeObj,node,level) { var childrenNodes = node.children||[]; console.log("childrenNodes",childrenNodes) for(var i=0;i<childrenNodes.length;i++) { treeObj.expandNode(childrenNodes[i], true, true, false); level=level-1; if(level>0) { expandLevel(treeObj,childrenNodes[i],level); } } }
dom 检测
// 判断是否在浏览器环境中,还是在node中 const isServer = typeof window === 'undefined'; /* istanbul ignore next */ const resizeHandler = function(entries) { for (let entry of entries) { // entry.target通过这个访问监听的DOM对象,然后,这个对象上有__resizeListeners__属性。遍历存储的监听回调 const listeners = || []; if (listeners.length) { listeners.forEach(fn => { fn(); }); } } }; /* istanbul ignore next */ // 接受DOM元素和方法 export const addResizeListener = function(element, fn) { if (isServer) return; if (!element.__resizeListeners__) { // 在DOM元素对象上,设置__resizeListeners__属性,存储监听器(回调函数)。 element.__resizeListeners__ = []; // ResizeObserver:MDN上解释可以监听DOM元素的变化(什么变化呢?位置变化和大小变化) element.__ro__ = new ResizeObserver(resizeHandler); element.__ro__.observe(element);// 这里观察主体是DOM对象。(本质就是观察一个对象) } element.__resizeListeners__.push(fn); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ export const removeResizeListener = function(element, fn) { if (!element || !element.__resizeListeners__) return; // 先判断下 element.__resizeListeners__.splice(element.__resizeListeners__.indexOf(fn), 1); if (!element.__resizeListeners__.length) { // 取消element.__ro__观察者身上所有的元素的观察 element.__ro__.disconnect(); } };
post man
<template> <view class="post-man" :style="{'height':height +'px' }" :class="[myClass]"> <view class="title">接口测试<text v-if="nowTime" style="padding-left: 5px;;">请求时间:{{nowTime||""}}</text></view> <view class="content" > <view class="one-list" > <view class="left"><text class="title2" :class="{'titleTlue':isHidenMethod}" @click="hideTxtHandle('Method')">请求Method</text> </view> <view class="myradio" :class="{'isHidenHeader':isHidenMethod}"> <text class=" myradio-one" :class="{'myradio-active':method_1=='GET'}" @click="selectRadio('GET')">GET</text> <text class=" myradio-one" :class="{'myradio-active':method_1=='POST'}" @click="selectRadio('POST')">POST</text> </view> </view> <view> </view> <view class="one-list" > <view class="left"><text class="title2" :class="{'titleTlue':isHidenUrl}" @click="hideTxtHandle('Url')">请求Url</text> => <text class="blue1 titleTlue" v-if="url_1&&url_1.length>4" @click="clearTxt('Url')">清除</text><text class="blue3 titleTlue" v-if="url_1&&url_1.length>4" @click="copyToClip('Url')" style="right: 40px;">复制</text></view> <view class="right" :class="{'isHidenHeader':isHidenUrl}" > <textarea ref="Url" :maxlength="-1" v-model="url_1" class="right-textarea" placeholder-class="textarea1" auto-height :placeholder="placeholder_url" /> </view> </view> <!-- <view></view> --> <view class="one-list" > <view class="left"><text :data-length="header_1.length" class="title2" :class="{'titleTlue':isHidenHeader}" @click="hideTxtHandle('Header')">请求Header</text> <text @click="formatParms('Header',-1)">=></text><text class="red5">{"</text>key<text class="red5">"</text>:<text class="red5">"</text>val<text class="red5">"}</text><text class="blue2 titleTlue" v-if="header_1&&header_1.length>4" @click="formatParms('Header')">美化</text><text class="blue1 titleTlue" v-if="header_1&&header_1.length>4" @click="clearTxt('Header')">清除</text><text class="blue3 titleTlue" v-if="header_1&&header_1.length>4" @click="copyToClip('Header')">复制</text></view> <view class="right" :class="{'isHidenHeader':isHidenHeader}" style="max-height:142px;overflow-x: hidden;overflow-y: scroll;"> <textarea ref="Header" :maxlength="-1" v-model="header_1" class="right-textarea" placeholder-class="textarea1" auto-height :placeholder="placeholder_header" /> </view> </view> <view class="one-list" > <view class="left"><text :data-length="query_1.length" class="title2" :class="{'titleTlue':isHidenQuery}" @click="hideTxtHandle('Query')">请求Query</text><text @click="formatParms('Query',-1)">=></text><text class="red5">{"</text>key<text class="red5">"</text>:<text class="red5">"</text>val<text class="red5">"}</text>|| <text class="red5">[]</text><text class="blue2 titleTlue" v-if="query_1&&query_1.length>4" @click="formatParms('Query')">美化</text><text class="blue1 titleTlue" v-if="query_1&&query_1.length>4" @click="clearTxt('Query')">清除</text><text class="blue3 titleTlue" v-if="query_1&&query_1.length>4" @click="copyToClip('Query')">复制</text></view> <view class="right" :class="{'isHidenHeader':isHidenQuery}" > <textarea ref="Query" :maxlength="-1" v-model="query_1" class="right-textarea" placeholder-class="textarea1" style="min-height:120px" auto-height :placeholder="placeholder_query" /> </view> </view> <!-- <view>--query_1 长度:{{query_1.length}}--query_1 结果:{{query_1}}</view> --> <view class="one-list" > <view class="send" @click="sendAjax">发送请求</view> </view> <view class="one-list" > <view class="clearbtn" @click="clearTxt('all')">清空表单</view> </view> <view class="one-list" style="margin-bottom: 5px;"> <view class="left"><text class="title2">请求结果</text> <text class="titleTlue" @click="copyToClip('Result')" style="padding-left: 10px;;">复制</text> </view> <view class="right result" > <text ref="Result" :maxlength="-1" class="resultInner" :class="{'red':statusCode!=200}">{{jsonToStr(result_1)}}</text> </view> </view> <view class="one-list" > <view class="dixian" ref="line">--我是底线--</view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> const Base64 = require('@/utils/js-base64/base64').Base64; import { clientId, clientSecret, tokenName,urlConfig } from '@/js/----'; function trimStrBoth(str){//去除首尾空格 return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g,""); } function trimStrAll(str){//去除全部空格 return str.replace(/\s*/g,"") } function isJson(obj){ return typeof(obj) == "object" && == "[object object]" && !obj.length; } function isArray(value) { if (typeof Array.isArray === "function") { return Array.isArray(value); } else { return === "[object Array]"; } } function toJson2(data,arr){ try { return JSON.parse(data) } catch(error) { // console.log('toJson error----------------',error) return arr?[]:{}; } } function serialize(obj) { var ary = []; for (var p in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p) && obj[p]) { ary.push(encodeURIComponent(p) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(obj[p])); } return ary.join('&'); } export default { name:"post-man", props: { myClass:{ type: String, default: "" }, height:{ type: [Number,String], default: "auto" }, showBack:{ type: Boolean, default: true } }, data() { return { placeholder_url:'', placeholder_header:'{"key":"value"}', placeholder_query:'{"key":"value"}', nowTime:"", statusCode:200, isHidenMethod:false, isHidenUrl:false, isHidenHeader:false, isHidenQuery:false, url_1:'', method_1:"GET", header_1:'', query_1:'', result_1:"", }; }, computed: { }, onLoad(option){ }, onShow() { }, created() { // console.log("11 拿到缓存的 created 1"); this.$nextTick(()=>{ var url_1=uni.getStorageSync('url_1')||""; var method_1=uni.getStorageSync('method_1')||"GET"; var query_1=uni.getStorageSync('query_1')||""; // console.log("22 拿到缓存的 created",url_1,method_1,query_1); this.url_1=url_1; this.method_1=method_1; this.query_1=this.jsonToStr(query_1); if(this.query_1=="{}"){ this.query_1=""; } }) }, methods: { strToObject (str,prop) { if(typeof str != 'string'){ return str; } if(!str||!str.length){ return {} } var data=trimStrBoth(str) if(!data||!data.length){ return {} } if(typeof data == 'string'){ var res=data; var firstTxt=res.charAt(0); var lastTxt=res.charAt(res.length - 1);; var isArraryStr=false; if (/(\')/.test(res)) { // console.log("json 存在单引号") res=res.replace(/'/g, '"');//单引号替换成双引号 } if(firstTxt=='['&&lastTxt==']'){//是数组字符串 // console.log("arr 字符串") isArraryStr=true; res=res.replace(/,]/g, ']'); //将arr字符串中最后一个元素","逗号去掉 res=res.replace(/,}/g, '}');//将json字符串中最后一个元素","逗号去掉 res= toJson2(res,'arr') //console.log("arr 字符串",res) return res } if(!isArraryStr&&(firstTxt!='{'&&lastTxt!='}')){ res='{'+res+'}'; res=res.replace(/,]/g, ']'); //将arr字符串中最后一个元素","逗号去掉 res=res.replace(/,}/g, '}');//将json字符串中最后一个元素","逗号去掉 //console.log("json 字符串1",res) res= toJson2(res) return res } res=res.replace(/,]/g, ']'); //将arr字符串中最后一个元素","逗号去掉 res=res.replace(/,}/g, '}');//将json字符串中最后一个元素","逗号去掉 //console.log("json 字符串2",res); res= toJson2(res); // var res0=' {"id":"1","name":"张珊","i2d":"21",} '; // var res0=' {"id":"1","name":"张珊","i2d":"21","sa":[1,2,3,],"i4d":"14",} '; // var res0=' [{"id":"1","name":"张珊1",},{"id":"2","name":"张珊2"}] '; return res } }, // sendAjax(){ var timestamp=(+new Date) this.nowTime=this.formatTime(timestamp); var method=this.method_1||"get"; var url=this.url_1; var data_str=this.query_1; var header_str=this.header_1||{}; var data=this.strToObject(data_str,'Query') var header_Old=this.strToObject(header_str,'Header') var header={}; var token=uni.getStorageSync("accessToken"); if (token) { if(!header[tokenName]){ header[tokenName] = 'Bearer ' + token; header['Authorization'] = `Basic ${Base64.encode(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`)}`; } } else { header['Authorization'] = `Basic ${Base64.encode(`${clientId}:${clientSecret}`)}`; } //console.log("最后header_Old",typeof header_Old,header_Old) var lastHeader={...header_Old,...header} //console.log("最后Header",lastHeader) //请求的参数美化显示到表单 this.header_1= this.jsonToStr(this.objClone(lastHeader)); this.query_1 = this.jsonToStr(this.objClone(data)); this.statusCode=200; this.result_1=""; method=method.toUpperCase(); uni.setStorageSync('method_1', method); uni.setStorageSync('url_1', this.url_1); uni.setStorageSync('header_1', this.header_1); uni.setStorageSync('query_1', this.query_1); // console.log("最后 this.header_1", this.header_1) //console.log(data,"缓存 url",url,'缓存 query_1',this.query_1) // console.log("-----------最后请求 1---------------------------") // console.log("请求地址url",url) // console.log("请求方式method",method) // console.log("请求header",header) // console.log("请求参数data",data) // console.log("----------最后请求 2---------------------------") //处理 get 请求 data为JSON; if(method=="GET"&&isJson(data)){ //console.log("GET 请求 data isJson",isJson(data)) var separator =url.lastIndexOf('?') != -1 ? "&" : "?"; var part_search=serialize(data); var part_url=url+separator ; // => var part_new_url=part_url.replace("?&","?"); var part_href=part_new_url + part_search; url= part_href // data={} //根据需要 这边设置 //console.log("2处理 get 处理 序列换 url--",url) //console.log("2处理 get 处理 序列换 part_href--",part_href) } console.log("最后data",data) this.ajaxSend(url,method,data,lastHeader); }, ajaxSend(url,method,data,header,dataType){ uni.request({ url: url, method:method|| "GET", data: data, dataType:dataType|| 'json', header:header || { "content-type": "application/json" }, success: (res) => { console.log("request success res",res) this.statusCode=res.statusCode; if(res.statusCode==200){ }else{ this.result_1="请求状态:"+res.statusCode+" ===> " + } }, fail: (err) => { //console.log("request fail res",err) this.statusCode=""; this.result_1=err.errMsg||"接口请求异常" } }) }, jsonToStr(data,prop){ if(!data){ return ""; } if(typeof data == 'string'){ if(data=="{}"){ return ""; } return data; } return JSON.stringify(data , null, 4); }, objClone(obj) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)); }, selectRadio(val){ this.method_1=val||"GET"; this.method_1=this.method_1.toUpperCase(); uni.setStorageSync('method_1', this.method_1); }, hideTxtHandle(val){ if(val=="Method"){ this.isHidenMethod=!this.isHidenMethod; } if(val=="Url"){ this.isHidenUrl=!this.isHidenUrl; } if(val=="Header"){ this.isHidenHeader=!this.isHidenHeader; } if(val=="Query"){ this.isHidenQuery=!this.isHidenQuery; } }, copyToClip(elemRef){ //console.log("1复制 elemRef",elemRef,) // this.$nextTick(()=>{ var prop=elemRef+'_1'; prop=prop.toLowerCase(); var text = this[prop]; if(prop=="result_1"){ text=this.jsonToStr(this.result_1); //console.log("2 getValue", prop) } setTimeout(()=>{ console.log('复制的信息:',text ); uni.setClipboardData({ data: text , showToast:true, success: function (res) { // uni.showToast({ // title: '复制成功', // }); } }); },30) }, formatParms(val,trimAll){ if(val=="Header"){ if(trimAll==-1){ this.header_1= trimStrAll(this.header_1); return false; } var header=this.strToObject(this.header_1,'Header') this.header_1= this.jsonToStr(this.objClone(header)); } if(val=="Query"){ if(trimAll==-1){ this.query_1 = trimStrAll(this.query_1); return false; } var data=this.strToObject(this.query_1,'Query') this.query_1 = this.jsonToStr(this.objClone(data)); } }, clearTxt(val){ if(val=="all"){ this.url_1=""; this.header_1=''; this.query_1=''; this.result_1=""; this.nowTime=""; this.statusCode=""; }else{ var prop=val+"_1"; prop=prop.toLowerCase(); //console.log("clearTxt prop",prop) this[prop]=""; } }, formatTime(timestamp, nos = 1, bindf = '-') { if (!timestamp) { return } var date = new Date(timestamp) var strLen = timestamp.toString().length // 判断时间戳是否不足13位,不足时低位补0,即乘以10的所差位数次方 if (strLen < 13) { var sub = 13 - strLen sub = Math.pow(10, sub) // 计算10的n次方 date = new Date(timestamp * sub) } var y = date.getFullYear() var M = date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1 var d = date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + date.getDate() : date.getDate() var h = date.getHours() < 10 ? '0' + date.getHours() : date.getHours() var m = date.getMinutes() < 10 ? '0' + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes() var s = date.getSeconds() < 10 ? '0' + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds() if (nos === 1) { //2022-08-12 12:10:22 return y + bindf + M + bindf + d + ' ' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s } else if (nos === 9) {//08月12日12:10 return M + '月' + d + '日' + h + ':' + m } else if (nos === 10) {//08月12日 12:10:22 return M + '月' + d + '日' + ' ' + h + ':' + m } } } } </script> <style> .post-man{ border: 2px solid red; min-height:400px; position: relative; z-index:36; background-color: #fff;;} .post-man .title{ text-align: center;; padding: 12px; background-color:#eee; font-size: 14px;;} .post-man .content{ padding:0 10px; min-height: 500px;;} .post-man .content .left{ height:44px; line-height:44px;position: relative;-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text;} .post-man .content .right{width: 100%; position: relative; padding:10px;border: 1px solid #CCC;background-color: #F9F9F9; } .post-man .content .myradio{width: 100%; position: relative;border: 0px solid #CCC; height: 42px ; line-height:42px; display: flex; padding-top:0 ;} .post-man .content .myradio .myradio-one{ flex:1; border:1px solid #409eff;background-color: #fff; text-align: center;} .post-man .content .myradio .myradio-one.myradio-active{ color: #fff;background-color: #409eff;} .post-man .title2{color: #333; font-weight: 600;} .post-man .blue1{position: absolute; right: 0; top:0;;} .post-man .blue2{ position: absolute; right: 40px; top:0;} .post-man .blue3{ position: absolute; right: 80px; top:0;} .post-man .titleTlue{color: #409eff; ;} .post-man .red5{color: red;} .post-man .content .radio{ margin-right:20px;} .post-man .content .one-list{ min-height:44px; margin-bottom:5px;} .post-man .content .right-input{ border: 1px solid #999; height:32px; line-height:32px; width: 100%;;} .post-man .content .right-textarea{-webkit-user-select:text;user-select:text; min-height:18px;height:auto; line-height:18px; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box;background-color: #F9F9F9; overflow: hidden;white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-all;} .post-man .clearbtn{text-align: center; padding: 12px; color: #409eff;background-color: #fff;border:1px solid #409eff; } .post-man .send{ text-align: center; padding: 12px; color: #fff;background-color: #409eff;border-color: #409eff} .post-man .content .result{ min-height:44px; width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; border:1px solid #CCC; } .post-man .content .resultInner{white-space:pre-wrap;word-wrap:break-word;word-break:break-all;} .post-man .content .result .red{ color: red;;} .post-man .content .dixian{height:44px; line-height:44px; color: #eee;text-align: center;margin-bottom:5px;} .post-man .textarea1{color: #ddd; font-size:14px; } .post-man .isHidenHeader{ height: 0!important; padding:0 !important; border: 0!important; overflow:hidden;;} </style>
<template> <view> <uni-popup ref="popupTime" type="bottom" :safeArea="false" :mask-click="true" @maskClick="change2"> <view class="coupon-time_wrap"> <view class="fsize28 fweight5 _title"> 选择预计送达时间 </view> <view class="flexbox" style="overflow: hidden;height:40vh"> <view class="day1" style="" v-if="dayList"> <view class="day1-one" v-for="(item,index) in dayList":key='index' :class="show1Index == index ? 'day1-one-on' : ''" @click="chooseDAY(item,index)"> {{item.text}} </view> </view> <view class="day2 flex1"> <scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height:40vh" :scroll-top="scrolltop"> <view class="day2-one_box"> <view @click="chooseTime(item,index)" class="day2-one flexbox" v-for="(item,index) in couponList":key='index' :class="index == show2Index ? 'day2-one-on' : ''" > {{item}} <!-- {{item.startTime}}-{{item.endTime}} --> </view> </view> </scroll-view> </view> </view> </view> </uni-popup> </view> </template> <script> function format0Time(time) { //时间为个位数则补零 return time < 10 ? '0' + time : time; } //import { formatTime } from '@/js/unti.js' function formatTime(timestamp, nos = 1, bindf = '-') { if (!timestamp) { return } var date = new Date(timestamp) var strLen = timestamp.toString().length // 判断时间戳是否不足13位,不足时低位补0,即乘以10的所差位数次方 if (strLen < 13) { var sub = 13 - strLen sub = Math.pow(10, sub) // 计算10的n次方 date = new Date(timestamp * sub) } var y = date.getFullYear() var M = format0Time(date.getMonth() + 1); var d =format0Time(date.getDate()); var h =format0Time(date.getHours()) ; var m =format0Time(date.getMinutes()); var s =format0Time(date.getSeconds()); if (nos === -1) { return{y:y,M:M,d:d,h:h,m:m,s:s,} } if (nos === 1) { //2022-08-12 12:10:22 return y + bindf + M + bindf + d + ' ' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s } else if (nos === 2) { //2022-08-12 return y + bindf + M + bindf + d } } export default{ components:{ }, props:{ list:{ type: Array, default: ()=> [] }, minStartTime:{ type:Number, default: 0 }, delayTime:{ type:Number, default: 2 }, }, data() { return { formatTime, scrolltop:0, show1Index:0, show2Index:0, dayList:[], couponList:[], show1Item:{}, show2Item:{}, }; }, computed:{ }, watch:{ list: { handler(newName, oldName) { //console.log("watch---shop_id--- --",newName,"productid",this.productid) if(newName!=oldName&&newName.length){ this.dayList=newName; this.reservable_time(newName); } }, immediate: true, deep:true, }, minStartTime: { handler(newName,oldName) { if(newName!=oldName) { //console.log("watch--- shopId -- minStartTime -- dayList --- ",newName) if(this.dayList.length){ this.chageTime2(this.dayList) } } }, immediate: true, deep:true, }, }, created(){ }, onShow(){ this.scrolltop=0; }, methods:{ reservable_time(dayList){ var dayList=dayList||[]; dayList.forEach((item)=>{ item.origintime=item.time }) //console.log("内部dayList",dayList) var date =new Date(); var day0 = +new Date; var day1 = day0+24*60*60*1000; var week0 = date.getDay(); var arr_week = new Array("日", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六"); //拿到今天 var today=dayList[week0]; var str0=arr_week[week0]; today.text="今天(周"+str0+")"; today.dateTimeStamp=day0;,2) //拿到明天 var week1=(week0+1)>6?0:(week0+1) var tomorrow=dayList[week1]; var str1=arr_week[week1]; tomorrow.text="明天(周"+str1+")"; tomorrow.dateTimeStamp=day1;,2) dayList=[today,tomorrow] ; //this.$emit("businessStatus",business_status) this.chageTime2(dayList) }, chageTime2(dayList){ var minStartTime=this.minStartTime||""; //var minStartTime=""; var date7 =minStartTime?new Date(minStartTime):new Date(); var nowHours=date7.getHours(); var nowMinutes=date7.getMinutes(); nowHours=parseInt(nowHours); nowMinutes=parseInt(nowMinutes); if(!minStartTime){ nowHours=nowHours+parseInt(this.delayTime); } //分割时间段 dayList.forEach((item,index)=>{ var time=item.origintime; var satrt_time=time.split("-")[0]; var end_time=time.split("-")[1]; var satrt_hh=satrt_time.split(":")[0]; var satrt_ss=satrt_time.split(":")[1]; var end_hh=end_time.split(":")[0]; var end_ss=end_time.split(":")[1]; if(index==0){//当前时间比较 satrt_hh=parseInt(satrt_hh); if(nowHours>=satrt_hh){ satrt_hh=nowHours; } if(nowMinutes>0&&nowMinutes<=30){ satrt_ss=30; }else{ satrt_hh=parseInt(satrt_hh)+1; satrt_ss=0; } } if(parseInt(satrt_ss)==0){ // satrt_hh=parseInt(satrt_hh); satrt_ss=0; } else if(parseInt(satrt_ss)>0&&parseInt(satrt_ss)<=30){ // satrt_hh=parseInt(satrt_hh); satrt_ss=30; } else{// satrt_hh=parseInt(satrt_hh)+1; satrt_hh=satrt_hh>24?24:satrt_hh; satrt_ss=0; } if(parseInt(end_ss)==0){ // end_hh=parseInt(end_hh); end_ss=0; } if(parseInt(end_ss)>0&&parseInt(end_ss)<30){ // end_hh=parseInt(end_hh); end_ss=0; } if(parseInt(end_ss)>=30){// end_hh=parseInt(end_hh); end_ss=30; } item.time=format0Time(satrt_hh)+":"+format0Time(satrt_ss)+"-"+ format0Time(end_hh)+":"+format0Time(end_ss) //'11:00 - 12:00' if(index==0){ if(nowHours>=parseInt(end_hh)){ item.time=""; } } item.list=[]; if(item.time){ let openTime = [item.time] // ['11:00 - 12:00']; => 11:00-11:30 12:30:12:00 let y = new Date().getFullYear(); let m = new Date().getMonth()+1; let d = new Date().getDate(); let start = [], end = []; // for(let i=0,len=openTime.length;i<len;i++) { let [s, e] = openTime[i].split('-'); start.push(new Date(y+'/'+m+'/'+d+' '+s)); end.push(new Date(y+'/'+m+'/'+d+' '+e)); } let list = []; for(let i=0,len=start.length;i<len;i++) { let len2 = (end[i].getTime() - start[i].getTime())/(30*60*1000); for(let j=0;j<len2;j++) { if(start[i].getTime()+30*60*1000<=end[i].getTime()) { let ss = new Date(start[i].getTime()+30*60*1000*j), ee = new Date(start[i].getTime()+30*60*1000*(j+1)); list.push([format0Time(ss.getHours())+':'+format0Time(ss.getMinutes()), format0Time(ee.getHours())+':'+format0Time(ee.getMinutes())]); } } } list = => { return item.join('-'); }) item.list=list } //console.log(";list", item.list) }) this.dayList=dayList ; this.chooseDAY(dayList[0],0) }, chooseTime(item,index){ this.show2Index=index; this.show2Item=item; //console.log("chooseTime",item,'index',index) this.sendCoupon({ day:this.dayList[this.show1Index], timeIndex:this.show2Index, time:this.show2Item, },1) }, chooseDAY(item,index){ this.show1Index=index; this.couponList=this.dayList[index].list; if(index==0){ var arr0=['立即送出'] this.couponList=[...arr0,...this.couponList] } this.show2Index=0; this.show2Item=this.couponList[0]; this.scrolltop=-1; this.$nextTick(()=>{ this.scrolltop=0; }) // console.log("chooseDAY",item,'index',index) }, change2(e){ //console.log("change2",e) this.sendCoupon({ day:this.dayList[this.show1Index], timeIndex:this.show2Index, time:this.show2Item, },0) }, showPopup(){ this.$ }, sendCoupon(item,flag){ this.$emit("timeSelect",item) if(flag){ this.$refs.popupTime.close() } }, } } </script> <style scoped> .coupon-time_wrap{height: 55vh;padding: 45rpx 0 0;border-radius: 16rpx 16rpx 0 0;background-color: #fff; padding-bottom: constant(safe-area-inset-bottom);padding-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom); display: flex;flex-direction: column; z-index:555; } .coupon-time_wrap ._title{margin-bottom: 40rpx;text-align: center;} .day1{width:240rpx; background-color:#f6f6f6; height:40vh} .day1 .day1-one{padding-left:25rpx; height: 44px; line-height: 44px;;} .day1 .day1-one-on{ background-color:#fff !important} .day2{} .day2-one_box{ padding: 0 25rpx;} .day2 .day2-one{; height: 44px; line-height: 44px; border-bottom:1rpx solid #eee;} .day2 .day2-one-on{ color:#bb944f !important;} .day2 .day2-one:last-child{border-bottom:0} </style>
uni-app getRect
function getRect (id,vue,useUni,delay){ //ID选择器:#the-id #可以不要 紧紧支持id var that=vue;//Vue实例才拥有_isVue 属性,在此是避免观测Vue实例对象。 var id =id; if(!vue||!vue._isVue){ console.log("请传入vue 对象") //Promise.resolve(false); return false; } var useUni=useUni||false; var platform="APP-PLUS"; //#ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE || APP-NVUE platform = "APP-NVUE";///**App nvue*/ //APP-PLUS-NVUE或APP-NVUE App nvue 页面 //#endif if(useUni){ platform="APP-PLUS"; } //console.log("getRect id",id) //console.log("getRect this",JSON.stringify(that)) if(platform=="APP-PLUS"){////nvue不支持 uni.createSelectorQuery, return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { var selector=id.indexOf("#")!=-1?id:("#"+id); //console.log("selector ",selector) var query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(that); => { res.methodType='uni'; resolve(res) //console.log("uni getRect 1得到布局位置信息" , res); //res={"id":"as2ss","dataset":{"ref":"as2ss"},"left":12,"right":312,"top":286,"bottom":336,"width":300,"height":50} }).exec(); }, delay||100); }) }else{ ////#ifdef APP-NVUE const dom = weex.requireModule('dom'); var id2=id.replace("#",'') //console.log("id2 ",id2) return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { var talkcontent=that.$refs[id2] var result = dom.getComponentRect(talkcontent, res => { res.size.methodType='weex'; resolve(res.size) // console.log("weex getRect 2得到布局位置信息" , res); //res.size= {"right":300,"left":0,"width":300,"bottom":71,"top":21,"height":50} }) }, delay||100); }) //// #endif } }