
* FIXME 从现在的情况来看,在Spring-boot中注解@Resource是至关重要的,如果没有@
* Resource注解的话前台传递过来的数据无法传递到service层中去!!!
* System.out.println("**************************");
* System.out.println(pageIndex); System.out.println(pageSize);
* System.out.println("**************************"); 1、前台的数据无法传递到controller层
* 2、controller参数无法传递到service层中去 3、会报java.lang.NullPointerException: null的错误



The Resource annotation marks a resource that is
needed by the application. This annotation may be
applied to an application component class, or to
fields or methods of the component class. When the
annotation is applied to a field or method, the
container will inject an instance of the requested
resource into the application component when the
component is initialized. If the annotation is
applied to the component class, the annotation
declares a resource that the application will look
up at runtime. Even though this annotation is not
marked Inherited, deployment tools are required to
examine all superclasses of any component class to
discover all uses of this annotation in all
superclasses. All such annotation instances specify
resources that are needed by the application
component. Note that this annotation may appear on
private fields and methods of superclasses; the
container is required to perform injection in these
cases as well. Since:Common Annotations 1.0




2、Spring boot 中必须注解(大概吧)(具体的情况还要深入研究一下)

    private IRatedVolPowerFreqService ratedVolPowerFreqService;

     * 列表界面
    @RequestMapping(value = "list")
    public String list(RatedVolPowerFreq ratedVolPowerFreq, Integer pageIndex, Integer pageSize,
            ModelMap model) {
        PageModel<RatedVolPowerFreq> page = ratedVolPowerFreqService.findByPage(ratedVolPowerFreq,
                pageIndex, pageSize);
        model.put("ratedVolPowerFreq", ratedVolPowerFreq);
        model.put("page", page);
        return "mes/ratedVolPowerFreq/list";




posted @ 2018-07-18 11:26  血肉苦弱机械飞升  阅读(459)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报